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natural girls



  • MariannaLaFrance
    MariannaLaFrance Member Posts: 166
    edited January 2011

    Dr. Weil posted this on his Facebook page today, and I thought some of you avid researchers out there might be interested in it. It confirms what I've been thinking for a long time about medical research, and it's mainly about statistical bias. Often, it's the type of research performed, the topic and the way the studies are positioned that cause the bias. These organizations (Pharma, et al) are looking for a certain result, thus they are skewing the data with bias......

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited January 2011

    I don't know what to eat anymore :(

    Everything I put in my mouth seems bad.

    Alaskan salmon is ok?

    How about chicken? The closest Whole Foods is 45 min. away.

    Well at least I'll lose weight.

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited January 2011

    Claire - I feel the same way! I'm trying to gain weight but everything I look at seems bad. I wish there was a magic something that would be safe and we could just stop worrying! If everything is sooooo bad why isn't everyone full of illness? I just don't get it.

    Is it ok to ingest unrefined coconut oil?


  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2011

    Deanna, please do not think I am attacking you with this comment because I know we are on the same wavelength. But one of the things that has been so troubling to me is how the environmental and organic movement has been totally hijacked by the George Soros agenda. That is why I do not read Huffpo. They seem to promote all of his organizations. Please look at this: This will tell you who he is and what he is about. It seems that everytime I find a site, like the one you just found, that has a DONATE HERE as the header, it leads back to Soros. They will pretend to be doing good work, by telling us things like mercury is toxic as a front for their fundraising. Then if you look to where they send their money, it is all to lobby politicians to vote for more governement control. This is no small matter. There is a very scary agenda by these people to take over control of our country to the point there is no return. This is how they destroyed the state of IL. We will probably be the first state ever to declare bankruptcy. There are no checks and balances here. Even though 90% of this state is conservative, the Chicagomob has such a stranglehold on the power, that it cannot be infiltrated. They are not even trying to run a GOP candidate for mayor of Chicago because everyone knows the machine will wipe them out. Please let me assure you I am in no way critiquing your links because I know you are truly doing it in good faith. I only recently began to question these orgs myself. But this is something we all need to be aware of and make sure we look deeply at the sources of this information before we give any money and before we take their information seriously. It is so friggin exasperating. Who the heck can we trust and who do we believe? I just do not know anymore.Frown

    Claire and Patti-I know how you feel. It is hard to know what to eat these days. I could say we should all just grow and can our own food, but even our freedom to do that is in jeopardy with S510. All we can do is get our bodies as healthy as possible. IMHO, while we are undergoing treatments we need to be as pure as possible with our diets and say no to anything that is not fresh, organic, and safe 100% of the time. When we are in the recovery stage, we need to detox and eat 95% pure. Then in the maintenance stage we need to continue to detox regularly and try to at least 85% clean. We cannot be martyrs all our lives, but at the onset, we must because our lives are at stake. As we build up our immune and digestive systems, we can trust that this miraculous thing we all own, the human body will do what it was made to do; knock out the bad stuff and allow us to live a long and healthy life. But we have to do are part. We  cannot go back to old habits. We must make a lifelong committment to exercise, diet and quality supplements for our defiencies.

    Off my soapbox.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited January 2011

    Hey MBJ..... sister Tata.. good to see you here !!!!

    My doctor told me today ( pcp) that she is not  TOTALLY against me using bioidentical hormones... but she wants to do my whole physical first... which insurance will not pay for until it has been a year... ( Feb 23rd.)... SO... if I go to her..... I will be waiting for over 8 weeks to FINALLY get some sort of relief from this hell of Menopause. Would you ladies wait this long? I talked to my compounding pharmacy.. and they gave me a list of the doctors onboard with this... So I am going to call any one of them tomorrow... and see if they can see me.. get the blood work done. If I can get into just one of them soon.... then I will only have to wait about three weeks to be feeling the effects of the correct hormones for me.\

    Ladies... what would you do?

  • impositive
    impositive Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2011

    vivre, I was glad to see your post about Dr Huggins. I am having a root canal tooth removed on Friday. He is a biological dentist but has suggested a pure titanium implant. He says they are completely safe and he does biological testing before they implant. I contemplated against it and scheduled to just get the tooth out.  I told him that "I dont want to go from the frying pan into the fire" with this so I'll just have a hole there. It's a back molar so it's not visible, I'll just deal with it.

    Did you do any sort of preparation before having your tooth removed such as vitamin C, etc?

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited January 2011

    Estepp:  I paid 100% out of pocket for mine--it is worth every penny!  It was expensive but I didn't have a choice.  Good luck whatever you decide to do.  I think hormonal balance is really important and finding the right dr. is key.

    Claire: I can't always afford to go to Whole Foods plus it's out of the way.  My Von's carries many organic products--do you have one near by?

  • MariannaLaFrance
    MariannaLaFrance Member Posts: 166
    edited January 2011

    Has anyone on the board used Rosmarinus Officilius? My nutritionist gave it to me today,and would like to hear experiences, if any.

  • x-raygirl
    x-raygirl Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2011

    Wow, this is one fun informative thread!  I had taken a holiday break from BCO to be more present to my family and to give my brain a break.  I love this thread and wish I didn't have to go anywhere today and could just read and respond.  I did get the Nutiva cold pressed unrefined coconut oil - love it!   So do my teenage daughters.  I use it on my scalp to nourish my 1/2 inch hair :-) and also on my face and body.  The macaroon smells goes away in a bit - but I personally like the smell.   I am going to my first naturopath appt. this morning - SO excited!  This is my year to "practice wellness" - I'm worth it!   Re: supplements, Dr. Northrup has a bunch of recommendations in her book "The Wisdom of Menopause".  I did see Usana mentioned.  I would trust her recommendations - she has many others as well.  

    Thank you to all of you for sharing your thoughts and what you have learned with us.  Btw, Mandy, I just bought sweet potatoes yesterday and am going to try your recipe - yum!   Have a great day ladies!    ~ Daiva 

  • x-raygirl
    x-raygirl Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2011

    Last thing, has anyone had an ok D3 level but been very low with regular D?   My D3 was ok but reg D was <4.   Just curious.  I've seen some of you mention D2 but I haven't looked into that yet.

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2011

    Impositiv-My dentist said that it is imporatant not to do anything after the root canal is removed for months. Now that the bacteria is being released. It is important to give your immune system time to kill it, not put someting back in that will cover it up. I have not even spoken to him about any implants yet. Mine is the second back molar. I can tell I am still releasing bacteria because of my morning mush mouth, though it is getting better. I have been taking extra c and vit d, and using my Hepasil to keep the liver excreting, as a precaution. It seems to be working because I have had no infections, or need for anitbiotic like I did when I had my wisdom teeth out.

    xray girl-I love Dr. Northrup. Her book is the very first I read when I decided to go holistic. It was so empowering and came at a time when I was feeling so helpless. I will always love her for that. Yes, she is a huge proponent of Usana and has been involved with the company for some time. She is one of the reasons I got involved and I absolutely love the products. Someday, I hope to meet her and tell her what she did for me. This dream may come true because I have been corresponding with another bc survivor who is on Dr. Northrups team. As for Vit D-go to the for all the information you need to know about D. And you are wise to make this the year to practice wellness. Those of us who do, not only become survivors, we become thrivers.Wellcome to the thrivers club.

    MBJ-I agree with Estepp. I do not let the insurance issue control my health decisions. We opted for catastrophic health insurance only. This gives us a very low monthly premium, so I use the money we would have spent on insurance for my quality supplements and things like thermography and acupuncture that insurance will not cover. I also go to healthcheckusa and get my bloodwork done regularly at a low cost. Our deductible is very high, but who cares. At least I am getting the kind of healthcare I want. This is how it always use to be anyway. We never made claims before for every procedure and test, we paid out of pocket, except for hospitilization. It was part of our family budget, just like food. I think we need to go back to that. When people are involved in advocating for cheaper alternatives, the prices will come down. Plus, doctors will give you a discount if they do not have to submit any paper work.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2011

    Just read an article I thought I'd pass along about ridding our bodies of heavy metals:

    This also got my attention:  "In addition to heavy metal removal, modified citrus pectin has shown potential in early studies to help reduce the size and growth of tumors and reduce the risk of metastasis of breast, colon, and prostate cancer."

    vivre, I'll call you sometime (I know I keep promising!) to learn more about George Soros.  I was aware of obvious political motivation due to the prominent request on that page for donations, but I didn't know anything about a deeper, hidden agenda.  Is the mercury in seafood information itself accurate?  If not, do you have a better resource?     Deanna

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339
    edited January 2011

    Estepp, I guess it depends on your financial situation.  I would wait, but I have 2 daughters in college right now, so money is tight.  Just curious, how did you find a PCP who believes in Bioidenticals and takes insurance?  I would love to find a GYN or PCP who does that.  Did you go to a compounding pharmacy and ask them for recommendations?  Or is your PCP just doing your physical and then you go to a Naturopath for the bioidenticals?  What do your Onc and GYN say about this? 

  • Yazmin
    Yazmin Member Posts: 218
    edited January 2011

    I just learned that Julia is having surgery. Any news from Julia?

  • Yazmin
    Yazmin Member Posts: 218
    edited January 2011

    And Ladies, does anybody have an idea where I can buy estriol cream online? what would be the most dependable brand?

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited January 2011

    Deanna - regarding the modified citrus pectin..

    Its also been shown to minimize surgery related spreading of cancer cells. It was recommended to me for use prior to all my surgeries by my naturopath. Tastes like heck, but I still use it occasionally : ) 

  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited January 2011
    Sorry to change topics but I bought some "pink" un-refined sea salt today which comes from the Andes mountains (I remember seeing something about pink salt somewhere on this thread). I know that we are supposed to use celtic sea salt to detox when taking iodine but remember reading something about pink sea salt as well. Question is: Will it work as well? Is there a difference btwn the two or is the important thing that it be unrefined sea salt that matters?
  • samsue
    samsue Member Posts: 599
    edited January 2011

    My560 you might be referring to Himalayan salt. It has tons of minerals. Check out a website for more details. I have Himalayan salt massages. They also make a "cave" out of the salt for those with respiratory problems.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    I have been really trying to change my eating habits and eat healthier foods over the last couple of years and am always into trying to find new healthier things.  After having been dx with bc I really want to get more aggressive with natural foods and medicine. Can someone explain to me what biodentical hormones are.  Since onco's don't want us taking hormones what is the difference?

  • hlth4513
    hlth4513 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2011


    The pink himalayan salt is listed as one of the "approved" with the Iodine protocol. It's very healthy with a great mineral profile.


  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2011

    Deanna-I wish I knew who to trust these days; we have birds dropping out of the sky and a brilliant man is seen walking around like a crack junkie and ends up in a landfill. It is  a scary world. Coincidentally, I got a email from Mark Sircus. He is well know in the natural health field for his research about the importance of magnesium, but he also goes on about every crazy conspiracy theory out there. He still insists the government planned 911. But nonetheless, his recent post on mercury goes along with our discussion: But at least I know he is not cahoots with George Soros!

    Sherryc-we have several threads here about BHRT, or should I say debates. You can learn more from Suzanne Somers books and from one written by one of my doctors, Selma Raschid, MD, called "Hormones Explained". I have read about half a dozen books on BHRT and hers is the easiest to understand, even though she went to Harvard. She worked hard to put it into a language we mortals can understand. Hormones are a tricky business and no one should jump into this without the help of a knowlegable hormone doctor. You need to keep testing your levels to make sure they are balanced. Hormones will fill the receptor sites for each other if they are unbalanced and that is where we get into trouble. You can have too much of a good thing. I have talked to several hormone docs, besides reading all these books and I am still not sure I understand it all. But I do know that there is a lot of proof, mostly from studies outside the US, that BHRT is preventative if done correctly. Bioidenticals are totally different on a molecular level than HRT, even though doctors who do not know any better try to lump them together as one and the same.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2011

    OMG, could this be true?  I don't use aspartame, but now just the thought of it sickens me!

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited January 2011

    Holy crap!!

    I have had this niggling feeling that diet coke consumption (2 a day for years) led to my breast cancer. The more research I did into aspartame, the more convinced I became.

    On another note...does anyone have any insight into Coleys Toxins (aka Coleys Fluids)?

    Much vaccine research and hyperthermia principles are founded in this. Coleys Toxins are available in Canada for free to cancer patients if overseen by an md. They sent me the protocol. It involves stimulating a fever that lasts about 2 hours several days a week. I am actually thinking about flying to Buffalo, crossing the border and doing this...

  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited January 2011

    Samsue & Beth, thanks for the info. I'm going to look into the "caves" use for himalayan salt as I suffer from asthma - very interesting!


  • makingway
    makingway Member Posts: 465
    edited January 2011
    Deanna-Here's a link on what's in fish, besides fish...
  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2011

    I have a salt cave about a mile from my house. They brought all this salt in and you sit in this room full of it and breath the salt air. It is really cool.

    Geewhiz-heat does indeed kill cancer cells. Why not just go to momentum98 and get a far infared sauna? I LOVE mine. It is portable and your head sticks out so you do not have to breath in any toxins you are sweating out. I sit in it every night and sweat the stuff out. This is the only way I can sweat now since the rads zapped my thyroid. If you want one, let me know and I will give you the owners number and he will give you a discount off the internet price.

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited January 2011

    I really think I am going to have to stop reading these threads. It seems like the post are all negative about what we eat. I am having so much trouble finding good food to eat then when I think I have done that something gets posted about how bad it is. I am having so much trouble gaining weight. I know that I'm obsessed about my food. I have to stop freaking out with every bite I take. I can't seemed to do that after reading so much negative stuff. So peace out ladies. I will pray everyday for all of you and I will miss you Cry.

    Much love, Patty

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited January 2011

    seaotter:  This is what helped me get on a healthy eating plan after BC:  It also helped me lose some excess weight.  I know you have posted that weight isn't an issue for you, however, this also will maintain your nautral weight.!.do?utm_content=Start+Fresh+20100106&utm_campaign=January+2011&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&imm_mid=068912&s_cid=January+2011&s_med=email&origin=iPost&sc_cid=Start+Fresh+20100106

    Deanna:  I have two friends, both coca cola addicts, both died of brain cancer!

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited January 2011


    I know what you mean about getting obsessed about food.

     Last night, I had dinner with a group of friends and they were having a good time enjoying lots of food and plenty of wine. I thought "omg this is so unhealthy for them."

    I keep having to remind myself that we have to take everything we learn about healthy living with a grain of salt and let our own instincts be our guide.


  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited January 2011

    Vivre...I think far infra red is a wonderful way to go. But I had full axillary clearance and radiation and run a HUGE risk for lymphedema. I know you can leave an arm hanging out, but do you think its safe enough for me?

    I am still going to get the Coleys Fluid more than likely. But, the sauna could be something for afterwards.

    SeaOtter...its's crazy, isn't it? My cabinet is a constant flux of supplements. As far as the food goes, I think its about finding what works for YOU. I was vegan for a year. Too hard and major anemia. I am adding in occasional eggs, and feel a tremendous difference. Trust your instincts and listen to your body. That's the most important thing I have learned this start trusting the wisdom of my body.