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NOLA in September?



  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Drain #3 is cleared. I had apparently yanked the stitch just a bit to much so my wonderful local PS took the stitch out and got me going again. She loved my new girls and was curious as to how Dr s would improve on them ;). So while is stung (lidocaine) I was happy to have my drain working again. We are expecting around 2 ft of snow in the next day so it is one less thing to worry about.

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited February 2010

    Not the best picture in the world - but, you can get an idea of the 'domanitrix' outfit (complete with the 5 drains I came out of the hospital with!) I am now down to three - yipee!! Check out my new twins - now those are what I am excited about!!

    I've now been home 48 hours - YAY!! Yesterday was nap day - it seemed that's all I did was I must have needed it!  I did take a walk today - which felt great - but must admit, that my @ss is sore! I can't seem to find a comfortable postition to sleep in - and my incision runs 360 degrees around - so all the pressure seems to find it's way to my tail bone area - right where the incision is - I know it will get better!

    Jamie - glad to hear your drain is clear! For some reason I don't seem to be pulling much fluid from any of the three drains - and I am walking and drinking water like crazy! My total per day for the last 4-5 days has been 100cc's - does that seem normal?

    At Fairway, the nurses had the drains coming up between my skin and the "dom" - and it was mighty uncomfortable - yesterday I switched and dropped them out the hole of the girdle and brought them up on the outside of the garment - much more comfortable!!!

    For those wondering what to pack - you don't need much!! Spring told me this, and I didn't listen! After surgery, I wore yoga pants, and large sweaters or one of two soft maternity t-shirts! I found the shirts on sale at Target and they are wonderful, especially with the drains - they are longer than normal t-shirts, and have a little more belly room to accomodate the drains. Prior to leaving for NOLA - I took great care in choosing which panties I would take......I did not wear one pair after surgery - Sandy told me that, and again, I didn't listen! One of these days I will learn!!

    Benda - hope you are home and settled....Bettye - you sound like you are doing great - YAY! Those of you that are 'up' - the anxiety is very normal - I have never been so anxious in my life - but, am so, so thrilled with the results. You are in the best of hands - take some deep breaths and let everyone in NOLA work their magic!!!

    Geaux Saints!!!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    Love you girls! Lots of posts, as usual! 

    Mel and Minn: I am also a member of the "I had my underwear on over the dominatrix and forgot to pull them down" club. I am a member of that club more times than I care to admit!!!

    LouAnn, looking good girl!  I live this: Geaux Saints!!!   Perfect! Who Dat!!

    Jamie YAY!!! Glad that is cleared. 

    Cat, yay!!!! I stayed at the Hope Lodge pre Stage 1. GLAD THEY WON!!!

    Sandy, I am wearing a compression top now due to edema in back and on side of rib cage, and I am back to wearing the nip protector b/c you have me scared about flattening out my new nip! I am almost 10 weeks out, but that is not long enough, I am sure, to be flatting a new on in one of these Spanx knock offs. 

    Holt, Hello and Tammy are up at the END of this month. did you notice we have a little break here??? I feel bad for all the women going through this without the wise women on this thread!!! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    2tzus - do utilize Katie to assist you with reservations, specifically since there is an event going on in town. She will help you to get the best rates through Nola's discount AND make sure that a room is available. She is the best and will be happy to help you.

    LouAnn - You look like a suicide bomber!!! LOL - omg! I had drains, but left the hospital with only 2, so never took a pic when I had all 4 - and you started out with more than I did anyway!!! So funny. My hubby actually thought the crotchless dominatrix outfit was kind of sexy... Embarassed OK... realizing TMI!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    Also, with all the pee stories, maybe packing Depends would not be a bad idea... LOL

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2010

    Thanks ladies for the info on the outfits lol!

    2tzus- we will be only a day aprt- different hospitals so probably not much chance of

    meeting :( Maybe at a follow up appt?

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited February 2010

    LOL, Springtime, too! I was telling my husband that apparently it was not uncommon to forget to pull one's underwear down while wearing the dominatrix outfit (Nordy, my husband found it sexy, too - the outfit, not the forgetting to pull down the underwear). He just could not understand how anyone could forget that. I tried to explain that you get used to going to the bathroom basically wearing shorts! It's a weird feeling at first! Always was kind of weird, actually. So it's not that big a leap from sitting there with shorts on to sitting there with underwear over your shorts. All it takes is not thinking for one moment. But, one trial learning! I bet there isn't anyone else who did it again! Or am I wrong? I would like to bring up another related topic, but maybe I shouldn't go there. Oh, a joke!

  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2010

    2tzus - Does sound like you had low bp issues. I sure relate to the anxiety. Even after talking to the anesthesiologist I had this fear of losing all my memory and my bp shot up so high right before surgery that the nurses were thinking it would get called off. They gave me what amounted to demerol for my headache and that made me nauseated and didn't help. Wish I had requested something for anxiety beforehand!!

    If you are truly anxious about things, let the docs know and maybe they can give you something to take either the night before or the morning of. I normally hate taking meds but I regret that I didn't allow myself to admit to the anxiety and ask for help with it.

    So last night I had this dream that I found a dominatrix outfit at a thrift store along with a poufy matching skirt and I wore it to a dance DH and I are going to tonight! In my dream I told my friends that I had heard about these things from the NOLA girls. LOL! Not sure how the breasts were covered, but since I've never seen one anyway, my dreams made for a sexy dress - haha!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010

    You ladies must read this....was written by a BC survivor who had lat flap w implants about her TSA screening at the airport...

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited February 2010

    Minn, go for it!  We have hit many a taboo topic here!  bodily functions etc.  I too forgot I had panties on a couple times I think........I have this phobia about panty lines.  Had it before dominatrix from across the bum cheek but don't do thongs and the dominatrix one could have looked weird as the hole for me on the bum made it look as if I had crotchless panties on from behind?  so yeah I put some black undies on when I was wearing some of the tighter yoga pants or hanging out at home.  Then forgot!

    Marcia, I saw those bras online and thought they looked lovely!  I only have like 2 or 3 that fit right now.

    Yesterday my LE therapist said time to taper.  Yippee!  My L breast still has some swelling....sorry I keep saying this over and over BUT Nola says 'let it settle' more-esp considering Dr. D 'worked on' that problem area....there is still some fluid and inflammation.  Nothing earth shattering, just still not the finished product.  12 weeks/3 mos should say spared previous rads skin is just more problematic BUT very good to hear from the LE girl it is softer, feels much better.  So hard to be objective whilst groping myself to check softness status everyday!

    Show and tell last pm at work.  So I must not be feeling terribly worried...then again we see everything!  Audience of 7 or 8 and nurses I work w/. Got big thumbs up from if they'd say otherwise...One who did work previously in adult ICU w/ local PS's pts said nipple area looks different from his...Part of why I went to Nola- to not have skin paddles. We had a bit of a breather and were sitting behind curtains.  A pregnant friend who has grown love handles during pregnancy started the topic....I swear if she needed lumbar recon she'd be set....otherwise she is teeny.....Thank God I didn't say that outloud!  Going to her baby shower today.  But, YES I'm doing that too.....looking at other women's potential donor sites, not intentionally!

    Lou Ann you look maaaavelous!  Gosh you won't know what to do w/ yourself when all the drains come out!

    Looking forward to wearing my fleur de lis tight ribbed tee tomorrow....might have to go buy one new bra today plus a couple new sports bras.....I think the size is probably stable? except I'm still not back to FT work outs so being conservative w/ purchases for a while longer.  I think it's safe tho to do some major purging of my dresser....OMG the past 3 years!  how many different sizes and some brand new....Out w/ the old! IN W/ THE NEW!

    Happy wkend lovelies!  who dat!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010

    Plainjane and all...Kohls has them on sale now for $14.00 and have a 2fer deal as well. Great colors (turquoise, hot pink baby pink etc)

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited February 2010

    Oooh!  and I bet I have a coupon or scratch off for another 15? % off! Gotta love kohl's! OK, probably should do it as I think that's where I found a sportsbra that and sportsbras are a whole nother topic.  Ladies the money I will save! going from overweight, overflowing 36DD to 34-36 full C small D is such a load off-literally!  And they are plenty big enough.  OMG those special underwire(no more wires now) hard to find bras, esp sportsbras......And must get all set for workouts to get bikini ready!

    I know this sounds silly- but I am officially one year post rads!  OMG  I was SO happy to be done w/ that but still.....Sooooo much has happened since then.....almost all good!


  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited February 2010

    Funny story about going through the security checkpoint in NOLA on my way home........I had on yoga pants, my long maternity t-shirt and a long black sweatshirt......of course I had to ditch the shoes and get them screened before I went through - but honestly did not even think about taking off the sweatshirt. So, I go through the securtiy checkpoint - it did not beep - but the TSA lady stopped me and asked me to put my arms to the side.....she then began to "hand pat" me down (most likely due to the sweatshirt)....and when she came to my mid-section where the drains were her eyes got so big as she patted the drains. I assured her and said "I just had surgery - you are feeling the drains - I have a letter with me if you need it...." Fortunately, she was very nice and said "I hope you feel better...."

    As we got to the gate I started laughing - telling my friend Shelly "It's a good thing she did not open up my sweatshirt! With the tubes and the bags I really do look like a suicide bomber!"  For that day I changed my name to "BB"....short for 'Belly bomber!"



  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited February 2010

    oooops - one more thing - we all have a collection of bra's that no longer fit - there is a wonderful organization you can donate them to - go to - the bra's are given to ladies that have fled their homes and are in shelters for whatever reason - it's a great organization - and all it will cost you is the postage to send in your used (or in my case - not used) bras - many larger cities have drop off locations as well!!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010

    WAAHHH! Husband found out in Nov. that his employer was discontinuing offering insurance to part timers.. Just found out Today that our COBRA payment just went from $671.00 last month to $813.32 for this month (for DD and myself,he is on Medicare) AND they say we are late paying (made 1st payment Jan 13th?) He works for the Seminole Indians and I have a feeling the "rules" are different

    I have to find a job and get my own insurance...have applied at a local Cancer Center .Please keep fingers crossed!

    Sorry to be so off topic :(((

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010

    SWSTEW, theres a bra exchange thread on site...

    FACECRAFTER is asking for mastectomy bras for cancer patients in Costa Rica on the thread also.

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited February 2010

    I never did experience the panty problem. I went the commando route and rather enjoyed it and my DH found it really sexy. I just slipped a panty liner in all my outfits, what freedom. I also wore the dominatrix outfit for about 10 weeks or so. I enjoyed the support. It felt really weird to go back to wearing panties.

    Marcia  I know what you are dealing with. My husband was out of work a few years back when we had to cover all of the kids on our insurance and I was lucky to find a job. It was a scary time but things did work out. I think we are over the worst of the bad economic times and hopefully opportunities for jobs will improve.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited February 2010 would be awesome....Here's to hoping...Yikes over 800/month!  What am I saying?  I think my deducts for  ins for just me are about 355/month.....kinda scary....

    Thanks for the bra link!

  • Brenda26
    Brenda26 Member Posts: 25
    edited February 2010

    I made it home yesterday and it is great to be back!   I took on the dominatrix outfit and came out on top.  LOL  It is not as bad as I was thinking it would be to deal with.  Thinking that perhaps less swelling and less padding than they had put on at the hopsital has helped.  After getting some sleep I am feeling much, much better.  Thanks for all the support everyone!  Thankfully I have only two drains (one from each hip) to deal with now which is very manageable.

     Louann - glad you got rid of a couple of your drains and you seem to be doing great. I will have to give them a call Monday for a stage two date, not sure why they didn't give me one at post op.  Have to say the new "girls" are amazing.  I am finding that I have to adjust some of my movements to the new and improved girls.  Definitely feeling better emotionally and am just sitting around resting today, even feeling a bit bored but know I have to not overdo for a few days.  


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Spring~ Can you add me for Stage 2 on April 29.   

    Brenda glad you made it home and are feeling better.  Keep resting.

    Marcia~ Tons of prayers that you get the job.  I think that is the bra's that I had just found and bought prior to diagnois.  I gotta get fitted and get a couple and then I will wait until after stage2 to get more. 

    Minn.~ Alright now you need to spill what you are thinking. :)

    Is it normal for the incisions to look worse one the glue becomes evident ??  At first it doesn't look like you have any glue on the incision and then suddenly this week...bammm you can see all of the glue.  How long do you have to shower without direct flow to your chest ??? 

    Now for my happy moment today I was waiting for DH to get out of the shower to help put me back into the squeeze outfit and I was brushing my teeth and my new girls where jiggling....I looked like a proud Momma looking in the mirror.  Did I mention how much I love Dr. S for making me feel good about my body again...... I didn't realize that I felt so bad until recently and now I just want to brag about the man's work and flash everyone...  I guess the second one I need to get a hand on...  before BC I would have never thought of flashing anyone.

    So now I am stuck recovering in our house we got 3 ft. of snow today....the best part is my DH can't find the shovel...hehe...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    Jamieh and 2Tzus, I did your dates above!

    Minnesota, well, at least we never pooped in our underwear while wearing the Dominatrix!  ha!!!

    Anne, I got a really short hair cut today. :)

    Glad all you ladies are well!!! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    Oh, Spring... I have a couple of adult poop stories for you... LOL.. Thank goodness neither of them are mine!!! LOL... They are both men... teehheee... laughing just thinking about them... omg

    Jaimie - I know EXACTLY how you are feeling right now. I too, did not realize what poor self image I had until: 1) I had to answer some self image questions for a couple of consults w/PS and 2) I went to the gym for the first time in a tank top and did yoga. I couldn't believe what a difference it made. To be NORMAL again and be able to wear NORMAL clothes and exercise without fear of someone seeing down your shirt, or to go swimming and know that your prosthetics weren't going to float up and out of your granny looking mastectomy suit. It is HUGE and I have already told the nurses down there that I am going to give Dr. S the biggest hug humanly possible when I get there. He has given me more than breasts... he has given me back my LIFE. It is unbelievable... but I know that ALL of you here know how this feels. Hurray for all of us!!!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Yeah Spring we never pooped in the Dominatrix because we are all thanks to anesthesia and pain

    Nordy~ it seems as though all my poop stories are from Men to...hehe...  I am already loving the fact that I am going to be able to wear my tank tops again...whhhhooo!!!  I might even have budoir pictures done for my DH once I have a little bit of hair and I heal some more. 

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited February 2010

    Jamie -

    I think we should all get together and create a calendar for the Center!! Kind of like the movie 'Calendar Girls' - only it will show the marvelous work of the surgeons in NOLA!!! Any body in???  :)

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    I'm IN... Jaimie can be our photographer.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    ... wait, that is if she wants to be... :)

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    You know that I would. 

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited February 2010

    LouAnn...I'm IN on the calendar....and I haven't even had my Stage 1 yet....  :)  I am IN on a hope and a prayer that I end up feeling as great as you all have described... I can't wait to join you on the other side....

    Have a great Sunday!! My Colts are in the Superbowl... and I'm wondering... if we win... should I NOT wear my Peyton Manning jersey to my Stage 1 in a few weeks? Wink

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010

    I can't wait for that day to feel 'normal' again and wear 'normal' clothes! Hopefully a couple of months after my stage 2, I will feel that way!  Too bad no one else on these boards are having a surgery around the same time I go back to NOLA on March 10. I sure would like to meet more of you. I met Melanie, Sassy and Brooke last time.  LOL Holtbolt....I don't think I'd take the risk wearing your shirt if they win!!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    cc - if only you were going a little later!!!!!!!