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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    if you all are ok taking a cab, and want to go where the locals go.. Domilise's has the BEST poboys in town... think its on Anunciation... and a fun seafood place is Pascal's Manale... And if you want another favorite, take the streetcar uptown past Tulane and just as it turns right, get off and eat at Camillia Grill... been around forever... Great omelets!!!

    Kathryn.. you were added to the group... just look on the left column of your home page.

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2011

    Hi all--I'm back from my evaluation at NOLA with Dr. DellaCroce and Dr. Stollier and I've decided to take the leap and go for it!  My hip flap surgery is on January 4th...a crazy way to start 2012--but I'm looking at it as the year of protecting my health.  I'll also have to have an ooph or hyst next year as well, as I'm almost 40 and I'm 3 surgeries in one year...yikes!

    I have several questions for you amazing women that I'm hoping you can help me with...since I'm single, I'm trying to line up help both in NOLA immediately after surgery as well as when I come back to LA.  Input on the following questions would be most helpful! (Sorry it's a long list!) :)

    1)  Is my understanding of the post-surgery schedule correct? My understanding is that I'll be in the hospital (St. Charles) for 3 nights.  Then I'd go to a TBD hotel for the next 4 nights.  On day 7 I go back for my post-op check and then I can fly home.  (So, since my surgery is on a Wed, is my post-op check on the following Tues or Wed?  (I'm trying to buy plane tix and determine how long a friend is needed out there.)

    2)  My brother and/or dad will likely come to NOLA for my surgery.  However, I'm assumming that I'd want a female friend to be with me when I go to the hotel to help me shower, use the restroom etc.  Is that the case?  (My mom passed away from ovarian cancer so I don't have her to help me unfortunately!!)

    3)  What type of help do you need in the hotel?  I'm assuming draining the drains, helping you get up, shower...what else?

    4)  Do you feel well enough to fly home the same day as your week post-op appointment?  Do I need someone to go with me on the plane or can I fly myself if I have a friend help me on both ends of the flight?

    5)  Which hotel do you recommend staying in after the surgery?  (Probably something close to the Quarter so my friend can get out of the hotel once in a while!)  Also, do the Center's discounts at hotels extend to family (for my dad?) 

    6)  For when I get back to LA--is it the first 2 weeks back that I'll need to rely more on others?  I'm going to try to schedule friends to come over and take turns helping out...but it would be GREAT to have a better sense of what I'll need from them and for how many days I should plan on scheduling them to come over.

    I'm sure I'll have more questions, but those are the most timely for now.  After I finish with the logistics, I'm SURE I'm going to start getting more nervous about the actual surgery.  I've spend an entire year researching my options...and now that I've made this decision (and have a date), it's becoming more real...and a little scary!

    Thank you in advance for your input and advice,



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Besa, I had a lot done for Stage 2 and had 4 weeks out of work. I think this is the max I've heard of! 

    Debbie, you sound excited! I know you'll get lots of feedback, but here goes mine:

    1. I was away from home 10-11 days. 3-4 nights in hospital.

    2. When you are in the hospital, the nurses will help you with the shower. By the time I got to hotel, I was doing everything myself, just really sloooowww!!

    3. You should be pretty good at the hotel, but everybody is different.

    4. They will insist you do not fly home alone. You'll need someone to fly home with you after surgery.

    5. The Homewood Suites is my favorite. Lots of space, extra rooms, free food. Discounted rate. We have been there with a 2BR suite with 2 full bathrooms and the kitchen living room when we brought family members. There are doors so you can be in one room yourself napping while someone else is watching TV in the living room. Good too if you bring somebody who needs to work. Walking distance to French Quarter. 

    6. When you're home, you'll be pretty good on your own. Will be good to have friends bring meals, check in on you, etc. Don't want to be too isolated!

    Glad you are here!

    DBDaze, I updated your listing to say 2b vs. 2! Sorry about that! Don't want you having 2 all over again!! LOL. 

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2011

    1) the center can help you figure it out, but I built in an extra day at the end in case I needed it. Both stage 1's I ended up staying an extra day due to nausea.

    2) my boyfriend has been with me through all my surgeries (2 stage 1's and 2 stage 2's) and I never needed help with dressing, showering or changing bandages. help would have been nice the first couple of days, but definitely not necessary. he did help with non-personal things though, like making meals, lifting things, running errands...

    3) see #2

    4) you will probably feel okay but post-ops are usually in the afternoon, and their surgeries tend to run long which can delay your appt, so... it would be a late flight. I would plan on leaving the day after your post-op appt. You DEFINITELY need someone to carry your bags and help you through the airport. Wheelchairs help expedite things too. For me, the traveling home part was the primary reason I needed a companion. Otherwise I was fine on my own.

    5) can't comment on that, I rented a vacation rental in NOLA. there are a lot of good options. the center can help you coordinate.

    6) the first couple of weeks I needed help with grocery shopping, taking the garbage out, doing a load of laundry and running errands (like picking up prescriptions). other than that... didn't really need someone to help me. I didn't drive myself until about 3-4 weeks out.  Could have driven earlier if I absolutely had to.

    I think you'll find recovery is easier than you're imagining now.  You can't predict how you'll feel or what complications you might have, but most of us find out the worry beforehand is much worse than the reality.

    btw... I'm BRCA1+ previvor too.  Had all the surgeries (5 so far)... one stage 2 left (knock wood).

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2011

    Springtime and Jeskachi--thank you for your quick responses!  So it sounds like I should at least plan to stay 8 days.  (It's hard to plan a flight and how long my friend would need to stay when you have no idea how you'll feel!)  Also, I forgot to ask, what pre-op tests did you need and how long does that take?  Can it be done in one day before the surgery or is more time needed?

    Also, Jeskachi--I'm actually not a previvor--I had stage 2b breast cancer when I was 29 (9 years ago.)  I found out then that I was BRCA1+ (2 years after my mom died, who was also BRCA1+).  So, these surgeries have been on my mind for the past 9 years...and I'm finally at a place where I know it's time to just get them out of the way.  

    It sounds like many of you have had multiple it common to have more than the stage 1  and stage 2?


  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited October 2011

    Debbie - Just a quick suggestion - consider flying Southwest, if you can.  They do not have a change fee, so if you needed to change your date and come home a day or two later, or if you got done early at your post-op and wanted to catch an earlier flight, you would only pay the difference in fare.  We ended up driving home after my stage 1, and just saved the tickets (in credit on Southwest), and used them to go back down for stage 2. 

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2011

    i am single and my mom takes care of my sick dad so a friend came with me for stage 1 and is coming back for stage 2.

    1)  I went and stayed for two weeks.  i went out early to sight see and then stayed 2 after my post op visit.  i mostly stayed in the hotel and when i went out my friend pushed me in a wheelchair.  I could only walk for short distances as i had bad back spasms.

    2)  after surgery from friend did help me a lot with the drains and showering. first two days at the hotel she helped a bunch and then i was ok on my own after that.

    3) my friend went to the supermarket and got food, washed my clothes and did anything i needed help with.  gave me my meds whenever the timer went off.

    4)  my friend flew home with me and then stayed another week.  then people checked on me twice a day.

    5)  i stayed at homewood suites in a 1 bedroom.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2011

    Welcome. You've made a great choice to get your care in NOLA! I'll try to answer some of your questions. If yor surgery is on Wednesday, your post op is probably the following Wednesday -- tho that might be partly determined by clinic schedule. Many women stay an extra night (4 nights) even if there is no particular problem. I stayed an extra night -- I just did not feel ready to leave. If you have the Center help with your arrangements, then they will take care of any last minute adjustments-- canceling a night at the hotel, for example. Many women stay at the Homewood Suites after surgery. It is not elegant, but very clean and quiet, comfy beds with lots of pillows, big bathroom( good for dealing with the dressings and drains, etc) and two rooms per suite. Both rooms have TVs and one has a couch and kitchenette with frig, stove, utensils, microwave. Our bedroom had 2 queens and there were 8 pillows (I let my husband have one...), so plenty for a nice nest. I did not find that I needed help with my drains or dressings, or even in the shower or bathroom. I prefer to do that stuff myself and I was glad to be able to. BTW, I'm no hero...took max amt of pain meds every 4 hours! But I did like knowing husband was close by when I was in the shower, as I felt a bit unsteady. It probably would be more comfortable to have a woman with you in the hotel, if you can arrange it... Just in case. You need someone, also, to go out into the world for provisions ( tho Homewood does provide breakfast and light dinner), and someone to toodle you around the block. Tho I cannot fathom it now, my husband and I actually went out for dinner each night , walking several blocks from Homewood, and then taking taxis back after dinner. I'm guessing that the center can get your family members their good hotel rates even if you are not with them.. Someone can stay in your hospital room -- there is a Murphy bed , and they will be provided meals and well cared for. However, it might be uncomfortable to have your Dad or brother. There will be a lot of revealing of body parts, for example, the first night the nurses will be checking your flaps very frequently. As I recall, I woke up in a surgical bra, and nothing else! You will not feel like tending to modesty when moving around in bed or getting up for the bathroom. Most women fly home after their postop. Make sure to schedule plenty of time as clinic can be running hours behind schedule. And make sure to have scheduled wheelchairs at each airport you will be in. I think it would be quite taxing -- and kind of distressing to fly on your own. You will be feeling pretty fragile and vulnerable, will likely have drains, and completely unable to deal with baggage, etc. Doesnt sound like a good idea. (And remember about the FamilyRestrooms in airports. They are usually cleaner and are private with one sink and one toilet .) Also, coming home from my stage 2, the wheelchair attendants were not immediately available and if my husband had not taken over the "driving" we would have missed our connections. Once home, you will be fatigued, probably have trouble sleeping, but will be able to go up and down stairs , sit at the table to eat, shower and wash/dry your hair, dress, etc. Try to get your kitchen and bathroom and closets set up ahead so you can easily get to stuff. You will certainly need someone to shop, drive you around , take walks with you and keep you company. I didnt ever wake my husband at night, but I think I would have been worried about being alone at night for a while. I didnt feel like driving until I had to when I returned to work at 3 and a half weeks. Hope this helps :)

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited October 2011

    sundermom, Breastoration was created in part to grant financial aid to women seeking reconstruction in the New Orleans area who otherwise could not afford it.  You can read more about it and get an application if you click here.

    Hi Kathryn! I think your husband and kids would really enjoy eating at Camellia Grille too---they can ride the streetcar from the hospital and hop off right after the tracks veer to the right at Carrollton.  My husband and I love Zea and eat there at least once every time we are in NOLA.

    We are making Katie a "soon to be Mrs." tank top---creating a new style just for her.  She has waited so long for this and totally deserves that ring just for being so patient!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited October 2011

    Sundermom - I wrote you on the other thread already, but nice to see you over here too!

    DJWeinstein! That is a GREAT way to start off the year! I will be flying in that weekend, so I will pop up and see you if you are feeling up to it! I will give my input to your questions, but I think the ladies here have done a thorough job answering them for you!

    1) Is my understanding of the post-surgery schedule correct? My understanding is that I'll be in the hospital (St. Charles) for 3 nights. Then I'd go to a TBD hotel for the next 4 nights. On day 7 I go back for my post-op check and then I can fly home. (So, since my surgery is on a Wed, is my post-op check on the following Tues or Wed? (I'm trying to buy plane tix and determine how long a friend is needed out there.)  Yes, if your surgery is on a Wednesday, your post op will be the following Wednesday. When they count days after your surgery - the day of surgery is considered day zero, with post op day 1 being the following day and so on. 

    2) My brother and/or dad will likely come to NOLA for my surgery. However, I'm assumming that I'd want a female friend to be with me when I go to the hotel to help me shower, use the restroom etc. Is that the case? (My mom passed away from ovarian cancer so I don't have her to help me unfortunately!!)  My husband came with me to Nola - but I did not use him for much after surgery. I think mostly I had him holding pads in place under my compression garment (which not everyone has) while I hooked and zipped. I did not use him for anything else as far as personal care. However, that is me and everyone is different. I will say that I personally would not want my dad or brother to help me with anything where I had to be naked after surgery... or before surgery... or anytime for that matter! But that is just me!

    3) What type of help do you need in the hotel? I'm assuming draining the drains, helping you get up, shower...what else? You will be shown how to strip and empty the drains before you leave the hospital. This is totally do-able on your own. As far as showering... I did that on my own too, except for scrubbing my back - that just feels so good after surgery and spending so much time laying down. My husband came in handy for back scrubs! For sleeping, I mostly slept in the recliner at the Hope Lodge post stage 1, so easy to get up and down! 

    4) Do you feel well enough to fly home the same day as your week post-op appointment? Do I need someone to go with me on the plane or can I fly myself if I have a friend help me on both ends of the flight? TheCenter will absolutely require that someone fly home with you - especially after stage 1. You will be wearing Ted hose - which you most likely will need some assistance to get on and you will not be allowed to lift over 10 pounds. Most suitcases weigh in the vicinity of 8# empty - so you definitely need someone to help you with that. I did not use a wheelchair because it is just not what I wanted to do, but it was nice to have my hubby to walk next to in a crowded airport. As someone else said - you would probably do best to book your flight out for the day after your post op visit. This makes it so that you are not worrying about trying to catch a flight if the docs are running a little behind schedule and really, it just gives you one more day to rest!

    5) Which hotel do you recommend staying in after the surgery? (Probably something close to the Quarter so my friend can get out of the hotel once in a while!) Also, do the Center's discounts at hotels extend to family (for my dad?) I stayed at the Homewood post stage 2 and I really loved it. They serve breakfast, which is a big bonus and I believe they also serve a light meal during the week. Easy access to the Quarter as well as the trolley. For stage 1 I stayed at the Hope Lodge. It is more "out of the way" so not as accessible to the tourist places, but was just wonderful for recuperating after stage 1. If you want your family to be able to get out and sight see - the Hope Lodge is off the beaten path, so staying in/near the Quarter may be better for you. 

    6) For when I get back to LA--is it the first 2 weeks back that I'll need to rely more on others? I'm going to try to schedule friends to come over and take turns helping out...but it would be GREAT to have a better sense of what I'll need from them and for how many days I should plan on scheduling them to come over.  Hmmm... my husband was home some of the time, so he was able to help out when needed... just trying to think exactly what he helped with! LOL  Well, I had a little one then, so when she would fall asleep while rocking her I had to have someone carry her upstairs!  But other than that - you will need someone to vacuum for you, someone to carry the laundry basket and lift other heavy items - such as grocery shopping. I would totally let friends or family bring in meals - just one less thing to have to worry about! I believe you are on lifting restrictions for longer than 2 weeks...but it has been a while for me now, so maybe one of the other ladies can fill you in on that one. 

    DJ - You are going to do great!!!

    Minnesota - Tomorrow is the day you should hear back from insurance, right? I am keeping fingers, toes, legs, arms, eyes... (what else can cross?) for you! And yes, we should go commiserate sometime! I certainly know how you are feeling and you KNOW I am pulling for you. 

    Kathryn - did you get Boo at the Zoo tickets for the kids??? Also, I vote for Zeas - my kids loved their food... actually, my little one slept through dinner and woke up just in time for pumpkin cheesecake for dessert! Delish!  I will be thinking about you in the morning. Keep us posted!!! All positive vibes your way!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2011

    Debbie- 8 days doesn't sound like enough if you're counting the entire trip, I think I was there for 10-11 days both times.  Flew down the day before pre-op, had pre-op, next day had surgery, post-op was day 7 post surgery, then flew out the day after that. I think that's 11 days total.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011

    Debbie - I stayed 10 days in NOLA for my Stage1 and I think that is about the minimum. We did have a late flight out the day after my post-op and hind sight being 20/20 I would have taken an earlier flight as there was no reason to stay at that point. I believe that the Hope Lodge is free to cancer patients receiving treatment - so even though it is not a central location it does have some good points. I stayed at the Homewood though and would highly recommend it. It is just outside the Quarter in the CBD but there are a lot of restaurants close enough to walk to. We went out to lunch and dinner each day I was there - and we never took a taxi. That was my exercise. It sometimes took a while to get there but at least I was out walking.

    Lisa - I'm SO glad to hear that you are doing better. You are surely through the worst of this and it will get better and better and better! Hang in there and this will soon be a distant memory.

    Kathryn - Thinking of you today. Just think when you wake up later - no scar tissue!! Your middle will feel like your middle again! I bet you feel relief immediately. 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2011

    dbdaze-  I'd offer up DH but we leave on Thursday.  (c:

    Djweinstein-  Thanks for asking those questions!  I'm curious too.

    Kathryn- Healing vibes.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone. No matter how many times I do this I still get nervous. Sitting in the preop surrounded by all the loving nurses. Probably a half hour before they wheel me off. I like saying hi to the people in the OR so no versed for me

    Minn. they said I'm in room 209. But I'll still have my husband post my name on the door. See you soon!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011

    SurfaGirl - you had asked about what incisions were opened at Stage 2. I didn't mention that in addition to three places on my ab incision (each hip and very center) and both breasts (he lifted both) he also made an incision around each of my nipples. Now I had NSM so I was surprised by this. He said that this was to make them round again as they were more oval after all of the fiddling that had gone on around there. I have to say that these are the ugliest incisions that I have from Stage 2 (and the only 'new' ones since the others were re-opened). I have faith that he knows what he is doing - but this one caught be off guard.  Also the trunk rotations are to break up the scar tissue build-up. Even though I went to PT after Stage 1 and had lots of massage I still had an issue with it and it was very uncomfortable. I'm already doing trunk rotations to make sure it doesn't happen again (I can't go too far but I go as far as I can).

    Springtime- You posted a link to the site with the compression garment that you purchased and loved. I'm sorry to ask you post it again but can you? I have looked back through many pages and I can't find it - I should have saved it when you posted it but I didn't know I would want to buy one then. Thanks so much! 

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2011

    Hello. I just got a call from the center and the need to move my date up to Nov 1. Springtime will you please change this for me. Also I feel like a mad woman day changes a lot especially when Monday was going to be my chill/pack and prepare mentally day. Boy...I have got to move some stuff around now.working at my daughter's fall festival tomorrow, working at the Survivor's tent-Making Strides walk on Saturday and Church on Sunday...New Orleans Monday morning....

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2011

    TigSun looks like we are officially surgery buddies now! Minnasota I will see you for sure now.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2011

    Laura- I believe this is the one Springtime got (and the one I'm wearing right now): 

    This store sells opened (but unused) garments on ebay at a deep discount, so you might find a cheap one there.  Otherwise I recommend buying from this place, they're quick and responsive and flexible with returns.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited October 2011

    thinking about you Kathryn!  Hoping all goes well and can't wait to hear the update once you are done and up to posting.

    Wow there is a lot going on for next week!  Ro, Tigsun was my surgery buddy for stage 1 so I can attest to how great she is!

    I just booked a vacation to Cancun in January with my husband, our first vacation in almost 4 years!  Now I just need to get to the gym to work off some of my surgery/sitting weight in the butt/thigh area....cause you know I'll be rockin a bikini!

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2011

    Thank you to everyone for your answers...they are so helpful!  

     Kathryn--I'm sending good thoughts your way! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Jesk is right link shows the Marena I loved! I should buy stock in the company, ha! Heyall, Laura too, I posted that link up in the listing where the surgeries are listed so we don't keep loosing it!!

    Ro, I changed your date. Breathe girl!!!

    I agree with Laura, I would say 10 days is the minimum you will stay for Stage 1. There are typically 2 stages unless you are doing totally prophylactic, sometimes I hear they can get away with 1. I think you will want two! :)

    Thinking about Kathryn!! 

    Rock that bikini, Dana!! You deserve it, for sure! 

    Thanks to all you awesome women for your great responses to Debbie. Debbie, it seems like a lot now, but before you know it, you'll know it all. We will help.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Jeskachi and Springtime!  (Great idea to put it in the heading Springtime)!  

    Question: Did you wear this with a compression (Spanx, Fleexees, etc) camisole or something else - since it doesn't go as high as the DOM from the Center?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Hi Laura,

    Oh, it goes up high, the picture is quite misleading! I am very long waisted, and that thing came up to under my boobs.

    Jesk, is that what you found too?

    Spanx is no where near as compressing as this one. I did also wear spanx when I was "weaning off". 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Debbie.. I stayed 13 days for stage one... flew in on a Tuesday, pre op on Wednesday, surgery Thurs, post op the next Thursday, flew home Monday. I had a friend with me until after post op, then my husband came in and escorted me home... Once I left the hospital and went to Hope Lodge, so day 6 after surgery, I passed out in the shower and my friend caught me, so I would not have wanted my brotehr or dad there for that period.. and I also recommend using the hotel shower chair for a couple of days.. I fainted because I took the compression garment off and stepped right into the shower... bad idea.

    I for one did not find the Hope Lodge comfortable... much preferred the Homewood Suites. .. and only stayed past day 11 because my husband had just arrived... flying in day beforepre-op and flying out day after post op is perfect.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2011

    Yep, it comes to under my bra band.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited October 2011

    Debbie - I also stayed in NOLA for 10 nights (11 days) for stage I.  Flew in the night before preop appointment and flew out the day after my post op appointment.  I didn't want to have to worry about making my plane if the post op appointment ran late.  I stayed at the Homewood Suites before and after surgery - husband slept in the pull down Murphy bed at SCSH.  You can move all your luggage into SCSH while you are there.   If privacy in the hospital is an issue you might just talk to the Center about the details to figure out if you comfortable with a father or brother in the room with you. I guess whoever is staying with you could always just walk outside the room for a short time.  You don't need them to help you - the nursing care is the best I have ever experienced but I thought it was calming to have someone there with me.

    When I was postop back in the hotel I didn't need much help (I could shower and handle the drains by myself.  Just needed help initially closing up the compression garment while placing the pads -later learned to handle this myself). Things went well and I didn't actually need much help but I absolutely wanted someone with me. I needed to know that if things didn't go well there would be someone I could count on. I did laundry at the Homewood Suites and husband carried the laundry down to the machines (not allowed to lift anything over 10 pounds for 6 weeks.) The hotel will supply a shower chair if you request it.  The chair was huge but I actually used it for the first day or two - also a good place to dry compression garmests and bra after washing.  When I was back in the hotel I  walked to restaurants and to the French Quarter and back so I could get a chance to see NOLA.  I was lucky and really felt much better than I expected.  Flying was when I actually felt I needed someone with me.  Because of the 10 pound lifting limit I needed help with the luggage.  I asked for a wheelchair when I arrived at the airport - I was OK with walking but I didn't want to get hung up at security  with the possibility of being required to stand in line for a very long time.  With a wheel chair and airport guy to push me we moved through security quickly (they seemed to expedite things when you are in a wheel chair) also we were were allowed to board early.  We were given front row seats in coach - reserved for people who needed assistance - which made things less stressful.  I wanted to avoid situations where I might be bumped or pushed by people - I wanted to protect the reconstruction and drain.  At home, because of the 10 pound lifting limit, I needed help carrying laundry and moving groceries, otherwise I really didn't need help but it was nice to have dinner made for me for the first few days. You can't drive while you are taking narcotic pain meds but I was lucky and didn't need to take anything once the PCA pump was removed in the hospital so I drove as soon as I got home.  Everyone is different but for me things were much easier than I expected.  This is very do able.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    4 weeks after my first stage I, I had to return to NOLA and flew down by myself.. I asked for a wheelchar at the airport and they brought me right to the gate... they I wheeled my luggage on and a steward lifted it into the overhead and laso got it out for me when we landed... and then in NOLA, the limo met me...

    While at home, I also drove when I got home...and had friends bring dinner for a while, like every other night... had my son and husband carry laundry and groceries... One thing I wished I had done before going to NOLA was make sure everything I'd need would be reachable, like towels.. They tell you to use clean towels, so once I got them to a low spot, I kept them low... and would carry my daily laundry down to wash, so I always had clean towels...

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited October 2011

    @jeskachi --- where was you vaca rental? Will need one for Stage 2 -- no one can be there for my 12/20 and post-op 12/23. Too close to Christmas and I KNOW I cannot fly back alone!

    Thanks ... what a great gang this is!! And we have our own tats, too!  LOL!! 

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2011

    It was just down the street from the Center, a few blocks south of the Clarion hotel.  It was a 2-bedroom apt in a house one street west of St. Charles, on Carondolet.  If you're interested PM me and I'll send you a link.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2011

    Kathryn.... Hope you are resting. (Comfortably) . Will be so glad to hear from you when you are up to it. :)