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natural girls



  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited December 2009

    I can't believe they deleted that thread, Fairy! I wasn't aware until you just mentioned it. I rant along side of you! I agree it should not have been deleted. I hope the natural girls thread is never deleted. I would be lost!

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited December 2009

    Women who do not like what others are saying seem to constantly be compelled to silence others who do not agree with them around here. I do not like the idea of discussing lesbians or atheism around here, but I do not go to those threads and report their comments, nor do I care to read what they say. We get reported all the time. That this thread has been allowed to go on is almost a miracle since we tried to do this so many times before and were deleted because people loved to argue with us. The only reason we are existing is because we do not make some of our topics a new thread. If we were, we would be attacked beleive me. It is really sad.

    Suzanne, the SS thread was one where we tried to discuss Suzanne's somers books, but those that hate her just would not let it go. They refuse to read the book, but bashed it all the time. Sadly, her book gives a lot of great imformation to those of us who have read her but that did not matter to these women. They got really nasty. So I guess we just have to go back to our little corner here, and not try not to be noticed.

    Oh, we had a Republican forum with almost 10.000 posts and over 100,000 hits and it all was taken away because people would just come in to start an argument. Like I said, I just do not get the arguing thing. If I do not agree with a thread, I ignore it. I guess others just like to be in our faces. It really is sad.

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited December 2009

    Spring, my TJ's no longer carries the rice drink in the dairy case but does on the shelf. I buy it off the shelf. Are you saying they are phasing this out too? I sure hope not. They have a large space for it, so I assume it is a big seller.

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2009


    I'm very dsappointed that there the ss thread was cencured.  How shameful!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Vivre, no, about the Trader Joe's Rice Drink,  I mean in the dairy case.

    I have just never had one "off the shelf" that I liked as much as the "fresher" ones in the dairy case.

    How do you like the one "off the shelf", by comparison?

    They can't stop me. I am still reading the SS books. Information is power. 

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited December 2009

    I think people tend to get obnoxious when faced with information that makes them uncomfortable.  You'd think with the TENS of thousands of posts in these forums that the people who made hostile comments on the SS threads could certainly find plenty of threads with people who are likeminded to their own beliefs. 

    If differences of opinions are so uncomfortable, why seek them out?  Why fill a thread with so much nastiness that it prompts the mods to delete the whole thing?  .....I'm seeing shades of my past, memories of my marriage where I spent wayyy too many years trying to make sense of my ex's behavior.  When you try to make sense out of behavior that just doesn't make sense, well, it's just a waste of brain cells.  At least we have this thread where we've built up dozens of pages free of hostility.  For that I am grateful!

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited December 2009

    Spring, I could not taste any difference in the two. I buy the organic one. I like the fact that I can buy a couple at a time and not have to go to the store so much. 

    I stopped by my compounding pharm and asked him about NAC. He said it does indeed chelate heavy metals and radiation. He told me to roll my tongue and said when if is no longer blue, it will indicate I am mercury free. It is definitely blue now! So I guess I am not done yet with all the detoxing! He said the same thing my dentist told me, take it 3 times a day and it might take months to get the mercury out! I sure wish I had the money to get these fillings removed. I feel like I am walking around with a time bomb in my mouth. At the very least, I am going to have to get the root canal pulled. cha ching!

    Another thing. I found a nifty little dish at World Market today. It is a white china rectangle, about 6 inches long with 3 separations. I figureed this would be an easy way to separate my supplements to take throughout the day.

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited December 2009

    Is it possible to chelate all of the mercury without actually removing the fillings? I have been chelating my high mercury levels for months with chlorella. My levels have gone down, but i don't think they will "disappear" until I get my fillings out. I don't know, do you? I also have heard that while you have mercury fillings, everytime you clench your teeth or something rubs on them some vapors are released. UGH!!

  • Efflorescing
    Efflorescing Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2009

    Deni, I posted some dental care info earlier which addresses the smoking teeth. I had 2 fillings removed, had no idea that certain composites are better than others so now that is another thing I need to check out. I seriously need to get my root canal removed. Years ago I asked a dentist if the fillings were toxic, he leaned back his head and opened his mouth to display a mouthful of amalgam fillings and asked if they were dangerous would he have them put in his teeth? UGH is right!

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2009

    Girls, I am LIVID about the SS thread being censored. Unbelievable!!! Vivre, I thought similar things about other threads too -- I'm a Christian but would never DREAM of jumping on the atheist board and ripping them all to shreds (especially in a rude, condescending, dripping-with-sarcasm way that we natural girls get subjected to). Yet some people think it's their duty to come to OUR forum and rake us over the coals... then go boo-hoo to the mods when they can't win the debate and have the whole thread deleted!! Yell

    In happier news... I had mentioned that I had to have an MRI-guided biopsy in my "good" breast to see what the deal was with a 7mm mass there that hasn't gone away since my first MRI.

    Got the verdict today... BENIGN!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray and hallelujah!!! Now I can just focus on worrying about my reexcision surgery on Wednesday... hee hee!

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited December 2009

    Julia, isn't it funny how "needing just a re-excision" becomes good news when we've dodged other possible complications!  Congrats on the benign biopsy!!!!    Deanna

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited December 2009

    Great news Crunchy!

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited December 2009

    Did anyone else watch, last night?  Meg had recommended it to us a week or so ago, and I just happened to catch several episodes last night -- New York, Peoria, and part of the Orange County one.  What an interesting concept and show.  These 5 uneducated but incredibly savvy island natives commented to one of their hostesses who was cooking a turkey in a plastic bag, "That plastic will make you sick!"  And on seeing canned sweet potatoes ("dead food"), they asked, "How do they know how many months or years they've been in there?"  Really priceless comments!   Deanna

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited December 2009

    Crunchy, congrats on the benign result!   yee haw   I hope you can rest easy for a while now. 

    I guess it's time to report on my venture into the world of accupuncture from last week.  To start, 3 consecutive treatments were recommended.  Y'all know how I feel about needles!  Don't like them a bit, but mysteriously the needles don't continue to hurt after the initial insertion.  He would rub alcohol on my skin where the needles would go and of course I didn't look to see how he got the needles into position.  He placed the needles in various spots on my feet, shins, hands, forearms and head.  Then I'd rest quietly while peaceful, instrumental music played. 

    Afterwards, he'd take me to his office and take a bp reading.  I didn't realize he'd be doing that the first day and I had on a long sleeved shirt.  The top number was ridiculously high, like 176 over 98.  The next day wasn't much better.  158/96  He was concerned about the bp and would address that on day 3.  I couldn't relax on day 3.  The first 2 days I wanted to stay longer.  Day 3 I was ready to be done after 10 minutes. 

    That day I watched as he removed the needles from my forearm, and boy howdy I can tell you I sort of freaked when I saw how far one of those needles had been placed!  I'd say probably 2 inches of that thing was inside my arm!  My bp on day 3 was 136/104!  Then he recommended medicine that he makes there in his own botanical pharmacy that I described last week.  As he was saying this, I was thinking about all the things I've been doing for YEARS now to improve my diet, my lifestyle, and I could feel a seriously big pity party coming on. 

    Then he told me the medicine would cost $675!  I totally melted down and started crying and couldn't stop.  I quickly departed and spent the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself.  I've been taking coQ10 for nearly a year now.  It has a number of benefits and is supposed to be an alternative to taking meds for high bp.  Fat lot of good it's doing me, that and everything else I do to retrieve my formerly vibrant health.  

    Fortunately, the tools I've collected on this journey are serving me well.  I didn't try to quash the pity party.  I let the tears flow for a day and let the feelings be what they may.  The next day I pulled out the bottle of organic apple cider vinegar  I purchased a while back.  I found some interesting information about acv 2 years ago, but I found the smell and taste so offensive, it literally made me gag and nearly puke.  This time I used organic acv, which has a smell that's not so offensive to me.  I mix it with a small bit of baking soda and lemon juice in a tall shot glass, and it's going down without any trouble at all.  It's purported to relieve fatigue and lower bp.  I'll keep you posted.  I'd sure love to fix my own hypertension with inexpensive items available at any grocery store.  

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2009

    Thanks, girls! Yes, it's such a relief that I only have one boob to worry about. I'm kind of wishing I had gone with my instinct not to do the MRI-guided biopsy (especially since it was so much worse of an ordeal than the US-guided biopsy), but as my dh said, in the back of my mind I'd always wonder/worry about it.

    These 5 uneducated but incredibly savvy island natives commented to one of their hostesses who was cooking a turkey in a plastic bag, "That plastic will make you sick!" And on seeing canned sweet potatoes ("dead food"), they asked, "How do they know how many months or years they've been in there?" Really priceless comments! Deanna 

    I have GOT to remember to watch this show!!! The comments y'all have posted are so funny and true!

    Althea, I'm sorry you've had a sort of mixed experience re: the acu (and I can relate on the cost of those herbs/supplements -- ouch) and your bp frustration... I've heard good things about acv in that regard too and am glad you're trying it. (I agree, organic acv, the kind the says "with the mother" on the label, tastes a lot better!) Remind me what kind of exercise you're doing and how often?

  • PS73
    PS73 Member Posts: 171
    edited December 2009

    Julia, congrats!!

    Althea, baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, are you certain you should take that to decrease blood pressure?  Just checking to make sure you are ok.  Also, the ACV is supposed to be great.  ..I agree, that is steep for herbs and I would have left crying too - sometimes when we are at our wits end we get splashed by a car driving thru a big puddle so just hang in there.  Did they write down their suggestions?  Maybe you can find some on line for less as maybe they marked it up in the store.

    So messed up about the SS thread.  I wanted to read the thread on america vs other countries and healthcare and one day I set aside the time and sat down and presto, it was gone. I honestly do not know what I would do if this thread disappeared, there is so much inciteful information and Ive copied several posts from individuals but honestly, when I search for something in particular, it usually brings me back to this thread.  ..just like a moth. 

    I made spagetti squash soup today and figured out a trick for fresh ginger.  Not sure if you all know this already but you can use your garlic press for ginger.  Just cut it, don't even peel it, put it in the press and push it thru.  I can't believe it's taken me this long to figure it out!

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited December 2009

    I know I've read things about baking soda to the effect that too much of it is not a good thing but I can't recall anything specific.  For now, it's making the acv palatable.  The reaction causes the cider to get fizzy, and it sure helps get the acv down the hatch. If baking soda is contraindicated for hypertension, I'll try to 'graduate' and learn to like the acv without the soda.  I'm just so glad I can get it down without it being a horrible experience.  

    crunchy, walking is my main exercise, and I do my own yardwork.  There's not much to do in the yard right now, so I'm slacking off a bit.  I walk or work in the yard 5-6 times a week.   I walk at least 30 minutes, usually more. 

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2009

    Walking is fantastic, so that's good -- it might be time though to mix it up a little. Add some hills to your walking route or some "sprint-walking" intervals to get your heart rate up for a few minutes at a time... and on the flip side, try yoga a couple of times a week.

    How is your stress level? I generally am a 120/80 kinda girl, but when I'm experience high stress for long periods of time, the bp zooms up. (I am NOT good at dealing with stress though so I'm sure my bp has been a lot higher than usual lately!)

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited December 2009

    Althea ~ Since becoming committed to walking (my chosen form of exercise the past 10 or so months), my blood pressure has gone from around 130/80 to 105/65.  And BP wasn't even a concern when I started walking; preventing a recurrence was my only objective.  I walk a good hour to an hour and a half (4 to 5 miles) 5 or 6 days a week.  If you have the time, you might try doubling what you're doing now.  I'd be surprised if it doesn't make a difference in your BP.    D.

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited December 2009

    Julia-wish I could put up one of those little happy dance icons for you. But I am doing the happy dance for you. Now get on the iodine and will clear up those lumps in your breast.

    Althea, I agree with Ivory that mg might help.  I have been reading about that a lot lately. Also look at your tongue. Do you have a lot of blue?Maybe you have a lot of toxic metals in you? And I also agree that the walking will lower your bp. I know you had a bad experience with the rebounder, but just try bouncing on it gently. You do not need to let your feet leave the surface for it to help you move the lymph. Put your ironing board next to it if you need the extra balance. Did you get charged that much for the acupunture or is that for herbal supplements? If you want to look at herbs, I know an herbalist who will do a phone consult. If you want her number, pm me and I will dig it up.

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited December 2009

    Amazing Viv. I wish my grandma was still around to tell me about all of her remedies. She used to tell me her dad, my great-grandfather, was a local medicine man back in the old country. He had all the herbal remedies. How cool is that!!

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited December 2009

    Could  anyone understand Dr. Mercola's dose recommendation? I read this and still don't see that.

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2009

    I read that article on my iPhone in the doctor's waiting room this morning... glad you posted it (it's tricky for me to post stuff from my iPhone)! Merilee, I'll have to read the article again to see; I would bet that he's written other articles about baking soda in the past.

    Deni, that is so cool!! 

    The latest update on me: I will NOT be having re-excision surgery tomorrow. My BS did another mammo this morning and he said there is a larger area of microcalcifications than he was hoping... so a reexcision would likely still not give us clean margins. Sooo, now he's recommending a partial mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. 

    I'm tempted to tell him "SCREW IT," I'm not going to have another surgery... and pray that all these nutritional/lifestyle changes make the rest of the DCIS go away.

    My surgeon is wonderfully open to my way of wanting to do things, btw. He asked me if I wanted to meet with a medical oncologist and go on Tamoxifen. I was thinking "HELLLLLLLLL NOOOOO," but held my tongue and explained that in the past, diet and lifestyle changes were the only thing to bring my hormones back into balance, when drugs weren't able to, so I would like to try that approach. He said, "Okay! I have no problem with that." LOVE THAT!!!

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited December 2009

    Crunchy - sounds like if you can take a "wait and see" approach at this point you might be better off. Since you are dealing with DCIS, it seems like a good opportunity to watch closely to see if the lifestyle modifications are working.

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2009

    You're right, Deni. I wanted to hurry and get it done before Dec. 31 because my insurance will cover nearly all of it that way, but sometimes you just can't rush things.. and maybe it would work out better by waiting anyway.

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339
    edited December 2009

    Julia, if I were in your situation, I would wait and see.  I've read so much about DCIS and how we may be overtreating it.  And to subject yourself to all that mutilation when maybe it's just all for naught?  Of course you will have to watch very closely though.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Gotta go roll my tongue and see if it's blue!!!! lol. 

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited December 2009

    Information can be so serendipitous sometimes!  Last year in November it was B12 information coming at me from different sources and I've been supplementing with it ever since.  ...thought that would be my ticket for fatigue to exit my life, but here I am a year later still struggling. 

    Now it's baking soda.  Every now and then the iodine group banters about Dr Simoncini's treatment of cancer with baking soda and iodine, and just two weeks ago it came up again.  Then I read some accounts of people adding baking soda to their apple cider vinegar and I was thrilled when I could get it down and, dare I say, actually am liking it.  

    Then last night I was searching for information on how much baking soda is too much.  I felt like I was in the twilight zone!!  I googled 'baking soda overdose'.  The two and a half pages (and probably more) of links have the same information verbatim, and there is ZERO indication of how much is too much.  One sentence early in the passage says "Some athletes and coaches believe that drinking baking soda prior to competition helps a person perform for longer periods of time. This is extremely dangerous, and in addition to side effects, it actually makes the athletes unable to perform."  It doesn't describe the side effects at all or describe the amount of soda as anything other than 'large amount'.  wtf?  

    Clearly, the source of the information is identical for literally dozens of sites, but the only reference I noticed on each page is this:  "Reviewed By: A.D.A.M. Editorial Team: David Zieve, MD, MHA, Greg Juhn, MTPW, David R. Eltz. Previously reviewed by Stephen C. Acosta, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, OR. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network "

    This strikes me as completely bizarre.  Then this morning, the mercola newsletter is headlining baking soda.  (twilight zone theme song plays in my head)  

    So, I still don't know how much is too much, but I'm using 1/4 teaspoon with each shot of apple cider vinegar and I take 2 or 3 daily.  I read some books about shakers last year and even back then they spoke of some sort of problem in a vague way associated with consuming 'too much' baking soda.  

    ivorymom, I've been using the magnesium oil since august.  My daily multi has 145 mg and I add another 250 mg using the oil.  I aim for 400 mg a day.  Is that too little?  

    vivre, I'm in a quandry what to do next.  I'm thinking about seeking out an osteopath for my next primary care doctor.  And there's also a bunch of places online where I can order my own lab tests.  I loaded up a shopping cart at with all I wanted, and it's nearly $700.  I decided to try the accupuncture instead, hoping the 3 initial treatments would be helpful.  I dropped $390 there, $130 each visit, and I feel even MORE tired.  Oh, I just looked underneath my tongue.  It doesnt' look blue at all, just a little bit where those two big veins are is the only bluish area.  

  • PS73
    PS73 Member Posts: 171
    edited December 2009

    Baking soda has a pH of 8.2 - 8.7.  Im sorry if I seem too extreme but I don't think it's a good idea to add acid to this and/or to take it daily. I hope Im not overstepping, I could sit here and not say anything but Im just looking out. 

    My reasons: I think the pH is too  high and will make you sick and adding acid is counter productive. Since it's a buffering agent, you may remove the actual antacid aspect of it making it ineffective except for excess sodium. With that said, adding a catalyst like vinegar (ex H+) to something like sodium bicarbonate, could essentially change something already unstable into something very caustic.  If you are hell bent, talk to a pharmacist first and get their buy in - they are better chemists than me - maybe less paranoid too :)  It seems like an innocent enough ingredient but its molecular structure is actually very similar to some heavy caustic ingredients. 

    With all of that said, I don't think baking soda is a bad idea.  I think its really interesting and I may try it maybe once a week as well as after I eat something super acidic but I really think taking it daily is not the right thing to do as well as adding acid to it prior to taking it.  I rec looking into brioschi.  Its the same thing already weighed out and has instructions on how to take it and for how long (read not to exceed two weeks at a time).  It dates back to our grandparents era.

    Here's a link - I got some at CVS for a friend not too long ago.