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NOLA in September?



  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Betsy - Lake Champlain is wonderful! Stage1 is a big event so it's good you're getting some last licks in. And yes it will be hot AND humid in NOLA but you'll probably be walking the halls (and not the streets!) Plus, the hospital is very pleasant including the temperature.

    Do you have any fuzz yet?   Hoping you get some growth soon!

    BTW, did I ever tell you we have the exact same diagnosis day? 11/12/10.  We'll have to commemorate together somehow.  Maybe you'll be done with Stage 2 by then and there will be a lot to celebrate!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    Just checking in ladies!! Sounds like everyone is doing great! So happy to hear that.

    We arrived safely in Boston yesterday. Had a relaxing day, hung out at the pool, napped, etc... My brother surprised us all, kids don't know it yet. We're leaving this afternoon and driving to New York. Staying in some place up there in a cabin. He said something about renting a house boat type of thing and relaxing and letting the kids swim, and that there is a water park or something next door. So excited, it's going to be a blast. Just wish I could go in the lake and participate. I brought books and my IPod so I'll be relaxing and recovering from my stage 2b just last Tuesday! I think the clear plastic protectors can come off now, super nervous!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    Hi Kathryn,

    Yes, I have hair, short but it is there. I have posted photos on the Hair Hair Hair thread... 

    I know that it will be super hot, but I also know my husband is going to want to go do stuff when he comes down to get me at day 8-11, so I am hoping to bring some cooler weather with me... LOL

    And yes, our dates are the same... it was a busy time around then. I have seen a few 11th and 12th of Nov. We can for sure cyber celebtrate. I am hoping to get my Stage II done around Oct 24-Nov 3... In there sometime.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    I was doing some looking around on the internet to see what people were saying about how long to wear the compression garment after lipo (BTW, Dr S said to wear it for a minimum of 1 week after the drains come out.)  Basically I found there is no consensus, I found it ranged from 1 week to 6 weeks. Here are a few examples:

    1. There really isn't any good evidence that compression garments are helpful after the first week or so (at least not with the new liposuction); so at that point their use depends on whether you are more comfortable with or without them. 

    Prior to tumescent liposuction very tight compression garments were prescribed for 6 weeks or more.  Because of decreased tissue trauma with the tumescent technique, prolonged use and/or tight garments are no longer necessary.

    2. Thanks for the question - Compression garments accomplish goals. They help keep the subcutaneous tunnels created by liposuction collapsed as scar tissue forms. This helps to maintain the improvement in contour. It also helps reduce the swelling in the area which will accelerate healing and create a better result as well. We have patients wear garments for 6 weeks.

    3. I recommend that you wear your garment for 6 weeks after liposuction to get the best results. It is important to control swelling and compress the remaining fat and soft tissue. This allows the healing process to shape or sculp the liposuctioned areas. 

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2011
    Hey Kathryn - cool that you are going to Napa!  That is indeed very close to me and close to Sonya as well so let us know if you wanna try to meet up.  However I might be in NOLA for my stage 2 when you are here.  I think you'll be happy with the weather here, it's very temperate--average temps are in the mid to high 70's and it rarely gets higher than the mid to high 80's.  But definitely stock up on wine anyway Smile
  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    so... I have hit a problem with NOLA and insurance... not making me happy. I asked numerous times about insurance and each time was told how lucky I am because I am in-network and it would only cost me the balnce of my co-insurance ($750). Then today I asked again to make sure they had all they neded for pre-certification and they tell me the doctors are OUT of network and I am responsible for $2500... I am not happy and have even emailed them a copy of THEIR webpage that says that THREE RIVERS is in - network.. and to explain to me why their website says one thing which is consistant with all coorespondence so far, and only now I am getting a different explanation.

    AND when I was in NOLA for my consult, it was process as IN network... so it does not make sense.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited June 2011
    BDavis - I had a similar situation happen to me. I was told by the Center that the dr's were out of Network and given a total that the surgery would be. I was thinking that was it - the whole thing. In fact I asked them and they said that was it - the whole thing.  Then right before surgery I got a call saying aren't I lucky that the hospital and anesthesiologists were in network. I was so confused and then I realized that the Center was only telling me the Dr's fees (Dr D in my case) and the hospital was telling me the hospital fees. They are different and separate. I wonder if that is what you are running in to? Are they talking about two different types of fees?
  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    Ladies, I'm loving all your vacation plans!  I'm not going anywhere, but that's OK.  I'd made plans to go to Grand Lake CO early Sept, but I'll still be getting chemo, so I'm pretty sure it's out.  Chemo is zapping me.  It's so strange spending my time between my medical team.  As my pain Doc says you are not going to feel this way forever!  I'm feeling a bit freaky with my bald head and some chemo bloat with my stage 1 body.  It's a bit discouraging feeling like I'm backsliding with my health, but it's all part of the plan.  And to think when I got diagnosed w/BC I thought it's a better C to have since I don't need my breasts to live!  What an education I am getting.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    Laura... No.. that was for the whole thing... The hospital/anesthesia is indeed no cost to me at all... this is the doctor fee only (Dr D) cuz Dr Stolier is also free. And I remember hearing that if I went with Dr Lagarde it would be covered in network because she is part of the center... so hearing two very different things.

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited June 2011

    Betsy don't you have Aetna?  I have Aetna (sure there are all different plans) but mine was also billed through three rivers and my only out of pocket was my deductible $1250...not sure if considered in network but was told that I had "cadillac of insurance"

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    Yes...Aetna with Three Rivers... and I was told this too, but then today two people are telling me it is billed through out of network... I have 4 categores with Aetna, in and out of network deductible and in and our of network co-insurance... I have met my deductible for the year for both... and for co-insurance (where this applies) I have $750 remaining for in-network and $2500 for out of network... so almost $2000 difference.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2011

    Betsy, did you talk to ppl at the Center 1:1 on the phone? I would keep pushing on that. I had CIGNA which was in Network for the Docs. The hospital was out of network (I think? or maybe it was in?), but in any case, because I had already reached my out of pocket max for the year every time I went there for surgery, I ended up not paying anything. HOWEVER, I don't know what the heck is up with CIGNA, they keep sending me all this suspicious paperwork asking me all these quetions. I am very leary about it. My DH is calling the center to make sure we fill it out right. It's like some sort of an audit is going on. Just don't like the smell of it, at all!!! I think for years now, the Center and CIGNA are going back and forth on things. The Center says they've already been paid, so I don't know what is up. I think the Insurance Co hates paying so much $$ !!!  It is not cheap surgery, that is fer sher.

    I started going without a wig 4 months after I stopped chemo. At first I wore ball caps, then pretty quickly ditched those. Good luck, getting hair back is so awesome!! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    Hi Beverly,

    I had called many times and spoke with Liz and I think Candi and was told over and over all good, in network etc... Then today I spoke with Vickie and Pam and they are saying that the hospital and anesthsia is in-network and Stolier is in netowrk, but Dr D is not... BUT I have three rivers and their website specifically says its IN network... Pam explained that Three Rivers processes Aetna's claims andit is covered but goes thru my OUT of network co-insurance... BUT when I had my consultation in May that went thru my IN network.. So... confusing. I then emailed Cappy and she will call me tomorrowand said not to worry... it will work out. But the difference between IN and OUT is $2000 so I am worrying,

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited June 2011

    It seems to be unanimous, so we will take all of the great advice you ladies have given me. Thank you so much!  I wish we had more time on the trip, but taking a week away from the business is hard as it is, and we have so much to accomplish, then my best friend's son gets married the day after we get back home.  We will rent a car in Atlanta on Saturday (hopefully by noon), drive to Asheville and stay Saturday night with my aunt, and probably all day Sunday.  We might leave Sunday evening, but I want to be on the road headed to DC by very early Monday morning at the latest.  We have to be in NY by Tuesday night because I'm doing a breast cancer "pink gear" PR event in NYC Wednesday afternoon.  We are showing our line of pink ribbon apparel and accessories, which will raise funds for Breastoration.  We fly home Thursday afternoon.  Hopefully we'll be able to pull this off without car or weather problems.  If we are lucky, we'll have a few hours to see what we can in DC.  Having never been to that part of the country, I really want to drive and at least see what it looks like on the ground.

    I'm so sorry that you ladies are dealing with insurance concerns.  I've heard of issues in the past when misinformation was passed along, but things always were ironed out and I've never heard of anyone being stuck with a unexpected bill when all was said and done.  For both my surgery last October and my husband's in January (he had his hernia repaired at St. Charles), we got huge anesthesiology bills because that was out of network for us. Our insurance was no help at all, but the doctor apparently accepted what our insurance paid and wrote off the rest because we never received another bill after I called their office to ask about it.   I know that the docs don't ever want any of us stressing over the money, so be persistent about getting your questions answered rather than worrying. They WILL work it all out for you. I agree that the in-network and out-of-network and deductibles are very complicated and confusing! 

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited July 2011


    I was disappointed to have received a large anesthesiology bill, even after my insurance paid them.  Not only that, they sent me to collection after only two bills, even though I had already spoken with them and they knew I was waiting to hear back from my insuance company.  I only found out about the 'collections' status when I called to make a payment arrangement.  Nice, huh?  I was not impressed with them at all.  And I wouldn't count on everyone not balance billing because that was definitely not my experience.

    I never had any problems with the Center.  They were great with everything concerning billing and insurance. 


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited June 2011

    Thought my fellow NOLA alumni might get a kick out of this new Tshirt offered by a New Orleans company...

    You'll "get it" when you see it!


    (...boobies made from breast/*ss) ;)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2011

    Marcia, I don't get it! I see Shake ya Brass? (Call me thick tonight!)

    Betsy, that is worrying. It doesn't sound right. Let us know how it goes when you talk to Cappy. I will hope the best for you!!!

    Suzanne, I did notice that the anesthesia bills came so fast! The billing for that company is speedy. Sorry you had issues.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2011

    Beverly... Cappy called me today and she said that unti lthey bill it out to Aetna, there is no way to know if they will apply it to my in or out of network... hmmmm.. she said when they called aetna yesterday, aetna said it would come from out of network, and yet aetna paid Dr D's consult from in-network... so you can believe that if they bill out of OUT of network, I will appeal.

    In the meantime, they are only asking me for my IN network balance as a payment,... and the hospital and anesthsia will be in network and no cost to me... so best case scenario, I pay $750 for everything... worse case scenario it will cost me $2500.

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited July 2011

    Breasts from *ss (SGAP ) = BRASS! :)   hence the humor behind (at least for us) "Shake Your Brass"!

    Breasts from belly (DIEP)  = BRELLY !

    Just being silly!


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited July 2011


     please keep in mind that these procedures bill out in the 6 figures..should make you feel a bit  better no matter what you have to pay OOP ?Undecided


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2011

    Oh Marcia... I know... Just want my cake and eat it too.... On further investigation I think aetna covered my consult at out of network... so looks like I will be stuck at out of network, and yes, I do understand that $2500 is still awesome... $750 is just better.

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited July 2011

    Betsy - I got a bill from Dr Stollier (for my $15 copay) and it was something like $4900 and aetna only paid him like $2500 and on the bill he it same bal was "written off".  Not sure if he gets some money from SCSH because the bill for that was like $145,000 (aetna pd $115,000) .  Still had many other bills for Dr D and Dr T etc.  But I was told what I was responsible for and they mailed me a letter from the center reflecting that.  Still whenever a envelope comes from aetna I get a sick feeling in my stomach ,but so far so good.  Hopefully it will all work our for the $750, as all the travel expenses add up and if you aren't able to go back in the same calendar year - you have to do it all over again!!! ugh

  • irishabq
    irishabq Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2011

    he did mine.  at first the circles looked so unnatural to me, but I have grown to accept them.  Could you give me his website?   I want to make sure that he is the guy at NOLA.  I had him do the areola a brown and more pink for the nipple.  He wanted to go lite pink for the whole thing, but I heard they fade and I live in the dessert.

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited July 2011

    well, my insurance only covers 80% out of network, so am waiting to hear...yikes!

    spring and dsydawn i know that after NOLA contacted my insurance about precertification empire blue cross blue shield suddenly had a freak out on me and tried to ditch me and said i had pre-existing...very very stressful few weeks for me cos was in middle of chemo etc and suddenly they were trying to change it all on me when they saw even bigger bills coming in for me... i had better insurance before a trip back to australia last year via my ex thru the DGA and this lapsed, i took some out on my own but had not had this new insurance that long -  anyway, long story short technically i was in the right and covered,  and i knew it, but very very scary time and i a lost a lot of time stressing out about too and staying on top of my treatment plan...i was imagining financial ruin if it all went to hell in my more paranoid moments!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2011

    Betsy, Well, it seems you have your answer. Still, 2500 is a bargian, there are women on this board who have paid a friggin fortune to got to NOLA and have no regrets. I hope you are feeling more settled about it. Too bad though that you were sort of jerked around. Insurance is a pain!!

    Louis13 - I am so glad it worked out for you. I totally believe they tried to dump you!

    The costs are so high, my insurance is still freaking out. My first surgeries were in 2009.... (!!!!!!!!) 

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited July 2011

    Just checking in. Finally took the plastic nipple guards off and put the brown ones on.

    This is the first real good look I've taken at them. They look good, it looks like I have flat spots on my breasts where they took the skin from. Maybe when all the swelling goes down?? I'm hating the protectors and girdle in the summer!! Lol

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited July 2011

    I'm free! Both the stomach and hip drain were pulled today. YIPPPEEE!  Of course I'm still swollen all over and wearing the calf to practically neck compression garment and I still walk a little hunched over and look about 4 months pregnant with my swollen abdomen, but still I feel like I've been given a new lease on life...or at least my wardrobe. 

    Been coaxing some of that surgical glue off in my spare post-shower time too. 

    Happy 4th everyone!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited July 2011

    KathrynLA I'm so glad to hear you are drain free and feeling better!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2011

    Dragon, glad to hear the nips look good! Soon you will be out of compression.

    Yay Kathryn, Free from drains!!!

    Happy 4th to you, too Laura!! And to all... 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited July 2011

    Hi ladies!!

    Been awhile since I've posted, but I have been trying to read and keep up!  Congrats to everyone who is on the other side of surgery and good luck to those coming up!!  

    ((((SANDY))), OMG girl that is SO scary about your son!  Thank goodness for the appendicitis!  You have an awful lot of cancer in your family.  Have you guys been tested for LFS?  

    I am still trying to plan a NOLA trip for my and my hubby this year.  I don't know if it will be October.  I have to have another sugery.  I finally getting the tympanic repair I've needed done for years....Sept 2nd. We are at our max out of pocket between my surgery to remove all the granulated scar tissue on my vaginal cuff, and his surgery from shattering his finger.  He's starting to accumulate some more leave since he had to use all of his to heal up.  So we might not get to go for as long as originally planned, but we are still trying to go.  We haven't taken a non-surgery related vacation since 2009!  It's time dang it!! 

    I've mostly been trying to deal with my LE and radiation damage issues.  I'm now developing cording.  My PT made me cut down my hours at work.  Sitting at a desk and doing computer work is one of the hardest things on me.  I went to work FT in December to try and offset some of my hubby's pay cut.  I'm down to 30 hrs a week, but it's still tough.  My PT actually talked to me about filing for disability.  I was like WTH???  I teach a fitness class for crissakes!  I'm NOT disabled.  But I understand what she is saying since the damage is irreversable and progressive, and she knows how long it takes and I can't work my 'trained' profession full time any more. Exercise actually makes it feel SO much better.  I'm so thankful I got in shape and can keep up with my routine.  

    Anyway, hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!!