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NOLA in September?



  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2010

    OMG! And P.J. -  that's fabulous!!!!!!!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2010

    dbdaze, you get to see improvement immediately!  First, the tummy tuck benefit of the DIEP is really awesome.  Your breasts will be swollen, but that will subside over several weeks.  Dr. S may be able to add a bit of volume in stage II with fat injections to get you closer to where you want to be.

    That reminds me..last week during my pre-op, when I showed Dr. D a hollow I had in one breast due to recent weight loss, he told me that if I were to gain 30-40 pounds, I'd have EE breasts!!!!  He said that although the fat cells he has previously injected had lost their lipid component due to the weight I've lost, they are still there.  In addition, he just did more fat injections.  I told him that EE breasts are the last thing I want-----he gave me good reason to never, ever gain weight again!    Well, that, plus he did more really nice lipo sculpting and I would hate to ruin all of the work he has done for me.Laughing

    I was unpacking and tossing stuff into the trash the other day, and found my post-op instructions.  Where it normally says that one can return to work in 1 1/2 weeks, it was crossed out and someone wrote in that I could return in 3 weeks.  I hadn't noticed that and I was back to work the first day I was back home--but no tattling on me, please!  I've been walking 2 miles a day and am fairly tired by late afternoon, but feel great and am hopeful that taking a few weeks off from my workouts won't do too much damage. 

    After 10 days in the new dom, I have to say that it's no less comfortable to me than the Veroniques I'd had before, but it does have less compression in the abdominal area.   Spring, I was literally about one second away from having my own accident a couple of days ago, and somehow saved myself from the humility--lucky since I was out with my friend and our daughters at a really nice restaurant!

    Deja, glad you are feeling so much better this time.  Maybe last time, there was more work done on a deeper level so it didn't look like as much as it was...?

    Anne, I hope you get relief from that pain!

  • melindastn
    melindastn Member Posts: 98
    edited November 2010

    Today I am 6 weeks out from Stage 1 DEIP/GAP.  I must say that the last 3 weeks were really hard.  I began to question what in the world I had done.  Now, the last couple of days I have started feeling much better.  Today I am so happy to tell you all that I am able to lift my arms over my head on both sides.  YEAH!! It has been a long time 2+ years since I have been able to do that.  I wish it were warmer weather I would go swimming when I loose my last drain.  In the shower this morning I just had to sing that song about "Shout, throw your hands up and Shout.

    I did start taking the Arncica Montana Friday out of desperation.  I don't know if that is what has helped but, I will definitely use it for Stage 2 also. 

    Thanks for all of the support and my prayers are with you all. 

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited November 2010

    Thanks, Nordy. I sent you a PM.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2010

    Melindastn:  You made me smile just thinking of you in the shower singing "Shout, throw your hands up and shout."  I'm due for Stage 1 in a week's time -- wondering what the Arncica Montana is that you are taking.  So glad you're doing well!!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2010

    dbdaze.  I think Arnica is mainly used after stage 2.  it is used to help with the swelling -usually from Lipo during stage 2.

    One thing about water weight is it comes off way easier then a normal weight gain.  I lost 4 more #s over night!  LOL.  I have 5 more to go.

    Stage 1 ladies...One thing I forgot that I did after stage 1 & well after stage 2 & 2B also...Is I set an alarm for pain pills in the middle of the night.  Much better to keep right on a schedule... if you sleep through & dont take one...Well I couldnt get out of bed on Saturday morning without dhs help.  I couldnt even get off my back.

    Anne- Im sorry to hear about all of your neck pain.  I sure hope you can get that resolved...just to get rid of it. But I know it would be disappointing to have to postpone your surgery.

    Nordy- Id like to know about the Crying & Anesthesia too.

    Also when I wake up from surgery I am always very crabby!  Poor dh. 

    Is that from Anesthesia?

     What about a Bloody nose...I still have one 1 week later - everyday.

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2010

    dbdaze:  I had a prophylactic mastecomy done on the non-cancerous breast because I didn't want to have the worry of having a re-occurance on that side.  My breasts were very lumpy & I would always wonder about any lump. I am SO glad I made the decision that I did (even the general surgeon said that iwas the right decision due to the lumpiness of the breasts).  Both my breasts look so much better than they did before cancer. I just don't worry about a reoccurence in the breasts at all.  It really is a great feeling!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    ha ha i had to take my paperwork down to order labs yesterday, and NOLA wrote "absence of breasts" it was funny, cause I'm sure the lady at the hospital was like, why does it say that, you obviously have both of them :) LOL

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2010

    Pam sorry that you wake up crabby. I normally wake up with a million questions and I just start rattling. This past time I woke up like a drunk, I couldn't speak or stay awake and it was driving me crazy.

    Nordy- I hope you tats are getting better. I am about 3 weeks away from getting mine and I am excited.

    So I went shopping last week for the first time in a year and I am so happy with the tops that I bought. My DH loves them and laughs when he sees me in tops showing off my boobs. We call it boobalicious in my house and it is much better the dealing with hide the prostetic.

    I am also happy to report that there are times when I do not even think about them not being mine. They are mine I am just missing the nerves and that pesky thing called cancer. So if you are on the fence my vote is to do it and start the restoring process.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    I am still so on the fence on nipples, I think yes I'll do it, then no I'll put it off... Grrr!! I wish I could just make an educated decision and be content.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2010

    I was larger after my stage 1 for a while, and my old clothes didn't fit right. I felt savaged when I looked at my post stage 1 body in the hotel mirror. (I had DIEP and GAP, so front and back looked ravaged to me!) I was assured at my post op that it would all be fixed up in Stage 2, and it mostly looked better after a few weeks anyway.

    Being "bigger" post surgery happened again to me after stage 2 because of the plication and ab scar lowering, and I guess the lipo. My legs and knees looked like Elephant-itus! And I had a belly bulge !  But in time it all pays off.

    This time, 2B, I did gain 10 lbs of water weight while in the hospital, but after a few days home, It all came off. I think I pee'd it out all one night! I must have gone to the bathroom like 6-7 times overnight one night. I was glad, not fun being all puffy...

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited August 2013

    For those who are not ready to "commit" to tatooed nipples here is a way to "test drive" them temporarily!


  • K9Kim
    K9Kim Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2010

    Hello Ladies!! I am sooooooo sorry it has taken me so long to get on here and post. So much I want to say, but don't know where to start. I am doing so wonderful these days, compared to those first few days post op from stage 1... there was a time there that I was doubting whether I made the right decision or not. I was in a lot of pain and the anesthesia makes you so moody/emotional... felt like a basket case. What I found out and Dr. D confirmed this... Is every last one of US go throught the emotional part, he said, some women prior to coming, some during our stay in the hospital (what happened to me) and some  not until you go home, but it happens and some worse than others, but it's NORMAL... and part of the process. It made me feel better and wanted to share with all of us, in the event, you too have wondered or will wonder about it in your future.

    My pain (can't even call it that) is minimal, still taking the demerol and they want me to stay on that as long as I have drains. I am at post op day 14... my post op appointment was yesterday and Dr D removed my breast drains. YAHOO! That was exciting! My breasts look and feel great! My upper bootie has 2 beautifully symmetrical scars that I have already grown to love as much as my new boobies!! He truly is an artist at what he does... God gifted him beyond words! I would read other ladies testimonials and think to myself, I am so critical, I won't love them like they do, they can't possibly be that unbelieveable that I would love them that much and be THAT impressed... BUT low and behold, I AM... and I guess until it actually happens to you, you don't fully understand it.

    To the wonderful ladies I got to meet in NOLA that came and visited me... Oddball, was so good to meet you. You were my inspiration those critical first few days... I looked at you and how wonderful you were doing, up walking around, visiting me after your Stage 1... it made me fight to feel better and do the same! And I got there. :-) So thank for your visits and motivation.

    Nordy, so sorry I missed you, but thank you so much for your note! That was so very thoughtful of you. When I was feeling down, I would read the note again and on the other side was Oddballs and that would make me smile and keep me moving in the right direction!

    Liz, talk about an inspiration... you are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, from the inside out... to go through what you did and be as positive as you were, was beyond remarkable. I honestly have no words to describe it, other than how much admiration I have for you. I enjoyed visting your beautiful suite... you deserved it! I can't wait to see the special they did on you!! Was it CNN? Please keep us posted about when it will air!! Just remember we knew you before you were famous! ;-)

    Spring, Dejaboo, Sandy... thank you thank you thank you for your visit as well. I sure hope I haven't left anyone out, you all mean so very much to me. Sandy, thank you for spending some time with me before you left on Saturday. I meant to tell you I watched your testimonial on the breast center site, was very moving. Felt like I had been talking to a celebrity in the hospital after that... heehee  

    Lastly, Ginnie, you and your sister were just lovely! So glad I got to meet you and talk with you for a bit. It felt so good to be able to give back, visiting you I think helped me more than it may have you. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best... "It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life... that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."  You ladies have taught me the true meaning of that. So thank you from the very bottom of my heart... for all of the love and support you have shown me.

    Forgive me for not remembering who posted what, but to whomever posted asking about the nose bleeds... it happened to me too, while in the hospital. It was the blood thinner that they have us on. Laura, Dr D's physicicans assistant took me off of it because of the nose bleeds. But everyone is different, so depending on your situation, you may need to be on it longer, just ask. Just thought I would let you know what caused it, I had been wondering the same thing.

    Thank you to whomever wrote about the nauseau patch behind the ear and that's what was causing my blurred vision... geez... I couldn't even write a simple text? Had been wondering what the heck caused that. Made perfect sense, because once they took that off, my vision was once again restored, pretty quickly too.

    Spring!! I laughed so hard aboutyou peeing on your undies over the DOM girdle!! I have to admit I almost did it several times in the hospital, but managed to never actually do it. Oh and I had to wear some big white grannie panties with a humongous pad over my girdle because the trauma of the surgery caused me to start my period. What an added joy that was!! LOL

    OK... I have to get up and get my butt moving. I have been walking every single day (and I didn't even do that before the I do laps walking around the pool area at my friends house every day since my surgery and it gets longer each day! I think now that I am no longer in my robe, I can branch out in to the neighborhood to walk! Had I done it with my robe and slippers on, I am afraid the local police would have stopped me thinking I had escaped from the kookoo farm! 

    Love and BIG FAT HUGS to all my GIRLS!!!

    Kim xoxoxo

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2010

    Pam sorry that you wake up crabby. I normally wake up with a million questions and I just start rattling. This past time I woke up like a drunk, I couldn't speak or stay awake and it was driving me crazy.

    Nordy- I hope you tats are getting better. I am about 3 weeks away from getting mine and I am excited.

    So I went shopping last week for the first time in a year and I am so happy with the tops that I bought. My DH loves them and laughs when he sees me in tops showing off my boobs. We call it boobalicious in my house and it is much better the dealing with hide the prostetic.

    I am also happy to report that there are times when I do not even think about them not being mine. They are mine I am just missing the nerves and that pesky thing called cancer. So if you are on the fence my vote is to do it and start the restoring process.

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited August 2013


    I was alone at Hope Lodge for my stage??? I walked to the grocery store about 1/2 mile away during the day and stocked up my locker and fridge @ Hope Lodge w/ SMART water,instant oatmeal, & some frozen entrees for when I returned from surgery. I also walked to DOT's diner down the street during the early evening,

    Much love,,,Cool


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2013

    K9- So, so glad to hear you are doing well! Hurray!!! Yes, the feeling of being on the other side of things and the miracles that Dr. D and Dr. S perform are simply beyond words... and I can understand the skepticism of others... but the truth is that these docs are fabulous!

    My tattoos - overall, yes, I think I am happy with them. I will let you know in another couple of weeks when they fade out a bit. I have a feeling they may need some touching up because they have stuck to my shirts a couple of times and I don't really feel it so much when I am getting undressed, and off comes some of my skin with the drainage... gross, I know...! For now, I am just working on healing up and getting rid of the infection - which looks better and better every day. 

    Okay, so I still have not heard back from the center on a stage 2b surgery date to even up the girls a bit. I know they are crazy busy at this time of year, and I completely understand that active cancer patients take precedence... but still, I would love to be finished with all surgeries THIS year. And before my insurance changes next year. In my case it is not even a matter of having to meet deductibles again - that is another issue - but the fact that our insurance is completely changing for next year and OOP is more than doubling. AND I have to have all of our benefit elections in by Friday... so getting kind of anxious! Please keep your fingers crossed!

    Pam, Sandy, Eve, K9, Oddball, Gin and Liz - Heal well! All you ladies up this week - You will do GREAT!!! Again, you are in the best of hands!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    I think everyone is running into that huh for the end of year and deductables and insurance changes. I can't imagine, I sure hope you get a date set right away!!

    I have my script from my surgeon for the sleeve, and an appt with a local company that does fittings. So please pray they have one large enough for me, she said if not it will take 10-15 days to get one in, so I'll be flying again without it! Also I am calling my insurance to see if they cover the costs or not, I have Regence. Anyone know anything about that? 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2013

    Dragonfly - if they do not have your size - ask what size you wear in a Jobst off the shelf. If you are desperate, you can order them off the internet (although you will be paying out of pocket) and have it to your door in a lot sooner than 10-15 days! Ames is one site that I use - I think the soft Jobst ones are about $57. Not cheap - but not what you would pay for a custom... and these work better for me anyway (with OUT the silicone border).  Good luck!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    thanks, I looked at the site and they aren't too spendy. the lady here in town said they start at 90.00 if I have to pay out of my pocket. I saw some for 51 and some for 35 or something? Not bad at all.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2010


    I am sooooooo glad that you're feeling so good! And thanks for the info about post-surgery emotional roller coasters.


  • mchas
    mchas Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2010

    I have a question about getting a new nipple and the tatoo'ing.  I'd like to get that done this year, for obvious reasons (ie, already having met my deductibles and all) but am wondering how big the procedure is?  Outpatient, I assume?  Quick... 30 minutes? An hour?  I had my Stage 2 surgery, where Dr. D. removed the right nipple, about 6 weeks ago.  I think I can have the nipple re-created in 8 weeks, correct?  Which would put me at the end of Nov.  Then, how long do I have to wait for the tatoo'ing?  Can I squeeze that in before the end of Dec.?  Also, how long do you have to wear the nipple protector thing?  We are going out of town after Christmas, for just a week.  I'd love to not have to hassle with that while on vacation.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited November 2010

    Ladies, I need your help. I've had a lumpectomy and am due to get my final chemo treatment next week. After meeting with several breast surgeons (5) and reconstruction surgeons (3) I've decided to complete my breast cancer treatment with radiation and then get delayed bilat mastectomies and HIP flap reconstruction in NOLA. I finish radiation in January and in my mind I was going to NOLA in August for the surgery. I met with my radiation oncologist today and she said she would like me to wait a year after radiation for the surgery because the skin can continue to get firmer and tighter for 1-3 years. Have any of you had radiation prior to reconstruction? If yes, how long did you wait for your flap surgery? Logistically if I don't get the surgery next summer, I will have to wait 18 months until the following summer and I can't get my head around waiting that long. I have to say that my radiation oncologist is amazing, She put in a call to Dr.S to discuss the timing with him but I'd still love your feedback!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    Dr S told me 3-4 months after radiation. I finished my radiation in February, had my double mastectomy last September. Then this September I did my DIEP with Dr S. Every case is so different though.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2010

    toomuch, you can search Dr. D's board for his answers about how long to wait after radiation, and here is one of his responses:

    Nordy, I hope you do get booked by tomorrow, so you won't have to worry about Friday!!

    Kim, thanks for your kind words.  It was wonderful to meet you, and I'm so glad you wrote back to me today---I was becoming very concerned about you!!

    I asked Liz to tell Dr. D that I am definitely done and will not be asking for more surgery!  Looking forward to re-doing my tattoos and healing/fading of scars once and for all!

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2010

    Has anyone had skin lymphedema?  Can it be treated?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2010

    K9Kim, Glad to hear from you, sounds like you are doing well and very happy with your results!

    TooMuch. I finished rads end of Feb Dr. D said wait 6 months. I had my stage 1 early Sept. Stage 2 Early Dec. Hope this helps! (I think he typically says 4-6 months though he does say the skin can change up 18 moths I think.)

     I personally noticed most of the skin changes near the front of the process, then it seemed to really slow down.

    Mchas, I thought there was some time period after nipple recon before tatooing. Does anybody know? Don't we normally NOT do those two things together? Like you do the nipple recon and then come back later for tattooing? 

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2010

    Maui - What exactly do you mean my "skin lymphedema"?  What are your symptoms?

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2010

    ARNICA - I have sworn by this product for years - bumps, bruises, cuts, ......and now surgeries.  It does seem to impact swelling.  In our area, plastic surgeons frequently recommend it.  It comes in 2 common strengths - 30x and 200x.  You can't go wrong with either one, but I'd recommend the 200x for surgery at any stage.  You start taking it about 3 days ahead - a couple pellets a few times per day.  Surgery day you increase the frequency and slowly taper it over the following week.  A small bottle of pellets costs about $10.  I needed 2 bottles.  Some here have also used bromelain, which I tried for the first time last week.  Between arnica and bromelain, I've got to say this was my easiest recovery, but I also had less done.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    I have some arnica I just bought to start taking. I'm not sure on the 30x or 200x though, I'll have to double check. I wonder if I should get another tube so I don't run out? I've heard such great things about it!!

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2010

    mchas - NOLA told me to wait 10 weeks after the nipple reconstruction before tattooing. They had me wear the nip protectors for four weeks.

    Bettye- glad you're getting to follow through with stage 2! Keep us posted on how you're doing.

    Nordy - I hope your plans get worked out soon - bug them! And belated congrats on your half-marathon! You are an inspiration!

    toomuch - I talked to 5 plastic surgeons as well as my awesome radiation oncologist and every one of them told me to wait six months after radiation. I ended up waiting 9 months and had no problems.

    Amy - I'm sorry about your BRCA results. I know how that will worry you for your daughter. I'm BRCA negative and still worry about my daughter for the future already. I'm working and hoping for a cure in time for our girls. (our daughters, I mean)