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  • PaleRider
    PaleRider Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2009

    Hi Carole,

    I've only been on Arimidex for about a week, but I haven't noticed any difference.  I had a hysto with my lumpectomy and node removal (3 surgeries in one day!) at age 46 and I have had the aches and pains since the instant menopause (I was already having hot flashes from chemopause).  At any rate, so far, my joint aches and pains are about the same as after the hysto but before Arimidex.  Maybe it's too soon to tell.  But my Onc also told me that the extra achiness tends to be temporary, especially if your weight is fairly normal and if you stay active and fit.  So it too may pass.  He is also telling me that the current research is beginning to suggest that lower recurrence rates are obtained by keeping us on Arimidex 10 years or for rest of life rather than 5 years as was previously suggested (so we may have a sentence of 10 to life, LOL).  I wonder who funded that research? hmmmmm

  • mcgaffey
    mcgaffey Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2009

    I think the key words are to remain or get active and fit. That trumps all. For me it is constant vigilance to watch the diet, do the exercise, and all the rest. When I am good, I feel so much better.

  • mellodylane
    mellodylane Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2009

    I have to agree I am a partime Banky and I know if I have to work full time and dont find the time to exercise I feel very sluggish and stiff. If I do a good workout before work I seem to sail through the day. I was 48 when diagnosed and went into chemopause as well after first dose and am now 54. I have taken my little white pill at night all the way through and love my sleep. I figure if it makes you tired night would be the best time to take so you can sleep off the effect. I also play bass and sing in a band which I find very helpful for my mind.

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited October 2009

    I also take mine either with dinner or in the evening .... I'm keeping my fingers far so's been about 7 weeks. My cousin has been on Arimidex for 2 1/2 years. She swims reqularly which she says helps with the stiffness ... she says she has no other symptoms so she's good.

  • sobx
    sobx Member Posts: 108
    edited October 2009

    JO - Let me know how it works. I am all for anything that will help with the pain. Went to the Dermatologist yesterday and he shaved off 5 basil cell spots. I love the sun and now paying for it from my younger days with no sunscreen. The nice part was he said I had nice looking thighs and firm stomach. Wish I felt as good as he said I looked. The aches and pains are what slowing me down. I am on it for 5 years too. Only 10 months down. Find after I eat sugar I have hot flashes. So will cut that out. With me working nights I need a pick me up sometimes. Energy gets zapped. I walk twice before going in to work and now can't seem to get anything done.

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited October 2009

    I have been on Arimidex for 31 months, it seems to me that the body does adjust.  But everyone is different.  Advil once in a while helps alot.  So all you gals, hang in there.

    Sukiann, Hell-o neighbor, I live in Chelmsford, you are the closest one to me posting on this board.

  • Sukiann
    Sukiann Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2009

    Hi Deb, yes you are very close.  Hope you are doing well!

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited October 2009

    I am doing great.   How about you?  Are your doctors local? 

  • ChrisMc
    ChrisMc Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2009

    Well hello everyone,

    I love asparagus, it is so expensive tho, best when you can go and pick it fresh, grows wild on the ditch banks in some places. Never experienced the se of smelly pee, which I don't know that I would of, never smell my ??? to find out. Brother I'm really body sore today, went a little crazy on playing the WII yesterday. You can get some exercise with it, love to bowl and play baseball and tennis. Not sure about the WII fit tho still out on that for now. Sometimes it hard to get enough exercise when the weather turns nasty works good for that. Hope everyone it having a good day,

  • MariaG
    MariaG Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2009

    Thank you Jo, will keep you posted on how I do on the Arimidex.  While off the Femara I started taking Glucosamine, I have some arthritis but have noticed a difference about 3 weeks after starting Glucosamine, not so much pain, more flexability.  Hope this will help with any Arimidex SE.  Tired right now, but a good tired.  I did the whole route this morning in  the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Boston.  Very moving experience!

  • kt57
    kt57 Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2009

    Hi Ladies - hereditary bc FORCE pioneer needs our votes:

    The Jewish Community Hero Award honors those making strides to repair the world, starting in their own communities.    Our very own Sue Friedman, founder of FORCE, has been nominated as a Jewish Hero.  One hero will have a chance to win up to $25,000 in funding for their project.  However, simply making it into the finals will help us raise much needed awareness of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer in this very important community.  Please vote between now and October 8th to help make this happen AND to thank Sue for creating the FORCE community for us and our families.

    So, VOTE, forward to a friend, post to your facebook page... help get the word out. You may vote from each email address once per day.

  • Sukiann
    Sukiann Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2009

    Deb, yes go to local doc in Lawrence, Ma.  Went to Boston but they didn't impress me enough to travel into town (especially for rads everyday).  Quizzed them to death in Boston and they would have done the same as my onc at Lawrence General.  Overall, I'm happy with the care.  Did the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure last weekend in Boston.  It was amazing!

    Maria - glad to hear you did the Making Strides walk in Boston.  There was an Alzheimer's walk in merrimack valley today.  Could have done that one too as my Dad has Alzheimers. :(

  • mersmom
    mersmom Member Posts: 79
    edited October 2009


    The cherry juice thing...a friend of mine was trouble by flare-ups of Gout and swears by it. She told me to let you know that she drinks either cherry or Black cherry from the health food section of the grocery store or if you have a health food store...bottled not frozen. She drinks a shot glass (1oz.) full daily. Took about two weeks for her to see any improvement but that it has also helped her arthiritus.

    Am now starting my second week of Arimidex. The two weeks they had me wait after Femara I started the vitamin program I learned about from everyone on this board and no raise in bp and very little joint pain,so far.

    Thanks Everyone.

  • MariaG
    MariaG Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2009

    Like Sukiann I also went into Boston for a 2nd opinion. I went to Faulkner.  I was not impressed with the surgeon I saw there, did not want to talk to her again never mind have her operate on me.  so I also stayed with Lawrence General and extremely satisfied with all my treatment.  My surgeon was a prince.  I am a person to him, not just a number.  His staff knows me when I call the office.  Same for my Med Oncologist and My rad Oncologist (was sent to Holy Family  in Methuen for my Rads). The two hospitals work together for treatment.

    Sukiann congratulations on doing the Komen race. Sorry to hear about your dad, wish him all the best!

  • Sukiann
    Sukiann Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2009


    You most likely went to the same radiation oncologist as me .  I saw Dr. Peterson.  Did you see her or Dr. Shetty.  I went to Lawrence General for Oncology and see Dr. Sanz.  I'm going to pm you.  Sounds like you're very close by!

  • Sukiann
    Sukiann Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2009

    Ladies, I may be on to something.  For the last few days (maybe 3 or 4) I've been taking claritan because my nose has been pretty stuffy and I thought maybe I have allergies.  Since yesterday afternoon I haven't had any joint or bone pain.  I really haven't been doing anything differently, have been taking the same supplements as usual, calcium, vitamin d, msm,chodroitin,glucosomine but I have added the claritan and two brazilian nuts (for selenium).  I have no idea if the claritan or the selenium have made a difference but I feel sooo much better.  I'll take what I can get!  I remember reading on that there have been lots of suggestions to take claritan when you get the neulasta shot.  Perhaps this can help with the pain from arimidex?  I don't know ???  I am just happy that I can be more productive today without pain!  Gotta go and get lots of stuff done while I'm not hurting!  I hope the trend continues!

  • kira
    kira Member Posts: 659
    edited October 2009


      Both drugs are histamine blockers, just at different sites--the claritin is a second generation H1 blocker anti-histamine and the pepcid (and zantac) are H2 receptor blockers that work as antacids.

    The combo blocks both histamine receptors--good for hives too.


  • Sukiann
    Sukiann Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2009

    Intesting because I also took a pepcid 20 mg the past couple of days.  I had no idea, I just have acid reflux so that's why I took it.  I wonder if this is the "cure" for my aches and pains from the arimidex.  I hope so!!! 

  • mellodylane
    mellodylane Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2009

    This weekend I will be walking in a relay team called Relay For Life we will be walking from 3.00pm to 9am all funds go to the Cancer Foundation. We walk around an oval and set up camp sites etc. good fun! I think I might have a few aches and pains after that.!!

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited October 2009

    I will check those labels now too. I was upset to see soy added to my vitamins but never imagined that it would be added to tuna or cottage is very, very upsetting. Thanks for the alert, JO.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009
    JO, I agree (we've already discovered that you and I are twins who agree on most everything), that soy is everywhere.  The final answer is still elusive on whether ALL soy is bad for us and so I prefer to err on the side of caution and stay away as much as possible.  I am, however, not going overboard about it.  If I can find the products without soy, great! but if there are "trace" amounts of it, meaning not high on the ingredient list, then I may go ahead and use it.  Of course, depending on what it is.  if I don't need it I won't bother buying it.  I love salmon so I can easily substitute that for the tuna.  No husband but my son likes tuna but will be just as happy with chicken salad instead.
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Yeah, like I was when I went to buy bread.  That totally floored me.  (I've recovered)

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Hi All,

    I posted a couple weeks ago that I had finally read the fine print on my calcium supplement and it contained soy!  So off I went to the pharmacy for new pills.   Spent a long time reading labels and finally found one with no soy, it proudly stated the calcium came from oyster shell and it cost more So that got me to wondering  from whence came the calcium in the non-oyster shell supplements. So I asked the pharmacist.  He opined that most calcium in supplements came from bone... like ground up animal bone.  YUCK.  But I am not sure ground up oyster shell is any more desirable.

    And increasingly our products, while labeled "distributed by" a company in the  US, are made in China or india.  It just makes me very nervous about the process and sanitation.  We just have no way of knowing what we are consuming!  Did you all read about the town in India that has a very high rate of twin births?  The theory is that it is downriver from a facility that manufactures estrogen based medications and the water is full of chemicals from the plant!  Of course many municipal water systems in the US have high levels of estrogen in the city water.  It seems that estrogen is not removed from water in the chlorination process.  We just can't get away from it!

    With that happy thought... I am going to do laundry.  We are home from our trip just in time for record breaking high temps in Florida.  High 90s today but I walked my 3 miles this AM.  Too hot to iron!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Oh thanks Pam!

  • mellodylane
    mellodylane Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2009

    Funny you are all mentioning the soy I spent quite a while in the supermarket the other day checking labels just about everything has soy in it. being a vege it makes life pretty tough  if I want a quick meal all the ready vege burgers etc have soy protein in them but I did hear that the problem is mainly with soy supplements but still good I guess to avoid if possible. I feel that I am the only Aussie on this site? Love reading all your comments.

  • Sukiann
    Sukiann Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2009

    I know that everything contains soy (well, almost everything).  I've almost given up trying to avoid it.  I won't eat anymore veggie burgers or eat anything that I know has a high amount of soy in it, however.  As Patoo said, I'm not going to go overboard.  I think that part of the reason that soy is in a lot of food is that it is cheap.  I'm pretty sure I heard that soybean oil is fairly inexpensive.   Check this out, when I was doing radiation my radiation oncologist told me to put vitamin e oil on my breast to help condition the skin.  I had some vitamin e caplets that I was using - cutting them open and putting the oil on my breast.  She also stressed to me to keep away from soy.  Well, on the last day of treatment I came home broke one of those caplets open and really rubbed it into my scar as I had 8 boosts to the area and I was a little sore.  I happened to check the label of the vitamin e and what do ya know, it was soybean oil!!!  I couldn't believe that I had been rubbing this stuff right onto my breast for 6 1/2 weeks!!!  Now, probably nothing is going to happen but if I had known I would have looked for a vitamin e from different source.  I'm going back to see her on friday for my post rads check up and I will be sure to mention it to her.  She'll probably say it wasn't ingested so it's not a problem.  I just thought it was really weird and my luck too!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,273
    edited October 2009

    I've started taking my Arimidex at night, and I think the switch from morning to night is going to work better for me.  Taking it in the morning was causing me to feel lousy the first half of the day.  I'm taking melatonin before bedtime, and so far am not having trouble sleeping.  Nor are the joint and muscle pains debilitating enough to keep me from doing exercise or playing golf.  I played 18 holes today with two women friends and thoroughly enjoyed being out of doors on a beautiful golf course.  It was hot and humid and almost 90 degrees, but the restaurant was cool when we had lunch afterward.Smile

    On Saturday a front is supposed to come through and bring some cooler, drier air.  I'm looking forward to a day when I can wear jeans.

    The soy discussion is interesting.  I don't think I eat enough bread to worry about soy being a minor ingredient.  Cottage cheese was surprising.  I'll have to check my brand.  But I don't eat it often. 

    Jo, I think you should put up a photo of yourself so we can judge whether you and Patoo are secret twins!

  • Desny
    Desny Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2009

    Hi, I don't usually post here but sometimes read along and enjoy the conversation

    and learn allot.  I know the conversation is about soy.  I had a question about soy oil

    in my vitamin D3.  Its okay - I am fine with it in there.  But here is another question.

    I am on Arimidex and take glucosamine for my joint aches.  Well, I must be having a

    reaction because my stomach is in constant distress.  Allot of pain and gas, grrrrr!

    I went off everything to figure out what was causing this and found out it was the glucosamine.

    I went searching online to try to find an alternate and a company called Swanson produces

    a glucosamine product from corn instead of shellfish, crab and shrimp.  There is my question,

    has anyone heard or used this vegetarian alternative?  If you have please let me know.  Thanks so much!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Desny, that's interesting and perhaps you should try it.  I haven't had any problems with the regular glucosamine but perhaps you can try it and see if you still have problems.  The regular one is not for all - some cannot tolerate it because of water retention or other problems.  JO has also posted that "pure" cherry juice may be a help?  Have to read back a couple pages.

    Sukiann, you may not have ingested the vit e with soy, but it would have been absorbed through the skin - same thing.

    Carolehalston - I've always taken mine at night.  Tried in the morning but would forget in the morning rush to get out of the house to work.  Have had problems the last couple of nights falling asleep butI I'm not blaming it on the Arimidex (yet!). It's 11pm and usually I would be in bed by now.   Going up shortly and will see.

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited October 2009

    Hi Mellodylane..

    No you are not the only Aussie on this site...there are lots....

    I will send you a PM.
