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NOLA in September?



  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited February 2010

    Hello Ladies,

     I am doing great.  I have very little pain.  I''ve been walking the halls since Wed. around lunch.

    I am reporting that I have a very flt tummy and two new girls.  Boy am I proud of the girls.  I don't know which I like the most the tummy or the girls.  It doesn't matter, I GOT THEM BOTH!


  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2010


    Great to get an update from you.  Sounds like you are doing great and oh so proud of the new girls and the go girl!!!!

    I am sending Patsy G your update in case she has not heard from you.  She will be so happy for you just as I am.....We have got to meet sometime......

    take care of yourself and keep us updated

    Love Linda

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010

    LOL Jamie! That makes me wonder if I said anything goofy when I was there! The anesthesiologist didn't say if I did or not. All I remember is waking up in recovery and coughing and the nurse saying "thats a good cough, keep doing that" and then I heard all of the nurses talking about what they had for lunch, and I started feeling nauseas! I had ask for a anti-nausea pill and then they all shut up after that!!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    I am sooo glad for you Jaimie, LouAnn and Bettye!!!! Can I hear woop woop???

    Okay - yes, agree w/Trishia - go commando w/that dominatrix outfit! I tried to put undies over - it was NOT happening and I preferred the pantyless option. Teehee...

    Okay - medicines for surgery - the white stuff is Propofol. Yes, indeed, I know you have heard of that drug this year (think Michael). HOWEVER - in the right hands (your anesthesiologist and/or nurse anesthetist) and w/proper monitoring, is quite safe. The Propofol is short acting, so they use this in the beginning to intubate, then you generally receive gas throughout the rest of the procedure (in the case of general anesthesia and for a procedure of that length). The drug that makes you "loopy" is generally Versed, or another in that family that is the same type of drug - mainly an amnesiac. This helps relax you and also makes so that you do not remember a blessed thing before going under. The funny thing is, I HATE Versed. So when I went to NOLA I told them I did not want it. You should have seen how stunned the OR nurses were when they wheeled me back and I was wide awake and coherent! BUT, the downside to that is that Propofol tends to have a burning/quite uncomfortable sensation when it is entering your system. I pretty much have it down pat now because I am awake until it hits my brain, but when I had my port placed (and had no clue that it is common practice to give Versed - the hospital I was at did NOT use this drug or anything like it) and they told me it would "burn a little"----- HA. I stomped my foot down with the pain, and said, "Burn, my *ss." Then I was out. LOL... The next time I had surgery there (and complained about the "burning"), the anesthesiologist placed a little pressure on my shoulder w/his hand and it was all good. Now I just know... I feel it go in through the IV, up my arm, into my shoulder - then I look at the anesthesia provider and say, "Good night!" and I am out. As I am reading this, should this be something to brag about??? LOL... the fact that I have had SO many surgeries that I know what is coming!!! Hoping that March is the last and FINAL one for many many years, if not forever!

    K - Jaimie and LouAnn - since we are sharing pee stories - I did not have that issue this time around, but when I was pregnant w/my first daughter, I totally forgot to pull my underwear down one day. Thank goodness I was home! 

    Holtbolt - Elton John in one of those tanks... LOL... that is a good visual!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited February 2010

    I dont know the names of all the stuff liek you Nordy.

    But I never let them knock me out until I am in the OR.

    I like to look around 1st & take it all in -And I always try to remember (was much more interesting & easier when I was awake for my Heart Repair)

    I never remember a thing still about the OR.  Always makes me mad. LOL


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited February 2010

    Minnesota...YEAH! on the breast MRI!! woo hoo!!

    LouAnn-So glad you are home now from NOLA with C CUPS!! Aren't they all miracle workers?? make sure you drink lots of water and walk, if you can some.

    I am doing good. I am still wearing Spanx most days. i tend not to for bed , though. I am about 6 weeks out from Stage 2. When do we schedule Stage 3 from 2? I think Dr. M said six months since lipo swelling can be around a long time...does this sound right?

    T...Tre is on the top of my prayer list. You are a wonderful Mama...I hope you know that! xo

    Margit-Glad you were able to find a doctor ...poohey on those other PS that wouldn't see you!

    Spring- Hi Surgery Sister!! Hope you are well and feeling good. We are hangin in there..feelin like an old married retired couple on some days...Ken has to find smthing

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    Hi Warrior! Glad to see you are still ALiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!!

    All, I had a preliminary ultrasound on the lump, Breast surgeon says not to be concerned, totally not like cancer, more like Fat. She said, though, that I should get a real radiologist ultrasound (Monday) NOT A BIOPSY!!! PJ!!!!!!  This is for tracking and I am not worried about it at all. This was on the prophylactic side anyway. Glad I got it checked, but it is a nothing to worried about. 

    Lymphedema therapy, tomorrow will be end of Week #1. This is on side of chest and back, of all places!!! I am dealing with the compression crap.

    YOU GIRLS POST SO MUCH it is hard to keep up!!! work is nutz, I could not read everything. If someone needs me, pls PM!!!

    Love love love, Spring. 

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2010


    So my husband said to me, "Boy, you'll gain a lot of time in your day when you don't have to spend time on the your drains or on the website..." And I thought to myself..when would I stop going to this thread? After all my stages are done? I think  women who have gone through this want to share their experience with others, to encourage them, and perhaps relive part of their own experience, the way you retell about your experience with the birth of your children....

    When I went on my first 3 day 60 mile walk, I told me husband I felt like an "imposter" saying I was a survivor because I just had mastectomies --not chemo or rads--but after the walk I told him that I had changed my mind. The reason I was on the walk was to say to other women that I was 20 years out, because that was exactly what I wanted to hear when I was diagnosed 20 years ago.

    Maybe that is why women who are finished with surgery continue to vsit the thread, to offer support, to give back. Sounds right to me.

    OK, I am an essay writer, I admit it..writing is often how I sort things out in my mind, so thanks for tolerating my ramblings.


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    Margit - I think your ramblings are wonderful. So, I have a question, because I think you went to Hopkins - I just got a letter from Dr F saying that he is leaving to work in FL. Have you gotten that letter, or did you know about it prior to your stage1? How does that affect your stage 2? Will you go to FL to follow w/him, or will you see Dr. R? I am just curious how that works and if you are okay with all of that? (I think I am on the mailing list because I had had a consult there back in April). By the way - I LOVE that you are out 20 years. wooooooohhoooooooooo!!!!!

    Warrior - positive energy for your hubby and you!

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2010

    Hi Nordy

    I did not know about it before my surgery. I found out about it when I went to schedule a post op visit. I immediately called the NP. "Didn't he tell you?" she asked. I don't think it would have influenced my going to him, but I probably would have wanted to know more about the other surgeons in the team. I guess  will learn about them now. I was struck at my post op visit when I went to shake Dr F's hand and instead he gave me a hug. That is his personality.  I know he will do well wherever he goes.

    I was satisfied with Hopkins, but it is not NOLA. I think surgically they are great, but that is how they define success--does the flap survive. It is not that this is not important, but the woman as a whole is not their focus. It is a professional environment, but not a warm environment. There are no phone calls by support staff to see how you are doing mentally, either before or after. No sweet touches like the sexy bra post op. I know these few examples do the NOLA and Charleston operations a disservice. Hopkins is a great academic medical center, but I think the mind set of a private practive that rally "gets it" like NOLA is vastly different from an academic medical center.

    My post op visit to have my drains removed is 2/16. I assume that is when we will discuss phase 2 --they barely discussed this with me before phase 1, and of couse, I will ask about who will do phase 2. It will be Rossin or Rad --both worked on me along with Flores and bth visited me in the hospital post mp, so they know my case --Dr Rad  (MD/PHD) is possibly the most handsome man I have ever seen., so all things being equal, I'll take him over Rossin. 

    I think Flores will build a huge international practice in breast reconstruction in Miami. Good for him. The Penn sugeon who went to replace my implants and ended up removing them becasue he found an infection never saw me post op in the hospital (I was discharged on a Sat) or even called afterwards to see how I was, even though I had a very unexpected result.  I thought Dr S at Penn, who said he didn't earn enough from a bilateral SGAP to make it worth his while, was even worse. I will never have plastic surgery again at Penn.

    The NOLA docs are great surgeons, but the reason they are successful is becasue they really understand their customer.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Margit~ I love your ramblings.  I hope Dr Flores does wonders outside the Hopkins.  I worked for them in the past and I am thrilled that you did so well going thru them.  NOLA offers personalized care where Hopkins the majority of the time you are MRN:12345679 which for me in this case would not work. 

    Nordy~ Love the stories.  I have a problem with my Yoga pants riding up my who-ha so that's why the underwear are on.   Oh and don't feel bad before I go in I tell them what drugs work and what ones do not work.  I sound like an addict.  I didn't have a chance to tell them I wanted to be awake in the OR.  I was talking and then I was gloating to my sister. 

    More ramblings from drains are down under 70cc's today.  I hope they keep coming down daily.  I do not want a PITA like PAM :) 

    So the earliest is 3 weeks and the latest is 8 weeks for hip drains ??

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2010
    OK, I admit it, I forgot to pull my panties down while wearing the dominatrix.  ARGH!  It is shocking when you realize what is happening!  Laughing
  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited February 2010

    Jaimieh- I got the pleasure of keeping DITA for 9 weeks & a day.

    I dont think that happens very often.....I was still at 70+ ccs then


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Welcome Melanie .....welcome to the peed our pants and

    Pam I am hoping that I do not follow in your steps and have a DITA. 

    Any bra recommendations ??  I need light support but I am allergic to something in the bra that the hospital gave me.  I have blisters where the bra hits me and I do not have an ABD pad on.   Dr S just said light support without underwire or nothing and nothing scares me.  So I never needed a good bra before and I looked at Nordstroms today online and got sticker shocked.  So any suggestions ??

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2010

    does anyone have a picture or link of these contraptions everyone is talking about having to wear after the surgery?

    Your stories are all freaking me out lol and i want to see for myself what I am up against in 6 weeks. I'm having a DIEP if that makes a difference

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited February 2010

    Dr M uses a different bra then the NOLA Boys.

    I wonder if the center would send you one.

    It may have less stuff in it & be easier on your skin.

    Charlestongirl has a link for them if you want to take a look at it.

    I wish I had it -but did not save it.


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Melinda I have a picture but it was taken because I wanted to see the butt.  I can send it to you but you can't hold it against me.....  I am now in a different spandex bottoms because Dr. S was worried that I would have a reaction to the bottom also.  WHY must I have so many darn allergies.....grrr..... 

    Pam~ are you going to NOLA in the spring or to Charleston ??

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited February 2010

    So Melanie is in the Peed our Pants Club, and she's also the founding member (and likely ONLY member) of the Vomited on our Surgeon's Shoe Club. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These newest posts - totally hysterical! I'm so glad I admitted forgetting to pull down my underwear! Little did I know I wasn't the only one! Maybe after my next surgery, I'll vomit on my surgeon's shoe so Melanie isn't alone in her club! But really, I love that story! Melanie, I don't even visualize you so much as I imagine Dr. D. backing out of the room with a weird look on his face!

    Jaimie - That had to have been terrible, tho, in the airport! OMG! 

    Margit - I started on this thread after Sandy told me that it didn't seem like anyone over here knew about NOLA, or at least no one seemed to be posting about it much. I had been spending a lot of time on the FORCE website, tho I'm not BRCA positive, as far as I know. But there was lots of info about breast recon and lots of gals asking questions about it. I definitely wanted to "give back." I feel so grateful and lucky that I found NOLA and wanted to help spread the word about that great place. Also, just provide support to other women going thru this cancer stuff. It's interesting that you compare it to women talking about their birthing experiences. I never thought of that, but I think you're right about that, too! Little did I realize, at the time I started posting in this thread, that I'd end up asking some of you for advice, too. I know I hadn't made up my mind about this prophylactic business. I've been stewing about that issue on the Pleomorphic LCIS threads, so I've gone back and forth, mainly between the two of those and this one, popping onto others in between to offer my words of wisdom. LOL! Yes, very time-consuming, but so worth it!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited February 2010

    LOL, I don't want to see Elton John in my tank top either!  Ugh!  

    Well, I'm finally here.  My home computer is up and running!  I had to restore it to factory settings and have been installing software all evening.  I need to get to bed very soon because we walk at 6:30 a.m. at the park in the morning, but wanted to say hello to everyone.   I have to admit that I peed on my underwear also during some post-op period in my distant past, and unfortunately, I was at a restaurant in Chicago at the time.  I threw my panties in the trash in the restroom, and blotted the girdle, then used soap and water (lots of soap!) to clean it as much as possible so I wouldn't stink while dining with friends I was meeting in person for the first time.  That was probably the most uncomfortable evening of my life as all I did was fret about what I'd stupidly done and wonder if they could tell/smell that I'd had an "accident".  I have been seriously humbled more times in my life than I want to recall.   Embarassed 

    Melinda, although it was tough getting into the garment for a few days after surgery, I found the support very nice, and my husband loved that it was black.   Due to complications, I had a lot of swelling even before having my first stage II with lipo in NOLA (I've had a lot of stage II's due to trying to fix what my L.A. doctor did in stage I), and I wore the garment for 10 weeks that first time.  It really helped keep the swelling down and felt good.  I was able to get myself into it, but only after making sure that my body was completely dry after showering.  For the first few days, by the time I showered and had it back on, I was wiped out and needed to rest on the bed a bit.  After that, it was a lot easier.  Just be sure not to allow any tubing to touch your skin under the garment, as I ended up with some serious blood blisters and they took about a year to completely fade--I thought I was going to have scars on my abdomen from them. 

    I actually heard about NOLA first on the FORCE boards ( and that's where I first read posts by Minnesota too.  During the seven weeks I waited to go to NOLA for my first surgery, the dozens and dozens of testimonials to the beautiful work being done in NOLA was a huge comfort to me and I read them all repeatedly.

    Tomorrow is my three month nipperversary.  Only three more months in the guards!  They are holding up well and have hardly shrunk at all.  Dr. D did an amazing job on them and my oncologist said he's never seen such realistic nipples before.  He now wants to meet our NOLA docs, and is referring his Los Angeles patients to them!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2010

    JamieH - I have nto worn a bra in almost 2 years, and I do not plan to ever wear one again! So glad to hear you being so positive.  I can hear the relaxation in your writing, if that makes sense.  You are not anxious anymore!  YEAH!

    Glad you are home LOUANN, feels fabulous doesn't it?  YEAH!

    Someone in the last 5 pages asked about timing of tattooing after stage 2..its 12 weeks after! 

     Geez, a girl tries to earn a living for a couple days, and the number of posts are OVERWELMING!

    JJ - So sorry about your friend!  As soon as I finished my treatments last year, a co-worker was diagnosed.  It was/is brutal being so close to all that every day.  BUT I have been a great help to her and even though it has been  emotionally hard on me, I feel comforted knowing that I can warn about the little things that I NEVER EXPECTED to happen, like the panic attacks that plague me in the middle of the night, after it was all over.  Its the quiet that will get you, after you lose focus and all the doc appts,, chemo and radiation and surgery is over.  BUT I am happy to report that after having had reconstructive surgery, my life is so much fuller than before.  I still have the occasional panic attack, but I am about 90% now and once the tattoos are done I feel like I will be 100%!  I do not regret one minute of anything regarding the reconstructive process!  So its all good JJ.  Just keep your focus and I am certain you will be the most wonderful advocate EVER!  SNOWING like crazy here today, supposed to get another foot!  CRAZY! 

    Take care girls!  You all are an amazing support and I am never more amazed than when I come to this board!  It is truly energizing.............not to mention addictive!  xxoo MEL

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2010

    I agree, Jamie now that you are on "the other side" you are a FUNNY gal. I laugh  everytime you come up with some funny phrase! Thanks for posting!

    Question for those who have been through phase 2, how long were you at NOLA recovering before they actually released you and THEN how long till you went back to work. At this point I am NOT planning on nps, just 3D tats and I'm going to be VERY low in hours that I can use to be off work. As we speak I am sick (and I'm at work right now) cause I can't use my hours to be off work till my surgery on 2/25!

    any thoughts?....cough, cough...

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2010

    trainertam - I had preop appt for stage 2 on a wednesday, surgery on thurs, released on friday (technically it is an outpatient thing) and started driving homeward on saturday, and took 2 days to get home, its about 1000 miles.  I had a "light" stage 2, some lipo, scar revisions, some necrotic tissue removed and nipples.  I was out of work about 2 weeks, but some of that was due to holidays and stuff.  I could have pushed it and went back a little earlier, but not much.  You are sore and swollen and I had a couple drug reactions that made me feel a lot worse than I probably would have.  It was a lot easier than stage 1.

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited February 2010

    WOO HOO!  Drew Brese won the Pepsi contest.  $100,00 will be given to the Hope Lodge at NOLA. 

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited February 2010
    That is awesome.. I voted several times! Laughing
  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2010

    Jaimie, The bra that Dr. M uses is the DALE surgical bra. You can google it to see what it looks like and what it is constructed of. to see if your allergies can take it.  There's not much to it - velcro in the front and soft stretchy fabric. I have about 8 of these things - different sizes for the 2 stages. On days I have swelling I still use the larger size. What I don't like about them is that the hook part of the velcro eventually gets longer that the other part, which I think tends to draw up. Then the hooks catch on your clothes or poke your skin and irritate it. The solution is to stretch the other part by pulling on it like mad so the two lengths match.

    Overall I am sick to death of the bra. It is SO not sexy. I'm waiting for my tatts to finish up and then I am going bra shopping!

    You guys! Send links to the dominatrix or pics! I've not had any lipo and I'm really curious - black!!! woo-woo!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010


     the Barely There bras are great!

    I wear this one..Flawless Fit® Comfy Support Wirefree

    You can buy them online or at Kohls and many other stores,

    Hugs Marcia

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010

    CAT1....AWESOME! I love all the folks at the NOLA Hope Lodge...such warm caring people.

    I became very good friends with young black man and his Mom that you see in the film clip! I am so happy that he looks so well...2 years ago he wasn't expected to make it and his Mom INSISTED that she would not give up on him and that she would not allow the DOCS to give up HAPPY for them! Thanks for posting this!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Tammy I try to laugh at things because if not I would cry WAY, WAY too much ;)

    I woke up to drain #3 not working. Great.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    Jaimie - I had that happen. Make sure you strip the drain really well - there may be a "chunk" of something clogging things up. The other thing I did was hang my drain around my upper leg while I was in the shower to have gravity assist the drainage. That will hopefully get things moving a bit. Good luck! Also - I second Marcia on the Barely There bras - she led me to them and I love them - but did have a little difficulty with sizing - so go shop when you have the time and patience. Good luck.

    Margit - I hope you get the cute doctor for your stage 2!!! Tell him you just want to look at him as you are going to sleep... LOL. And I do have to say, that one of the things I was really impressed about w/Dr. Flores was that he gives you his email and is pretty quick to respond to questions... and with honesty. 

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010


      as Nordy suggested you can hang your drain around your thigh by wrapping the drain belt around 2 times and securing it... then place the drain in the pouch. I even walked around the house like this (with a bathrobe on ) on occaision to get the belt off of my waist for a bit and let gravity do its thing. Hope it works for you!

    Hugs Marcia