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NOLA in September?



  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    There are hairdryers at St. Charles. 

    As for painpills they wanted to give me loritab but it doesn't work for me so they switched it to Dilaudid which works for me.  Honestly I would just get the new rx so you are sure that you have enough in case you need it BUT that's me....

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited February 2010

    Yes, they have hair dryers at St. Charles plus anything else you could ever need.

    I only had darocet for  pain.  Good luck!


  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited February 2010

    2tzus -

    Do not run away!! I had the same anxiety as you are having - it does all seem so overwhelming!!! I can't answer your question about the HIP/GAP - but I had a stacked - from both the abdomen and the 'love handle' area - and I would do it all again in a heartbeat!! Personally, I did not know how much only having one breast was affecting me....until NOLA did their magic and I now have two!! And cleavage!! Something I never thought I would see again!! It is a beautiful sight!!

    You can do it! Have faith - you are in the best of hands!!



  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited February 2010

    2tzus - hang in there gal!  Not certain about the HIP question but I know they evaluate your body and pick the procedure that would best work for you.   When I went for my consult, I asked about losing weight (which I'm trying without a lot of success right now) and he said they could lipo any extra out at stage 2.  I'm like you I was expecting a DIEP and a tummy tuck but he said an SGAP would work better for me.  So now I get a butt lift and if I can't get rid of the weight before stage 2, I'll have him lip out the stomach, thigh and whatever else I can get.  We might as well get the bodies we want out of this! 

    Your surgery is on 3/17 and I'll have mine on 3/23 but at different hospitals.  Wish it was the same then we could meet up.  I'm not scared or worried about it so far, I'm just ready to get the process started and behind me!  Pun intended! 

    LouAnn - I've definately missed mine.  I'm so ready to get em back.  Everyone talks about how the jiggle, having cleaveage again it makes me have boob envy!  Plus after seeing Jaimieh results, I say bring it on! 

  • wawo42
    wawo42 Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2010

    2tzus- I was told a Hip flap but when I got there Dr. D gave me the option of Hip or Diep.  I went ahead with the Diep.  Don't give up on the DIEP, it could all change once you get there.  And yes you want to have two boobs back.  You will not realize how much you missed them until you get them. I hope you will have some relief by all the post that you everything will work out!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010
    2tzus...I had a HIP flap and originally wanted a GAP flap, but Dr S said the HIP flap was better for me. I am very happy with the HIP flap.  Like wawo said, don't give up on the DIEP until the doc sees you at the consult. He will evaluate you and tell you what is best for you.
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    2T - the hip flap is higher and so saves some projection in your butt, vs having a flat butt. You can call back and ask if a DIEP is out for you. If you really want that, they can evaluate you for it when you get there, and they'll share the pros and cons. 

    also, they are very generous with the lipo in stage 2. Why don't you ask (I would) if you do the hip flap in stage 1, can you get tummy lipo in stage 2? Then you'll get it all. I am like Louann and had 4 flaps, so tummy and butt, a lot of incisions but a really nice outcome! and my whole body is better, more streamlined!

    Don't give up!  

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    2tzus~ Like everyone else said do not stress over what is on the paper as of now.  I had hip and I went with hip after Dr. S explained why he would rather do that than S-Gap.  I asked him to please explain it and then it made sense.  He also said that he could do stack for me if I wanted to.  I wanted at least a good B I didn't want a bitty B after the surgery so he looked at me without clothes on and said he could get a good B out of my hips.  Then he said "yeah but your belly could use some work" and offered me the stacked or I could wait until stage 2 and they could do a tummy tuck and it would be a lower incision.  I thought I would be horrified to hear what he had to say but he pretty much decided that he would rather I wait and let him take care of things at stage 2.  

    So moral of my story is DO NOT RUN, take some Ativan and relax.  Also remember it is okay to ask questions and give our opinion.  I told Dr. S that I want to wear a bikini and not a granny one I want to be able to wear a cute bikini.  He promised me that I will be able to wear one and I know that I can :)  I am looking forward to stage 2 many people do you hear say that ??? 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    Wawo42, I added your stage 2 to the listing above! :)

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited February 2010

    Hi ladies,

    I really, really thought I wanted a GAP....and went for consult and Dr. D said I could pick GAP or DIEP....I had the donor tissue but most importantly the vessels that would work in both places.  There have been MANY of us on here who thought they would have one type of tissue flap and then either changed their minds OR  we trusted docs input/expertise, OR, it turned out we DID have enough to do DIEP or???......Honestly I believe they really DO KNOW best what will work best and what looks and will look/work best.....better than we do...but YES by all means let them know what you're thinking, feeling, etc.  Part of my whole motivation was I wanted a smaller butt and always thought my previous breasts were too large.  However......I think Dr. D knew that and sent Celeste in to tell me he'd lipo my 'hips and all' at stage 2 if I decided I wanted DIEP instead of gap.  So.....even tho he gave me a choice......he knows this stuff better than me.......they can change your shape/make your body better BUT I felt more comfortable letting them chose the best flap/ best vessels,'s not just about cosmetics(that's a quick easy fix for these guys) there is the whole microvascular part too....and they're incredible/ great at that as well.... you can certainly(W/O doubt) trust their expertise. But do vocalize your thoughts and concerns that only helps them make you more satisfied....and WE are the ones who have to live in our bodies the rest of our lives, right?

    wawo I did have the tummy tuck/plication at stage 2......I really thought the DIEP was the tummy tuck- and it sort of is.....BUT...I had abd wound issues(a place in the middle that didn't close up after stage 1-just scabbed), then got sort of yucky just before going in to stage 2 and he revised my incision completely,AND plicated(because he offered and I was in WTH!  GO FOR IT! mode)  he already had to work in there....AND yes he was generous w/ the contouring 'hips and all'.  I got the WHOLE enchilada for sure.....was very sore but I think every woman I know would have taken advantage of the situation and gone for it too!  I'm happy and still getting happier/looking better at about 2 mos out now....but YES...when you get a LOT'll be sore for a while, black and blue for a while.  I had 2 abd drains and because I was still in town and had so much done I DID have a post op....I was already there and it gave me some extra peace of mind....Spring had a post op too....and actually since I was having a post op Dr. S who was on the day I was dced after stage 2 left all my drains, plus the onque in and when I did the post op that monday Dr. D pulled the 2 breast drains.  He had done a lift and contoured them a lot in stage 2.....I had enough done that I felt it would give me more peace of mind to be seen again....before I said goodbye-eps since I had nipple sparing and hopefully would be finished after stage 2.

    You all would not believe the snow pretty BUT tomorrow am should be interesting!

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited February 2010

    PlainJane- So you had a lift and reduction at Stage 2 - - and you had drains?  I had nipple sparing bmx/diep and will have a lift and reduction Apr 21.  I guess I didn't know about having drains, but it makes sense.  I live near McKinney in Allen - lots of snow here, too. - KC

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited February 2010

    Question about being STUPID - I'm 3 weeks post op, diep, and have made good progress. Until yesterday.  It's because I was super dumb and thought I could slowly clean the overhead microwave with my right arm, the side with cancer, which had a node cluster removed. I'm short and I had to do a lot of reaching. What was I thinking?  Now my arm feels swollen, heavy and useless.  Have any of you done this?  How long did it take for your arm to feel better again?  I also wonder about lymphedema - does it show up this early?  Dr LeGarde's opinion is that I have plenty of nodes left and that lymphedema shouldn't be a problem, but so far this right arm has felt more swollen all along.  Any input?

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited February 2010

    Oh god. Even removing ONE node puts you at risk for LE. I just don't understand why even the best of surgeons don't convey that message!!!! Rest that arm. Your lymph system has been completely compromised, and needs to make collateral pathways. Do you have a LE specialist in your area? Now would be a good time to get an eval and measurements, even if you don't actually have it. It's a baseline. Plus, a little manual drainage could help "decongest" the area.

    Baby that arm for a little while. Then gradually get back into exercise. Again, doing this with a PT/LE person will only benefit you. I've used my PT/LE person after each surgery (I don't have LE) and got back into my old form super-quick.

    Good luck!


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited February 2010


    I just got back from my oncologist appointment - I've been kind of drifting without an oncologist since mine left almost a year ago - seeing nurse practitioners or fill-in oncs. Each time needing to tell them my "story," because it's pretty involved and highly unusual. And then the part about contemplating a PM on the non-cancer side always got mixed reviews... Anyway, I went in this morning, not looking forward to it (but who of us EVER looks forward to our onc visits), with my folder full of articles about the rare kind of cancer I had and how it raises my risk for contralateral, as well as a kind that is very bad - altho all of this is pretty much conjecture because so little research has been done about it. I was pretty much expecting another doctor looking at me like I was nuts and thinking I was over-reacting. But no! He was great! Very, very supportive. And then he said that after a PM, there was really no reason I couldn't just be followed up by my regular doc, wouldn't need to come in for onc visits anymore!!!!! It felt like the sun had burst thru the clouds! I went out to my car and cried - such a huge, huge relief! So my decision has again been reinforced. Now I just wait and hope my insurance company sees this the way I do! Then my name goes up on the list!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Minnesota~ I am so happy that someone listened. :)  I hope your insurance gets back to you soon.  You know the end of April is a good time to go to NOLA :) 

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2010

    Minnesota - so glad to hear this news for you!!!  I hope the insurance will see things this way also so that you can get on that list!  It's great how 'wonderful' news can make the world seem to shine a little brighter!

  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2010

    Hi Spring

    hope you are doing well! Can you add me to March 2- Stage 2 NYC with Dr Allen?

    what a busy thread! I need to read to catch up. Hope all is well with everyone Smile


  • phoffa
    phoffa Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2010

    Can you add me to the recon list?!  April 16th stage 2 SGAP with Dr. Massey, South Carolina

    LilMisMuffit-Looks like we might be neighbors in Charleston for our surgeries!  Best of luck to you!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    OMG... I just wrote the longest post... poof, gone... I am so frustrated!!!

    Anniese - SO happy to see you on here! LOVED seeing you a couple weeks ago - hope your visit went well!!!!

    2tzus - Do NOT run away!!! Do not!!! Dr. D and Dr. S are the best at what they do!!! The area of perforator flap reconstruction is their area of expertise and they would not lead you astray! I also thought I would have DIEP - but had been told by other docs - maybe an A cup or small B w/DIEP. Only one other doc had the heart to tell me I would not benefit from DIEP. When I sent my pics to the center, Liz called and told me BOTH docs said that doing a DIEP on me would be doing me a great disservice. They suggested SGAP or Hip, my choice. I chose hip because I liked the look of the donor site better. I am SO happy. AND, they also told Liz to let me know that they could "take care of that tummy at stage 2". (What tummy??? LOL) SO - I have gone back and forth w/the possible tummy tuck thing - but think if they can do a mini one - I already have a c-section scar there - I think I will go for it. I have lost weight, but let's face it, pregnancy tends to stretch that skin and sometimes it just doesn't go back!!! SO, do not run. Let the experts take care of you. You will do GREAT!!!!

    Also, - Cat and 2Tzus - let's arrange to meet up in NOLA. 2T - Is your post op on the 24th? My pre-op is that day. Cat - I will see you in the hospital. Will PM you both when it gets closer!

    KcShreve - What Anne said. You need to rest and elevate that arm on some pillows. Do some deep breathing (helps to clear the deep abdominal nodes and creates a negative pressure effect to pull the fluid in).  I also suggest a visit to a lymphedema therapist. Do make sure that whomever you see is certified in Lymphedema therapy - not just a regular PT or massage therapist - someone who is not specifically trained can do more harm than good. Let's just face it, some people are more prone to lymphedema than others - but the good news is that the earlier it is caught and treated, the more manageable it is. So, do not hesitate.  Get someone in your corner. As little as a 2 cm difference in circumference in your arm is a signal of lymphedma. And Anne is right - even a sentinal node biopsy can affect some people - rads only increase that chance... Take care of it promptly and keep it under control - and you will have a much better outcome! 

    Minnesota - Hurray for having someone in your court! I love to hear of MD's that are willing to listen to their patients!!!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited February 2010

    That is great that he listened Minn & He agreed with you...And only to have to see a PCP- Very nice!

    Carolynn Hope your Stage 2 went good & you are doign good today!

    Good to see Lots of New Ladies here!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    2T - yes call and ask about the Xanax. I am pretty sure that you are not alone on that one, but double check on the meds - there are certain meds that interfere with healing as well, so just make sure they give you the okay. And they may even order it for you if it is not a problem. On the hip flap - both Jamie and I have pictures posted on TimTam's website. Also, if you PM me your email address, I will forward the ones that Liz sent to me. I will get contact info to you too, so that we can meet up when we are there!

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2010

    Nordy - good to see you a couple weeks ago also!  I have an adorable picture of you and your girls that I would love to send to you - if you can PM me your email, I'll get it sent to you.  The rest of our visit went really well!  Hope to see you again sometime soon (maybe with my hubby this time). 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited February 2010

    I hate to fly!  I had valium.  Don't be embarassed about that.  The anti-anxiety meds will not interfere with your surgery at all. 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited February 2010

    Anyone heard from Gin?

    I hope you are doing good Gin, Im thinking of you.


  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited February 2010

    Nordy & 2Tzus - definately stop by on the 24th and give me a shout.  I won't be going any where and we can have a mini party! 

    Minnesato - Great news!  It'll all come thru for you! 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited February 2010

    Minn! Great news.  :)


  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited February 2010

    Lymphedema - Thank you for your replies and info.  I was able to schedule a consultations with a certified person.  My arm is even more sore today than yesterday, so the suggestion of having my arm on a pillow is a good one. I appreciate those of you who have been on this journey and are willing to help guide.  -KC 

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited February 2010

    Minn - Great News - YAY!!

    2T - There are so many people that are afraid to fly - don't be embarrassed!! A few things that might help - let the Flight Attendants know - they will usually calm you. If you can, try and pre-board - and if at all possible, sit towards the front of the plane - if you encounter 'bumps' along the way, they are less noticeable in the front! Many times it helps to stick you head in the cockpit while you are boarding to say "hi" to the pilots - if you have a visual as to who is flying the airplane, it helps. I went through a period for a year or so after my daughters were born that I was afraid to fly - and I am a flight attendant - go figure!! Once I figured out it was a control issue, I was able to deal with it - kind of like when you get nervous when someone else is driving.  Kiss

     Ladies - I just got the OK from the center to pull one of my drains! YIPEE!! Of course it is Friday afternoon, and I can't get in to see anyone, so I am thinking of pulling it myself. I know I need to clip the stitches, and pull the drain down at an angle.......any other suggestions??

    Have a wonderful weekend - Happy Valentines Day to all - Everyone on this thread is a sweetheart!!



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    LouAnn - you need to open the cap to let the suction go before you pull it! (Otherwise, you will be VERY uncomfortable!) Snip the threads, open the cap on the bulb to release suction, pull - preferable near a garbage can and maybe stand on a towel in case any liquid runs out and down your leg! I always take a deep breath and slowly remove... but I am sure there are others that have their own technique!

    2t- I emailed you. 

    Anniese - I will PM you my info!

    Cat - I will PM you my info before you go... then I will need yours - because I am pretty sure the nurses won't let me see you if I say I need to find Cat1...LOL. You know, they have all the HIPA laws now!!!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010
    LouAnn...My husband and I both pulled my drain and like Nordy said, don't forget to open the cap. I sat on the toilet with the seat down when we did it. It kind of freaked us out at first, but ended up being no big deal at all!!  Don't forget to swab on the betadine afterward on the drain site and after each shower for a week and wear your spanx for a week also. Good luck!