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NOLA in September?



  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2011

    Update:  Lee (formerly known as Tropical Depression 13) has had his way.  He has decided that I am not having my surgery on Sept. 9.  After a day on the phone with the Center, and with two different airlines, (the details were frustrating to me but would bore y'all to tears), I am now rescheduled for my stage 2 on Wednesday, Sept 14.  High noon.  Anyway, I am just relieved that the Center and Dr. D's schedule could accomodate me, because I was worried enough about flying to NOLA on Sunday in the midst of the storm, but then when the airlines starting re-booking, that was the end of that, for sure.  They couldn't get me there in time to do pre-op for my original surgery, so re-book it is.  And for the record, Jeanine at the Center was as sweet and lovely as can be, really very reassuring about the whole thing, and very helpful in finding me a new date and time that wasn't too far down the road.  And Katie was helpful as always.  

    So, Springtime, when you have a sec, could you please update the list?  And send up a prayer for all those in the way of the storm, especially our good doctors and the staff?!  

    Betsy - are you home??? 

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2011

    My date may be changing also.  I should know more in the next week.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    I am indeed home... Yay!!

    KBodie... my original hip flap surgery was July 21st and then had DIEP flap Aug 23.... and was supposed to come back to NOLA for Nov 3 for stage 2 but they decided it was too soon and rebooked me for Dec 1... but due to work obligations, I am now Dec 16... so they wanted the full 3 months, but with Thanksgiving, it pushed it to 3+ months, and now I am almost at 4 months... I would just keep the date but in the back of your mind know that it could change.

    Amy... I am glad you worked it all out... I was definitlely wondering if your Sunday flight would work out... as I watched the weather on tv,,, and heard the rain on the window,,,, and watched the skies.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2011

    Amy -- have a post-op at 10 AM the 14th. If you are out of surgery, will say hey to another WNYer! Plan on being in the City all day ...

     Betsy -- enjoy sleeping in your own bed. We'll see what Dr. D says about Stage 2 on the 14th. By then, instead f hurricanes, we will be worrying about snow storms! LOL!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2011

    My travel is changing too, and I won't be there for House of Pink.  I'd looked forward to it for a long time, but circumstances led me to make some changes in my life this week, and I won't be part of Breastoration any longer. 

    Trishia, when you come to L.A., please get in touch with me.  PM is best, since I'll receive an email notification. Or maybe you still have my phone number...I'd love to meet you in person! 

    Praying for all, for safe travels and steady good healing!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Maggie.. 14th of??

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2011

    Amy, I changed your date! Glad it all worked out so smoothly for a reschedule. Glad you don't have to deal with LEE!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    OMG... so glad I am home... I am watching the weather channel... I missed the earthquake and Irene in NJ since I was in NOLA, and now missing Lee... phew!!

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited September 2011

    Please help with your experiences - I'm 5 weeks out from bilat hips and I've been doing well. I had drainage issues with 1 hip drain not working x 2 last week. Once I changed the bulb and once it was coming out. I knew not to do this but I cleaned my skin and the tubing with Betadine and alcohol and moved it back into place. Now 2 days later, my drainage is cloudy and has tripled in amount and I have pain in my butt. I just spoke to Laura and will be starting on Levaquin. Did any of you end up with infections in your donor sites? I just want to know if I can expect the oral antibiotics to clear it up. I've only taken Levaquin once in the past, after my 1st round of AC when I had really low ANC and was flying. I felt like crap but I don't know if it was from the AC or the Levaquin. So, now I'm anxious about taking it.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2011

    Betsy -- Way to duck it, girl!! My next post-op is 9.14 and I assume we will talk Stage 2 then. Like most folks, would like it done prior to the end of the year! Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound. Bet you sleep like a log tonight! ;-)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Amy... did you take the tubing all the way out?? I know when they removed my groin drain yesterday, its end was way up by my breast... not sure it can be put back in place successfully, but I also think if one comes out, the other will pick up the slack. And it was stitched in... did you clip the stitch?

    I was on Keflex when I came home and developed a fever due to a bacterial infection at my port site... they switched me to levaquin before they knew why I had a fever...(one day) no problems and am now on Bactrum for the duration of having drains... had mine for 6 weeks now.

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited September 2011

    toomuch - I had exactly that. One week after my hip flaps, one drain stopped working completely. We removed it and the other drain was handling the production from the entire area. Around 4 weeks, I had lost suction on that drain. It seemed the drain had pulled out a bit too far. I was concerned because my production was still too high for the drain to be removed so I pushed the drain back in and taped it in place. It worked, insofar as it started draining again and holding suction. Within the week, I had an infection. Was put on both Levaquin and Clindamycin. I took acidophilus at the same time to guard against yeast infections and diarrhea which can be a side effect of the antibiotics. Actually, take the acidophilus a few hours after the antibiotic dose, not at the exact same time so it does no interfere with the effectiveness of the medication. Taken all together, the infection cleared and I had no problems from the meds. My drain came out at 6 1/2 weeks post-op and never got below 50ml in daily production. No problems after the drain came out.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2011

    DIEP gals:  at what point in the healing process do you stop feeling like your skin has been superglued to your abs?  It's hard to believe this will ever feel normal again.  I'm 2.5 weeks out.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2011

    Jeskachi, 2.5 weeks is really soon, give it some time. I remember feeling like I turned a corner around 5.5 weeks.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2011

    jeskachi - Not in any way meaning to discourage you, but I am at about 16 weeks (gosh, it sounds like we are all pregnant or talking about babies), and I have finally felt pretty normal the past few weeks, maybe 3 weeks or so. I just want you to know that it gets better.  I thought it might never get better . . .  I was pretty sure it never would. But it has.  It's early days for you still.  Please don't get discouraged.  It is a HUGE operation.  I don't think I realized just how huge until one time when I was about 8 weeks out and having pain (not really typical, I don't think) and I talked to Dr D and he really stressed how much our bodies have been through and that it needs the "tincture of time".  As time passed, I found the more active I was, the better I felt and the less I had that "superglued" feeling.  "This too shall pass".  Hang in . . .

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    "Tincture of time"... heard that somewhere before... LOL... I think its a favorite phrase of Dr D... I just love him... I have spent so much time in NOLA this summer (4.5 weeks in all) and he truly cared for my every need... That's what we want in our doctor, right?

    I am only 1.5 weeks post DIEP and I feel the superglue feeling, and my belly button, but I expect to feel it for a while... I am also wearing a compression garment 24/7... not sure if I'll feel better or worse when I get to lose it... I think my belly button would like it gone for sure. I look forward to the day when I move and won't feel I am damaging something... I know I am not hurting anything, just don't want to feel like I am.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2011

    Wow!  4 1/2 weeks, Betsy?!  You are practically a resident again!!  

    Hey, has anyone stayed in or checked out the Bienville House Hotel? 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    And that doesn't include my consultation visit in May.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited September 2011

    Ref - Thanks for the feedback. It's exactly what I needed to hear. The drain did not come all the way out, just moved out about an inch or two. It completely stopped working and I knew better then to push it back in but I couldn't stand the thought of a seroma. Big mistake. Hopefully, the Levaquin will take care of it.

    Betsy - I'm glad that you made it home. You topped my 3 1/2 weeks in NOLA!

    Amy - We stayed at the Bienville House when we went for my consult in October. It's small but really cozy. The front desk staff are friendly and helpful!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2011

    When I started physical therapy at about 5 weeks I still felt like my belly was superglued.  My PT really worked on softening that scar tissue.  I couldn't stand waiting any longer for things to get better, but I needed work on mastectomy area, too.  It only took a few sessions and daily stretching for the superglue feeling to go away.  2.5 weeks is waaaaaay to early to feel better.  The wounds are still healing.  

  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited September 2011

    I am 5 wks post op DIEP and just in the last few days have I felt "normal". Still tight in my lower abdomen, but otherwise I'm fine. I can finally roll over I'm bed without planning ahead. I'm surprised to be doing as well as I am. My boobs are sore, but honestly, it feels like PMS. I'm truly feeling myself again. Aesthetically, not so much bc I had an immediate recon on one side and a delayed recon on the other, but I'm confident the this will be resolved in stage 2.

    Best of luck to everyone!!!


  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2011

    I don't expect to feel normal now, I just wanted to know what I could expect in the future. My body didn't feel this foreign when I had SGAP. It's disconcerting.

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited September 2011

    This board is so busy! So hard to keep abreast (sorry!) of all the new ladies and where everyone is at- it seems now many of those names I first saw on here are/have headed back for stage 2 . Am always trying to catch up with my reading and always hoping the best fir all :^))

    reading your last cider, am wondering if many on here do PT post surgery? Also wondering when do most people start using bio oil or whatever on their scars?

    And a progress update on me: Will be 4 weeks post op next Tuesday , all incisions have pretty much healed except for belly button which is still causing grief after looking so good in the diep breast is considerably smaller than my other breast, fingers crossed that can be fixed in stage2. am surprised that stomach seems to have got harder over last weeks, breast getting bit softer and yes Dana def did develop reasonable dose of frustration and depression over last week, bracing myself for the next. Because thus next week is going to be much more difficult for me and my kids since it is the 2nd anniversary of losing my 16 year old son, Louis, who is with me in my avatar. That photo was taken 2weeks before we lost him, and we were celebrating his MRI results from the previous day- then he died from something else altogether which all of the best doctors and hospitals had missed over a10 year period. I call this week our holy week since it is my eldest sons birthday on the 4th, then comes me on the 6th, and then comes Louis another 2days later. It is still surreal and breathtakingly painful for us all and with this week almost upon us I felt the need to explain my screename and avatar.


  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    Jeskachi - I had my stage 1 in May and I would say it took about 5-6 weeks for me to turn a corner and feel more like myself.  I know it's been written about here before but just in case you missed it or forgot, there is a very real, very disconcerting post surgery lull/crash around the 3 week mark - you might be hitting that now.  For me it was this feeling like I was just sick and tired of not feeling like myself, of being slow and achy and this feeling like things would never get better - it was a really crappy feeling!  The good news is there is a drastic positive change around week 4 post op and then another one around 5-6 weeks post.  hang in there, it does get better.  I would highly recommend PT when you hit the 4 week mark - it helps. 

    Betsy so glad you are home!  must feel great...toomuch sorry to hear about your drain troubles...hopefully the new meds help.  Amy, sorry Lee messed with your plans - hoping you are adjusting well. 

    I'm 2.5 weeks out from stage 2/hyst and things are going well.  All my bruises are gone already which is a testament to how well that arnica works.  I also started dry brushing my bruises at the 2 week mark which seems have really helped with that numb/itchy post-sugical feeling and has definitely helped with the swelling the bruising.  Happy healing to all!

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited September 2011

    Dana, can you remind us how you used arnica? And dry brushing??

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    oh Rosemary - so sorry to hear about your son...thanks for sharing.  Hoping you have a nice "holy week" considering.  Glad you made it past the 3 week mark depression and super happy that Irene didn't do as much damage as we thought it might in Greenpoint. 

    As far as PT I started at the 4 week mark - asked the center for a script.  I'm actually surprised that they don't give them out automatically but it's easy enough to ask.  I thought PT was very helpful and I'll be doing it again starting next week post stage 2 (my insurance pays for it totally so why not!)  As far as the bio-oil goes, the recommendation was to start after the incisions closed and all the stitches either came out on their own or were gentled pulled away - I believe that was allowed after 2 weeks.  I'm religious with my bio oil and already my breast/nipple scars are almost completely faded.  The DIEP scar is another story, but I'm working on it. 

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    sure - here is an article on dry brushing.  All you need is a natural bristle brush.  Obviously avoid areas with incisions that are still open, etc.

    I used sublingual arnica 30 - little pellets in a blue tube that looks like a chapstick container - got it at Whole foods and later online at amazon.  I was taking 5 pellets every 2-3 hours a couple of week before the surgery and am still taking them.  Helps a lot for me but I bruised like crazy after stage 1, so I was really trying to not have that happen again.  Hope this helps. 

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited September 2011

    Hah, you were the one who talked about bio oil Dana.. I think it is a terrific product too.. So morning and night gently massaging in? thanks for your response..

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited September 2011

    And thanks for the arnica info too... iPad losing juice fast here!

  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited September 2011

    Rosemary.. (((( huggs)))))