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NOLA in September?



  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2011


    No energy days are to be expected, 101.5 fevers not so much. Yes, definitely call NOLA. I got a fever out of the blue at about 4 weeks out. Then my drain production increased. Turns out I had an infection and they put me on antibiotics.That took care of things.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    hi rhonda.. I am already on Keflex.

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2011


    I was on Keflex twice in those first few weeks but when the fever hit at 4 weeks, Dr. Sullivan put me on Clindamycin and Levaquin. He really wanted to knock it out and went heavy duty. It's worth the call and see what they think is going on.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, I have to agree with ref.  I had a downturn at around 4 weeks or so. I think I just flat out ran out of steam.  But no fever.  You definitely should give a call.  If you are spiking a fever even while on antibiotics, it could be something going on.  That aside, I still have much less energy than I am used to.  Though I am not typically a high energy person, I am a bit draggy, even for me.  I am now 3 months out (13 weeks today!).  Please keep us posted.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Thanks and yes, I will call tomorrow morning.. Laura must be tired of hearing from me.

    On another note, I just heard from Rosemary's significant other, Anton, and he said she had a successful surgery, and is doing well... It was a long surgery 6-7 hours, but all good.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    I never had a fever, but I did crash during the recovery. 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. lots of that going on. You do get better, you do get better, you do get better.... !!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Thanks Beverly... I need to hear that.. I m usually one to heal quickly and without incidence, of course I have never had any real surgeries... so I feel like I am getting all the bad stuff... SUCKS.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2011

    Betsy - I keep telling people that check in on me that this surgery isn't for sissies! It's difficult enough without complications. I really feel for you. Wish there was something I could do. Just keep thinking about how happy all these ladies are and imagine that it will all be worth it. I'm sending you healing thoughts.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Thanks Amy... this morning my temp is 99.2, and I did email Laura last night... I really really thought I'd be one of the eventless patients, so I am a bit surprised. The good news is that when friends come visit, they think I look energetic (except yesterday... they all agreed I looked like I was dragging)

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Morning all' typing with one finger and wrong hand so forgive me. So far so good. Chest wall iand sterum iare painful from mx I guess but abdomen scar huts most. Breasts don't hurt at all .. Breasts nipple looks good, some bruising. stopped hittin pain pump couple of hour after but it was long surgery - I though more like 10 hours-- rather dopey here !

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    ROSEMARY... yay ... you are typing!! I thought Anton said 7 hours, but maybe I misunderstood... sorry.having pain at chest wall and sternum is understandable, and will improve within the week. I can't comment on the belly as I had hips that never hurt... REST up and feel better.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    So.. I called the Center and they are putting me on a stronger antibiotic.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited August 2011

    I hope the new antibiotic kicks your fever's ass.  (c:  I am amazed to see people posting on the day of surgery.  You are all so helpful to those of us starting this journey of "boobs made out of me".  Thank you.  Oh!  And thank you for the pix on timtam's site!  Soooooo helpful.  Having read some of the thread I guess I will have a couple of scrapbooks to peruse when I'm there.  And I need to be very aware of my pants when the black compression garment of death is on!  Peace.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    I will say that you do get used to the compression garment... And i bought FANTASTIC yoga pants at target... My husband even commented that they were perfect... They are loose with a wide soft waistband and they go down to my knee... So no way to see the compression garment and very very comfy.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    Betsy I hope you are able to get that fever down and move on to just feeling better!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary, amazing! you rock! Heal up....just take it slow. Every day is a new adventure, for sure...

    Betsy, glad you got the stronger stuff! Ditto what Adey said!! 

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary, it is so great that you are feeling well enough to post!  It is so encouraging.  I hope your recovery is smooth.

    Betsy, I hope those antibiotics do the trick.  Glad your fever is coming down.  That is definitely in the right direction.

    Can someone explain to me how to look at photos on Tim Tam?  I am kind of a computer idiot.  Thanks much.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    On new antibiotic, and running  temp of 101.9... ugh

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Betsy, Hmmmmm..... if it is still like that tomorrow, call back!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    Can someone message me timtam's site? And how many of you purchased a second compression garment. When Betsy said perhaps up to 7 weeks ... ewwwww! Did get a urine director (usually found on camping sites -- a sort of funnel to make sure we don't spray everywhere! LOL!), but figure perhaps I will have to wait until I am fitted for the garment in NOLA after surgery before getting another. Advice?

     Go ROSEMARY!! Hey, girl, if you can type with one finger and one hand that soon after surgery, I better live up to the tough ladies here and post after MY surgery!! LOL!

    @bdavis ... Fever is VERY worrisome. If it gets to be systemic, VERY serious complications and possible heart infection (I should know!). PLEASE do call ... you may need IV antibiotics after they identify the type of bacteria it is. Seems like yours is resistant ... don't wait, follow-up ASAP! Pulling for ya!

  • joasta7
    joasta7 Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2011

    Hi my name is Joasta 7.  I am having implants removed and will be having surgery on August 24th at NOLA.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    I took the new antibiotic late afternoon, then at 7pm had 101.9, then tylenol and temp is down again... Will see how tomorrow goes. I am not afraid to call back, and if I need to get IV at hospital, then that is what I need... I want to give the antibiotic time to work.... I spent the day at 99.2, 99.4... just went up in the evening. At 8:30 temp had dropped to 100.9...

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    @ bdavis -- Temps usually rise in the latter part of the day, even when one is fine. Keep monitoring. Hoping that your next post all is 98.5!

    @joasta7 -- When is your surgery? Mine is 8/23 ... I will try to look you up as I will be in the hospital for recovery 23-26. Just have to give me your name ... don't think they check us in by our "handles"!

    @everyone -- My name, BTW, is Maggie!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary - Way to go I'm excited to hear you are doing so well.

    Joasta7 - Welcome! You will be in wonderful hands in NOLA! Who are your doctors?

    When I was in NOLA in June we put our 'handles' on our doors - this way when you are doing your laps you can see where everyone is. The nurses seemed to know all about this and helped to get our names up. There were 3 of us there when I was there. 

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited August 2011

    I have not really been on here since I have gotten home, Betsy, sorry to hear about all of the trouble that you are having. I have been great, back to work and really no problems at all, I have my stage 2 scheduled for Nov. 3. for those of you just looking into NOLA, I can't say enough good things about them. My foob looks great and I can't wait till stage two so that they can bring the older tram up to speed with the new one. one thing I wanted to ask the pro's here - did anyone decide not to get the nipple reconstruction and do a tattoo of something instead? I know a lot of you knew my cousin Robyn and I am thinking of opting out of the nipple and getting a tattoo of a Robyn (the bird, in memory of my cousin) holding a breast cancer ribbon in its beak with two stars (signifying my two battles with breast cancer) thoughts?

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited August 2011

    Love it!  I'm thinking of making my foobs a canvas as well.  I hope I can follow in your footsteps regarding recovery.

    Cool thoughts bdavis.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Thanks Ladies.. just took temp and back to 101.3.. so popped another tylenol.. I am for sure letting my thoughts get away from me...I told my Dh tonight that maybe I should go to the hospital tomorrow... I don't want to be an alarmist, but you guys are making me worry.... and on my levelheaded side, I tell myself to let the new antibiotic work.. I can't expect to have immediate results. I truly thought this was going to be easy for me... ha... not so. And I am actually in pretty good shape with lots of energy, so this is a double whammy for me.

    Debbie... we have the same stage II date, again... of course your stage I date was changed in the end, but still... You are Dr Sullivan right? So jealous you are back to work... I can't even imagine.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2011

    Joasta7-Welcome to the NOLA thread. You'll find lots of great information here!

    KathrynLA-I hope that your hematoma/swollen nodes have been improving. Please check in and let us know how you're doing.

    Maggie-No worries about the garments. They will give you 2 compression garments in the hospital. I actually got 4 becuase I started out with 2 smalls. I'm not sure how they smooshed me into it post op but by the time my mind cleared, I asked them for a medium. The mediums is way more comfortable but if my drains start putting out alot, I squeeze back into the small for the increased compression. I'm looking forward to 2 weeks out when I can transition to Spanx!

    Betsy-I just sent you a PM. I'm really hoping that the new antibiotic kicks in and takes your fever away!

    I had to go back to SCSH tonight because of a problem with my PICC line. I had a short visit with Rosemary. She looked great just 24 hours post op. She's already been out of bed and was thinking about getting out for a hallway lap later in the evening!

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2011

    Wow Rosemary! You were up in less than 24 hours!!! That's amazing!

    Betsy- don't be too hard on yourself. You just finished chemo girl! Of course you aren't going to heal as fast as normal. Remember they just systematically poisoned you for several months. I'm pulling for you and praying that the fever goes away

    I wanted to add a small public service announcement. The dilaudid gave me migraines and made me slightly paranoid. I was convinced that I had a brain tumor, but when I switched to Advil the headaches went away. The paranoia also affected how I perceived my nurses. Sometimes in the night I would think that people were talking about me. It was weird and a little scary. I may be alone with these side effects, but I wanted to share just in case it happens to someone else.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    @JustLaura -- neat to hear about the "handles" being put on the doors!! I will be sure mine is there and will look for Joasta7!

    @djfrro -- what a beautiful idea! Props to you!

    @bdavis -- If you are still running temps (after all, chemo DOES clear out most of your fightin' immune cells) at the end of the day, call someone. Perhaps they need to do a blood test to see what bacteria it is so they can ascertain exactly what anti-biotic to prescribe rather than the broad spectrum ones. As long as you are in contact with your docs and keep on with the script and Tylenol that seems to help it stay under control, just go with your guts. If you want it checked out, go for it. My rational mind has talked me into things that the guts have told me were wrong and funny thing is, the guts are usually right! LOL! Sending healing thoughts! And thanks for the tip on the yoga pants! I have plenty of tops but was seriously puzzling about the bottoms!

    @Rosemary -- TERRIFIC!!  Just don't to TOO much!! :-) Let yourself be pampered while you focus on healing!

    @toomuch -- thought that perhaps they would have the garment thing under control and be thoughtful about afterwards, but needed to check. Unlike most big centers who only give you one bra or other appliance!