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  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    About post lumpectomy-post rads mammogram:  I had lumpectomy 3/09, finished rads 6/09 and had a mammogram 9/09.  Good report... BUT it kind of stirred things up.  The mammogram pressure did not hurt but my op'd breast swelled again and kind of regressed to the way it looked and felt during radiation, just not as bad.  Very strange.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Who's doing the cherry juice?  Are you mixing it yourself or have you found it already made?  Can you only get it in health food stores? 

    Oh, and Marilynn, thanks for the tips about SLEEP!

  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2009

    Thanks for the good wishes everyone.  Patoo, actually this is the 3rd mammo for me.  I had both breasts about 6 mos. out from rads, then one of lumpectomy breast only six months after that, and now both breasts again.  I never had any real discomfort with my mammos until after  my treatment.  Now it's a little ouchy, but it lasts only a few moments, then I'm free for six months again.  All in all, small price to pay. I have some fluid build-up in the space where they took out the tumor and the margin tissue and it hasn't all reabsorbed back into my system.  So, that complicates my mammos.  Also, it's caused me to give up wearing underwire bras, which I've worn most of my life.  Ugh!   Hang in there kiddo.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Thanks Marilynn.  I also never had a problem, pre-BC, with mammos.  Now that the bc breast is a little tender is what has me hesitant.  When it comes to pain, I have zero-tolerance but I guess I can handle it.  You're right, it's only a few moments.  If I go ahead it may get two bc survivors in my local support group to go for follow-ups.  They have been putting it off - one is a 20-year survivor and still afraid - WOW.

  • Sukiann
    Sukiann Member Posts: 88
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Haven't been posting much but I've been reading the posts. 

    I've been feeling pretty good lately (????).  Patoo, I've finished a bottle of sour cherry juice.  I actually love it!  I drink about 3 ounces a day.  You can find it in your health food section of your local grocery store or in a health food store.  The only problem is that I think it makes me gassy Embarassed!!

    My breast is tender too.  When I had my lupron shot a few weeks ago it really felt swollen and hurt.  It's gotten a lot better now. 

    Marilyn, I too have some fluid build up where the tumor was.  It's tender there and when I had the mammo it hurt.  I still feel like there is a tumor there but when they did the ultrasound it was just fluid build up.  In time I'm sure it will become absorbed.

    That's all for now. My hubby has the flu (I think seasonal).  Poor me, oops, I mean poor him!

  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    3oz of cherry juice.  Good to know.  I was wondering about quantity, now I know.  I think I'll add those 3 oz. to my diet tonic water (which also helps a bit with muscle cramping).  Yeah!  I have a new drink with a double boost.  You gals are just the greatest.  We are all in the same boat and it appears we all row with the same oars.  Hurray for us!!!!!!  That's why they call us survivors.  Have a great Saturday. 
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    JO - you have me in tears (from laughing so hard!).  I got your message and was going to respond today but I should have known you would pop in.  I think I wondered early on if, when the time comes, we need to wean off the Arimidex.  I think it's the same for BC boards - have to wean to cut down on the 16 hours/day we seem to spend here.  Innocent

    Promise to make the mammo appt this week.

    Marilynn - good tip about tonic water for muscle cramps.  I've been getting them in my legs some nights recently.  Banana's potassium doesn't seem to work too well, or only works occasionally.  I saw a cherry juice in health food store that you mix into another beverage so maybe I can combine the two.  Afraid of the gassy issue that Sukiann mentioned as I already have that now but, funny, seems to only be at night.  Probably from one of the meds.  Evening cocktail consists of water chasing Arimidex, Calcium w/D3, Iron, Glucosamine/Chondroitin, Naproxen (anti-inflammatory for my knee which is acting up again).  Guess if I do the cherry juice mixed in tonic water, add to my nightime ritual and try it that way.  Tonic water is non-carbonated, right?  (can't remember).

  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2009

    Patoo - Tonic Water is fizzy.   I get it at Wal-Mart or Meijer and it's only about 85 cents a quart.  If you buy Schwepp's or Seagram's, you'll pay over a $1.00.  I've been drinking about 6 oz. of diet tonic mixed with about 4 oz. of Cranberry, Raspberry, Grape or Orange Juice.  I'm actually  starting to like it.  Also, if the cherry juice is just too sour or bitter, I may try to add a little bit of Splenda or Sweet'n'low - whatever.  Sour has never been my thing. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Thanks Marilynn.  I'm not a "fizzy" kinda person; don't do soda at all but 3 oz I can manage.  I remember a friend gave it to my boys years ago with orange juice and they loved it.  At least if I buy a quart my son will probably help me to finish it so it won't go to waste.  Thanks.

    Off to walk the mall - got to get more exercise.  Check in later.

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2009

    I drink a few ounces of sweet dark cherry juice every day .. actually use it to wash down the Arimidex, Vit D, Curcumin, hyaluronic, glucosamine etc. etc. ....I don't dilute it. I buy it at the health food store and there are no costs me $4.99 per jar which lasts me about a week.

  • chapstickmom
    chapstickmom Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2009

    Due to low Vitamin D , I am not starting Arimidex for 3 months. Can you ladies suggest what I need to do to get ready to start it ? I am on a great dietician supported diet and walking about 2 miles a day. I am taking D and calcium and a multi-vitamin.

    I hear people talk about also taking magnesium , Co Q, anti-depressants, sending the kids permanently to Grandma's :-) etc.

    What do you ladies suggest I do to minimize the side-effects of Arimidex ?

    Thanks a million ! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Picked up the sweek dark cherry juice but didn't get the tonic water yet.  Maybe tomorrow.  Mixed it with water; wasn't bad at all.  Also took it to wash down meds altho I heard somewhere that it's not a good idea to take meds with anything other than water.  Something about interaction of other substances with the meds. 

    Bought it at health food store; no additives, no cholesterol, no fat, no sodium, but 28g sugar.  I don't do sugar in anything else so not a problem.  Health food guy said some do drink it without diluting it but cautioned it may be too strong that way.

    My 16 oz bottle cost 11.99 and at 2 tbs/serving, maybe twice a day, should last a couple of weeks.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,079
    edited November 2009

    I drink the cherry juice straight, 4 oz, with my breakfast.  I enjoy the taste and haven't noticed any problem with gas.  I buy the RW Knudsen brand, Just Black Cherry, at my supermarket in the organic juices section.  It costs about $4.50.  Dh and I both are drinking it so a bottle lasts less than a week.  There's also a brand at Walmart called Indian Summer, but it is Montmorency tart cherries and doesn't taste as good as the Knudsen (which is also available at health food stores, possibly higher-priced).

    I guess the only way you can tell whether the cherry juice is making a difference is to drink it for a month and then stop and see whether the arthritic aches and pains are worse.  A number of years ago, I stopped taking glucosamine/chondroitin when I read about studies that concluded it wasn't effective.  My aches and pains were worse so I ignored the studies and continued taking it. 

  • mersmom
    mersmom Member Posts: 79
    edited November 2009

    I am not a regular at posting but have really learned a lot from reading everything. My med onc was very impressed from the knowledge I had picked up. Thanks gals!

    Had my first post rad mammo (3 mo) last week. There was considerable pain and afterwards I started having the nerve flashes again ...they had almost completely gone away. I figure it was from disturbing the nerves. I have numbness in about half of my brest...thought by now some of the feeling would return. My last sugery was May 11,09.

    I boosted up my glco/cond after first reading the posts from "the veterans" and am feeling much better . They were not going to test my vit D for a while because I was already taking it when all this started. After reading about how low some of your readings had fallen I pushed the issue and will have that done this week.

    A few weeks ago I felt that I was slipping into a little bit of a depression. I was at Costco and found a product made by Natrol  called 5-HTP  mood inhancer.It advertises...promotes positive    mood ...helps control appetite...12 hour time release formula. Contains 5-Hydrxytrypotophan,magnesium,cellulose,calcium phosfate,hypromellose. you can read about it at  I take one in the morning and one in the evening along with all the other supplements I take to fight the ses from Arimidex. My husband has seen a change and I don't feel so off the beaten track. I feel much calmer not so anxious.

     Take care all my sisters of the dreaded white pill. Hugs to all of you.  Have a nice quiet Sunday.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Dear chapstickmom,

    So sorry you are having this delay in your treatment but glad you have found us.  The SEs with Arimidex are so individual and variable it is impossible to predict what willl happen with any given person.  Most of us are taking the drug successfully, albeit  with a variety of complaints.  For me, I find being active is the most important thing I can do.  Walking is a great activity.  A positive attitude might help but it is simplistic to say that would overcome serious SEs if you were unfortunate enough to experience them.  Taking Arimidex is easy for some of us and hard for others but each person's experience is real.  Fortunately SEs from Arimidex seem to fall more into the quality of life category, unlike Tamoxifen which can cause very serious health issues.

    Don't expect terrible things.  Keep us in mind as many women here are dealing with common problems of the drug.  And maintain good communication with your doctor.   Good luck!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,079
    edited November 2009

    Chapstickmom, I began reading this thread a couple of months before I started taking Arimidex.  I wanted to find out what might be in store for me.  When it was time to pop my 1st little white pill into my mouth, I was half-way prepared to send out for crutches the next day!  Seriously, I was nervous.  Sure enough, the 1st week I had joint and muscles pains and didn't feel good.  I posted complaints and got lots of encouragement from the other ladies here.

    6 wks later, I still don't need the crutches!  So far life is good on Arimidex.  In my case, stopping HRT and then starting a med whose job is to deprive my female body of estrogen has made me feel my age of 66 yrs.  Before bc, I didn't feel a day over 50. 

    So when the time comes for you to swallow that first little white pill, don't expect the worse.  A lot of us are able to tolerate the SEs and enjoy life with the knowledge that we're taking our dr's advice in trying to avoid recurrence of bc.  Good luck! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2009

    Hi all..just a note about Tonic..I love the fact that it has quinine  in it..which can help some aches and pains...

  • O3132W
    O3132W Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2009


  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009

    Good afternoon everyone,

    I also was reading this thread while doing radiation and was very apprehensive about starting Arimidex which my onc had said to start the day after my last rad. Pleased to say that so far so good and next month will be one year for me. Hope things remain this way for the next four years! Like so many of you exercise is a part of my routine.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Carolehalston, do you still do the gluco/chon with the cherry juice?  I was wondering if perhaps won't need the gluco/chond if the cherry juice gives enough relief.

    Mersmom, I'm very surprised they did a mammo only 3 months post-rads.  On the Natrol - I don't have depression as far as I know, but how's it working for appetite control.  I can certainly use some help with that!!

    Pat, trying to make exercise a "part" of my routine as well.  It is so important.

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009

    Patoo, The exercise routine is easy as brisk walking 5 to 7 times per week has been what I have done for years and years. Luckily I have a great walking buddy and we are pretty faithful to 3 to 4 miles per a rule  3 in the Summer ( it is HOT here then)  then and the rest of the year 4 miles per time. So I did not have any new habits along those lines to establish.

    My onco also had me do a mammo 3 months post-rads. It was the same for one of my co-workers who was diagnosed a few weeks prior to me ( how odd is that as there were only 6 of us working there) ..........and we go to different places for our care.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Pat, Orlando, do you walk early in the day or evening?  Brisk or just a decent pace?  How long does it take to walk 4 miles? 

  • sobx
    sobx Member Posts: 108
    edited November 2009

    I am drinking the Cherry jiuce straight. About 2 oz and it doesn't taste bad. I also take all of the meds in the morning after b'fast. Did noticed that while taking my cold meds I haven't felt as achey.What gives with that? I walk both in the am and pm with my dog. I hope to start going to a center for other kinds of exercise when I work nights. Suppose to be warm this week so I am also hoping to get in another kayak trip. Going to Hatteras to visit my son next week.

    Patoo - I have long legs so if others can't reach you maybe I can. Get the Mammo!! I got mine 5 months after rads and I didn't hurt either. Suck it up and go for it!

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009


    We walk in the evening as a rule .............sometimes mid to late afternoon when we are having a cool/cold spell. It works out well as we are both rather flexible with walk times........... takes us less than an hour to do 4 miles ...BUT we often end up talking for a while when done. Walking and talking......great stress busters......... ..especially with a "trusted friend"!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    JO already fussed at me and I promise to call for the appointment tomorrow. 

    Geez, bullies!!!  Laughing

  • mersmom
    mersmom Member Posts: 79
    edited November 2009

    Patoo,not certain I was depressed...just kinda blue and having the poor me's. I also walk. With the weather here at times with lots of wind and dust I purchased a DVD to walk to in front of the TV.A friend told me about it and I laughed at the idea. My wonderful husband thought it was a good idea and stopped a couple of weeks ago and bought it.I still prefer to walk outside but it does the trick and gets the heart rate up

    The Natrol does help my appetite. I love to cook and bake aka EAT. After my rads my husband asked me to to an "on call" status at work. I have to admit I am starting to feel very settled in my new way of life and my husband loves coming home to the smell of his dinner cooking and the kids have starting stopping by more often. Hearing that little 2 year old say "Nanna are you?" is pretty darn great .

  • sobx
    sobx Member Posts: 108
    edited November 2009

    JO hope you are feeling better, Had the cold/sinus thing and it took me weeks to beat but still have part of it hanging on. I'm with you after PATOO - Hopefully she made the appointment. If not we can both go after her.

    Going to a Sr Center on Wednesday to see what they have. I don't feel like a SR but my age says different. And after taking the little white pill I feel like it. Hopefully can work some of these aches and pains out. Going kayaking now before the rain comes in. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,079
    edited November 2009

    Patoo, yes, I continue to take Glu/chon along with the daily 4oz of cherry juice.  The person who told us about the cherry juice said her dh's orthopedic dr. recommended 4 oz.  Supposedly cherries have an anti-inflammatory ingredient.  I figure I'll drink the 4 oz daily for at least a month and then stop to see if there's any difference.  The Knudsen brand Black Cherry tastes good.  It is a little strong.  I haven't been taking Arimidex as long as many of the other ladies on this thread but so far the stiffness in the joints goes away whenever I move around.  It would make sense that estrogen deprivation would cause increased SEs as time goes on.

    We had no ill effects from IDA, but today it's very windy outside.  Instead of walking, I'll do a weight workout and some cardio on stationary bike.

    Everyone have a great day!

  • mersmom
    mersmom Member Posts: 79
    edited November 2009


    Are you hiding? All of us want to hear the words "I have an appointment".

    I too have had the sinus cold thing hanging on. Am I to expect everyting I catch while on Arimidex is going to hang on longer than usual?

    Sunny here today...should get to 54. I can walk wind.

    Blessings to all!

  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    patoo - here's a positive.  Yesterday, I had a complete mammo - my 2 year phsycial -  my technician was wonderful and found great ways to make this a good experience.  She worked with me.  Plus, I made it through the mammo, physical and carotid artery ultrasound with FLYING COLORS.  Yeah.  2 years out and I'm still dancing with NED (no evidence of disease).  Come on, girl.  Quit hiding.  Make that appointment.  I'm sending my positive vibes your way.  Go, go, go!  Hugs, Marilynn