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NOLA in September?



  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Nordy what is phytoestrogen cream? I was only 32 when I had my ovaries out, so it kind of sucked but I knew I wanted no more kids so they were useless in that way to me anyway. I haven't noticed anything major really since not having them. There are some days where I am really more emotional than I normally was. I rarely cried or was upset in that way. Some days I cry and cry over the smallest thing. Just takes one song on the way to work sometimes to send me over!! ha ha always like going to work with puffy eyes :)

    I sure wish someone from here was going to be down there when I am in June, that is always fun to meet ladies from here! 

    Good luck to all the rockstars going into surgery this week, you're going to do awesome!! 

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2011

    phytoestrogen = estrogen derived from plants. as opposed to mare's urine (premarin).  I think there's an estrogen pill that's derived from yams.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    so ok dumb question but what do you do with the cream? I have an idea but wanted to make sure :) is it prescription only?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2011

    Dragon - It is the progesterone creams that are derived from wild yams. The phytoestrogens usually come from some combination of black cohosh, evening primrose and/or clover flower. You can find Emerita phytoestrogen cream at Whole Foods, New Seasons and online - my favorite place to shop for it online is at They are sooooo much less expensive and shipping is free for over $49! I bet someone will come along that will be there with you in June!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Thanks, I may try it out and see if it helps me. Do you use it every day?

    Well at least if I'm the only one from here in June, I'm a pro at this by now so I won't be nervous :)

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2011

    No - not prescription! You rub it into places where there are superficial blood vessels, like the back of your knees, the backs of your hands, the bend of the elbows and the tops of your feet. It is absorbed through the skin (vs. taking it orally). My oncologist has said if I am going to take a plant estrogen replacement (because he refuses to give me one by prescription) that he prefers the topicals/creams rather than the oral supplements.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2011

    The recommendation on the tube says twice a day. I use it once every other day... this way I have found I still get the benefits and my onc doesn't freak out. LOL  Not that he would ever understand menopause... well, because he is a HE!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Oh I see you're triple - like me. I wasn't sure if we could do anything or not for the menopause symptoms. Yeah I doubt you'd get much understanding or sympathy from a male period!! LOL My gyn is a male too.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2011
    Yeah, I am triple neg, but he still doesn't want me taking anything... but there has to be some quality of life too... I can't be crying all the time!
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2011

    Sallyyyyyyy, I would take a picture and send via email and CALL THEM!! 

    Katheryn, If it was me, I'd do stage 2 then the ooph at 4 weeks out. That sounds pretty safe given what you mentioned above!

    Good luck to Cider and Amy!!! Surgery today!!

    Norday, I have not done the Progesterone creme, but I have broken down and now do Estriol suppositories or oil vaginally. I just could NOT do it any more! It was either (1) never have intercourse again because it was so painful, or (b) try the vaginal estriol.   Stuff works like a dream. No, I have not mentioned it to my ONC (at least yet). It's a matter of quiality of life! 

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    That's a bout what my doc said too. Try to not take anything, if I couldn't tolerate it then to come in. Crying all the time is not good, ruins my makeup then I have to keep stock of kleenex it's a cycle :)

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Woke up this am and thought ...this is the last time I'll wake up in my bed with so much discomfort from my implants. I guess next time I wake up in my bed I will have OTHER discomfort, but hopefully just temporary. We leave for the airport soon. I've been packing for 3 days and my husband just went over to his dresser, tossed a few things from each drawer and it took him about 5 minutes!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    Ok.. ladies for this week... If I come to the hospital Saturday to say hi... what are your REAL names, and who will be there again, and who will have already left... I think Cider said a Friday checkout.:

    May 10 - Cider8 -.

    May 10- Kaitsmom -

    May 11 - DsynDawn ... Dawn __________, checking out ____________

    May 11 - Tigsun

    May 12 - Jerusha

    And then drinks at Montelione (sp) Hotel at 7pm Monday with Kathryn and Rhonda (ref)

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2011

    Hey everyone, I met Amy (Kaitsmom) and her DH this morning and gave her a big hug b4 they called her in to her surgery....than I met Tigsun a few mins ago in the lobby.  After seeing her all day throughout my appts she finally she came up and asked ,are you dsnydawn?? my reply was are you tigsun...and now she is off again for more appts.  Everyone here is lovely and you feel so important and not like a number.  Well just finishing lunch (that they gave us) and off to meet Dr.D around 3:30...well I'll ask my DH to update the boards to let you know how I do after my surgery as I'm sure I'll be a little out of it!!!  Oh and it ends up that myself, Amy and Tigsun are all staying at homewood suites we will get to hangout thru out our stay!! Hope to see Kathryn and Betsy too!!

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2011

    hey ya'll - just checking in now post-op day 6.  recovery is really a marathon and i've slowed down a bit but i'm still trucking along :-)  drains are slowing down so I think at least two of the four will be pulled tomorrow during my post-op. Yay!

    Just wanted to let you all know that I just heard back from Dr Stolier on my pathology report.  My surgery was preventative but I had a suspicious lump that was biopsied 2 months ago.  they said at the time it was non-cancerous but that it was "cell change that MIGHT later turn into something bad" and that i needed to go back from survelliance every 3-6 months.  Super duper happy to report that my report came back 100% clean!  So happy to not have to worry about this anymore!

    Hoping we get good news from Cider8 and Kaitsmom soon!  best of luck to DsynDawn and Tigsun on your surgeries tomorrow! I'm going to be at the center for my post op at 2:30 so I'll check in on your all!

    Jerusha if you are there tomorrow for your pre-op maybe I will see you?

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Denouement...would love to. I'll come looking...

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Hi dsnydawn, I'll be at Homewood also, starting Sunday(15 th) thru Friday (20th). We'll overlap. Keep us posted on Kaitsmom and Cider...

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2011

    Thinking of everyone in NOLA now having or about to have surgery. Connecting with friends in person is SO great and I'm happy you are all there together:) So I guess cider8 and kaitsmom are done now. Hope you are both snoozing happily in your rooms! Tigsun, dsnydawn, jerusha-deep breaths! It will be behind you soon:)

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2011

    Cider and Kaistmom - can't wait to hear all of the surgery updates. Hope you're doing well. 

    Tig and Dawn - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow AM.

    As for me and my dilemma - it looks like I am sticking with my original plan for sure. Breasts first, then ovaries in mid-June. Dr S said I can do the ooph 4 weeks post stage 2.  So I am arriving in NO on Monday May 16th and meeting dbavis and ref for drinks on Monday night at Hotel Montelione at 7PM.  If anyone else is up for it please join in.

    Then on Tuesday I have my center appts from 1 - 4PM.  If everyone is up for it we COULD 

    1. Meet for breakfast or brunch

    2. Meet for dinner or something after 4:30

    I'll be at Hotel Montelione on the 16th and 17th, then at Homewood from the 19th - 24th. So looking forward to meeting you all face-to-face.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2011

    I am thinking of Cider and Amy (KaitsMom). Hoping you are both okay... 

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2011

    hi again..when I left the center at 5pm Amy was still in ...nurse couldn't give me any info but did tell me that Dr. D was still in I wasn't able to meet him today will have to meet him right b4 my surgery in the morning...well thanks for all your good wishes now I will be drinking water until midnight!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    Good luck Dawn... Funny how after all our "talks" there you are ready to go!!!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    How awesome 4 of our very own rockstars are having stage 1 this week. Can't wait to hear from them on how it went :) I remember that day....

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2011

    hi,,,,,today was really busy but great. ran in to dsnydawn.....we overlapped a lot.  i am guessing that kaitsmom was done because we share a doctor and i had my appointment around 3.

     i am excited about tomorrow. i felt really relaxed with all the doctors and every one at that beautiful hospital was so nice!  i am going to sleep now.  pick up bright and early at 5:45.  dsnydawn see you there and in recovery!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2011

    Oh you guys! I'm just sitting here smiling. I have been reading for a looong time!!!! Many pages behind! I made notes as I read, so I could answer questions, and then I think everyone got their questions asked and I crossed them off the list one-by-one. We have such an awesome network here!

    I'm so excited for everyone who's in NOLA now and that so many of you have gotten to meet or will meet soon. And so many surgeries this week - some done, some yet to come tomorrow and the next day! I love to read everyone's stories and their reactions to NOLA and their wonderful experiences there. Please keep us up to date and tell us funny things that happen and what shoes the docs are wearing! LOL!

    Kathryn - I was so worried for you, but it sounds like your cyst situation is less dire than you feared and your Stage 2 will go on as planned! Yeah!

    Sally - No! Not another infection! What Nordy said!

    Leslie - So sorry you're having to go thru all this after losing your husband. Please come here for support anytime you need it. There's a lot of excitement right now because this is such a busy week in NOLA, but things will calm down here pretty soon! All of you who are still a ways off from surgery, drink in the positive feelings of these gals! It's really not "too good to be true" down there. It is true!

    Kaitsmom - I can imagine having a panic attack at the sudden change in plans. It's not unusual for them to change a time for an appointment, like the day before the appointment... But to change the whole date of the surgery - that's a pretty huge adjustment! Hope you're all calm now - well, you are - you're all drugged up and all done!

    Congrats Heatherbless and Denouement (I love your name - very appropriate!)

    Cider, hope you're resting comfortably and all is well. Good luck tomorrow, DsnyDawn and Tigsun, and Jerusha on Thursday!

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Minnesota!  Glad someone gets the name :-)

    I just heard from Theresa (Tigsun's) friend that they are finishing up her surgery now and all is going great--yay!  My post op was moved up to 1 pm today so I'm getting ready to head out now.  Hoping to see some of you ladies there...i'll update everyone later with any info I get.  here's hoping everyone has a great surgery and is recovering soon!

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited May 2011

    What a blessing to hear that all the ladies from this week are doing well. Thank God!! So happy to have found this board. I will be in Nola 2 weeks from today getting new boobs..I hate that no from from the board will be there but i will surly keep you guys posted. I am getting excited reading the post from the ladies that are there this week.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2011

    For any of you living in (or near) NOLA or there for surgery, you might be interested in this event on Tuesday:

    Please Join Us - The Center for Restorative Breast Surgery is pleased to present Dr. Corinne Becker, the French pioneer of Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer (VLNTx), who will discuss the topic of the surgical treatment of lymphedema at our monthly EnCourage support group.
    Tuesday, May 17, 2011 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm. RSVP 

    Tuesday, May 17, 2011
    The Center for Restorative Breast Surgery (CRBS) is pleased to present Dr. Corinne Becker, the French pioneer of Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer (VLNTx), who will discuss the topic of the surgical treatment of lymphedema at the monthly EnCourage support group meeting this May. Dr. Becker and her associated group of surgeons pioneered the Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer in 1991 in Paris. Since that time, Dr. Becker has performed more than 1500 of these transfers in France, Brazil, Korea and Egypt, as well as in the United States. "We are grateful that Dr. Becker is available to share her time and expertise with our patients," states Dr. Scott Sullivan, co-founder of the CRBS and lead surgeon for the Lymphedema Treatment Center at St. Charles Surgical Hospital. Dr. Marga F. Massey, Founder of the National Institute of Lymphology continues, "It is because of Dr. Becker's forward thinking that we are now able to offer our patients a variety of surgical options for the treatment of lymphedema." Lymphedema is a debilitating condition of localized fluid retention caused by a compromised lymphatic system. In the United States, it is most frequently seen after breast cancer treatments as lymph node dissection, mastectomy and/or radiation therapy, that can damage the lymphatic system of the arm. The St. Charles Surgical Hospital offers the first dedicated and comprehensive lymphedema treatment program of its kind in the United States through their Lymphedema Treatment Center. For those affected by arm swelling post mastectomy, full service solutions for improvement ranging from lifestyle counseling, complex decongestive therapy, compressive garment fitting and instruction, and, when indicated, surgical management strategies including the newest state-of-the-art lymph node transfer procedures are offered. VLNTx can be performed at SCSH when combined with any breast reconstruction surgery or as follow-up treatment to a previous surgery.  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2011

    I got a text from Amy (Kaitsmom)'s DH this am that "All is good and she's recoving in the room" or something like this!!

    DYSN and TIG - Good luck! Both of you are probably in recovery and post surgical right now!!!


    Minn - you made me look up "Denouement" !!! Def (for the rest of you!) - "...the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work. 2. : the outcome of a complex sequence of events." Very nice, Deno!!!

    Rogam, I am glad you found us too. You never know, maybe someone will appear here in the next couple of week's!!!  

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone. Wow, I just caught up reading the last few pages! Good luck to all of you May ladies!!!

    Kathryn and Bdavis - All set for drinks at 7pm on May 16! Kathryn, I am so happy it worked out that you can keep your schedule.

    Okay, I know this is kind of backward since I am doing my consult on May 16 but I just found out I got my surgery date. I have had June 1 circled for a while with Liz but didn't receive "official" confirmation until yesterday. I have been speaking with several women that Liz gave me as referrals who have been wonderfully generous with their stories, and very supportive. I feel confident this is right for me. Meeting Dr. Sullivan on Monday should help to answer whether this will be a hip flap or a stacked hip/abdomen. Either way, these implants have to go! I'm excited, nervous. Is this crazy? Or this couldn't be more right?