(ahem!) belly fat



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2009

    Rita, how long have you been walking? Maybe you don't need to lose fat. Also, remember, muscle weighs more than fat and you're probably building muscle in your legs.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Barbe...Before bc I walked 3 miles a day for almost 3 years.  Then bc hit and I didn't have the energy so I walked when I could and had no real plan.  When treatments were over I tried the walking routine again but my poor achy Arimidex feet coud barely get me from my recliner in the family room to the kitchen.  Now, the achy feet are manageable and I've been back to walking the 3 miles at least 5 times a week for probably two months.  Although I've seen no change in shape or weight, I know it's good for me and I really do like walking, especially if I have a walking partner.  Maybe one of these days it will just magically melt off!  LOL  It will probably take a lot longer than 8 or 9 weeks to see a change.  I'm just impatient, I guess.

    Like everyone here, I'll just keep plugging along.....

    Hope you're having a nice Sunday.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2009

    I'm at work, sitting on my bum. Then I drive an hour home while sitting on my bum, and, guess what!?! I get home exhausted for some reason and sit on my bum either in front of the TV or at the computer. I walk around the store at times, but really need to move more. The only good thing is that my vein imaging in my legs is way better than it was 3 years ago when I stood on my feet for 8+ hours a day. Now I am in Corporate/Commercial sales and sell to people who have bought houses with appliance packages and want furniture as well.

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Posts: 220
    edited March 2009

    Barbe1958 - I don't sit that much during the day, but when I come home, I'm comatose on the couch!  No wonder my butt is fat and flat!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Mamie, I found the AntiCancerbook at the library yesterday and am about to break it open! Thanks for suggesting it.


  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Posts: 220
    edited March 2009
    My 86 yr old mom lives with me, and delights in fixing me big dinners, topped off with homemade dessert, etc.   Today she fixed corned beef and cabbage....and gingerbread!!
     I'm doooomed, because you know I'd never say "no" to my poor old mommy!   Wink 
  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    I could NEVER say "no" to homemade gingerbread, regardless of who offered it to me!  Maybe that's why I keep drifting back to this belly fat thread!  LOL

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009

    I sure there isn't much thats more annoying than someone who is losing weight when one is desperately trying to do the same.  However, I guess I'll risk it.  I've now lost 10 pounds.  My old pants fit so it's coming off of something below my waistline.  It has taken a month.  5 more to go.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2009

    Sharon good for you! My shape has been changing and I've gone down 2 pant sizes, but I don't know if my weight has followed. I feel like I'm still fat.....sigh.

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009
    Hugs Barbe.........if you are down 2 pants sizes.........you must surely have lost some weight.  Has your shoe size gotten larger?   If you haven't lost weight all I can think of is it's shifted to your feel.  Check 'em outWink
  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Sharon and Barbe.......good job!  You've inspired me to try a little harder.  I'd like to get down one size.

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009

    Thanks Ritajean.  You can do it!!

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Posts: 220
    edited March 2009

    What should we be eating?  Well, I know it's not gingerbread! 

    But, are we supposed to cut out fat, as in no more South Beach, or cut down on carbs, as in South Beach.  Or no sugar and/or artifical sweetners?   And cut out dairy, according to some of the threads here. 

     I feel like veggies are the only option, but I don't want to eat just veggies.  Pout.  Pout. 

    If I have to give up Diet Coke, red meat, yogurt, and all sweets, I may as well throw myself under a train!

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2009

    Okay, here is what I do.  A firm commitment to only eating 3 times/day which for me means absolutely NO SNACKING.........not even celery.  NO FOOD in between meals.

    Second.  Cut back on my wine.  I'm a bit of a wine connosieur (slut:))  For meals........very VERY small portions.  No sauces or butter on anything.  I eat some simple carbs but way less.  Like a tbsp of spuds, or rice or pasta.  And I use whole grain rice and pasta.  Salad with a vinegrette dressing.  Veggies every meal except breakie which is when I have some fruit with my porridge (about 1/4cup of oatmeal) and some yogurt.  Also I throw fruit in to our salads.

    Meat wise we eat fish, chicken, pork and beef but lean cuts of meat and not a lot of beef.  And I eat a very small amount.

    I don't care for sweets so that's not an issue for me.

    It has been a real struggle but so has getting in to my pants a few weeks ago.

    Oh and I've been walking a lot too.  

    There is no magic easy fix.  I felt hungry the first 2 weeks.  It's easier now.

    Good luck all. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2009

    Sharon! A 1/4 cup of oatmeal wouldn't even cover the bottom of my bowl! How do you do it? I could pass up the carbs easy (lucky me! I know) as I went 5 months last year carbless! I didn't lose an ounce because I had just gone on Lyrica and I would have gained a pound a week if I wasn't dieting! I can watch my husband eat french fries and not even twitch...

    I stopped drinking the night before the night before my surgery (if you know what I mean). Pork is the fattest meat out there, I try not to....sigh. Chicken has hormones, so what the hell do we eat!

    A LOT of fruit and some vegs are high in carbs. Carrots, beans, bananas, etc. I've cut all those out. Just because it is natural sucrose doesn't mean it's good for you. Sugar is sugar.

    You are better off with butter not margarine. Margarine is one molecule away from plastic! Flies and cat's won't eat it. My husband got a 12 grain bread I hated. I put it out for the birds and they walked around it! Wouldn't even acknowledge it! Too funny, ehehehhehe.

    Some diets say to eat small meals often and to snack in between, but I'm like you, Sharon. I try not to eat between meals as I feel that just gets me hungrier! I had one doctor tell me that as humans often when we feel hungry, we're just thirsty. So if you think you're hungry, have a cup of tea or water or something. NOT fruit juice. Way too much sugar!

    Good for you! You go girl! 

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Posts: 220
    edited March 2009

    I'm depressed over all this dieting talk.  A dish of ice cream will help immensely.    Cry

    Or maybe it will just make me immense!  I'm taking my chances anyway.

  • kap24
    kap24 Posts: 6
    edited April 2009

    Hello ladies,

     I've been reading the posts about the gain in belly fat. It seems most, if not all of you are on arimedex. I have gained 2 sizes in belly fat and am on Tamoxifen. I am relatively active but can't seem to lose any weight.

    Anyone here on Tamoxifen w/ same problem?

     Thanks, Kathei

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2009

    Wow, have we been gone for that long eating ice cream! Good thing you brought us back Kathei!

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Posts: 220
    edited April 2009

    Geesh, you're right, Barbe - that was a long time!  And the ice cream worked...up another couple pounds.  My pants are turning into the "read-my-lips" variety!

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited April 2009

    Hahaha Jo.  I guess we all have our own way (weigh?:)) of doing it.  I figured this was the reason a lot of people keep their scales in the bathroom.

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Posts: 220
    edited April 2009

    Jo-5 and Sharon 51 - Thanks for the chuckles!!  I've decided I must be pregnant!!  Haven't had sex in 10 years, but that must be why I'm so fat around the middle!!  And, it might be a small elephant!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2009

    I'm not fat, I'm fluffy.

  • EWB
    EWB Posts: 592
    edited April 2009

    Fluffy and awfully cute Barbe!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2009
  • Maire67
    Maire67 Posts: 418
    edited July 2010
  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Posts: 64
    edited April 2009

    I want to thank whomever it was who suggested Gloria Vanderbilt jeans for the older figure, I got me a size10 and my Mom a 6, they actually have thinner legs for us bird leg ladies with the bellies! now I have to look into talls, I sit down and my ankles show.

  • EWB
    EWB Posts: 592
    edited April 2009

    but getting close Susan, getting close

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Posts: 220
    edited April 2009

    Susan_CNY -

    I love the bird leg ladies with bellies!!  LOL!  And, no butt!  Frown

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Posts: 220
    edited April 2009

    Jo - I try to stay away from QVC!!  I do like the Denim & Co. stuff. 

    I recently admired something my 92 yr. young aunt had on, and she said it came from QVC, where she gets all of her clothing!!  You go, girl!!

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Posts: 220
    edited April 2009

    OMG!!  Isn't she???  We primary teachers lust for her sweaters!  I haven't checked her website in forever, though, since I discovered ebay!!  I have bins of "teacher sweaters" in the attic - "What Not To Wear" would rip me to shreds!!  I know I embarrass my own kids!