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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited June 2011

    Kim... I have a little of what you are talking about. I have noticed that I have more flab on my butt and back of my legs than I have ever had. And I am  pretty religious about exercising. I am not sure what it is. I wish that whatever extra calories I eat would head straight to my breasts!!! Anyway, I get it, but I still wouldn't give away my boobs for anything!!!

    Okay... I think I am having some umbilical hernia issues. I have had some before, but it never lasted as long as it has this time... pain to the left and just below my belly button. I am not a DIEP girl - so it has absolutely nothing to do with that. I had my umbilical hernia repaired in 06 and the last time I saw Dr. S for a consult regarding a stage 2B, he had noticed it was back. I was packing and lifting, etc. last week and I paid for it. It has eased off a bit - rode Saturday 100 miles without any discomfort (maybe using core on the bike vs positioning???), but I can still feel it a little bit today. Part of me wants it fixed, part of me thinks that since it is subsiding that I can leave it be for a while longer again... ARGH.

    To all the ladies that have had surgery recently - Congrats! Drink and walk and feel well! And to those coming up - you are in the BEST of hands!!!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    Well I'm almost a week out from all the additional lipo, minor bruising, still wearing the clear nipple protectors from surgery. What kind of bra do I wear after the protectors come off? I'm so worried of squishing them. Funny because through stage 1 and 2 I was single, and now I'm not. I've never had anyone see the DOM outfit, ha ha he thinks it's pretty hot :) Crazy guy!!

    Getting all packed and ready to hop back on the plane to head to Boston for 11 days tonight.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2011

    Betsy, I don't think the coughing will be too bad post DIEP/Gap stage 1, until and unless you do plication in your stage 2. That is all muscle stuff, and coughing would not be good!!!  However, the nasal area under control sounds like a good idea!

    Dragon, I did everything the minimum they suggested!!! My rebuilt one has less "pop" than my real one (nipple sparing) but they're close enough and now I just don't worry any more. It is what it is.

    Sandy! Minn!!! OKAY!!! Well Thank you Minn for stepping in and picking up the "shoe" slack for Dr. D!! I will try to do better!  Wink

    Kim!! xoxoxoxox Nice to see you here! I think I have some sort of loose skin/flap/dimple thing going on on the back of my theighs where he hit me hard with lipo. Maybe that is why some PS's are telling the ladies to wear compression for 6 months? I tell you, I could not do it and be sane. I'll take the skin issues! When in bathing suit, just sit down! hahahaha.

    Nordy, do you think cycling 100 miles has something do to with your umbilical hernia issue? You are amazing!!! Totally!!!! I mean, if I was your umbilicus and you cycled 100 miles I'd give out too!! ha!

    Dragon, you should wear what Minn wore, "Big Bra" with plenty of space at the end so they are not flattened. That's what I did too. Nothing form fitting or squishing for a while. I waited until all the sensitivity wore off, maybe 6 months, for tighter things.  

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    You mean just a bigger cup size bra or is it a specific bra she wore? Mine are already a D/DD. That's been my biggest concern all along, them flattening out or what not. So I want to do the most I can to protect them.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2011

    hey ladies, just checking in and posting a query...I'm still doing great, back to work this week and about to hit my 8 week anniversary...counting down to stage 2 in another month and a half, so reading all the updates from Dragonfly and Kathryn VERY carefully--thanks ladies!   :-)

    My friend here in CA is consulting with NOLA right now and was set on DIEP but she heard back from them that she would be a better candidate for hip flaps...she called me to ask if I had any insight but I really don't except for what you all have said...I know she has checked out some of this thread and should be posting soon, but wanted to know you ladies had any thoughts you wanted to share on what to expect with hip flaps vs. DIEP--thanks in advance!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    DDragonfly - you're a maniac! Off to Boston for 11 days.  As for the Dom - which my husband now calls it - he thinks it's sexy too (and that's with drains looping out and all padded up!)

    Welcome back Kim.

    Spring - 6 months of compression?  I thought Dr S said 1 week after the drains come out.  Will it really make a difference how long I wear them? I had my knees and inner/outer thighs and love handles done.  I don't even really hurt from it and not much bruising. Maybe he didn't take much?

    Feeling oh so much better now. Getting my strength back. My drains are a different story post stage 2. Low output and very red. Then yesterday a little more in the stomach drain (one in hips, one in stomach, and lost the other hip drain last week after it lost suction).  Well under 30, but they want me to keep them in since they're so red. :(

    Also, finally pooped today (probably why I feel so much better!)

    Denoument - I had hip flap and would be happy to answer any questions your friend has!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    I made the Boston plans a while ago, then the only time NOLA could get me in, is right before Boston. I had to do it before i lost insurance. I hope it doesn't wipe me out. I've been trying to rest and nap this weekend. It cracked me up Kathryn about the DOM, I guess it's a guy thing about it being sexy, he totally didn't believe me when I said it's crotchless (I'msure there's a more medical term for it but...) I said yeah it is, this whole big discussion around it.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited June 2011

    Dana, given the choice knowing what I know now, I'd go for the hip flaps because our wonderful docs are willing to do tummy tucks in stage II and that way, both sides would be lifted!

    Not sure if I reported back about my son's appendix, but apparently there was a small tumor in it.  We breathed a huge sigh of relief when his surgeon told us two weeks ago that it wasn't malignant but could have become so, and that if it had been any deeper, they might have had to remove some colon.  Well, today we got a call from our family doctor and she wants him to follow up with an oncologist because there were cancerous cells in the 1 mm non-invasive tumor.  My heart is pounding and I know it's just precautionary at this point, but it is frightening that my child had cancer!!!!  Of course, my thoughts go to Trishia and all that she and her son have gone through.  Still thanking God that David had the appendicitis and the tumor is gone, but now fearful of other things lurking.  I lectured him about his eating and sleeping habits, and he then ate a very healthy "green food" lunch. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2011

    OMGosh Sandy!!! My heart goes out to you. Let us know what happens next. You are a good mom!!!

    Denou - Hip flaps to me are easier. They are less painful than the tummy. the only down side is the drains stay in a bit longer for hips. I had BOTH hips and tummy (4 flaps, front and back) and there is no question, if I had to pick one, I would pick backside or hip flaps!!! Tell her to go for it and she is a lucky duck!!!

    Dragon, just get a bra that has some space at the nipple end!!! You just don't want them pushed on. you can always wear the protectors longer, but as you heard from Sandy, who gave it the old college try for 6 months (God Bless you Sandy!) and they they settled to where they were going to be after that.

    Kathryn, I did compression for the amount of time NOLA told me to. I believe it was always something like 2 weeks after the drains came out. After that, I dumped the compression garment. There have been some women visit our board here, and they have mentioned their surgeons (not NOLA) have wanted them in compression garments for 6 months after lipo for best results. I was noticing the back of my theighs in the mirror and wondering if I had done 6 months of compression, would I have a better result. Then I thought, there is no way you would have done compression for 6 months, so just deal with it!!!  

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Sandy, that is scary about your son.  But thank goodness they got it out of there! Hope the oncologist has good news for you.

    Spring, it's already hard wearing the compression with 90 degree weather. But NOLA sent me a pretty one piece in beige and that makes it a little easier (I needed a longer garment to cover my knees.)  Does it work if you wear it three days on and two days off?

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited June 2011

    Yikes. I am still wearing compression 6+1/2 weeks after my DIEP because my tummy is still very swollen, and gets more so over the course of the day. If my body hangs on to fluid like this, I feel like I'm gonna need compression for EVER after my stage 2. All this talk about fat in new places is also a little scary. Nordy, if you have new fat....OMG, I can not imagine what will happen to me. I am certain that my LIFETIME cumulative bike riding mileage does not even come near 100 miles!!!

    Denouement, I'll weigh in on the DIEP vs SGAP. If a tummy tuck or plication is in the stars, I'd rather get it over with ( and put it to good use) in stage one, rather than have prolonged recuperation twice. Also it seems on here like the SGAP ladies often have dissatisfaction with their new butts, while the DIEP girls are loving their flat tummys. ( something I've YET to experience....). Just a perspective from the other side. Can't remember, which did you have?

    Sandy...there is nothing worse -- nothing in the world -- than when our kids are in trouble. Hope so very much for you that you'll get the good word on this.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2011

    Sandy - I can imagine how terribly scary this is for you and your son. I hope that you get reassurrance from the oncologist. Never thought you would be grateful about appendicitis but it sounds like it's the best thing that could have happened. Thankfully, all those cells have been taken out!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Hi. I want to chime in about S-GAP vs Hip Flap.  The hip flap is a procedure innovated by Dr S in the last (I believe) year and a half. The S-Gap took more of the gluteal (buttocks) fat and created a flatter rear. The hip flap takes out the fat in the love handles and therefore the rear does not flatten out.  Added benefit is that in stage 2 when they revise the hip scars you get a mini tushy lift, and the Drs offer a tummy tuck so that you don't end up getting a sort of swing backed look (stomach sticking out because fat in the back is gone!)  I had my stage 2 after a hip flap 10 days ago and had some complications post surgery, but now am feeling quite good. Back to driving, working, etc.  All-in-all it seems like it was worth it.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2011

    Thanks ya'll, just to clarify I don't think she was looking at SGAP - she was considering DIEP but was told by Liz that the NOLA docs thought she was a better candidate for hip flaps based on the photos she sent.  She had done a lot of DIEP research and I guess felt more prepared for it--she spoke to a lot of people who had DIEP which definitely helps.  I guess the hip flap concept is new to her and she's having a tough time getting someone who has had the surgery to tell her about it...she's over on the FORCE site asking for insight but not getting least not yet...I gave her this thread and am hoping she pops in soon, but I think she's travelling right now and might not be able to check in for a bit...

    But from what you are saying does it seem like she should insist on Dr. S instead of Dr. D if he is the one who pioneered the hip flap surgery?  I had Dr. D and had DIEP so I don't have much insight for her, but you all are awesome resources--thanks so much for all of your info!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Hi. I want to chime in about S-GAP vs Hip Flap.  The hip flap is a procedure innovated by Dr S in the last (I believe) two years. The S-Gap took more of the gluteal (buttocks) fat and created a flatter rear. The hip flap takes out the fat in the love handles and therefore the rear does not flatten out.  Added benefit is that in stage 2 when they revise the hip scars you get a mini tushy lift, and the Drs offer a tummy tuck so that you don't end up getting a sort of swing backed look (stomach sticking out because fat in the back is gone!)  I had my stage 2 after a hip flap 10 days ago and had some complications post surgery, but now am feeling quite good. Back to driving, working, etc.  All-in-all it seems like it was worth it.

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited June 2011

    Sandy I am sending up prayers for your family.

     I hope you all are doing well Dragon have a blast in BOS-ton! I am heading back to work today..I am feeling great. I have been shopping with my mom for the past 5 days..finally getting a chance to wear some cute stuff that I have not been able to do in the past 3 yrs. 

    My stomach is still puffy I do wear the binder when i get the super puffy feeling. I purchased a spanx today so we will see how that goes. All incisions have healed very well. I am  walking upright with no major pain. No breast pain.

    I will get back to Nola before the year is out to get stage 2. I don't know about the nipple thing?? Nipple protectors--oh no... Not sure what purpose it would serve me at this point--lol i got the main things back--"the girls". Looking forward to the flat stomach and hopefully some inner thigh work.

    Well i better go gotta get up in a few hours for my 1/2 day of work. 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited June 2011

    Thanks for all of your kind words, ladies.  I contacted my oncologist and his office referred me to my surgical oncologist because she operates on gastrointestinal cancers as well as breast.  David's report shows "a 1mm carcinoid tumor at the tip of his appendix".  She told me that she doesn't feel that we need to be concerned any further, and that the surgery he had is the treatment because it was so tiny. 

    I just did a bit of research and found that there are only 600 to 1000 cases of these tumors per year, and that they are mainly adults in their forties. More women than men, however, appendicitis is more common in males.  There are no risk factors identified.  Interestingly, Duke University scientists think they know the purpose of the appendix.  We are feeling very thankful for the turn of events with our son!!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2011

    Sandy, thank goodness he will not need anything further, and how remarkable that they found it. That was a good pathologist!  I wonder if sometimes when the appendix does go "wanky" as 2tzus said, if that is what is going on and sometimes patholgy misses it due to size!  Anyway, just glad it happened and now it is gone and not in there growing and looking to cause even more trouble!

    Go Ro!  Five days of shopping in a row!  I'm exhausted reading it.  Glad you are able to wear cute clothes again!  Even with the implants, lots of things for me didn't work the past 4 years - low cut was not happening.  Now I see a million things I could wear and I keep saying to DH, oh, I could wear this, and I could wear this!  I think he sees dollar signs fly out the window every time we walk through a store! 

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2011

    morn all..back from Nola,from my overnight very hectic trip  visiting the center and meeting the famous docs who are indeed wonderful as you all say...have had Dr D do his blue marker thing, def the artist/sculptor, focused on the aesthetic and suddenly my body perception changed to seeing myself as this somewhat out of shape block of white lard that can be cut and sucked and sculpted back into better shape...came home to my constant who is constantly amorous and really could not adjust to seeing my body any other way. obsessing about my blue marks..this line is going to meet this one!  also met DR stollier and finally, finally met a BS who i felt is on the same page..i liked him a lot too and feel very comfortable with him as the BS removing my cancer and breast tissue. just the right amount of caution, and weighing it all up...all in all, so very reassuring to have  consult , and also to see/feel really what the center/facility does which is sweeten for us what is a crap shoot( having breast cancer) by giving us some perks out of the whole ordeal and specialising to achieve perfection.. truly a smart business AND compassionate move by them and am grateful to have found it from this board

    oh and btw this stage am having a unilateral stacked diep, hopefully nipple and skin sparing, at least that is what we are going for unless pathology comes back with anything post surgery...... will need both flaps of belly to make one breast( 38D) actualy Dr D thinks prob only about half of one side and all of the other...discussed the pros/cons of prophy on other side since there was some atypical cells( biopsied and lumpectomy, and no malignant cells) ...but unless brca 1nd 2 testing comes back positive, will just do unilateral and not have surgery on more than one site since would then need to do stacked diep/hip  for that...which is still a poss, but am thinking no at this stage since will be on tamoxifen for five years anyway and would like to keep sensation in one breast..BUT if i was braca + then Dr D suggested another option for me of going down a cup size or two and just doing diep and then at stage 2 giving breasts a boost from lipo...not sure about that in terms of my body shape since do have "child bearing" hips and could look a little bottom heavy ..ahh decisions decisions..

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2011

    and shoot.....forgot to look at the shoes!! sorrrrrrrrrrrrryyy

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    louis - you are going to look awesome! I loved Dr Stollier too and my nipples have remained in tact due to his skilled hands!

    Ro - so jealous :)  Can't wait for my huge swelling to go down and go shopping too. Right now looking at moomoos (sp?)

    2tzus - didn't mean to imply that Dr D isn't as awesome with hip flaps as Dr S.  Just saying Dr S innovated it.  Dr Trehan was my assisting surgeon in stage 1 and his side looks just as good as Dr S's.

    Sandy - great news. What a relief.

  • heatherbless
    heatherbless Member Posts: 55
    edited June 2011




  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2011

    Thanks everyone for your comments about hip flaps vs. DIEP for my friend here in CA...I know Kathryn spoke with her last night and she's feeling positive.  Here's hoping everything works out for her insurance wise and that she's NOLA bound soon!

    Just wanted to update you on my decision about having my ovaries, tubes and uterus out at NOLA during my stage 2 on 8/16 with Dr. Von Almen.  I spoke with Sandy about her experience with him (which was very helpful!) and I spoke with the doctor twice over the last couple of weeks to make sure I was making the right decision.  Since he is not an oncologist there was a fear that having the surgery with him would be an issue just in case he ran into anything that looked like cancer.  I've had 2 TV ultrasounds in the last couple of weeks since I am having a lot of pain on my right side (not DIEP related, but something much DEEP-er)-it turns out I have a big fibroid hanging off the ride side on my uterus and pushing into my right ovary obscuring it from view.  So that explains that.  Anyway, I spoke with Dr. V and we came up with a plan as I would really like to just have one more surgery if possible and I don't qualify to see their Oncologist since I don't have a cancer diagnosis.  I could push for it but then my stage 2 would not be at SCSH and frankly, I want to go back there! J

    So I wanted to tell you all this in case any of you are BRCA+ and/or high risk for ovarian cancer and thinking about also having a BSO during one of your breast revision stages-Dr. V would normally morcellate the ovaries when taking them out but if you ask him not to he will take them out whole so that the pathologist can do a "more intelligent" serial sectioning of the ovaries and the tubes.  He said that he would order the same level of pathology reporting that a gyn onc would.  I asked him if the scars might be larger and he said they might be but only by a fraction of an inch...he wouldn't know until he saw the size of my ovaries at the time of surgery. 

    He also gave me the option that if he opens me up and sees something untoward that he could either do nothing or just proceed with the uterus removal and leave the ovaries and tubes for a GYN onc to do a later date.  I chose the latter so that is a plan going forward.  Hoping it all works out!  Just wanted to let you all know in case anyone else here was struggling with this same decision.  Will keep you all posted on how it works out.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited June 2011

    My DH and I are heading for Atlanta in a couple of weeks and I need some advice on how to plan our trip from there.  I have an aunt in Asheville, NC and we plan to rent a car and rive up to see her for a day or so and then drive on to NYC.  I want to stop in DC and see the Lincoln Memorial and whatever else we can squeeze into a few hours.  Neither of us has ever been to the eastern part of the country before, so I'm looking for opinions about the drive.  Which would be the nicer route leaving from Asheville---going through Roanoke and Charlottesville, or Greensboro and Richmond?   This is going to be a quick drive, leaving Atlanta on 7/16 and need to be in NYC for an event on 7/20.   Any tips?

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2011

    Sandy, going through Roanoke and Charlottesville would be the nicer way to go, by far.  You would be in the mountains and have more options for some sightseeing if you want to do that along the way.  Also the highway when you go through Greensboro is always under construction and always a mess.  I live at the other end of NC, but have been over that way and made that drive plenty of times. Have also been to DC numerous times, and would be happy to help with anything I can.  I love to help people plan trips when I am not taking them myself, but I do get enthusiastic and I don't want to overwhelm you!  Let me know what kinds of tips you need, etc and I can send you a PM!  One thing for sure - if you are into chocolate, be sure to check out the French Broad Chocolate Lounge when you are in Asheville.  (The French Broad is the river!)  See, already I am making a plan for you!!  Welcome to our corner of the world!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    I also vote for the Roanoke vs Richmond route... Lots of things to see along the way... caverns and mountains etc.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2011

    3rd vote for the Roanoke route - 85/26/240/81 etc. is going to be much nicer and more scenic that the boring 95 route and the travel time is pretty much the same.  I used to live in NY, Baltimore, DC and Atlanta so I did all these routes several times moving back and forth and visiting friends--albeit 10 years ago but I doubt much has changed.  When you hit the DC to NY portion there not much of an option other than 95 but that leg of the trip is pretty short--only about 5 hours.  Have fun!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2011

    Louis13 - NO SHOE UPDATE??? Oh no!!!!  And I was just getting hammered about this the other day! I am forgetting to remind people to check! :)   I updated your specs above in the listing to Mx and unilateral stacked. Minn had this too so you are not alone. Most women to bilateral, but some do unilateral. I personally drove myself crazy trying to decide!!

    Sandy that is a lot of driving! But will be fun. Atlanta is great, Asheville is nice too, DC is fantastic. NYC still intimidates me and I great up in Jersey. Go figure!

    Denou - your friend maybe should go for a consult. I would do whatever the docs think will have the best outcome for her whole body. I trust them, this is all they do, and they do it all the time.

    Hi Heather! Glad you had a good visit!!!

    Ro, you go girl!!!  Let us know how your re-entry into work goes?? 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Hi Sandy. Sounds like a great trip. Can't give you highway numbers or directions but the Blue Ridge Mountain, Skyline Drive (that's what I recall it is called) is a gorgeous drive!

    I'm an exNYer. So I can give you some thoughts on what to do or you can tell me the kind of things you are interested.

    Today was my travel planning day. Looks like the whole summer is taken care of. I also booked a trip to see my mother in Westchester County, NY. She and her boyfriend spend the summers there - it's a 1 hour train ride to the city. I'm actually going to be there the same time as you, Sandy.

    Then when I get back we're going for 5 or 6 days to Mammoth. A friend has a house there and a little general store which rents boats and fishing gear (he gives us free reign to take them out whenever we want), plus peddle boats, canoes, etc.  The kids had a blast when we did it last year.

    When I return it's off for a 3 day convention in Las Vegas (gonna be hot!) and then mid-August we're going to Napa for my birthday. It was a gift from friends of ours...I woke up after stage 1 with a bouquet from them and a note from a wonderful hotel saying they had prepaid for a weekend of pampering - food, spa, room! It really gave me something to look forward to. That's up by you Dana. It will probably be hot but I'll stock up on wine and make sure to spend some time in the pool (should be able to swim by then!)

    Feeling good about the summer (and feeling good healthwise now too!)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    Kathryn... sounds like you are well planned out... I too have plans but mine includes stage I and recuperation... so not as fun as your plans. Although I am getting to spend a week in vermont on Lake Champlain just days before I head to NOLA... so my last blast with my girls, and hopefully won't be hot... I was in Charleston last week... HOT... and will be in NOLA for almost 2 weeks... HOT and super humid... so I need a vacation in cooler Vermont. In Charleston wearing my wig was like having a plastic bag on my head; not very comfortable. And even trying to go out in a scarf was still hot. I can't wait to have enough hair to go out with just MY HAIR... Geting there. I am 7 weeks post chemo and it is getting less bare spots...YAY!