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NOLA in September?



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited February 2010

    We had mufflettas and pralines and cream at our Superbowl party today!  My evil son was rooting for the Colts.  I told him he had to walk home, even though he just had surgery on his achilles and is in a cast and on crutches...LOL!

    Carolynn~wishing you NORMALCY for this go around!  Maybe your hubby will be your lucky charm!!  

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited February 2010
    Okay, okay, my Colts lost but that's okay.... we'll be back next year and I look forward to celebrating the Saints win in 2 weeks in NOLA (without my Peyton jersey Smile)  Happy for the Saints!
  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited February 2010

    It was a Great Game!

    I am 3 pages behind from the weekend.  I cant remember what all I read just now.

    So I will just say- everyone have a Great week.

    Carolynn Good Luck on Thursday!  It will be nice to have your dh there this time.

    II am still having constant pain in my left breast.  Started at about 11 weeks...I am 13.5 weeks out now.  It hurts all the time.  If I wear any kind of a bra it hurts even more- Any pressure hurts.   Sleeping on any side or my back hurts.  Sitting hurts, walking hurts.  I am not very happy.  And am worried.

    I took a flexeril on Friday night & I did sleep.  Tried one sat. night & it didnt help the pain or my sleep : (

    I have tried 400 mg motrin & that hasnt done anything.

    I dont know what else to try.


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Carolynn~ My thoughts and prayers are with you this week. 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010

    Pam...Have you contacted NOLA about your pain??

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited February 2010

    Thanks ccbaby- I pm you.

    I have contacted NOLA & my Dr- I have not heard back yet.

    I wonder if I could have a Seroma...And it just started hurting this far out.  I did have wierd Fluttering on this side since about day 6 or so- sometimes 20 times a eventually went to once a day & then not at all about 4 weeks ago.

    What do you all think?


  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2010

    Pam, the fluttering you experienced may possibly be muscle spasms. My PS gave me a script for valium to combat that. Just a guess, though. But since your having so much pain on that side it's certainly worth mentioning, even though the fluttering has stopped. I PM'd you...

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Pam do you think it could be a trapped nerve ??  I am so sorry that you are hurting...  I hope they can figure it out and get it fixed for you. 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited February 2010

    Pam - I'm so sorry you're having this pain. Yes, you need to talk to the docs! But for the time being, do any pain meds help?

  • acarr
    acarr Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2010

    Jaimie, I had SGAP in NOLA and had mini-tummy tuck during stage 2.-- Amy

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited February 2010

    Way to go SAINTS....WAY TO GO!!!  That town is rockin fun it would be to be down there now! 

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2010


     I've been giving a lot of thought to the concept of "average." We all ask questions of one another and are bouyed by those who have had great experience. What we need to remember is that averages are just that. If the average person feels like themselves 4-8 weeks after a DIEP or SGAP, that means some feel great at 4 weeks, and some at 8. In terms being back at my normal energy level, since I am now at week 5, I am clearly in the 8 week group.

    I can foresee that will be at the extreme with drains too, My drains change colors every few days, from rose to straw back to rose. I have been told that this may not be the norm, but it is not  abnormal. So much for averages. I am not sure if it was Nordy or Warrior who coined the term "juicy," but thank you! It puts such a positive spin on an issue that has few redeeming qualities.

    It is easy to hear how another person is doing and then be disappointed if that is not your path as well. I am happy for everyone who has an easy time of recovery, and sypathetic to everyone who does not. If you belong to the latter group and feel blue, reach out on this site. Trust me, there are lots of us on "the other end of average."

    I am leaving tomorrow for a 5 day conference in Las Vegas and have rented a scooter to get me back and forth from the hotel room and the conference center, which can be half a mile each way. It killed me to do this, but these are 18 hr days, and I am just trying to be realistic about what I can handle. I thought, being 5 weeks out, I would have no problems, but plans change.

    Have a great week. I hiope I pass the scooter driving test.



  • sarabhealed
    sarabhealed Member Posts: 64
    edited February 2010


    Thanks so much for your thoughtful someone who also has not had smooth sailing I agree 5000%--I also have reminded myself of the wisdom of recognizing "it's a process" along the way which has helped me not to be too disappointed with the slow progress. I really do believe that this reconstruction journey is just a season in our lives. Some of us take a little longer, but God willing we will have years and years to enjoy our new bodies and we will look back on this time as just a blip on the screen of life...

    Good for you for getting the scooter...enjoy buzzing around and pat yourself on the back for the maturity of planning ahead so you have the energy to enjoy the conference!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Margit~ I hope you can get out tomorrow.  Vegas sounds like a great relief from all of this snow.  I think a scooter was a great idea and good for you. 

    acarr~ Is the tummy tuck scar small ??  How was it for recovery ??

  • acarr
    acarr Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2010

    Jaimie, My scar is approximately 3-1/2"-4" long and was placed just at the pubic hairline.  My surgery was in 2005 and the incision line is very thin...almost invisible.  I found the pain from the tummy tuck to be much less than the pain from the lipo, even though Dr. D tightened my muscles with the tuck.  I have a desk job and was back at work 2-1/2 weeks after Stage 2.  I believe the lipo made my recovery longer.  It took quite a while for the swelling, bruising and pain to go away. In my case, I would say the mini-TT was not the worst part of my recovery. -- Amy    

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ladies,

    Update here....  My Onc did not want to do anymore chemo with the opening that was still draining under my right breast, so I am flying into NOLA tomorrow to have Dr D fix it, either a quick "debride and close" or he may have to take tissue from my tush to replace tissue in my breast....  we wont know till he sees it.  Here's hoping for quick and easy and home by the weekend!  Will take my little laptop and update as I can......

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Thanks for the info. Amy.  I think I am going to let Dr. S do it :) 

    Ginnie~ I hope it is a quick fix and that you are home by the weekend. 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010

    OK, this is an extension to Jamie's question...How do you go about asking for extra lipo in an area that you want lipo'd? Do you just come out to the doc and ask for it? And do they not charge any extra for the extra lipo? I have always carried my weight in my upper legs and thighs and although I suppose I will get lipo in the thighs since it is so close to my hip/butt area, I also would like some in my upper legs.

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010


       I am so sorry for the chemo delay. I do hope you are able to have a fix that will enable you to get home and back in treatment ASAP!

    gentle hugs,Marcia

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited February 2010

    Kudos Margit! I think its important that we remind each other that not everyone will have a perfect recovery or complications may arise. I think you are SMART to get a scooter. You know your body best and you do what you have to do! I wouldn't hesitate for a minute. I think many of us had to learn these lessons with our DX...its okay to ask for help!

    I am nearly 2 months out of Stage 2...and still healing. I don't move like I used to. I can't decide if its from surgeries or over 40 Club  Hang in there, Warriors. We all heal differently but in the end...we are all here for each other. A very special group of woman here that I am so honored to know. I may get a bit behind on all the posts but I xoxoxoxoo

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited February 2010


    Hope to hear back from you soon!  Maybe the Nola visit during mardi gras and post super bowl will be a nice change of scenery?  Take some pics and post!  Anxious to hear what happens!

    Carolyn, good luck to you!  and yes, I believe your husband will be that good luck charm too.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited February 2010


      Sure hope they can fix this up- And let it be done!

    So you can get on to Chemo.

    Im sorry you are going through all of this.

    Let us know how you are when you can.


  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited February 2010

    Ginnie~sending you lots of positive and healing energy.

    Pam, I hope Dr. M has an answer for you soon!  That doesn't sound fun at all.  

  • bennetts1
    bennetts1 Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2010

    Ginnie...We drove through Murfreesboro on Sunday on our way back from Tullahoma and ate at the Chop House.  I thought about you.  Wished I would have had your number so I could have called you.  I had no idea you were having so much trouble!  Hopefully this trip to NOLA will get you straightened out.  Will continue to keep you in  my prayers!

    Ladies,  I have a question.  I will be going to Charleston to have stacked DIEP in May and I am planning on staying at the Hope Lodge.  I know most of you went to NOLA, but I thought the the process would probably be the same.  How far in advance do you send your request into the Hope Lodge?  I do know it has to be made by the Dr.  Does it help to get your request sent in early?  When do you find out that you have been accepted to stay there? Thanks for your help!


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited February 2010

    Ginnie - Sending you healing thought from Minnesota. I'm sure Dr. D. will fix you up. Try to do something fun while you're there. Treat yourself!

    ccbaby - Just come right out and ask for it! No extra charge.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010

    Minn....Okay, I will do that! lol

    Bennetts....At NOLA, you have to get a referral from the hospital/doctor and they set it up for you and call you. I am sure it would be the same in Charleston too. So, call your hospital or doctor now and tell them you will need the referral.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited February 2010

    Pam, I keep thinking about your pain. I'm wondering if it could be Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome. There's a thread about it on the Surgery forum.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    Ladies, sorry I have been away for 2 PAGES!!!!! 

    Pam, is it nerve pain? I had pain in breasts for 2 months until it started letting up. Much worse after phase 1.

    AmyM - I had implants (no TE's) with alloderm for my Phase 1A b/c Dr. D did not want my own fat being radiated, said I had so little, he wanted to "throw n some implants to get you through radiation". I think the implants under muscles hurt more intensely than my stacked DIEP/lumbar (4 flaps). It didn't last as long, recovery was quicker, but I still needed 6 weeks. It's just more concentrated in your chest, but it hurt like heck, those implants under my pecs!!!

    Minn and LA - Stage 1, I did not even try to "go" in the dominatrix, but I did try for stage 2. It feels like you are pooing in your pants!!!  But one time I was like, I am so sick of this thing on and off!! Not recommended by me. much easier to go without that sucker! 

    BTW, Jamie, have you tried Smooth Move tea from Whole Foods or like "natural" store? do a couple days in a row, or three, it SOLVES the issue down there!!!!  from, the Constipation QUEEN).

    Trisha, the Superbowl was so SWEEEEET!!! I totally agree, usually I am like, when are the commercials, but this time, I was GLUED!!! What a great game! We all wore our NOLA finest, lots of beads and fleur de lis earings, necklaces!  (Minn, check out "Rumors" on Royal Street).

    Melinda, you get to shower pretty quickly after, by the time you start worrying about your hair again, they are getting you into the shower. I thought I would be crazy without a shower, but I was fine. Ready when they were ready. 

    Minn, did you call the Center yet, or still on the fence?

    I also have a compression top from Target, the Assets, and they were $20. Agreed Christy! A realy bargain! Work great!

    KC - YAY!!!! Drain out!!! Woot!!!

    Ginnie, NOLA again? Wow, you can't stay away. Hope you are okay. Thinking of you. You have not had an easy time of it girl.

    Warrior, How you be Sista??? Things okay at your house? Where is your article??? They called me again about something else to do wtth Tamoxifen, but I didn't call back this time. Just too busy and preoccupied. I hope they found someone else!  

    Minn, I thought of you last night. I just found out that a friend who is about a year out from being Dx'd (so just finished treatments recently, hair growing back, etc) now has it in her brain. I am crying and sad and mad. F*&% Cancer. UGH. I was bemoaning the fact that I had rads and all these surgeries and lymphedema in back/side, and now I am thinking it is good I did all this aggressive treatment. Serious scary stuff. 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited February 2010

    I dont think its nerve pain- It feels different then that- as I did have that after my BLM with Expanders then implants...In fact I had that until about 6 weeks after my Stage 1.

    Doesnt feel like what I would think of as Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome either.

    The Nerve pain I had is gone now...of course I am not wearing a tight bra & that used to aggrevate that...So I cant say 100% its gone.

    it feels like a Pain definately in the flap.   Sometimes it feels like my Muscle is being ripped off- Especially when I lay on my side. Other times it feels like a Pipe pushing against my ribs.  If I have a Constricting garment- Like a Sports bra or Even a tight Workout Tank.  I feel pain throughout the flap.  Like the Pressure from the garment hurts it.

    I am waiting for my PCP to call me back as she is goign to set up an US- just to rule out a Seroma or Hematoma.

    I may have them Ass*pirate me again too- I dont think My Donor Sermoma is too big.  but its definately bigger then it was 5 days ago...And if I am already there.


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010 poor thing...I hope you can get some answers and relief soon!