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NOLA in September?



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited October 2009

    Nordy~I have to force myself not to search and obsess.  I am an information hound by nature.   So, of course, when I got the CTA results, I immediately started searching.  The firbroids and ovarian cysts seem pretty benign, but the adrenal one was freaking me out.  But I have no other symptoms and am not willing to live my life waiting for the next surgery, the next test, the next set of results.

    I have a crappy genetic disorder, yes...but I cannot, and will not let it ruin my life. Even though I only received my genetic results last year, Ithink it helps that I am a 17 year survivor.  I've learned that not every ache, pain, lump or bump is cancer.  I've learned how to refocus my energy when I start having that bad self talk.  If I didn't, I would make myself crazy worrying about me and would be even worse with my son!!!  

    The way I look at it is this...if, the universe forbid, I do get cancer again, then I am going to kick it's ass just like I did the other 2 times.  But, I am not going to live my life like I am going to get it again, or worrying myself to death about it. I dunno if that makes sense, but it's what has worked for me.  

    I will definitely be taking you up on your offer if I have to have it done and can't find anyone locally!  

  • PATTY50
    PATTY50 Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2009

    Trishia, I am sooo happy for you.  Shopping for lingerie with your hubby.  You put a smile on my face.  I am looking forward to doing some of that again myself someday soon.  I'll be getting my stage 2 on either Dec 14 or 15.  Still waiting for confirmation.  How long do you have to wait after stage 2 to get tatoos?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Minnesota,  I put your specs above...

    what is the B&B? First I've heard of it! Do tell.

    I will PM you about the lowering of the Ab incision, as I have a few questions, and nobody else here has this issue!!!!!! 


  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited October 2009

    I'm now ten days post-op (HIP then DIEP three days later), and I am really starting to pick up!

    Question for DIEP gals-- did your pubic area bruise? I have a low scar and it appears to be healing well, however I'm turning a pale blue as though it is prebruising just in the pubic area. I have no swelling or any signs of a problem.

    side note: Dr. S seems to have rid me of my hysterectomy scar because my incision is lower than the hysterectomy one (good news)

    Prayers to all of you in your recoveries!


  • NebrNan
    NebrNan Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2009

    Happy - just want to say "Hang in there".  You are on an emotional roller coaster trying to take care of yourself and your young family while dealing with your body changes.  Remember that some of us are having delayed reconstruction.  For myself, I grieved the loss of the TaTas 2 years ago so having breasts again is a welcome change.  I feel like I'm looking better than I have for a couple of years. You have to allow yourself time to grieve before you can expect to feel perky again.  Recovering from surgery definitely sucks (this kind of surgery is a big deal) but know that you are healing (isn't the body an amazing thing?) and will soon be able to put this behind you and get back to your normal life. 

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2009

    I go back to the hospital to be aspirated again.  Still corresponding with Liz and sending her pix.  I know a lot of you had delayed reconstruction.  Anyone else have bi-lat with immediate diep?  Maybe experience would be closer to mine than most here seem to be.  Anyway, will let everyone know how it goes tomorrow.  She is sending pic to Dr D in case I need to go back to NOLA and have drain put back in.... <sigh>  we'll see.  Sorry ladies, getting a little frustrated with the delays.  Breasts are not symetrical, and won't be till Stage 2 which had to be delayed due to chemo.  I know I will get there, but seems like forever.  Ok, vented....feeling better.  LOL

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited October 2009

    Spring, the B & B is Sully Mansion, a bed and breakfast.  Minnesota and I (and our DHs)  are staying there for a few nights!  It even has a room overlooking a cemetery!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited October 2009

    Ginnie, hang in there.  I had bilateral immediate DIEP. I had a seroma that was never aspirated and turned into a messy problem requiring surgical intervention, so don't despair if a drain is put back in---it's really for the best.    Stage II is all about symmetry and perfecting everything.  It seems like forever now, but the time will pass and soon you'll join the all-done club.  It's definitely worth the wait!


  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2009

    NebrNan- Thanks for reminding me how amazing the body is. It is true. I saw my Doctor yesterday and feel better . I am so happy for you and your new tatas!

    Gin -again? hang in there ,mack6-happy shopping!, Mack6-how are you doing??

     Dr Allen assured me that I was only 6 weeks out and he sais the inner thigh (incision lead to inside butt area) and buttocks Gap can take longer due to sitting . He drained my -what I thought was a hematoma on my leg but found out is a seroma.but last night it seemed to have returned(not as much)- this SOB.   Dr Allen also said that my hard area on my rght breast is likely to be fat necrosis-now I need to research that. Dr Allen remided me that he has NO reason to think that in time - my body and brain will accept these breasts as my own and I will have No limitations physically. walking NYC did take a toll on me. But it was worth it!! I brought an incredibly looking real Coach bag!

    Spring- I am having stage two in NYC on either December 8th or 9th.Could you post it for me? How are you,Spring?

     For Stage 2, I am having fat graphing -he called it. Liposuction from outer thighs(YAY) and fat injections for symmetry. I really hope it works- he was clear that when harvesting cells is tricky. Many die throughout the process (separating out all the fluid) and carefully injecting to breast and then needed to thrive there without absorbing .

     I met Dr Connie Chen- she is amazing. Another Femaile Doctor now trained in this amazing DIEP technique. She has been working under Dr Allen in NYC. She will present for STage two for me.

    hope all is well with all of you!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2009


    I have hard areas on my rt breast.  Did he say what, if anything, needed to be done for the fat necrosis?   MomsDaughter, I know it will be worth it in the long run....just getting out a little frustration! lol  but I am fine.  Thanks all!!

  • PATTY50
    PATTY50 Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2009

    Carolynn, I had diep but my incision was high due to where the arteries were located so no bruising in the public area.

    Happy, glad to hear you are feeling better. I agree with NebrNan that many of us have already had years to grieve over our mx.  My last two reconstructions were so bad.  I will eventually post the pics so you can see.  For me having a breast that is symmetrical in size and actually looks like a breast is so exciting.  I find myself giggling at times. Just give yourself time to grieve. BTW what did Dr. Allen say about fat necrosis.  I might have some of that myself.  Will it go away or have to be removed?  I just e-mailed Debbie with some questions. Thanks again for giving me her email address.  Did you meet up with Abby?

    Gin, Hang in there. Hope you don't have to have anyother drain put in. 

    Hope everyone is doing well.


  • PATTY50
    PATTY50 Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2009

    Just spoke to Debbie at Dr. Allens office.  She said to massage hard areas a few times a day.  If fat necrosis, massaging will help thin it out and body will absorb.  If still there @ three months will be addressed at stage II probably liposuction or surgically removed.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    IAMC - I do not have a lower pubic bruise, but I have a very high incision. Wanna trade? LOL!!

    Happy, added your stage 2 specs above, let me know if I need to change.

    Sandy- Do you want me to add your Dr. D consult above and other specs like Minnesota? Let me know if so.

    I am now almost 6 weeks out from the stacked DIEP/lumbar, and really starting to feel better. The gentle yoga and PT exercises have really helped all the tightness, especially under arms. Just sayin!!


  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2009

    Spring- thank you and I am glad you are doing well!!

     I was told that massaging it a few times a day will help break it down and the body to natural absorb some. I find that during the massaging during a very warm shower helps it the most.

     Patty and I use the same Doctor so I am glad to hear that second stage some thing will be done if it is still there . Although it does give me some volume that I like. Patty- I just LOVE to hear that you find yourself giggling (and Jiggling)Laughing I mean you are two weeks Post op!! Great news!

    I did see Abby - she was leaving when Dr Allen was ready for me. We all talked for awhile- Dr Allen is such a talker- he spent about two and half hours with us. Abby looks amazing!

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited October 2009

    Spring, LOL -- I guess I'll keep the pubic bruise and low scar!  ;)

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2009

    ok, an update - got aspirated again today.. 3 different spots in breast, but not much from there I think.  Thanks for the hint on massaging.  My left breast is VERY hard from mid armpit, all the way over to my incision - bottom half of the breast.  As for the stomach - they got TWICE what they got last wed!! Dr today said he got 400 ml.  Not sure how much was that I had more fluid, and how much was due to him doing a better job than the dr last week.  Now just waiting to hear back from NOLA...

    So proud of and for everyone here!!!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2009

    iamc?  My scar is low, but no bruising...  Do you still have your drains?  I would definitely mention it to drs or nurses.


  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2009

    Carolynn I had a bilateral mx with a stacked diep /lumbar and I had quite a bit of bruising on my right hip above and below where the incision was made and down that leg. I am not sure if this was due to positioning during surgery but for some reason there was a lot of blood pooling in that area. The bruising and swelling have gone down but that one hip drain is still very dark burgandy . I hope it will eventually become more clear like the others and I want to keep that sucker in for as long as I can so it doesn't give me any problems.I think everyone has there one area that gives them more problems than another. Give it time.

    On a good note my son was discharged from the hospital today. He will have some trouble getting around with two casts but he is on his way to recovery.

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2009

    WOW Ginny how did they get so much from your tummy. When did your tummy drains get pulled?

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2009

    Tummy drains DIDn't get pulled.....they fell out!  First the one on the left on 10/2, and a few days later on 10/6, the one on the right....I was still getting 80 or so cc per day, but wasn't much we could do about the stitch holding them in coming out and the drains sliding out...   last Wed I went and they did ultrasound and aspirated 140 cc on right and about 40 on left.  This time he only did right, cause I told him guy hurt me with left last time, and we kinda got me turned on right side, and girl doing ultrasound pushed in on left to force fluid to right and that worked pretty good.

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2009

    Correction - looked back and 1st one must have been 27 or 28th and 2nd one was 2nd......knew it had been longer than 1 day the first time I got drained on 7th!!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited October 2009


    The Sully Mansion is on the list of places to stay in New Orleans that give you a discounted rate if you are a patient at the Center, but your stay has to be at least 4 days, I believe. It's in the Garden District and does overlook a cemetery, as MomsDaughter said. It's the cemetery that figures into a lot of Anne Rice novels. Also, parts of that Brad Pitt movie - I always block on the name - were filmed at this house. The one where the guy gets born old and becomes younger - tip of the tongue - The Curious Case of Benjamn Buttons!

    Macksix6 - sooo glad to hear your son is on the mend!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Minnesota, where is the garden district? I know the French Qtr and the Central Bus. District. 

    Ginnie!!!!!!!!!!!!! 400cc!!!!!! Holy cow!!!!!!!!!! Let us know what happens next. Good grief!!!  

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2009

    The center is actually in the lower Garden District. If you follow the St Charles trollie away from the Business district and French Quarter you will discover some lovely and unique homes as well as the Audubon Zoo and park. There are walking tours that you can take to view the homes and the famous Commander's Palace Restaurant is located in this area which is a must as they serve 24 cent martinis. I kid you not so take a cab.

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2009

    Sorry typo 25 cent martinis.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited October 2009

    Wow, Macksix! I'm so glad to hear that you were able to take in some of the sights! Even with all my trips there, I have never actually eaten at Commander's Palace, tho I've seen the place. I never knew they had 25 cent martini's! Tho I suspect the other prices more than make up for it! Maybe this time we'll spring for a meal there. Also, re: the Garden District, it's always fun just to take the St. Charles street car all the way down and back and just look out the window, if you don't feel up to walking (a person could do this post-surgery). There are blocks and blocks of fantastic old mansions. You really get a sense of the fact that New Orleans was once the most prosperous city - I think possibly in the U.S. - at least in the South, sitting as it was at the mouth of the Mississippi where everything that went up or down river passed through that port (unfortunately, tho, much wealth built on the back of slaves). The house where Anne RIce used to live is in that district, a few blocks off St. Charles. It is the setting of one of her books - okay, now I can't remember the name of that book - oh, "The Witching Hour." I would definitely recommend that any of you visiting New Orleans buy one of the many travel guides about New Orleans before you go. The history is fascinating, and there are an unending number of things to see and do. Honestly, just in the French Quarter, alone, you could keep busy for weeks.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited October 2009

    Hi Spring,

    Sure, please add me.  Not that I'm having surgery, but at least so I can meet up with others, along with Minnesota.   Speaking of Minnesota, we both have a 9 a.m. appt. with Dr. D. I am going to allow her to go first, as long as she promises not to tie him up for too long. 

    Minn, we'll have to watch "Benjamin Buttons" again before our stay at Sully Mansion.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2009

    Stephanie- Im glad to hear your Son got to go home.  I hope his recovery goes well.

    Gin- Wow!  That is a ton of fluid.  Hopefully there wont be anymore.  Let us know what they decide about new drains.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    OK, I know exactly where the Garden District is then, been down a street car on that line. Thanks for the info, will look up the B&B.  I assume this has nothing to so with Cpt. "Sully" Sullingberger? Sully Mansion? JK!! lol.

    Sandy - Will add your consult above. I agree it is good to know who will be there when. I think we will be flying out on 8th, so it looks like I am going to miss everyone!!! pooh!!!

    Now, I hope Minnesota does not mind this - but I wanted to share a link she PM'd me (we are both girls who started out with high Abdominal incisions, so she is sharing her "lower the incision" journey with me!)  But take a look at this story!!! I thought it was fantastic - and you get to see Minn. in her bathing suit!!! (What a testament to the work!! Middle aged women in bikini's and not afraid to be shared all over the TV, internet, etc!!!)

    Go Minnesota!!! 

    See Minn: 

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited October 2009

    Thanks for sharing the video. Minnesota really rocks the bikini. She said something that resonated strongly with me, and why this was the ONLY option I felt comfortable with: "My body is all me."  I'm so very happy being all natural...and that flat tummy? Wow, it's a great perk!

    My stomach drains are out and I don't seem to be accumulating fluid. I'll call NOLA. It's just seems a bit "odd", the blueish skin.

    Love reading everyone's progress!