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NOLA in September?



  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2011

    I'm healing quite well this time, but it was much slower healing from my first surgery. It's because my first surgery was on the heals of chemo and my body was much weaker. I'm a year out from cancer treatments, so I'm much stronger now. My strength started to come back around March (my last radiation was in Aug '10. )

    I wish you luck on your upcoming surgeries. I'm praying for all of you.


  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Too much, my preop is from first thing but will hang around to meet you and anyway doctors can often run late lol... What is your name and how about meeting sometime before 3 in lobby??

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Denouement , I check out of hospital in Friday bur not till after lunch.. Will that work?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary... can't believe you are there and about to go. I remember when we first started cooresponding about NOLA... You will be great!! Enjoy tomorrow (your time before and after consults)... and the scan is weird but short... You get really hot for about 30 seconds and feel like you're peeing in your pants, but it passes very quickly.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2011

    Betsy - how are you today/tonight?  How is the bleeding (not the drains)?  Has it stopped?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Hi Amy,

    I am at least not bleeding through my clothes anymore, but when I change my dressings, there is for sure blood on the dressings... I think this will take a few days to resolve... I have packed about 3-4 bandages into my bra for compression and to catch the blood... I look forward to a week or two from now.


  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary - I'm Amy too. I will try to get to get there as early as possible. My husband and kids are leaving in the morning and my brother is arriving in the early afternooon. We will leave for SCSH as soon as he arrives. I'll be the one with crazy brown chemo curls. I will PM you my cell number now. The center does really move things along so hopefully you won't have too many delays.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Ladies, I was out of town for 4 days, glad to see everyone is okay! 

    Betsy, I added your Stage 2 date and hope you will be okay with the skin opening thing. I didn't have that but sounds like you are on it. Good to send pics so they can see!! Smart.  Also, I remember sort of being out of breath like that for a while, but it of course goes away. Just be kind to yourself, your body has been through a lot.

    If I missed adding someone else's date, please let me know. I read through rather quickly... 

    Insurance questions. I think it is different for each case. I had in network insurance (Cigna South) and I had already reached my in-network deductible so I paid zero, which I still can't believe honestly, so I am not of much help I think.  I needed/wanted to go back for a 2B surgery to even things up, and zero for that one too (again, I'd reached my deductible for in-network). I think my insurance company is in shock, however, given the things they send to us. Whatever. I have the most perfect boobs, if they want a picture, I can send... HA!! (NOT).

    Look who has a surgery tomorrow!!!! :)  Go Rosemary!

    Aug 9 - Louis13 (Rosemary) - Stage 1 MX and unilateral stacked DIEP surgery with Dr. D and Dr. Stolier.  

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    Hi, Springtime! Who is that beautiful companion in your photo?

    Found out that Dr. D will be my primary with Dr. Sullivan in da house!

    Am excited, but nearly overwhelmed with all to be done before I leave! Will be staying with family nearby for 3 weeks, coming home on 9/23. I am hoping that the drains will be out for the Looong flight home. Afraid I'm not the champ that BrandyB was flying home 9 days post-op! Hats off to her!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Celtic, added the doc info to your listing above! Soon, you will be on the "other side" !!!

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Shoot just lost my post..Amy, disappointed today did not work for us to meet, am now all hiberclensed and in bed about o watch movie- today I think was more exhausting for me cos it was day it felt real- also did not get any sleep last night! Anyway...Betsy, my boyfriend will give you a call tomorrow and update and I will get back on here asap too...guess it is showtime..

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011


  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2011

    Wishing you all the best, Rosemary!!  You are going to do great!

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited August 2011

    Long term ladies - anyone with hernia issues?  My last surgery was Nov 2010, and now I have what looks like 2 herniated areas - my belly button and a lower left spot along abdominal incision.  I'm wondering how common this is, since it seems not to be mentioned on these lines.  Not sure if I'll go to NOLA to get the areas repaired or stay local.  There is a definite comfort level there at NOLA which is unparalleled, for sure.

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2011

    Hi there.  I just recently got my Sept 15 surgery date for MX (prophylactic due to BRCA2+) and for hip flap recon.  I will have Dr. D as primary and Dr. S secondary, with Dr. Stolier for the MX.  I know that this is the A team of the US in this area.  So why am I awake every night at 4 am?  I am trying to figure what it is that has me so anxious.  I am not afraid of the surgery itself - I am kind of looking forward to it because it is the waiting that is so darn awful.  Although I fully realize that in many ways I am extremely fortunate (that it is prophylactic, that I got tested, that I won the fight with my ins co, that I am able to go to NOLA, that my husband has been super supportive and loving, that my kids are old enough to understand and support me in this), I just can't get past the waking up every night just filled with fear.  I know that many (all?) of you have talked about the misery of anticipation and the relief of that after surgery, but my lectures to my primitive animal brain have not made that little animal less scared.  Not helping matters is that August 7 was the 34th anniversary of my mother's death from breast cancer, and that I will, in one month, be exactly the age she was when she died.  And this morning I have a breast MRI, so as a claustrophobe, that gives me one more thing to stress about.  I have always sucked it up and done without the Valium, but today I think I will let that little pill be my friend.

    Thanks for listening to my anxious whining.  I know that you have been there and understand.  Now that I am done obsessing about myself, I am also thinking about Rosemary and hoping for a very successful day for her.  I hope there are angels on the scalpels today!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Runningforsanity... IMO, if you weren't apprehensive that would be unusual... Of course you are anxious and scared... It is a huge surgery, but clearly you have done your homework, had your tests and have emotional reasons as well with your mom... you are doing the right thing and going to the right doctors. My suggestion is to stay as busy as possible. The week before my surgery I went on vacation with my whole family... kept my mind at bay, and the weeks before that I was super busy with work. Is there anything you can do to distract yourself? And I understand that at 4am, what can a girl do, but I think its the state of mind you're in when you go to bed.I was never awoken with fear, even the night before surgery... relax, have faith, and breath.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Running, sounds normal. If you believe in a higher power, just try to feel the love. There is a really good CD for prepping for surgery, and healing after, by Belleruth Naparstek and this really helped me - both before and after. If you are a visual person, you can see it all smoothly and it helps in recovery. Here is the link on Amazon. I highly recommend. 

    Lisa - I added your date above per your PM, just let me know if you have more specifics or a specific surgery date.

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2011

    Running - I know exactly how you feel... that free-floating intangible anxiety over that sense of fate. My father died when he was 44 and I was 14. It was pretty devastating and I grew up with a sense of panic when I thought of reaching that age. When I turned 44 I started going for routine doctor exams which I avoided for about 10 years before. I was diagnosed at 49. Maybe he saved my life? He died 37 years ago and it's still  with me, but just sometimes now. Regardless, I'm here and so are you. And you are lucky to be able to do something your mom never had the chance to do. You are allowed to think about your connection to your mother now, it makes sense, but don't let it over-stress you. You beat this thing before it got you!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    @ Rosemary -- You go, girl!!  Good thoughts are with you!

     @Springtime -- thanks, I appreciate the update. And that gorgeous Palomino you are standing next to! Yup, surgery time is coming at me like a speeding freight train running downhil!! I have list upon list upon list -- and that is just at work! LOL! Trying to get a whole buncha loose ends on our B&B loan wrapped up and the loan closed before I leave and that is giving me fits! By the time I hit NOLA, I will be ready to be knocked out!!! :-)

    @Running -- perfectly natural. I found that 4 AM was a great time to pick up the notebook on my bedside table and scribble furiously "stream of consciousness" style whatever ran thru my mind. Once the brain go it that I would 'remember' I was able, in a few nights, to sleep thru. Reminds me of my acting training. We were always told if you aren't anxious and nervous about going on stage then you will give a flat performance ... and it is so true after the 100s of productions I have been in. Still think I need to run to the toilet or am gonna barf before I step foot on stage! The meditation idea is a good one ... I had a surgeon at Cleveland Clinic who actually endorsed guided imagery for surgery, so practiced 2 months before my operation and it really helped -- not only with my anxiety, but they actually used less anesthesia because I had headphones on while I was on the table. Very cool ...

    I will still be in NOLA thru the 23rd staying with relatives in hopes that drains will be pulled. Will also probably be in NO City for at least a day with some of my caregivers. I will do my best to stop in and see you post-op (not right after, but perhaps the next day!). When you are released, where will you be staying?

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Best of luck today Rosemary!  Please let us know how things go when you get a chance...I'm arriving super late on Saturday (can't believe that is only a few days from now!) so I'll be in touch with you on Sunday/Monday to see if you want a visitor or need anything...looking forward to hearing from you from the "other side"!

    Running, I know we talked about this on another thread, but truly - I must echo what the ladies here are saying.  Of course you are scared and nervous, if you weren't you'd probably be some sort of weirdo :-)  Where you are now is really the worst part, at least it was for me.  Definitely keep busy (I know I am) and if you are up at 4 am worrying (I was today too!) just know it's totally normally and soon enough it will be over and you will be in a much better place.  I'm hear to chat, any time...


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited August 2011

    Okay all.  Insurance dance beginning.  Date right now is Dec 6 in NOLA.  Yikes.......

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    So yesterday and especially today I have NO NO  NO energy... it surprises me since I felt better last week... Is this normal?

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2011

    Ladies... I posted this on the Charleston thread but thought I'd post here too (need all the good wishes I can get).  I put some recent pics on Timtam's site, if you're curious about the kind of failure I'm dealing with. 

    I'm one week away from getting it fixed!  I can't believe I have to go through another stage 1 recovery Frown  I'm hoping some of that NOLA good luck will rub off on me.  Fingers crossed.


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited August 2011

    BTW.  I tried to read this whole thread.......... failed.  I think I got to about 200 and then just skipped to July.  I will be with Dr. Marga in NOLA on (hopefully) Dec 6.  Delayed bilateral reconstruction stage 1.  Look forward to getting to know you all!

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2011

    Thank you so much for all the kind words of support.  I feel very grateful to be connected to women who have been though it and are so kind in helping the rest of us along.  Betsy and Springtime, I will try to act on faith and look into the visualization.  Ref, thanks for sharing about your dad.  Those childhood losses are with us forever.  I realized something interesting today - my mom died two months after her 50th birthday.  Two months and two days after my 50th will be my surgery, leading me on a different path.  I wish my mom had had that chance, but am deeply grateful to have that choice now.

    Celtic_Antique, it would be great if you have a chance to stop by.  I will in the hospital until the 18th, if all goes according to plan, then to Homewood Suites.  And maybe I will start keeping a notepad by the bed for those middle of the night freakouts.  And Dana, you have been such a great support.  I hope you have a great expereince in NOLA next week.

    This morning I had my breast MRI - never fun but totally tolerable with the Valium.  Then a massage with a good friend.  Between the Valium and the massage, I was SO relaxed.  It felt great.

    Sending much gratitude - Sonya

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    And my temp is 101.5

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2011

    I am so sorry.  Did you call NOLA or your doctor at home?  That sounds concerning.

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2011

    Betsy. I hope you do call about the fever. That's worrisome to me. I'm also exhausted so dont feel alone. I slept all day yesterday and half the day today. I'm trying to walk and standup straight to get my mobility back, but it wipes me out. I drove to CVS for the first time today(I'm off the prescription pain pills) and that one little errand made me exhausted. Well that and I colored my hair (wince) I should have paid to have it done. Now I'm a reddish brown... Sigh...

    Btw, the pain pills were giving me migraines. Just in case this happens to someone else... The migraines were scaring the hell out of me bc of course my first thought was Brain Tumor! Thank God not the case

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2011

    Betsy - Do you have any other cold symptoms or something else that you can attribute the fever to? Please keep us updated and let us know how your doing.

    Rosemary - I hope that you're resting comfortably!

    Brandy - I get horrible headaches from pain meds. I haven't taken anything but Tylenol since 3 days post op because I couldn't deal with my headache anymore!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    well... i took tylenol and am better.. when I was in the hospital I kept getting an elevated temp due to lung issues, so I think that is the problem and am using the incentive spirameter again.. will call in the morning.