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  • hlth4513
    hlth4513 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2010


    There can be a correlation between low magnesium and restless leg syndrome. Magnesium totally solved it for my DH.


  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited November 2010

    Beth:  I was going to say the same thing!  Magnesium is your friend!!!

  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited November 2010

    Vivre, can I ask you which pills you are taking by Usana? Regarding magnesium, is there an optimal dosage? I think my pills are 450mg, is that enough?I also take 5mg melatonin (sublingual) at night, should I be taking a higher dose for BC?


  • MariannaLaFrance
    MariannaLaFrance Member Posts: 166
    edited November 2010


    I also suffered from malabsorption issues from IBS for 5 years prior to my diagnosis. I am now on a gluten free, sugar free and dairy free diet at the moment. It has helped enormously, and the other accompanying thing that I believe helped very much is taking magnesium. I take several small doses daily for a constant stream of magnesium in my bloodstream.

    My vitamin regime:

    1 Whole Foods Daily supplement

    1 Tsp of Pharma Grade Fish Oil

    1 Magnesium, 2X daily ( started out on 3X daily, but backed off to 2 when diahrrea started again)

    1 Taurine with B6

    B-complex sublingual liquid shot

    1 Zinc tablet

    1 Kelp (Iodine) tablet

    Somehow, the supplementation and the GF diet have helped me with the absorption issues. I feel 200% better, and I *think* I am getting all the nutrients I need to fight off cancer.....

  • hlth4513
    hlth4513 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2010


    I have been taking 450mg of magnesium glycinate at night. I take mine at night along with my VitD, K and CoQ10 and melatonin and a few raw nuts. Magnesium is calming - so I take it to help with sleep. I will also do an Epsom salt baths a few times a week which adds a bit iof Magnesium - although mostly it is for the sulfphur to help with detox.

    My RBC  Magnesium came back at low end of normal - so I am just starting to use the magnesium spray on my feet to up my doseage without adding more pills.

    As far as Melatonin - from what I have read, there is value at any increase in melatonin. The doseage used in breast cancer studies for it's aromotase inhibition was 20 mg. I take 15mg  - I have get really bizarre dreams when I try to take 20mg. I think it is a very individual thing.


  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited November 2010

    Marianne ,Beth..  I will try the magnesium and do it more consistently. I have to see with the recent blood work if that was measured. My Vit d level was 48 and good for where it was. I have already for the last two days, off wheat, dairy and sugar. I usually have Sami Bread I order from Tampa and it is delicious. I have been not vigilant and sugar has been creeping in. I am taking ALOT of supplemetns , as I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

    Standard ProcessVitamins: B6 Niacinamide,Ribonucleic,Folic Acid B12,chlorophyll complex,A-F Beta food,and Drenamin

    Greens by Isogentix.. take in 8 oz of water


    Vit C 500 mg

    Iodine 50mg

    Vit D 5k

    Fish OIL


    Taking Armour thryroid and is still being balanced. My state of body is very weak and legs are as I say sore. I will try the Mag tonigth..have them as i am away right now and think they are 400mg.

    I also have being doin Aloe Vera Juice and some L Guatamine from renew Life for the leaky gut . Now I still have not gotton my results from the fecal sample for H Pylori parasite that could be causing incredible havoc down there.  I have too many things goin on and what is working on me is, feeling so weakened, is cancer back??? It is always there. When I am not in top form, I am totally miserable and am goin to get to the bottom of this!!!

    I am also taking Melatonin 5 Life Extension. Good quaility also!Love that magnesium spray idea also!!!

    Hope the gluten free, dairy and sugar free is the culprit as I have been laxed and that is SO WRONG!!!Thanks for the great ideas and help!!!!


  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited November 2010

    Beth, I take 5 mg melatonin and have really bizarre dreams also. I'm going to try to up my dose to 10mg tonight and see how that goes. As for magnesium, I also take mine at night. You're right, it does relax you. Between that and the melatonin, I have a hard time waking up in the morning. My morning regimen is COQ10, Vit C, Vit D, Selenium, DIM, iodine, B complex and my dessicated thyroid pill. I take an  extra Vit D, C and DIM at night. It's so hard to know what to do and what's best. I realize that everyone is different and what works for one may not work for someone else but you want to try to do your best to keep this beast at bay. It's hard..........


  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Member Posts: 730
    edited November 2010
    Hi Everyone, I have a weird question.  I just finished #13 of 33 rads.  I have a very itchy, bumpy rash on my foot of all things.  I asked my RO if it is related to rads and he said no.  My gut tells me that it is something trying to get out or detoxify.  I heard someone say something about epsom salt foot baths during rads to draw out toxins?  Anyone hear of this?
  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited November 2010

    DonnaDio...I relate! I just completed triple therapy for H Pylori. The last few months, I lost over 20 pounds. I've probably had H Pylori for a few years. Once the immune system is run down the H Pyloi bacteria runs havoc. It and candida work in unison. I was in so much stomach pain that I feared I had stomach cancer. I had constant mouth sores.

    The only way to erradicate H Pylori is triple therapy. It's a mean bacteria that's hard to get rid of. It can cause stomach cancer. It steals our nutrients. It can cause leaky gut.

    I was taking lots of supplements, like you, before finally killing it with hard antibiotics. The antibiotics worsen the candida growth in me to the point that my tongue had heavy plague and swollen, sores on my tongue, and sores in back of throat and inflamed gums. I couldn't eat and it pained me to swallow.  After the 14 days of hard antibiotics (2 types) I went on a yeast free diet, and other meds that erradicated the yeast in me in just a few days. The sores disappeared, and my mouth looks normal. I no longer have dizzy spells, diaraea or pain. I feel so much better.

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited November 2010

    For you gals who want a great detox, I did a colon cleanse from

    She is a local gal so I got to know her, very quirky, but she knows her herbs, and  I felt it was a very safe detox, though the pills were huge. She also will give you her phone (or I will) if you have any questions. Just be ready to hear lots of bible verses. LOL She says her cleanse clears candida, leaky gut, parasites,  etc. It did make me go from once a day to twice! I would love to hear from any of you who try it. If you do not get good results I will not recommend it, but I have two other friends who felt it was great too.

    Just found this book: SINK PINK   it sounds like we wrote it!


    This is what I take, all Usana except Iodoral and mag oil. Usana is all pharmaceutical grade:


    Usana chelated mineral essentials plus iodoral as the essentials contain the recommended  cofactors like the, selenium, magnesium

    Vit. D

    dessicated thyrod and adrenal support

     Lunch and dinner

    Usana mega antioxidant (lots of good stuff in here)

    proflavonol (grape seed /vit C combo)

    hepasil, liver support (milk thistle, green tea extract, olviol, tumeric,alpha lipoic acid, NALC, betain)

    biomega (omega three from fish oil, mercury free)

    visionex (eye support)

    magnesium oil on feet at bedtime-Ancient Minerals brand, I am going to try their bath flakes soon.

    You can see  I have really cut down because they have such great combos. They are more expensive but since I take less pills it works out about the same. Plus, I know they are absorbing. I no longer feel the need for melatonin or DIM as my hormones are pretty balanced. If you exercise daily, you body produces more melatonin at night.

    DesignerMom-I did lots of epsom salts baths. They do help with detox and feel great. Use lots of coconut oil too, great for the skin.

    If there is any way any of you can afford a FIR sauna, it is so worth it. I love it so much. I just feel the gunk pour out when I sweat, and afterwards I feel so fresh and relaxed. PM me if you want the guy's phone number and I will make sure he gives you a discount off the internet price.

    Last week I sat in the FIR for half an hour. The next day, I noticed this ugly black mark on my leg. It looked like a skin cancer and I was freaked. At first I could not get it off, but I was able to scrape it and it came right off. I just wonder what kind of toxin came oozing out of my pores? Probably some of the mercury from my damn amalgams, which I will finally start to get replaced in two weeks.

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2010

    Random update - girls, did I tell you I changed my mind and am having the mastectomy? It's scheduled for Nov. 17. I hate to do it, am dreading it, and will probably be throwing a tantrum as they wheel me into the OR, but I just can't take the chance of leaving these few DCIS cells in my body while I (hopefully) will be pregnant.

    It still seems like crazy overkill just for DCIS, and I'm going to ask him if he'll consider a third excision or a half-mastectomy, but I know he'll say no (in his nice way). *sigh*

    Then at the other extreme, I'm having nipple-sparing and keep thinking, what if the DCIS is in the nipple and I end up having to have yet another surgery?? (Still painting with Lugol's and taking internally and praying that that clears any of it from the nipple!)

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited November 2010

    chrunchypoodlemama:  They say you need 3-5 millemters distance to have nipple sparing MX--mine was too close, too big and too aggressive.  I lost the nipple but I am fine now.  I can always direct you to the picutre site so you can see what different surgerie looks like.  PM me if you would like and sorry you have to be in this position.  I was the same way 1 year ago: didn'twant chemo, radiation or surgery but I did really well and my PS was amazing.  Hugs!

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited November 2010

    Barry..WOW!!! I am in awe of how rampant this H Pylori could be. I have to still wait for the test results to see if it is alive and goin??? I am drinking Aloe vera juice (raw) and doin all i can for the interim etc. I am a mess emotionally and physically i have just so many endocrine issues goin that if I take one more suplement I am goin to be puke! Before BC, I also had past saliva tests showing leaky gut (as I said), hypoadrenia and cortisol issues that showed high in am and alot of peaks through the night. I sleep terrible and have done everything. Changing the diet to gluten, dairy and sugar free.. is something that I think has to do something.

    Vivre....the sauna sounds wonderful and what a great way to detox and get trapped toxins out!

    crunchypood.. good for you in making a decision for the mx. Of course it is neveracking and feel for you! But, once it is done and it will be something you will be glad you did and it is the final step to move onto healing, I still have to a nipple recon and plan to do that in the next few weeks.

    Onemore supplement that I have heard is impt for BC healing etc, is selenium. I have learned in the past from Dr Weil, that if you take Selenium , Vit E goes with this and vice versa. Wonder if that is valid, as that are two I am considering.

    Barry..thank you again for sharing your story as I am very concerned with this parasite thing and the fact it could cause a future cancer!!! What a jounrey!!!!

    Thanks ALL!


  • SuperMom101
    SuperMom101 Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2010

    Dear CrunchyPoodleMama,

    In my thoughts and prayers...

  • MariannaLaFrance
    MariannaLaFrance Member Posts: 166
    edited November 2010


    Sending good surgery vibes your way. You will be scott-free of risk in just a few short weeks. Think of how clear your conscience will be when you get pregnant. I wish you the best of luck in the next few weeks, and we'll be thinking of you on Nov 17, for a safe and successful surgery.

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2010

    Thanks, MBJ and Donna! MBJ, I am on the photo forum as WannaBeMommy (CrunchyPoodleMama is in my signature).

    MBJ, how did they find out it was too close? Mammogram I'm assuming? My nightmare is not knowing ahead of time, and waking up without a nipple without being emotionally prepared... I need time beforehand to accept it! LOL But I know you're right... we all find a way to deal with whatever we have to deal with, and it all works out. Thanks so much, you and everyone here on this thread are such an inspiration!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited November 2010

    crunchypoodlemama: I didn't need an MRI to know that it was too close: One of them was right under my nipple.  I thought that I would be more emotional about losing my breast and nipple but I was ecstatic when I woke up and I could just tell that the cancer was out of my body!  My dr thought I might be manic and crash but I was truly thrilled to have it gone. 

    BTW: If you don't know this already, has recommendations for what to take prior to your MX and after.  I have it saved so if you are interested, PM me.  The key to a fast recovery is NO MORPHINE!  They used tramadol instead plus a local to my chest area and I was relatively pain free.  I am MBJ on the picture forum, too.  You will be fine!  Gentle hugs to you.

    I went for my first full blood panel tests since a year ago (my onc does separate tests).  Will find out what all my levels are next week.  My original diagnosis in May was adrenal exhaustion--the BC came 4 months later--thinking I might have to up my iodine if my thyroid levels are still off. 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited November 2010

    Crunchypoodlemama: PS:  I was up and eating and walking after my MX and all of my doctors were shocked at my quick recovery, hence the no morphine.  Morphine prevents your NK cells from working. 

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2010

    Thank you for the reminder about no morphine! I had asked them not to use it for my other two surgeries, and I bet that's a big reason I was fine so quickly. I will also have cimetidine and modified citrus pectin for before and after the surgery! So glad your surgery, recovery, and reconstruction have all gone well!!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited November 2010

    So glad to hear it!  The MCP is great for after surgery!

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited November 2010
    MBJ.. for your adrenal exhaustion dx, what kind of DR did you go to and what kind of test.. blood or saliva?
  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited November 2010

    DonnaDio:  I went to Dr. Galitzer who is an integrative MD.  He diagnosed me without even knowing the results of the blood test because of my symtoms. He has never done a saliva test.  He also uses these high tech diagnosic machines and very state of the art stuff combined with homeopathy and he is spot on in his treatments and diagnosis.  I am very lucky to have found him.  If you read the "Knockout" book, he is mentioned in there. The more I do research on it the more I realize I have had this issue for years!!!

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited November 2010
    MBJ..Sounds good and YES read the book, Knockout and saw his name. How forutnate you  are to have him! I have a MD who practives natural medicine and have had not a lot of good results and feel the endocrine system is not healing as it should.He did however find my thyroid issues and it is still bein balanced with Armour Thyroid and a host of homeopatic drops and sublingual tabs. I too feel i have some of these issues for years!!!Thanks, wondered if  goin to a Endocronolgist would be more speciifc for adrenals and specificially coritsol issues.
  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited August 2013

    DonnaDio:  The problem with an endocronologist is they usually just give you drugs and I am not convinced at all that drugs are the solution.  Yes, I was really lucky to find my dr.  I was referred to him through a client of a client and he is known as the "miracle" dr.  I have seen him really help people and he isn't expensive-very reasonable.  He does know alot about adrenals and cortisol issues, though.  Mine isn't cured but my Onc blood tests from 3 months ago show that I am slightly off compared to being way off like before.  I am really looking forward to seeing what my full work up shows.  Have you read the book "What your doctor may not tell you about Breast Cancer"?  He really explains very plainly how the thyroid and adrenals work together and how it's really tricky to balance them because the symptoms are similar and one can set off the other one.  That book is how I realized I have had these issues for 35 years or so!  The last 10 or 15 years I have had numerous health problems causing heavy periods, hemoraging to the point that they wanted to take my uterous.  I had huge fibroids since I was in my 20's and the regular MD's just gave me tons of progesterone based birth control pills.  Synthetic progesterone probably led to my BC diagnosis.  I think that I have polycistic ovarian syndrome, too.  It's all a mess but I am way better since I found Dr G.

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited August 2013

    Hi ladies, I had my first thermography today!  Easy as cake!  I'll get my pics in a week or so. 

    Hey, what do y'all think about Dr Weiss' program for Think Pink Live Green?  I just hope the forthcoming information will be genuine.  

    designermom, I didn't get a rash, but for quite a long time after my treatments I had this area near the ball of my left foot that wasn't uncomfortable, but it felt as if I had a big wad of cotton stuck to the bottom of my foot.  Eventually, I looked at a reflexology chart  and the area involved corresponded with my breast.  Hope that rash diminishes, and I wonder if you might find a reflexology chart illuminating.  

    barry, so good to see you again and glad to hear you're feeling better.  You've really had a rough time.  Do you still have the pernicious anemia?  Or did they decide it was pylori instead?  And someone please refresh my memory on what is leaky gut?  Something about molecules that are too big seeping from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream is what I think I remember.  

    crunchy, I'm so glad you're aware of the surgery information mentioned at the life extensions website.  You'll be doing a world of good to reduce the chance of recurrence.   I got my bottle of lugol's in the mail today.  I'll be putting it on my itchy scar tissue tonight and hoping that I'll finally get these scars to flatten and fade!  Remind us again when surgery draws near.  I'll send you lots of pink healing light. 

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited November 2010

    Althea-the iodine worked well on my scars. Hope it works for you too.

    This is such a joke:

    Another news article lauding the glories of SERM's. It sound so promising until you read in the fine print that the study was funded by a drug company and the article was written by someone with ties to them.

    Yet this is the kind of "proof" our doctors will cite when we choose alternatives that they maintain are unproven, even though we are living proof they work!

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited November 2010

    Althea, I've had prescious amena my whole life. I also had H Pylori bacteria infection which was erradicated through recently (triple therapy). I do get vitamin b-12 shots every week. I haven't had it tested but I believe that I lack the intrinic factor in my stomach to absorb b-12. It didn't help when I contracted H Pylori probably about a few years back. It absorbs much of our nutrients and can cause a leaky gut situation.

    When partially digested food, toxins, and bacteria pass through the small intestine and enter the bloodstream, this is referred to as a condition known as leaky gut syndrome, or LGS. In simple terms, large spaces occur in between the cells that compose the wall of the gut. Since these spaces exist in the gut wall, bacteria, toxins, and food can find their way into the bloodstream.

    When the gut wall or intestinal lining is damaged due to leaky gut syndrome, damaged cells called microvilli become unable to do their job properly. Therefore, they can't manufacture the enzymes that are vital to good digestion. So, digestion is impaired, absorption of nutrients is effected, and damaging substances are able to invade the bloodstream. How does the body respond to the "foreign invaders" that have entered the bloodstream? It responds with inflammation, allergic reactions, and other unpleasant symptoms.

    Well now, what harm is a bit of inflammation and some allergic reactions? This may sound relatively innocuous to some, but this condition is thought by some experts to contribute to numerous serious diseases. Since the immune system becomes overburdened by toxins that enter the liver, the toxins are flushed back into the blood where they are sent to connective tissues and muscles. Can you see how some of the above diseases might develop? Leaky gut syndrome may have a hand in the following conditions: allergies, inflammatory bowel, Crohn's disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, arthritis, pancreatic dysfunction, giardia, irritable bowel syndrome, and lupus.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited November 2010

    Barry:  Wow, you have been through alot!  I agree with you that chronic inflammation is the root of most diseases in the body. My dr. says that as we get older we no longer have the proper enzymes to break down our foods properly and get all the nutrients and he put me on Wobenzyme.  It just has the added benefit of also taking away neck & joint pain that I have had for years.  Of course, in any area where you have had an injury there is probably inflammation, so maybe that's why it works.

    Althea:  I started using the Lugols on my scars and I am hoping they will fade away soon.

  • asschercut
    asschercut Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2010

    Just thinking?

    You know it really amazes me that things like spirulina, chlorella, sulphur, COQ10 just to name a few...are things that are quite popular with NASA, the thoroughbred industry, and the world of sports...and yet cancer patients have to research natural health benefits out for themselves. Go figure?

    Crunchy : Hugs and caring thoughts your way...xoxo


  • asschercut
    asschercut Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2010

    Just thinking...

    You know it really amazes me that things like spirulina, chlorella, sulphur, COQ10 just to name a few...are things that are quite popular with NASA, the thoroughbred industry, and the world of sports...and yet cancer patients have to research all things natural that may benefit their health in some way...out for themselves. Go figure?

    Crunchy : Hugs and caring thoughts your way...xoxo
