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NOLA in September?



  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Springtime, I just checked with them they do NOT offer a discounted rate. The dates I need are 249.00 a night. I know Katie tentatively set some arrangements at Bienville I think one night is 130 and the other is 99?

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited May 2011

    ok thanks guys, so, maybe i am just a bit too eager to have this all behind me. I may end up having 2 extra rounds of chemo too...well, went to gym today, that is another small step towards the endplan too..

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Also springtime can you add me to the schedule for July 21st with stage 2 b would it be? a few revisions and nips.

    I know i was told I had to leave a couple months in between just about everything. Between chemo and the mx, and the mx and the radiation, then the radiation and reconstruction etc... It was quite a shock, I thought I could do the recon right away. I ended up going a very long year with nothing. All behind me now and I have some nice tata's thank you Dr S! :)

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2011

    Kathryn - I am so sorry you have to worry about all this. Just wanted to say that I will be thinking of you all weekend and hoping that you will find out very soon that the worry was for nothing. Hugs.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2011

    Ok ladies!  Flipping out a bit now!  My surgery has been moved to May 10th, instead of May 11th.  I am going to be down there anyway by Sunday afternoon, but had planned a day to rest, sightsee a bit and relax.  Plus a lovely night at the hotel.  Oh well.  I have finally got my head wrapped around it, I guess, but when they called me at 4:30 this afternoon with this news, I had an actual panic attack!! I am finally breathing again now . . .  Anyway, I guess you can change my date on the schedule if you want, Spring!  I will be at the Hope Lodge the first 2 nights, then surgery on the 10th, then at Homewood Suites!  Wishing all of us the best!!  See you all in NOLA!!

    Dragon are you sure the rate they gave you at the Monteleone was correct?  I see it listed as much less than that for those dates, and I know that's where we were going to stay on Sunday evening, and it was nowhere near that high.  I would ask Katie to check for you.  But the Bienville looked very nice as well . . .

    Kathryn, so sorry you are having a worrying weekend. . .  I know we will all be thinking of you. xo 

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2011

    Hey everyone
    I'm down in NOLA right now--had my stage one PBM + DIEP on wednesday with Dr. D and Dr. Stolier.  I'm doing INSANELY amazing...all the nurses are shocked at how well I am recovering--I feel great!  leaving the hospital tomorrow...I was so prepared from reading these boards and talking to people who have been through it like Marcia (she rocks!)  so I think that really helped me more than I can say.  I know we all heal differently and my situation was different  because my surgery was preventative, but i can't say enough good things about these surgeons and nurses...words fail to describe how amazingly great things have been--i wish for the same for all of you!

    KathrynLA - I spoke with Marcia just now and she told me to jump in on this thread.  I'm doing my stage 2 in NOLA in early August and I met with Dr. Vonalmen at the center--he doesn't technically work there but he's a great gyn onc in the area who came highly recommended.  He's going to do my LSH during my stage 2.  I spoke with him several times on the phone and then met him the day before my stage 1 and I thought he was great.  maybe you can call Liz or Celeste back and ask to be put in touch with him?  he bent over backwards to see me with some short notice so it's worth a shot to see if he's available and of course if you like him--hope this helps. 

     Yay recovery!  So happy!


  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2011

    I've been running around doing final errands today.  I leave for NOLA tomorrow.  Almost done!

     KathrynLA  - Sorry to hear about your ovary stress.  Hang in there. 

     Kaitsmom - It is ok to flip out.  You planned on 11th.  It changes the countdown.   Good thing you are arriving on Sunday.

     denouement - awesome everything is going so well.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2011

    Thanks tigsun - looking forward to seeing you there. . .

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    Remember when we questioned how they could do all of you on the 11th? Well, maybe that's why you moved to the 10th... This is a good sign I think..

    And DragonFly... I am scheduled for surgery July 21st as well... 

    One week til I fly down for my consult.... glad to see things moving along!!! And my last chemo is next week too!!!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Oh shoot I meant to say JUNE 21st, sorry bdavis!!

    This is the email I got from the hotel:[]

    I do apologize but we do not offer a discounted rate for those dates, however we do have availability. We offer our Preferred bedrooms, either with one king bed or two double beds, overlooking the Mississippi River or French Quarter for $279.00 per night. Also, we offer our Traditional rooms as well. These rooms are either one king or two doubles and have limited to no view for $249.00 per night.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2011

    Kaitsmom- our surgery is the same day!  Mine is Dr S and Dr Stolier.  I got a call this afternoon, too.  They had to adjust my appts Monday because Dr S has a previously unscheduled surgery Monday.  

    Denouement-I'm so glad to hear how well you are recovering.  I'm having a BMX, though I guess one side is prophylactic.  

     I'm having a hard time keeping track of everyone and keeping up!  I'm kind of foggy I guess, even without any treatments.  I do feel so much better today since I've got everything in place, regarding my kiddos.  I've got a whole spreadsheet!  So many people are helping me.  My 10yo (on autism spectrum) surprised me this morning.  She sounded quiet and sincere and told me she'd miss me very much when I'm gone.  Aww!  Then she continued and said because I am the only one who knows where the ipod is!  Little stinker.  :)  She said it again tonight.  At least I won't need to worry about her worrying about me.  My 7yo, on the other hand, cried herself to sleep tonight because I'll be gone.  I received a prayer shawl today; a friend knit it and had my friends hold it and say a prayer.  Well my 7yo commandeered it.  She wants to keep it while I'm gone, so I'll let her.  

    I haven't packed yet.  I've got my shopping list done, but haven't packed.  From what everyone says it shouldn't take me long.  Fortunately my girls will be staying at home, with grandma staying with them, so I don't have to pack them up.   

    I've been telling people I'm coming to NOLA for my surgery and they're all amazed I found out about it.  It's all because of this board, my friends!  I'm so grateful.  

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Tigsun I will see you there! I am running around like a looneybird, myself, trying to get every possible thing done. Have a good sleep and happy travels. :)

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited May 2011

    denouement So happy for your amazing recovery!  Just take it easy after leaving the hospital so it continues--you don't want to overdo it! 

    I don't think Dr. von Almen is a gyn onc---I believe he is a gyn only.  I had him as my third surgeon, along with Dr. D for breast revisions and Dr. Cheng (a gyn onc) for my ooph/hyst---all the same day. 

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2011

    thanks everyone!

    SandyinParadise - that's strange, when I spoke to the people at the center (can't remember if it was Liz or Celeste) they said Vonalmen was there go-to gyn onc.  I will need to confirm that with them, maybe they spoke incorrectly.  Thanks for the heads up.  I will confirm with them tomorrow before I am discharged--luckily I have 3 months to figure it out.  Will post what I hear back ASAP

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2011

    Thanks everyone for all of the cyber support. It means a lot.

    Denoument - Sandy is correct about Dr von Almen. They told me he is only a GYN  and since this is something suspicious and I am BRCA+ I do need a gyn onc.  So unfortunately I cannot double up my surgeries.

    That said, I do have an appt with the gyn onc at Cedars on Monday at 9AM. (This finally got put in place at 5:45PM yesterday!)  We were originally told by his office that he was in network but have since found out he is not (which kind of sucks because I could have gotten in with another out of network doctor that was recommended without all of this fuss) but nonetheless I will at least go to him on Monday to see if he thinks I have any immediate worries. Keep your fingers crossed that it's nothing or at least something that can wait until I come back from Stage 2.

    Hope to see all of you other mid-May NOLA women down there!  If not, have a beignet on me!

  • CandDsMom
    CandDsMom Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2011

    KathrynLA - I hope that you get good news on Monday!!

    Congrats denouement! Glad to hear that you are feeling good:)

    Heather!!!! keep us posted

    ok, for everyone who finished stage 2: Monday is 4 weeks postop for me. These nipple shields are driving me CRAZY. Did you all just take them off and start wearing a regular bra? Or should I suck it up and keep the shields on. I understand I will likely lose a lot of projection. Does keeping the shields on longer matter for this? Or does it just delay the inevitable?

    thanks in advance!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    I'm a bit nervous about these shields and stuff. What do they look like, how far do they stick out, is it wearing them 24/7 for how long?? Ok, I'm pretty nervous about the whole nipple procedure.

  • CandDsMom
    CandDsMom Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2011

    They gave me medela 24mm nipple shields with the tips cut off (this is what I woke up in post-op) taped with brown micropore tape to my chest. Since these show a fair amount in clothes I also bought some medela nipple shells which have a more rounded appearance and I put them on top of the shields. In a tight shirt you can see the whole "apparatus" but in something that isn't super tight or has a pattern there is no problem.  The below link is all the medela products on but if you scroll down you can see the "contact nipple shield 24mm" and the "soft shells" nipple&queryfrom=search

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Wow those are sexy aren't they :)

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2011

    Things are getting "real" now. I am at the airport waiting to board my flight to Nola.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2011

    Personally I know little about New Orleans, other then all the sad new about Katrina, but I wanted to say my grandson (we're from a small area outside Phila, Pa.) went to NO last week for I believe my son said the Jazz Festival............Well grandson is back home, and loved it.........just wanted to add that small compliment.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2011

    I take that back...........the other great thing I know about NO, is him all the time, not sure how good the restaurant is, but he is hysterical.

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2011

    Yes, jazzfest is in full effect. Maybe I can catch a show today or tomorrow.

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2011 travels!!! Will see you soon I come down monday morning

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2011

    Flight nerves can't take this. Lol

    Dsnydawn - thanks. the airline is trying to find us a plane. Technical problems on the one that we were suppsed to catch.

    The airport may be my undoing. I have been fine until I was saying goodbye to my parents.

    Times like these I love modern technology!

    Today has been one of "those" days.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2011

    CandDsmom- try to stick it out for another 4 weeks. You might want to try the Simplisse shells instead, they're lower profile than the Medela shells. I found them to be easier to wear and to hide.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    How long are you supposed to wear them? 8 weeks total, 24/7??? Where did you get the simplisse shells?

  • CandDsMom
    CandDsMom Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2011


    thanks, I know you sent me the link to them. I think I ended up with the medela just b/c that was what was on the shelf at toys r us!

    I will get the simplesse ones. I guess I can do 4 more weeks :P

    Have you heard about any data for leaving protectors on longer than 8 weeks?

  • CandDsMom
    CandDsMom Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2011

    i just ordered some simplesse shells from amazon but you can buy them at target too

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011
    Tigsun, Hopefully you are in the air at this moment! Soon you'll be on the other side. When we meet, you'll be DONE!!! Actually, I'll probably be done, too! When I'm there for pre-op it will be too early for you. Come shuffle down the hall and look for me once you are up and about. Lots of very encouraging posts this AM, DIEP 2010, I think, of ladies building garden gates and carrying around landscape pavers and walking miles on their treadmills at 6 weeks post op. Other than the fact that I couldn't do that now, haha,  very good to read!  All the best. See you soon :)