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  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited April 2010

    Thanks Jo, that is important information to have!

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010

    The information about false cholesterol numbers is in the patient information included with a prescription of D2 as well as D3 if one gets that by prescription.  Most of the time people get D3 over the counter but I got a prescription for D3 once and the patient information is the same.

    One month off D2 or D3 should be enough to get real cholesterol numbers.  Vitamin D messes with the numbers not the actual cholesterol in your body.  My cholesterol number dropped 66 points in a month, back to normal levels when I went off of D2 for a month.  I have not been tested since I have been on D3 so I am not certain that D3 has the same effect.

    By the way, always read the entire patient information sheet before you take a new medication.  Doctors and pharmacists are not perfect because of their degrees.  Check for yourself.

  • tbaker59102
    tbaker59102 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2010

    I have been on Arimidex since Jan 2010. I do notice joint pain lately and the Hot Flashes are worse. I had them (mostly at night) before Arimidex, so I feel fortunate that I was experienced with them before starting the drug. I also take calcium supplements and eat alot of dairy. I also take a supplement recommended by a naturopath call Indoplex Bioavailable Diindolymethane. Checking to see if anyone else has taken this supplement for "healthy estrogen metabolism" and to help with hot flashes.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2010

    Hi everyone: I contacted my onc due to severe joint pain, so severe, I cannot even move my left wrist, anyway he said to take 2 Advil every 4 hours. I started this today, and I am to contact him next week to see if my condition has improved. His nurse said I might need another evaluation. Started Arimidex Dec. 1, 2009,

    I am now two weeks post surgery re: Exchange and Augmentation. I am a complete mess. Stitches out yesterday, that was a big ouch!

    Also, I feel like I have a flap of skin on the roof of my mouth.What gives. Can't stand the Arimidex.

    However, Onc. has me on Oscal with Vit D.

    Balsie:  I have joined the Club of I HATE ARIMIDEX.

     Thank you for the opportunity to vent.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    ronqt1~  Welcome to my club...honest to god I walk all the time...I make myself and it doesn't help with the pain.  My onc.  said if I stayed active I would have a better time of it.  I am so active..IT IS NOT WORKING~ 

    Ok I am done with my vent...I am hoping tomorrow it better!



  • chapstickmom
    chapstickmom Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2010

    I get the calcium citrate with magnesium in a gelcap from  or you can buy them at Whole Foods. They are a God Send as that Caltrate stuff constipates so bad !

    Bluebonnet capsules are easy to swallow. They also make a liquid which is another option.

    Make sure you also take Vitamin D. ( talk to your doctor. I am on prescription strength but you may just need  the ones from the vitamin aisle.)

    also you can try lactaid milk to see if that is better for you. I love Stonyfield non fat yogurt. I have 6 oz every day at 3 with some berries. Yum ! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited April 2010
    Another yummy way to get calcium is to put some yogurt, a piece of fresh fruit, some frozen berries & some fruit juice in a blender and make a smoothie. All things that are good for you, but tastes good anyway! Cool
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2010

    Good morning all, I had to get this out of my system, but on facebook this morning, I started a group, I HATE ARIMIDEX. Just had to let everyone here know. I hope I do not get in trouble with the drug company who distributes it. Mainly, I said it is a drug fighter against reoccurance of breast cancer, but the side effects stink, even though it is better than alternative.

    I have contributed my thoughts to the world.

    Have a great day!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2010

    Balsie: Good morning, like you I am active, or should I say was and, want to be, but just can't.

    Today is my 2nd day of the 2 advil every 4 hours to help combat the stiffness and pounding in legs. Supposedly, I have clearance in 4 weeks to get back to gym, however, will the throbbing in legs get better? I still can't move my wrist sideways without pain.

    I hope you and all the girls have a great day.

    I started a I HATE ARIMIDEX GROUP on Facebook.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2010

    Good morning again. Any Northern NJ people on this site walking in the Susan G. Komen Walk Race For the Cure 0n April 25 in Branchbrook Park, Bloomfield/Newark, NJ. I will be there and hope to meet some fellow gals.

    Love to all.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2010

    Sunflowers, thank you, I will try and find that thread.

    Thank you again.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited April 2010

    Ronna, I just joined the FB group!! xo

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2010

    Hi, lovemyfamilysomuch!

    I was wondering who the 2nd member was. LOL.

    Thank you and have a great evening.


  • casaredonda
    casaredonda Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2010

    Well Ladies,

    I took myself off the arimidex after two and a half years.  I feel better psychologically although still have lots of aches and pains in my muscles and joints.  It's been a month, I still have some hot flashes and other minor issues which I'm looking forward to having resolved..  The nurse practitioner at the onco office was supportive of my decision which was a nice response. So I'm moving on with my life and that feels good.

    Wishing all of you great health and much happiness 

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    ronqt1~  I am on facebook, but how do I get to your group.  I have been making myself walk everyday even if it hurts.  Yesterday I took Ibuprofin (600) before.  It seemed to work.  I also 3 days ago started taking all refined sugar out of my diet, hard as hell to do but I have found that I sleep so much better last night.  I can't remember where I heard to do that but I will try anything right now. 

    Yesterday was my 1 year anniversary from when I found out I had BC...I walked a got together with two of my girlfriends that I walked with last year the day I found out....then we watched DVD's of SEX & CITY .   Tax day and I was here to write out the check to the IRS.  Now that puts a different spin on things doesn't it?

    Have a great day girls



  • somanywomen
    somanywomen Member Posts: 82
    edited April 2010

    horsegal13.....I have basically given up milk (personal decision from reading about dairy and bc) so I switched to Rice Dream, low fat, vit A 10%, vit d 25%, Phosphorus 15%, Iron 2, vit B12 25%.....and Calcium 30%....Good replacement and comes in regular and vanilla flavored, I heat the vanilla and use it with my instant coffee and it's great on cereal....

    I've been on Arimidex since Jan 14 this year and no se's, I wonder if it is working on me????

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2010

    Hi Balsie, I am no expert on the fb, however, I guess if you look at groups, go into health and wellness you will find it. Otherwise I can PM you the fb page and you can join. I have no clue really how I did it. There is now another member besides me. Wow, were growing!!!

    I in no way want to connect the dots from FB to this site.

    Congrat on your 1st year "canciversary". I am waiting for my date to come, 10-9-09.

    I hope you are felling better. That is interesteing what you are doing, taking refined sugar out of your diet. Yesterday loading myself with advil seemed to help my right leg. A small thing, however, I had no pain in my right leg at all yesterday.

    Have a great day. Again, look at groups, health and wellness. 

    Hugs, Ronna 

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010


    Happy cancerversary!!!

  • horsegal13
    horsegal13 Member Posts: 46
    edited April 2010


    I hadn't heard of milk and BC? Is it supposed to be linked to getting BC? I am to start my Arimidex in one more week. I am a very active person and I raise and ride horses so I hope I do not get the joint pain and stiffness. I have been looking for a good 'gel' coated or liquid calcium tablet to take as I absolutely hate taking huge horse pills! They gag me so bad and I hate the taste of them. I'll have to check out if we have Rice Dream in our area, never seen it before. Thanks.

    Update-I just went to Blue Bonnet and ordered calcium+D soft liquid gels! Thanks for the info on here. Now I may actually take my vitamins like I should.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited April 2010

    Take VIACTIV Calcium chews. 20 calories, has vitamin D included, comes in caramel, chocolate, strawberry flavors; so it is like eating a piece of candy and getting your calcium at the same time.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    Hi Joycek!

    So sorry you have to join us but glad you found us!

    Arimidex is like the weather... always something to complain about but nobody's fault. I bet you do fine and wish you the very best.


  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010


    It is hard to say welcome to a new member of the club that no one wants to join, but welcome. Laughing

  • 1marmalade1
    1marmalade1 Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2010

    I am to start my Armidex, calcium and Vit D tomorrow - has anyone else started on this BEFORE surgery and rads?  I've finished 6 rounds of chemo, and was hoping for a break in meds until at least the surgery was over with.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited April 2010

    Hi Joyce, I think your 'take it and forget about it' plan, is exactly the right attitude! Good Luck & we'll see you on the thread. Ruth

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    Hi Marmalade and welcome. 

    I hope someone can advise re: your unique situation. Most of us have had surgery, then chemo and/or radiation, then on to hormonal TX. But your drs must be trying to shrink your tumor prior to surgery so don't know what to say. I started Armimidex after radiation which followed lumpectomy.

    Can't blame you for wanting to wait but there might be a good reason to start it soon.

    Best wishes.


  • cw89134
    cw89134 Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2010


    My surgeon had me start taking Arimidex a month before my surgery. There was a time period of one month between my diagnosis and my (first) surgery. As soon as the receptor reports came back and showed that the tumor was highly ER+, he had me start on Arimidex. He said that he often does this if the situation warrants it.

    So, my treatment, in order, was -- Arimidex, surgery, radiation (no chemo).

    Hope this helps.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2010

    hello, all again...sadly I won't be financing a trip to vegas for all of us!

    Anyway, want to reply to some of the posts I have tried to catch up on.

    For leg/foot cramps I use Hyland's Leg Cramp formula, it has quinine in it and I keep a bottle at my bedside cuz it's pretty diificult for me to gimp out to the kitchen and try to find them...they dissolve quickly and work within 15 minutes.  Also I have found if I take a multi-mineral supplement daily it helps to decrease the cramps.

    Horsegal13, I order Easy To Swallow Calcium 1000 mg from VitaminShoppe. (it is also where I get the leg cramp formula).  The tabs are shaped like little footballs and I have never had any trouble getting them down because they have a smooth coating.

    I may check into the FB page about arimidex...if I can find it. What just happened?, how did I get such big print???? lol

    gentle hugs.....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited April 2010

    Suzie, I was already planning what shows I wanted to see while in Vegas Cry. Tonic water has quinine in it too (you can also get diet tonic water). Squeeze a little lime in it and pretend you are having a drink!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2010

    Hi Joycek: Welcome to the Club.

    This is a great thread and very helpful.


  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited April 2010

    Ladies -

    Just started Arimidex on Thursday after learning I was a poor metabolizer of Tamoxifen and taking a very enjoyable 2 week break from meds.

    The cost is even scarier than the side effects. Right now my insurance is covering most of it but I think I have very a very low cap and so am trying to figure out which Canadian pharmacies are the best. I know about Pharmacy Checker but still I'm concerned - both about finding a good /legit Canadian pharmacy (I've heard horror stories or perhaps urban legends about counterfeit pills) and about the generic vs brand issue. I'll ask my medonc about the generic but really could use some suggestions about Canadian pharmacies. Thanks.