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NOLA in September?



  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, I am glad you got through security so quickly.  But you're right, the flight sounds like a nightmare!  I have a friend who attracts screaming kids like a magnet.  I never want to sit near her on a flight.  Are you feeling pretty good?  How did Hope Lodge end up working for you?

    It is my belly that is tight.  My breasts were firm for a couple/few weeks and gradually softened up.  They are very soft and squishy now!!  It is so amazing.  As much as I am dreading another surgery, I cannot wait to get the nipples done.  And then the tattoos!  I have a little dent in the cancer breast that has been there since the mastectomy, and it is only noticeable in the lowest cut tops, which I don't wear anyway.  Even in a bathing suit, they look great.  I imagine he can fix the dent as part of stage 2.  Are you pleased so far - well as pleased as you can be?  My situation was different than yours since I had delayed DIEP. Hope you get a good night's sleep!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, I am glad you got through security so quickly.  But you're right, the flight sounds like a nightmare!  I have a friend who attracts screaming kids like a magnet.  I never want to sit near her on a flight.  Are you feeling pretty good?  How did Hope Lodge end up working for you?

    It is my belly that is tight.  My breasts were firm for a couple/few weeks and gradually softened up.  They are very soft and squishy now!!  It is so amazing.  As much as I am dreading another surgery, I cannot wait to get the nipples done.  And then the tattoos!  I have a little dent in the cancer breast that has been there since the mastectomy, and it is only noticeable in the lowest cut tops, which I don't wear anyway.  Even in a bathing suit, they look great.  I imagine he can fix the dent as part of stage 2.  Are you pleased so far - well as pleased as you can be?  My situation was different than yours since I had delayed DIEP. Hope you get a good night's sleep!

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, I'm thinking you are referring to the Marena stuff. They are helpful on the phone and a pleasure to deal with and will overnight you stuff if you need it quick. And good with returns. And give you a statement for insurance.

    To all the mu- mu-ers....charming as they may be, you really will be able to wear regular clothes. If you are not having a MX, you will most certainly be able to lift your arms and wear pullover tops. The bra you will go home in is black and kind of hi cut with rather thick straps, so will show in anything low cut.(Though you will get sick of it by a few weeks, it's pretty comfy). On the bottom, panties that are low bikinis will be below a DIEP incision, or go for grannies that will be above it.

    Stretchy shorts or pants -- like yoga style with fold over band work fine, or drawstring waists are also good.It was a little cooler when I had my surgery 3 months ago (yikes), and I loved the maternity leggings I got at Target!!! Very stretchy in the tummy, of course, with a wide flat waistband. Longish tops - kind of tunic length are good for keeping your drains under cover. Of course sundresses comfy, but you've got to watch for those escaping dressing pads that like to leap out of your clothes. (there is no tape on your dressings as you change them often and the skin is tender.)

    Welcome newcomers :)

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2011

    I've been awake since 4:30am. Just can't sleep. Not having any acute pain just generally uncomfortable so now I'm sitting in the recliner and thought I would check in with all of you.

    For all the newbies-I can't imagine having this surgery at any other hospital. The nurses are so attentive and the doctors are so responsive. It's certainly not a walk in the park but the results are so worth it. I'm post op day 4 now. I have a hematoma in my left hip flap and in my right breast everything feels tight but thee breasts look amazing on both sides. I had non-nipple sparing mastectomies but I'm certain that with nipple reconstruction and Vinnie's 3D areola tattoos these breasts are going to look great.

    Kaitsmom-It's great that you're back in the water. I can't believe that you're already looking ahead to Stage II.

    I want to thank everyone who posts here for preparing me for the surgery and recovery.It's made the recovery so much easier.

    I hope that I'll be discharged today!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2011

    Thanks, toomuch!  The weird thing is that I seemed to have some sort of mental block about getting in the water, like I was being over-protective of my tummy incision or something.  Like I was going to get water in it, though it had completely healed long ago!  By the time I got to Buffalo last month, I was already 2 months out.  But I couldn't make myself get in my girlfriend's pool.  By the 5th or 6th day of temps in the 90s up there, though, I finally gave up and got in, and it felt really nice!

    By the way, have you met Vinnie?  We stopped to see him on our trip up north (I live in NC), and I was very impressed!  He is a wonderful guy, very knowledgable and compassionate, and a very skilled artist.  My mind is made up that I will definitely be having him do my tattoos.

    Hope you get discharged today! 

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    Toomuch and Betsy I'm glad to hear you are both doing so well! Keep it up!

    On another note I'm starting physical therapy today. Has anyone else done this? I'm hoping to losen up my tight stomach (exactly like what you are talking about Amy). If anyone has done it - does it help? Is it something you can tell the difference right away or does it take a while? I'm excited to go today and start to do things - seems like I have been sitting and healing for long enough. I'm ready to start doing something to help the healing along too!! 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    Amy -- After tummy tuck, I was on meds regularly for a week or so, then on demand. Of course, I always over-did, so then would have to take a day will regular meds. I would say that I had finally backed off most of the Vicodin after 3 weeks. I get a second script (insurance and peace of mind) form my PS at the time, but didn't finish that out. It seemed like forever, but in retrospect, I guess 3 weeks isn't too bad!

    For those of you with tight abs, I can tell you what I did. First, instead of the silicone sort of 'Chapstick' the PS gave me to keep the incision soft, I used Vitamin E oil ... lightly ran it over the scar once it had scabbed over at least twice a day. I had checked with the PS and he had given the OK for that and the next thing I did, though he had never heard of it. I can say, after seeing how it helped me, he is now recommending it to his patients. I used Arnica gel -- NOT ON THE INCISION -- on the area above my incision. Arnica, a homeopathic treatment, is currently used in liniment and ointment preparations used for strains, sprains, and bruises. I used a gel from GNC. I am very fair skinned and bruise very easily, and I have to say that Arnica really helped the bruising healing along double time! I keep it now for all bruises or strained muscles. I am not endorsing ANY product, just telling you what worked for me. As the bruises and strain was eased, I found that it was easier to try to stand upright and not strain the scar (always have a fear that the wound will open, so I DO take it easy on that, though I tend to be an over-achiever and one who will push the envelope and then my body let's me know what's what!) I did not have PT for the tummy tuck, but used the Arnica and E oil religiously. The PS was impressed. Not only did I heal faster and was upright faster, but my scar is pretty near non-existent! FYI -- worked for me. I think that if the pain of the bruising and strain are healed (it does not numb things, but assists in blood flow to heal), then you tend to be less protective and will try to and succeed in moving easier. Pain causes tension and constriction, hence tightness. IMHO only ladies. FWIW! Maggie

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    While I am thinking of it, I am most likely going to have GAP or Love Handle work. I know there is a compression garment much like a long-line girdle that is worn for 2 weeks. Is it the one with the open crotch? And did any of you get a second one? The idea of wearing the same garment for 2 weeks from that area of the body ... well, ewwwww! Did anyone buy the Feminine Urinary Director some other places have recommended if it is the open crotch type (it looks a little like a shaped funnel to fit over ladies private parts with a 'hose' on it. We all know we can't ever be sure of the direction of the stream! This is supposed to help and was posted on another forum. Anyone? I have a couple of the very soft Amoena camis with the drain pockets that were great for the post-mastectomy and, now that it is summer, I can wear as a top. Just wondered as I would like to be prepared. I have family in thibodaux just outside of NOLA that I will be staying with until the doggoned drains are gone -- don't want a TSA pat down for that! Lends new meaning to the "Uni-boob Bomber Grenade" in my case! LOL! Thanks ... Maggie

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    Maggie - I did get two of the compression garments with the open crotch. I was able to clean one each night and it was dry by morning. I changed it twice a day (morning and night) and always had one drying. I did not get a Director as I didn't know that they existed. I was just very careful....and if anything happened I would just add one more cleaning during the day (only needed once). I was mostly at home during the time I wore this so I was able to do the additional cleaning. However if you were out and about that would be quite difficult.

    I am using Bio Oil on my incisions and it seems to be doing the job for me. I have never heard of Arnica - it sounds very interesting! For me it is more my entire stomach area that is tight and needs to be stretched out. Someone had mentioned, either here or on another thread, to lay on an exercise ball on your back and stretch your arms over your head. That sounds like heaven to me and it also sounds impossible right now. If I wasn't too scared I would do it now though. I'm hoping that PT gets me to that point sooner. I am 7 weeks out today so I don't want to stretch anything I shouldn't yet but am anxious to start getting something done and being able to move and be as flexible as I was prior to this thing. 

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2011

    Oh for the record... I only wear muumuus inside! I have shirt dresses that button up the front for going out and about. Although I can certainly raise my arms to wear a t-shirt, etc...

    Postop today and 3 DRAINS PULLED!!!!!! The 4 th drain is less than 20 cc's but they like to leave at least one drain in for 2 weeks in the hip area. I feel loads better without the drains and have already scheduled my stage 2 for Nov 17th. Can't wait to have this overwith. The nurses told me that I could start stretching my stomach and standing up straight right away. I took their advice and try to stand as straight as possible. I also try to lay as flat as possible at night so that I do most of my stretching while I sleep.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Brandy -WHOOT!! That's a huge drain day!!! That last one won't be there for much longer either. good for you!

    Amy, I added your (gulp) Stage 2 to the list above! Sept 9th! You can do it! Soon it will all be over. And hear this: When I woke up from stage 2, I went to pee in the bathroom straigh away, and said, "Stage 2 is so much easier than stage 1". You will see what I mean! There is NO COMPARISON!! (And I have plication and everything!) It will be fine! You'll see!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Wow brandy... 3 drains out? I am jealous... I still have 3 drains. And they let you schedule stage 2 already? I tried and they said i had to wait for insurance to approve it... Huh?

    Maggie... I was told to wear the garment for one week beyond the last hip drain, so potentially for 7 weeks.

    I have been wearing long yoga shorts... They are great... And for a shirt, whats working best for me is any loose shirt, and using a fanny pack for the bulbs...

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2011

    I had to pay a HUGE amount out of pocket bc apparently BCBS of FL doesn't pay diddly squat. Maybe that's why I could schedule? You probably have insurance that plays nice with them. Although I can't talk too badly about BCBS because they have paid without question during my entire treatment and I went to MDS and to Mass General for a second opinion and I've had no prob with getting approval for pet scans, etc.

    I had drains forever after my first mastectomy and node dissection. My healing is freakishly fast this time. Even dr Trahan thought the drain numbers looked too goo to be true. But I can tell you that I feel 100% better without the drains!!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    I just went to my first PT appt and it was great! It was all massage and felt SO good! She massaged both arms, both breasts (I had a BMX), and my abdominal incision. It is mainly to get the fluids moving out. I hope I notice a difference in the tightness in my abdomen soon (even thought it just felt wonderful having it massaged too). She told me not to be surprised if I had to pee as soon as the appt was over as she would get all of the fluids moving and she wasn't kidding. The entire appt was very relaxing and soothing - I would recommend it! 

    Her practice is 75% DIEP patients but she had not seen anyone that had gone to NOLA before (but she was well read and knew all about the practice there - she got major points for that in my book). She was very impressed with everything she saw. She said that my breasts were fabulous and that the incisions were great (and different from what the two drs do that do DIEP here in CO)! She had never seen a nipple-sparing mastectomy before either (something the CO surgeons said that they were only 30% successful at and NOLA didn't blink an eye at) and thought it was wonderful. Since she works on DIEP patients 75% of her time and works exclusively with the CO surgeons that I would have gone to I'm so glad I went to NOLA and got to keep my nipples. Their practice in NOLA just keeps getting better and better in my eyes (and they were already awesome).

    Just wanted to pass on how wonderful the PT was in case anyone is considering it. She said that she has worked on patients as early as 1 week out from surgery but I don't think NOLA recommends it that early. I know when I asked about breast massage when I was about 3 weeks out Jeanine had said absolutely not yet. I waited until I was 6 weeks out since that is when NOLA says to resume all regular activity. So ask the Dr first - but it was wonderful! She said I would only need a few sessions and would be done. She did mention I may want to come back for one or two sessions after my Stage 2 also.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    And get going with the Arnica! Truly, it REALLY helps. Can't think that I would have gone over a ball after the TT, but after I regularly started with the Arnica, I stood straighter, was able to rotate the torso without wincing, and even the PS was surprised in post-op check at my flexibility and the lack of the deep bruising that keeps us rigid.

    JustLaura, so glad that the PT helped. In this game, whatever works! LOL! I am a firm believer in massage, period, and have used it regularly for blood flow, tension release and just plain old it felt good! Depend vastly on the therapist and it sounds like you have found a greally great one. If it works, keep it goin', I say!

    Less than 3 weeks to NOLA with Dr. D. Fly in the 21st, marking the 22nd, surgery the 23rd. Whew! After the LOOOOONG wait, things are moving fast.

    Good to hear about clothing! I fancy the longish 'dusters' , the camis I got for mastectomy, soft cotton shorts, and light sweats (my cousin's house is air conditioned, and that is too cool for this Yankee!). So many details, but pre-op tests done today -- check! Shopping this weekend for cooler clothes (cuz says it is VERY humid and hot in NOLA right now!), and really looking forward to the next phase of this journey. It DOES have an end ... thanks be to God! And NOLA, the Center and Dr. D!

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    I'll second the arnica - I used it topically after my stage 1 as I bruise like CRAZY!  It definitely helped and the bruising is 99% gone now...I'm just under 3 months out.  As my stage 2 is in 2 weeks, I've been using Arnica Montana sublingual pellets (I'm using the 30 - got them at Whole Foods) to get it into my system and prevent bruising BEFORE it happens...will let you all know how it works.  

    On another note, I started working with another yoga therapist over the weekend and she was SHOCKED at everything I could easily do just 3 months out from surgery.  I did a handstand!  Granted it wasn't a long one but I did it and that takes A LOT of ab strength to get up and down.  I'm still having issues with updog and chatarungas but working them out.  Everyone has been shocked at my recovery and continued strength flexibility--in a good way!  It did take a couple of months of taking it easy though, and lots of PT/breaking up of the scar tissue in my abdomen.  Can't wait to see Dr. D in 2 weeks for the finishing touches!

    Laura - your PT sounds great!  Mine is a guy (with a lot of mastectomy experience) so alas he doesn't massage my boobs...probably a good thing!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2011

    Regarding Arnica - Yes! Many of us used it after our stage 2 surgeries. It helps tremendously with the bruising from the lipo! We all love it! I now keep a tube of it with my medicines/first aid stuff. I can't live without it!

     Brandy - Wooohooo on nearly being drain free!

    Just Laura - Hurray for an awesome PT session!

    Oh - and I also agree - you can totally wear normal clothes after stage 1 - although comfy clothes are most beneficial. I wore all of my regular stuff, but did find that looser fitting clothing was the most comfortable - loved yoga pants and knit skirts. 

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Wow this thread has been quiet!

    toomuch, Brandy, and Betsy - how are things going?  Hopefully you are all healing up nicely and feeling a bit better every check and let us know when you get a chance!

    Rosemary, how are you doing?  You're the next up!  Hoping your next couple of days are as relaxing and stress-free as they can be. 

    Today is my 3 month anniversary of my stage 1 - wow how the time passes!  The only thing I still have going on is the ab tightness but it's getting better and better with stretching, PT and yoga...hoping it's completely gone around the 6 month mark.  My stage 2 is coming up--just 12 days away!  Getting prepared for that HOT NOLA spoiled here in NorCal, it's 60 degrees and delicious outside!

    How is everyone else doing?

  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2011

    I just got informed my insurance Pre-Authed me to go to Nola on Oct.14th. problems what so ever.  Vicky the insurance lady said my insurance is very good.  With that being said...I am having trouble understanding the upfront fee.

    Our insureance pays 80% for out of network, with $3000 out of pocket max.  Vicky said Nola charges an upfront fee of 12k. Because insurance *usually* only pays around 10k. I called my insurance to find out the allowable and they said they need the codes with the fee that NOLA is I called Vicky back and she didnt have the fee amount that NOLA charges...

    My husband seems to think our insurance allowable is waaay over the cost of the surgery...and so the 12k doesnt make sense to him....instead we would only need to pay the 3000 max oop if the allowable is over the surgery cost ( vicky said the surgery is around 110k) ( My darling husband is cool: he doesnt mind paying the $ if it is indeed nessesary...but he seems to think the allowable would cover it)

    Soooo anyone have an idea how or why Nola charges this fee...especially for those with excellent insurance? I can not seem to wrap my brain around how insurance and hospital/doctors do their fees. fizzy brain-i-tus

    thanks so very much for any insight


  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2011 freaking out...cuz wow, surgery.

    Hope betty  and others are doing well and strong


  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2011

    Insurance pays a percentage of "usual and customary", and what the surgeons charge (all, not just NOLA) is WAY over that level.  With in-network docs, there's a negotiated contract with the insurance and the drs don't "balance bill" the amount they're not getting paid from the insurance co + your coinsurance.

    With out-of-network docs, they get paid a percentage of usual and customary, just like the in-networks, although it's usually lower than the negotiated in-network rates.  But there's a large amount they're not getting paid after that 80% ins payment + your 20%, because that only adds up to 100% of usual and customary, not 100% of the bill.

    The NOLA docs don't truly balance bill, otherwise they'd have no patients :)  But they try to recoup some of their loss by asking for an upfront payment from the patient.  The upfront fee is, in essence, off the books, meaning it doesn't factor into your oop max for the year as far as your insurance provider is concerned.

    Ladies: does that seem accurate to you?

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2011

    I just pulled my last drain. MYSELF!!! now I KNOW I'm tough!!! And I fly home tomorrow. I feel better everyday, but I have to say that I still mourn the loss of my pre-breast cancer body. I know I'll get used to things, but I kindof liked my chubby belly. I know it's the best path for me and I am smiling and looking on the brightside, but sometimes a little sadness still creaks in.

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2011

    I agree with with what Jeskachi said about how insurance works.  NOLA looks at how much of out-of-network cost your insurance pays and then they calculate a cost to you, depending on the coverage you have.  My insurance pays 75% of usual and customary, so my co-pay to NOLA is a pretty big number, calculated based on that 75%.  They don't know how much any ins co will say is "usual and customary" so they don't know in advance how much they will get.  The amount I have to pay to NOLA isn't limited by my ins out-of-pocket annual limit since that only applies to usual and customary, and I am sure that is a way smaller number than the $140,000 NOLA charges for hip flap surgery.   On the plus side, NOLA will take whatever your insurance pays for in-network hospital benefits without any additional charge.  My in-network hospital cost is a $100 co-pay, so that is all I have to pay for the hospitalization.

    NOLA does have a financial assistance process, and all insurances are different, so don't get scared off by our big co-pay.  Some folks end up paying much less.  I think NOLA is in-network only for CIGNA, though. I worked with Vickie Hart and she was very helpful and persistent with my insurance company.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    I have very good insurance, so I've been told... and my hospital bill was zero... and the surgical bill will cost me the balance of my out-of-network co-insurance... not sure what the total is, but I gave them $750... but will not be more than $2500, as I have been nibbling away at my max for the year with other tests etc... That is about as good as it gets I suppose. My max for the year started at $3500... so if I were to go back next year, it would cost no more than that for whatever I might have done, which I am hoping is nothing... Hoping my November stage II is it.

  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2011

    Thanks ladies. :) I am working with Vicky too.  This is reallly happening faster than i thought.

    Is there a thread I can read that will tell me exactly whats gunna happen? Vicky said I will be there 10 days...does the 'marking' day count as part of that?  Im trying to figure out the logistics, for my hubbys work, and having my mom come babysit....i have to ;let them (vicky) know if october 14 thi is going to work for tomorrow!!!!  Surprised.

    so I know u need a person with you... Does the person have to be there on day 3?...and then stay the whole time?  i would prefer to fly there, get my surgery and then have my hubby come....just seems easier for me.

    I looked on nola site but didnt see a step by step timeline of stage 1.

    tanks ladies

    betty, how are you feeling?

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    Lisa - My surgery was on a Tuesday. I was required to be there Monday morning at 8am to start my pre-op appts. So this was my schedule:

    Mon - pre-op all day (no one is required to be with you for this)

    Tues - Surgery (no one is required to be with you for this

    Wed - Sat - Stayed in St Charles Surgery Hospital (no one is required to be with you for this - but it is nice to have someone there)

    Sat night through Monday night - Stayed at Homewood Suites (you would need someone here)

    Monday  - I had my post-op back at SCSH

    Tues - I was cleared to fly home

    So we arrived in NOLA on Sunday since we had to be at the center first thing Monday. We had time to see New Orleans (as my husband had not been there). We left NOLA on Tuesday of the following week - so a total of 10 days.

    I hope this helps. I'll be in NOLA for my Stage 2 on 10/17 - so maybe I cant stop by and say hi! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    lisa... my husband flew in the day after post op and I had a local fried with me for the rest of it... but I kept telling her to go to work and see her family (while I was in the hospital, as the nurses can take care of you)... But the minute I was released from the hospital, I NEEDED her for sure.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2011

    Brandy - How envious I am of you! Had my post-op today and had my breast drains pulled but my hip drains are putting out more then 70 cc's each day. I imagine that I'm going to have them for a long time. It's great that you had such a quick recovery. I hope that you have easy travel home.

    Lisa - I don't quite understand how NOLA estimates each out of pocket expense since they don't actually know what insurance will pay them but my number also 5 figures and much greater then your estimate.I paid 50% up front and then I'll have a monthly payment for a year. Vicky will set something up that works for you.  I've already met all my out of network deductables but my insurance only pays 70% of usual and customary fees. Bummer. I will say at 6 days post op, I can't imagine having had this surgery anywhere else. The doctors are fabulous. I had a complication at 10pm Saturday night and Dr. S came into the hospital. The nursing care is above anything you can imagine. I feel the dollars were well spent!

    Denouement - I can't believe that you'll be back for Stage 2 in 12 days. When I left SCSH yesterday the nurse said, "I feel like I'm breathing through a wet washcloth." It was a perfect description of the heat and humidity. The 2 days I was here for preop were hot but still comfortable. I hope that the weather returns to that before you arrive.

    I'm doing well, I guess. My hips/butt feel tight. I'm mostly dragged down because I'm so anemic. With the heat, I get winded walking less then a block. I'm taking iron and eating meat and hoping that my counts will rebound soon. I'm in awe of you ladies who made the recovery seem so easy!

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2011

    Oh even without the drains I'm moving SLOWLY. I pulled a drain, showered, dressed and then had to nap for 3 hours! Although I seem to be on track recovering from this surgery, my first mastectomy was terrible!

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2011
    Brandy-Thanks for making me feel better. Smile My morning mirrored yours but I snuck in my post  op visit before my nap!