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NOLA in September?



  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited July 2010

    Oh yeah- Melinda?  Or whomever said it.......I get you......stage one I did SO much research, had lists of everything- control freak mode?.....stage 2 rolled around and I was just "Oh yeah!"  more worried about how to ask for hip lipo, make the most of it! and my NOLA shopping list or whatever.  Don't worry-they know what to do! No question about that....I think the real  shock came following stage 2 deluxe for just go thru all these stages:  OMG am I really done?,  Now what? rest, heal, back to work full speed while still recovering or almost done recovering, have workmates accuse you of extended plastic surgery/elective procedures(whatever!).......and then your brain goes into:  Oh yeah....what was I doing before ALL this started 6-12 mos ago?  Can I even remember-do I WANT to go there?  Is this REALLY how my body is going to look? and when will the swelling be finished going down?

    It is truly another big adjustment or was for me because it took so much to GET to the place where I was ready for it, then looking forward to it, then had a month or 2 at home.  It was a big focus and to have that focus come to fruition and complete was WONDERFUL but also scary but also what you have to do to get to the other side-the whole reason you did all you COULD do other stuff - like plan ahead, think about retirement, etc, etc......Ok sorry, once again I'm rambling!  But it's all good!  Congrats Melinda.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited July 2010

    I've been swamped at work due to employees taking vacations, working big bridal shows and getting ready to leave for Atlanta on Thursday (trade show and then sightseeing).   This thread has been busy, as usual---sorry for not responding to a few questions I've read for the first time tonight.  

    Ladybug, I'm very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine suddenly losing a loved one and my prayers are with you and your children.  

    Spring, congrats on the size 8s!  I'm working out more than ever, but have plateaued for a few weeks at the same weight.   I'll bet my size 8s are more generous in fit than yours though...

    I saw something a few pages back about me being the breast queen.  I think I'm really the queen of revisions.  I don't recall the question that went with the comment---did it have something to do with lumps?   I've had big lumps and small lumps.  I had a very hard ridge at the outer edge of my right flap for over a year, and it is gone now---it was the edge of the flap.  I had a huge area of necrosis on the lower part of the left breast (the flap that nearly died), and that is more or less gone too.  I can only feel something in that breast if I go looking for it, and I try to not to, as it causes me to relive what I went through with my first surgeon.  I had a small necrotic lump after my first revision, and it was really painful, but it went away after several months.  I think flap breasts continue to soften for up to a couple of years.   It seems that little lumps of necrosis are fairly common.   I have always massaged my abdominal scar, but I waited six months after my vertical breast scars were revised before messing with them.  They had widened out and become rather ropy, so Dr. D revised them last November.  For six months, I kept them taped with Xs of tape to support the weight of the breasts so the scars wouldn't become wide again, but the right side has somewhat anyway.  Thankfully, it is flat this time, and as long as I don't feel it I'll be happy. 

    Well, I need to get to bed.  We are working on the fundraiser for our "reunion" in October, and I think we have a restaurant.  As things fall into place, I'll be posting updates!  It was fun catching up on everyone's progress and I've stayed up way too late.  Laughlines, your pics are awesome---you look amazing!!!!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited July 2010

    Plainjane - I know just what you mean about being able to think again about retirement and such, when for so long it was all about breast cancer and am I going to live long enough to enjoy a retirement?! Now I feel that cloud has lifted so much for me, after having this second mast/recon and now being free of the scary other breast. So I now have a Voodoo Breast - born around Halloween, and then a Resurrection Breast - born around Easter!

    Sandy - Yes, you're the queen of revisions, definitely, but your results are worth it. And also, you're the Nip Queen - wait, I mean Nip Girl!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited July 2010

    I posted my pictures on Timtams...

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited July 2010

    I stayed at Staybridge suites.  It was ok after I got my room changed. the first one was awful!.  Katie at the Center can frequently get discounted rates.  She frequently recommeds Homewood Suites.

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited July 2010

    I am back at NOLA after a week of being home from stage 1. Was feeling so good until day 9, then ended up with infection (even though I was diligent with the betadine!) So now I am on IV antibiotics & am going back to surgery tomorrow to clean up the abdominal inscision & one breast inscision. Dr D was so on top of this whole thing! I sent photos yesterday, told them about my fever & received a phone call within minutes asking if I would be willing to fly back to NOLA today at their expense. I am so looking forward to feeling better!  I know I am in the best possible place.

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited July 2010

    Springtime, Will you please put me down for stage 2 on October 8th :) Thanks!

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2010

    I'm in Nola- had my pre op today. Man I love the people at the Center! Got all marked up, the whole process was super quick. Went out to eat at Zeas and tonight we're going to Louisiana pizza kitchen, i've heard good things about it.

    Tomorrow @ 10 is the surgery. I'm not nervous at all, just want it to be over!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited July 2010

    Mauicarol- Sorry to hear about your Infection.  Glad you are back in NOLA being taken care of.  Hope you are better very quick.

    Good Luck tomorrow Melinda!

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2010

    Oh, Mauricol, are you at St Charles? I just wondered cuz I am having surgery there tomorrow and would be happy to visit you!

  • sheridangirl
    sheridangirl Member Posts: 75
    edited July 2010

    Mauicarol, So glad you are doing well. Hang in there!

    Melinda, Good luck tomorrow.

    Cat1- My shoulder is doing better. The frozen shoulder manipulation helped, but even after a month of PT, I still cannot get my arm all of the way up. My left muscle was rolled down with the skin when my implant was removed, so I am hoping that after Stage 1 on 07/29, my arm will move better. It definately does not hurt as bad as it did when it was frozen. Still taking percocet occassionally but not near as much as I was.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2010

    Mauicarol - I added your stage 2 to the listing.

    Sandy and Minn, what days are the Oct events? I think I cannot get in on Thurs or Fri - I am not getting a response back. I am wondering if I will have to go earlier in the week or another time. fill me in on dates! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2010

    Spring, can you put me down for tats on Nov. 2 w/Don? So far that is all I am having... but wondering if I need to have the right side taken down just a is a little wider, fuller, and higher than the other - but don't know if I really feel like having more surgery. I am kind of "surgery'd out!"

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2010

    Mauicarol - so glad Dr. D is taking good care of you.

    Melinda! Thoughts and prayers your way... wasn't it just yesterday you were there for stage 1??? LOL

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited July 2010

    We are planning on dinner at a certain restaurant on October 27th or 28th. Someone from CAGNO (Cancer Assoc. of Greater New Orleans Area) is checking to see if that restaurant could be a venue for a fundraiser for Breastoration on one of those days, so we could combine an alum reunion with a fundraiser. This doesn't preclude other non-fundraising get-togethers while we're all there, of course - like maybe going to House of Shock together or something! Also, we may be planning a service project for Hope Lodge, probably over that weekend. Sandy and I have possible surgery on the 29th. Nordy's run is on the 30th, The 31st is a BIG PARTY on Bourbon Street having nothing to do with fundraising or alums, but which we should all plan on attending! FUN!!!

    Dejaboo - Did you hyperventilate when you set up your photos on TimTam, like I did?! LOL! We are such gutsy chicks, aren't we all?! I'll be sure to check on your photos later! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2010
    Uh, oh... Is the party on Bourbon street age appropriate? Wink You know I will have my little ones with me!
  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2010

    2T - I will ask him, but I am pretty sure he will give me an answer, then say, "But she needs to check with her doctor!" I just tried to reach him by phone, but can't get him... I will try again in a bit! For some reason, I am thinking that Vicodin is a type of pain killer similar to Tylenol... going to look it up now.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2010

    Okay, Vicodin is acetaminophen (same pain killer as in tylenol) and hydrocodone (a narcotic pain killer). Without hubby here I can't say for sure and he can give you the answer in regard to anesthesia, but will still tell you to check w/the Center in regard to the procedure they are doing... Sorry, not much help here!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited July 2010

    Nordy, Bourbon St is definitely not appropriate for your children, especially on Halloween.  Pretty much the entire French Quarter is probably to be avoided.  I'll be getting out of the hospital the day before, and probably will not venture into that area for Halloween.

    We don't know for sure if the dinner is going to take place on 10/27 or 10/28.   I'm planning to arrive in NOLA on 10/26 but have not booked anything yet.  There will be plenty to do to prepare, and we want to do a raffle, silent auction, etc. to benefit Breastoration so I will probably be out there the last week of September or first week of October as well to scrounge up donations of great prizes.

    I do think that doing some volunteer activity at Hope Lodge would be fun to do together.  Planting flowers was suggested a while back, but my participation in that may not be possible if we do it over the weekend, after my surgery.   According to Jeanine, I'll have drains if Dr. D agrees to revise my ab incision, so I think I'll be lying low over the weekend.

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2010

    BTW I was in the waiting room today and saw a patient looking at a scrapbook- after i got done i went out and looked through it. It looks amazing, you guys all did a great job!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited July 2010

    Well I wouldn't be anywhere BUT the Quartah on Halloween (and even if I have a drain and nipple protectors - hey, I could work those into a costume)! I agree that Bourbon is not child-appropriate, but I have attended the Halloween parade, in the past, on the Decatur leg. People are costumed before it gets dark - and plenty of kids too, in the area around Jackson Square. Not guranteeing there couldn't be a few weird things, but it is generally way tamer on that end. The Quarter is more than Bourbon Street and is actually home to lots of people, including families. Don't know the schedule for the parade this year - we should check all this out.House of Shock would be too scary for kids, for sure! I saw plenty of kids at the Haunted Mortuary - tho that might be too intense for younger kids, too. I wonder what staff at the Center do on Halloween with their kids. They should know the family friendly stuff - I'm thinking there might be something at the zoo...

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited July 2010

    Melinda! Good luck tomorrow!

    And MauiCarol - so sorry you're having this complication. But, as you say - the docs are, as always, on top of it! Good luck to you, too!

    Positive vibes to all!

    Ladybug - I'm thinking about you alot...

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited July 2010

    Mauricarol~so sorry for the complications.  So glad they are taking good care of you!

    Melinda!!!  Good luck tomorrow!  The blue marker of artistry and magic is pretty cool, huh?

    Still hoping to make it down there in October.  Better book some more parties!!  :)

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited July 2010

    Minn- I posted Pictures about 1.5 yrs ago & then it was very hard to do.  This time it didnt bother me.  I missed your pictures...I need to go look.

    So lots of people looked...But not many gave me their opinions. :o

    Thanks to those who did!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited July 2010

    Wow Sandy- You have answers about your Surgery in Oct!  (drains)  I have been waiting for weeks to my questions & have nothing....its part of the reason why I dont want any more surgery....Cause I dont know how much it will help/fix

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2010

    2t - Let's have a tattoo party!!! And definitely come down! Would love to see you!

    Sandy - I won't be there yet on the 27th if you plan something for then... The 28th should be do-able!

  • ladybug50
    ladybug50 Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2010


     We started with Homewood but they were full. Rooms at Staybridge for now but on wait list for Homewood if anything comes open...

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited July 2010

    I haven't been on for a while and i was saddened to read about your news Ladybug, hugs and prayers for you sweet one!!! Hang in there and know that you are going into a safe, loving environment. the Dr's and their staff will care you for like angels!!

    those of you who are post stage 2and at least 3 months out....when did you start to notice a difference? I am at 7 weeks and still wear the same size top and bottom!!  Is months 3 the magic number???/ Help!! I'm feeling very let down, Frown(breasts look good, but body doesn't) 

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited July 2010

    Three to six months was the time frame for me, Tammy. And I had a lot of lipo done. ANd even though I was in a smaller size sooner, I don't think my shape settled down till just in the past two months. But I've been exercising a lot.

    I'm now 8 months out from Stage 2 (SGAP).


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2010

    Nordy, I added your tats to the listing above.

    Happy weekend everyone!