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  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited September 2009

    I'm so with you all on wishing that alternative medicine would at least be more of a respected option!  Afterall, it's our bodies, and although there are no doubt charletons or quacks out there in the natural health realm, there are just as many, if not more, incompetent traditional docs who do just as much disservice to us.  I recently asked a customer service rep at my insurance co. if there were any Naturapathic Docs "in network," and I can still hear the disgusted sigh she let out as she told me, not in network or out -- like I was some sort of fool for even asking.  This attitude has to change!!!

    On a slightly different topic, an aunt sent me an email this a.m. that contained what I thought had some fascinating information about "God's Pharmacy."  Rather than try to post her email link, I found what might be the original version of the info on YouTube to share with you.  I don't know anything about the creator of this link (Dr. Christopher), but I thought his version -- which was one of several to choose from, with background music ranging  from The Theme from The Titanic to Jesus Take The Wheel -- was the best.  I don't know if this has ever been posted here, but I thought it was worth sharing ~


  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited September 2009

    What an interesting video, Deanna. Thanks for posting!

    When I called my insurance company to inquire about whether they would cover IV C infusions, the person I spoke with had no idea what I was talking about, which of course was not a surprise. But, after putting me on hold for 10 minutes, came back and said that they absolutely do not cover anything like this treatment. I didn't really believe that she knew what she was talking about and when I got my first statement from the doctor, I submitted it. And, what do you know, they actually DO cover it - 70%. It still costs a fortune, but at least we are reimbursed for 70% which is more than we thought we would be reimbursed.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited September 2009

    I have a question about supplements.  I just scheduled my Stage 2 Diep flap surgery for 10/12, and I'm wondering if any of the "newer" supplements I'm on can cause or contribute to blood thinning.  I'm not on any aspirin or meds, and I know to get off Vitamin E.  But I don't know if any of the following might also cause blood thinning:  curcumin, green tea extract, 13C, Iodoral, potassium, COQ10, and Omega 3s.  I wouldn't think Metanx (high dose B vitamins) would be a problem, but I'll double-check that with my PCP.   If I can't be sure, I'll stop all of them for the next 2 weeks, but I thought I'd ask you especially well-informed gals here if anything on my list jumps out at you as having blood thinning properties.  Thanks.   Deanna 

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339
    edited September 2009

    Deanna, fish oil is a blood thinner.  Is that the source of your Omega 3?

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited September 2009

    Hi Deanna, VE for sure is a blood thinner. Also, when I was going for surgery my ND told me to stop VC drips for a week prior and a week after. I thought there may have been something with VB too, but I am not certain - anyone?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009


    I was told to stop all supplements except calcium, multi, and C. I am not stopping Iodoral next time. I'd love to know which ones are really issues, and not.

    fish oil and E.  

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited September 2009

    You didn't mention aloe vera in your list but I remember reading at the mayoclinic site that aloe vera juice is suspected of causing excessive bleeding problems during surgery.  Information about aloe vera juice and its benefits, or lack thereof, struck me as one of those topics without much consensus.  So I don't know if it really thins blood or not, but no point in finding out the hard way. 

    Best of luck with your stage 2.  Not exactly a cakewalk, but recovery is way faster than stage 1.  

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2009

    The hospital I work at is mandating that everybody must have a flu shot this year or else face disciplinary action.  It's for the regular flu, not swine flu.  I usually refuse the shot, and I think I've only had a flu type illness once in my entire life.  Anybody have any knowledge of this in relation to Breast cancer, whether it's good or bad?

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited October 2009

    Rose-go to

    Dr Mercola has a lot to say about these flu vaccines and why they cause more problems than they solve. No one should be required to take one. According to Dr mercola you can get the same protection from Vit C and Vit D and for those of us who use iodine, it is also protective.

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited October 2009

    We just found out that my husband has a 6 cm tumor in his kidney. What is going on? First me in March with BC dx, now him. A couple of years ago we had a dog that died of cancer at 2 1/2 years old. Is it our house, our surroundings? After my dx, we tested the water and had the house tested for radon, everything was fine. We did remodeling a couple of years back on our house, did that poison us? Are my kids at risk? We can't afford another cancer patient in the family. This is crazy. We don't know what to do. We are in a daze.

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited October 2009

    deni, so sorry to hear about your husband's dx.  It does make one wonder what might be in your environment that factors into all this.  I wonder if anyone is doing studies based on where people live in relation to cancer dx. 

    rose, if you don't want to get a flu shot, could you just not get one and fly under the radar?  Surely people who work in a hospital are too busy to track one person who wants to dodge the flu shot.  I used to get flu shots but now I'm wary of them.   I'm placing my faith in lots of vitamin C, supplements, fresh juice every day and wholesome food (most of the time anyway). 

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited October 2009

    Deni ~  I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's dx, and I can see why you would be in a daze to get this kind of news 6 months after your own dx!  As you and Althea said, it really does make you wonder if there's something going on in your home or your neighborhood.  On the other hand, I think that cancer almost seems rampant these days, especially bc, so perhaps it's just a horrible coincidence.  Please keep us posted and know that I will be praying for him and for you. (((Hugs)))    Deanna

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited October 2009

    Deni-so sorry to hear about your husband. It sure seems like there must be something toxic in your environment. Test your water again. Do you live under power lines? There is evidence that electromagnetic waves causes cancer. These theories have been debunked, but we use to live across from a transformer. I always wonder about that. My friend lives in a house she swears made her sick. Everytime her family went on vacation, they all felt better. In her part of town, there is a cluster of cancers, though it is constantly refuted. She got some gadget that measures waves and it would go crazy at certain times. She swears it has something to do with testing at Fermi Lab, which she is in the path of. Everytime I would ride my bike through her part of time, my radiio goes static. There is definitely something to it. Go to and search for electromagnetic waves. I think he did some research on this. Also, do you have any mold in your house? Did you use a lot of formaldyhyde products on your house? I had a friend who developed extreme immune toxicity from them and had to totally get all the stuff out of her house, from carpets to cabinets. Prayers to you both.

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322
    edited October 2009

    deni, does your husband work at or near a dry cleaners?  There is a chemical used in the process that has a proven link to kidney cancer.  That is why daycare centers are no longer allowed to be in the same strip mall as a dry cleaner in NJ.  The same chemical used to be used to clean machine parts at tool and die shops.

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited October 2009

    Thank you all for your supportive words. We actually did a whole battery of tests on the house when I was dx back in March. We tested the water, mold, radon and everything tested fine. I do believe that this could be the result of something that was "stirred up" when we remodeled. They tore the walls down and we lived through it for 2 months. Our house was built in the 50s so who knows if there was asbestos or some other toxin floating around that we were all breathing in. We have decided that we will sell the house just for piece of mind. I think that in all likelihood, the offender is gone but we just feel better getting my kids out of here all the same.

    Viv and PatMom - we don't live under powerlines, I would never buy a house under powerlines as I have always been paranoid about them. Figures that I am the paranoid one of everyone I know and watch out for these things, and yet here I am, and my family are plagued with cancer. It doesn't make sense anymore. We don't live directly near a dry cleaner but are about a mile away. I think that the guideline is 1/2 mile for there to be any danger, but then again, who knows. I don't trust any guideline anymore!

    I will keep you guys posted. He goes for further testing next week and we should know more about whether or not it has spread. The tumor is quite large but hopefully encapsulated. The doctor thought it looked that way from the CAT scan but can't be sure until he tests further. Please send us good vibes and hugs to all of you!

  • RunswithScissors
    RunswithScissors Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2009


    I'm so sad to hear your news.  We will pray for you and your husband.


    I can't say I blame you for being upset about the shot. We heard this news story from Canada the other day:

    Apparently, someone checked into databases across the country and found the flu shot increased chances of getting swine flu. The study has been submitted,  but is not yet published. 

  • PS73
    PS73 Member Posts: 171
    edited October 2009

    Deni, sorry to hear the news of your husband.  Please keep us posted on his progress. 

    - its odd, on chemo aren't you supposed to be prone to sickness since your immune system is supressed.  Yet again, everyone around me is sick except for me.  I don't get it.  No way for the flu shot for me.  Never had it never want it.

  • anondenet
    anondenet Member Posts: 261
    edited October 2009


    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband but glad you are so questioning because that is your best weapon.

    Did you have any exterminators at your house for termites or ants? I ask this because both my aunt and uncle came down with cancer after having their house treated regularly by a company for a long time.

    Sending you love and healing light,


  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited October 2009

    I had an appt with my PCP yesterday, and just wanted to share a few things I thought might interest some of you.  First, in regard to my cholesterol still being quite high, she said she would never RX a statin without a coronary calcium score -- a test she encouraged me to get.  Unfortunately, she said insurance companies never cover them, so it's a $300 out-of-pocket expense, but it will show if there's any calcium build up in your arteries.  She said you can have extremely low cholesterol and drop dead from the calcium build up, but that high cholesterol alone doesn't mean anything.  She also took the 3 articles that I'd run off for her that I'd referenced here on cholesterol, and after a quick glance to see who they were written by, seemed genuinely interested.  She then asked me if I belong to Life Extension -- -- which she highly recommends for reputable nutrition information from medical professionals.  She said it's well worth the membership fee.  I've occasionally gotten their magazines from a friend who belongs, but I'd forgotten about their website as a source of info.

    I also posted something yesterday on the "Motivation" thread about the Optimal Human Wellness Pyramid (food chart) that was displayed on the coffee table in her waiting room -- by far one of the most sensible ones I've ever seen, starting with 75% fruits & vegetables. 

    Oh, she also told me that I should be taking 5,000 units of Biotin (I take 1,000) for hair regrowth.  (Hmmm....  I wonder if that would help my DH?)

    Deni ~ Thinking about you and your DH especially today, and continuing to send you positive thoughts and prayers ~   Deanna 

  • Mom_of_boys
    Mom_of_boys Member Posts: 101
    edited October 2009

    Deni... I am so very sorry.  You and your DH will be in my thoughts.

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited October 2009

    deanna, it sounds like you have at least a halfway decent pcp.  I'm wondering if coronary calcium score is the same as having your homocysteine levels tested.  I started a thread with some notes I found most interesting from Dr Ray Strand's book on nutritional medicine.  I think I called it 'free radicals and antioxidants'.  There's some background about the cholesterol myth and how it came into existence and how we should really be more concerned about oxidative stress and our homocysteine levels. 

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited October 2009

    Althea ~  I got the idea the coronary calcium score is some sort of scan.  She mentioned a contrast dye, and I think she would send me to the same place I've had other scans (like bone density).  My homocyesteine level is monitored with bloodwork.  It was too high right after chemo/rads, but has dropped considerably since I'm on Metanx, that high B vitamins supplement. She did mention that it dropping was a very good sign, and one reason she wasn't especially concerned, but thought the heart scan will give her more info.    D.

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited October 2009

    Thanks so much everyone for your thoughts and good wishes. We are still in a daze here trying to figure out what has happened to us. But, also planning ahead. We will sell our house and move somewhere locally for the time being so as not to disrupt our daughters in school. The house itself may not be the reason we are all coming down with cancer, but it will give us piece of mind that in case there was some toxin here, it won't affect the kids. I do still believe that it was something exposed during our renovations 3 years ago.

    Anom, no, we haven't had any exterminator treatments for years. How terrible that your aunt and uncle both got cancer after treating their house with pesticides. Good that they traced it to the chemicals. Scary thought - how much are we exposing ourselves on a daily basis without realizing it. A friend of mine told me that she just learned a 9-year-old boy in her son's class was diagnosed with brain cancer. Cancer, cancer everywhere...

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited October 2009

    Deni, all of this just is awful for you. I can't even imagine it.Yell Lots of prayers going your way. Also I pray you can sell your house quickly and get what you want for it.

    I had a friend that had kidney cancer years ago. Her kidney exploded from the tumor. I think that was about 12 years ago and she is doing very well.


  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited October 2009

    Ivory mom

    I just ordered a bottle of reservatrol and it's here but have not tried it yet.

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited October 2009

    Deni-get one of those eletromagnetic readers to see if there is some unseen source in your house. That is what my friend did, and it went crazy. She did not live near power lines, but was it was somehow being conducted through the water table. The elec company did something that improved things and she said it was really good on certain days, she felt fine and the meter was still. On other days, she felt sickly, checked the meter and it was going crazy. It really sounds far fetched, but she swears their is something wrong that she is sensitive to. They moved out too are are renting until they can sell their beautiful home. Anyway, thinking of you with prayers.

    Althea-I remember reading about homosystene in Dr Strands book. His book was one of the first I read, and gave me hope when the doctors will telling me all the negative crap. When a lot more doctors like Strand start to think outside the box, and show great results with their patients with diet and supplements, hopefully, the truth will no longer be denied.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited October 2009

    Which Dr. Strand book are you gals talking about?

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited October 2009

    merilee, the Strand book is What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You about Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You.  I had to use the interlibrary loan system and wait many weeks to get it, but it was definitely worth the effort to my hands on it. 

    ivorymom, I've been using magnesium oil topically for a couple of weeks now.  I'm not real crazy about it but at least it doesn't sting like some people say it does.  I'm doing the iodine protocol and I came to realize that my magnesium intake was too low.  My vitamin C intake for the protocol is also too low but I take in as much as my stomach will tolerate, which is at least 1000 mg every day, at most probably 2000 mg.  

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited October 2009

    Oh thanks, I just ordered it for less $10 from Amazon, they had a few more used ones if any one is interested

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited October 2009

    Ivorymom - I take Resveratin, which I get from my ND. He recommends two capsules twice per day. I included the link for the brand that I get. It is only available through professionals.

    I also read in Anti-Cancer A New Way of Life that Resveratrol and Green Tea have very strong cancer fighting properties.