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  • thegoodfight
    thegoodfight Member Posts: 124
    edited September 2009

    One more thought..................................this topic has got me wondering if my areola changes could possibly be from taking Arimidex.  I have been on it six months, so maybe this is a side effect.  The skin around my nipple of the bad breast seems to be peeling.  I do see my rad onc this coming Friday, so I will have him take a look.

  • mcgaffey
    mcgaffey Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2009

    Thanks for the responses on the dexa scan results. I will check with my doc at the end of next week with my 6 month appointment and find out what he thinks. Just knowing that there are others out there going through the same thing helps. It has all the way through this life changing event. :)

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited September 2009

    Mcgaffey.......... I just started Fosamax ( yesterday) after only being on Arimidex since Dec 08 ( ugh ). Evidently from what I have read here there are many who have had no side effects from this......although I hear you loud and clear on being concerned about taking yet another RX. Seeing my dentist in a few days and will see what input he has on all this. So totally agree with you that this has been such a life changing event!

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited September 2009

    Forgot to add .................. the reason I even mentioned the dentist is that I have questions on that jaw bone problem that has been connected with these drugs...they say it is very rare but....

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2009

    hmm...I don't know if it is the power of suggestion or what, but I began feeling a change in

    my jawbone on I just  told the doctor I wasn't taking it and longer..I had been

    on it a few he says OK but I could tell he was thinking I was just making it up...

    I saw some excellent advise to use Arm and Hammer Peroxide with baking soda toothpaste 

    and use Listerine mouthwash as they think a bacteria may be a culprit in the jaw problems

  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2009

    HMM - there has been slow and slight improvement in my bone loss on the fosomax.  I know that doesn't sound very optimistic, but without it I was continuing to lose.  So I think it's doing what it's supposed to do.  Your experience with arimidex is encouraging to me.  I hope I do as well, and you continue your success.  for what it's worth: when I asked my doc about the jaw thing, he pretty much dismissed it.  He said there was so little evidence of this that he wasn't concerned about it.

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2009

    My onc told me that while the jaw thing is rare, she does have 2 patients who have it. So, it happens.

  • bennetts1
    bennetts1 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2009

    When i went to my oral surgeon to have my wisedom tooth pulled, I told him I was on Boniva and he told me a lot of the drugs for bone loss will affect the jaw bones.  I came home and researched it on the internet and it is true.  Drugs like Boniva and Fosamax can cause jawbone pain and death. I will continue to take the the Boniva since my bone scans show signs of osteopenia.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2009

    Helen, with my luck I would be one of those two patients..

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited September 2009

    glassist...........I think slow and slight improvement sure beats a decline in density as there are some who stay the same or even decline. I have a ( no bc) friend who takes it and even after a few years only stays the same.

    Sadly there is a slight risk of problems with the jaw bone and my pharmacist said those who have chemo are at a slightly higher risk as are the ones who take arimidex and the like........ ugh. I will be discussing this with my dentist this week and will certainly share anything of interest that he may offer.

    As my oncologist said last week ..........all drugs have risks of some kind :(

    Good outcomes to all :)

    Pat relate about the 2 patients!!!!!!! Exactly my fear.


  • ChrisC433
    ChrisC433 Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2009

    Chiquita:  Nothing to add that would help you, so I did not post.  Most people chime in when they have information with some value for you.  When we don't post it is not personal, so please don't take it that way.

    Thegoodfight:  Did you have rads already?  I've heard that changes can be caused from radiation after the fact.  Some say even years after!!  Not sure if Arimidex would have anything to do with it or not...


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2009

    Chiquita, ditto.  I didn't have an answer and figured others would be along to help.  Please forgive us and I think your disappointment (and TheGoodFight's post also) will serve to make us more sensitive in future.  Some good can come out of everything - thanks.

  • ChrisMc
    ChrisMc Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2009

    Hello everyone,

    Was wondering if any of you are having headaches? The last 6 months they seem to come and go, not really bad headaches just the anoying type. Been on arimidex for 3 years now.

    Hope everyone is having a beautiful day, it is quite sunny and nice here in NM today.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2009

    JO. when I had one of the unusual side effects to another med, the  doctor I have seen asked me if someone in my family was a doctor, I said my son...he said we notice that family members of doctors tend to get the side effects more than others..what??

  • thegoodfight
    thegoodfight Member Posts: 124
    edited September 2009


    Yes I had 35 rad sessions finishing around mid March of this year, so it has been about six months.  I have appt with the rad onc on Friday and will have him take a look.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2009

    So JO, do you have a doctor in the family?  Perhaps you have several and that is why you have such bad reactions to meds!   LOL  (now see if you agree with me on that - hehehe)

    (sorry, couldn't resist - you know I luv ya)

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2009

    JO,maybe that's also why you tripped over the ironing board....LOL.....

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited September 2009

    Need to whine, girls.  The side effects are getting worse.  Getting up in the morning I feel like I am ninety.  My hands are really stiff and my joints are killing me.  Oh well, you know what we say, better than the beast. In sisterhood, xo

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582
    edited September 2009
    So sorry! I just called my pharmacy today and requested tops that are easier to get off. I'm 46 years old and have a hard time opening the bottles!!! Sheeeeeshh!!!!!!!Tongue out
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2009

    Lovemy... have you tried any supplements for the joints?

    Coonie, I don't have that problem but just because I can't be bothered I don't screw the tops totally back on; just put them on a little.

  • bennetts1
    bennetts1 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2009

    I had headaches while taking arimidex daily. I had a negative MRI.  My doctor took me off the medicine and now I am taking aromosin.  I no longer am having the daily headaches!

  • bennetts1
    bennetts1 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2009

    Any recomendations for supplements for joint pain?  I use the rub on Biofreeze on my knees and feet, but currently do not take any supplements.

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2009

    I am taking a good quality fish oil every day as well as hyaluronic acid and glucosamine/chrondroitin/msm. I've only been on the Arimidex for about 6 weeks but so far so good.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2009

    I've had good results from the glucosamine/chondroitin/msm as well.   It usually takes 2-4 weeks before you notice any relief but it's been well worth the cost (pricey).

  • molly52
    molly52 Member Posts: 142
    edited September 2009

    Hmm ........ have you tried Pilates?  Pilates works with your core muscles and if done properly  can be very rehabilitative.  If you don't have any Pilates in your area - you could also try Yoga.

    Weight bearing exercises help maintain bones and both modalities are excellent for back health.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited September 2009

    I agree with lovingmyfamily, I been taking it for 3years and

    have alot of pain, arthritis  and some other things

    I still am happy the arimidex helps my BC. Mine came on

    in 6 months stage 3 cancer. God bless you all

  • mersmom
    mersmom Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2009

    I am new to this section and can,t believe the amount of knowledge shared by all of you wonderful ladies.  I have been on Femara for six weeks and have taken myself off due to the continuing raise in my blood pressure. Have any of you had this problem with Arimidex

    I feel blessed to have been diagnosed early and am willing to put up with se but blood pressure is pretty scary...I am on meds for it now and would rather change than to take extra bp meds. i really value the recomendations and information from all my new bc sisters.

    need to change my little bio...diagnosis was April 7,2009

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited September 2009

    Molly52..................Thanks for the suggestions...........appreciate it. Have not given the Pilates or Yoga a try yet as just found out about the problem last week. I am exploring all choices........... feel that if very faithful brisk walking increased hip bone density without Fosamax that finding the "ticket" for the spine will do the same. Although I am now taking the Fosamax at least until my next dexa scan.

    Mersmom.......... my primary care Dr. suggested watching sodium intake with Arimidex and guessing it may be the same with Femara. Also keeping with the exercie and watching weight were also mentioned. So far I have not had issues with blood pressure with the exception of during my visits with the rad. onc. during treatments............. for some reason that was a problem but after last treatment it was not. At that point the Arimidex had not even been started so can't blame it on that.  

  • 4sandy
    4sandy Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2009

    Arimadex warning

    I have taken arimadex for 2 yrs now, my liver counts, triglicerides, and colestoral is through the roof. test revel 3 x elevation. I am now diagnosed with rheumatoid arthridis, and cant take meds because waiting for liver to recover (alt, ast) counts. When dr does cbc look for elevations. I had 2 dr accuse me of drinking and drug abuse before we relized this is the problem. devistated!  

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2009


    You've heard about the mother who was explaining to her little daughter about  RX bottles designed to keep children from opening them... and the daughter asks "how does the bottle know?"   :):):)

    I, too, have a lot of trouble opening jars, etc now. Actually any activity that requires more than minimal power.  I would not say my hands hurt, just no strength in them.  I've been on Arimidex 4 months now. 
