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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited October 2011

    I heard from Kathryn last night - all is well and she said her tummy is FLAT now!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2011

    Had appointments with med, rad and gyn oncs this week.  They are all very interested in seeing my "butt boobs"!

    Me and dh will be in NOLA 12/4 - 12/15.  I hope to meet quite a few of you ladies.  (c:

  • Fight-like-a-girl
    Fight-like-a-girl Member Posts: 22
    edited October 2011

    HI everyone!  I have been reading and reading (creeping and creeping)!!  Just found out I am approved for Stage 1 in New Orleans Dec 5th with Dr. Massey and Dr. D!! I am so excited and scared!  It is real now.  What do I do?  where do I start?

  • Fight-like-a-girl
    Fight-like-a-girl Member Posts: 22
    edited October 2011

    Hi Adey:  I will be there on Dec 1st with DH.  Just found out I was approved today!!  Would love to meet you!  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Fight like a girl - I will add you to the listing above! Congratulations! You are now out of creep-dom!! (Just in time for Halloween!!!) Welcome... :)

    Thanks Nordy for the news on Kathryn. Hey Kathryn, you rockin' that FLAT tummy??? :) 

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    I found out yesterday that the Center absolutely requires patients to have a companion during their hotel stay after surgery and for the return flight home  even for Stage 2B.  I had hoped to make the trip solo but totally understand the reasoning and appreciate the care and concern they have their patients.  Stage 1 was the most difficult for me and I certainly appreciated my husband's presence and assistance.  I found that moving from the Hope Lodge to the French Quarter after my surgery was extremely helpful -- encouraging me to walk and stay active.  Even got my drains removed before heading home!!  We split the time between Hope and French Quarter again for Stage 2 and my recovery was quite easy.  I've booked Prince Conti for 3 days before surgery and Bienville House for 2 nights following surgery for my 2B -- it will be nice to spend the entire time in the French Quarter.  (The Hope Lodge is a great option, especially since it's no-cost, but there's not much to do or see in the area)  One of my daughter's has offered to stay with her sibs (we have 3 disabled kids still at home that need care) so my husband can accompany me.  Even though I had planned otherwise, I'm looking forward to spending the week together -- something we don't get to do very often!

     Fight Like A Girl -- oh I remember those feelings of excitement and fear all wrapped up together.  Rest assured you have made a terrific choice.   

    Kathryn - best news EV-ER! Flat stomach ... it doesn't get much better!!   

    A suggestion for those of you who plan to enjoy the city a few days before or after surgery:  Join Living Social (New Orleans) online -- they have daily discount offerings -- 50% of restaurants and right now it's half off the entrance fee to the Audubon Aquarium.  Last year I was able to score half off 3 different restaurants in the French Quarter AND a Segway tour that was WAY awesome.  

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited October 2011

    Laura:  thank you for the additional information about Stage II.  What is NSM?

    dbdaze:  i'll join living social so we can get some discounts.  

     Stage II and beyond:  were you able to move around after surgery?  Do they tell you to rest after surgery?  What day were you able to walk around and do things?  I'm staying a week in New Orleans so hopefully I'll be well enough to do some activities.  What about the nipple reconstruction, is it a problem.  LIke do you have to try not to move around?

    DOM:  Anyone suggest a favorite one?  How long do you wear the one the Center gives you with the zipper and hooks? 

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011

    SurfaGrl - NSM is Nipple Sparing Mastectomy. That is why I was unprepared for the incisions around each of the nipples, since they were original equipment.

    I was able to move around right after surgery, but you are tender (very tender) any where you had lipo not to mention the cannula 'tunnels' that they used for the lipo - these are little holes you have all over. I have one under each butt cheek and one in the small of the back, I could feel these as they are basically little incisions. They weren't horrible - but again, tender also. You will want to rest after surgery - I slept a lot. I was discharged on a Tuesday. We stayed in the Quarter. We walked around that evening and had dinner out. Wednesday was my Stage 2 post-op appt. We had lunch out, went to the appt, then walked around the Quarter again as well as took a horsedrawn carriage ride that evening. Walking was/is actually easier than sitting or laying down. So it was nice to move around and have somewhere to go. So I think with a week in NOLA you will be able to do things. I can't speak to the nipple reconstruction though - I'm not sure if that would hold you back or not. It doesn't sound like it - but I'm sure someone else can chime in on that one.

    DOM - I'm wearing the one the Center gave me for the 2 weeks that they recommend (two more days!). But then I'm going to switch to the one that Jeskashi and Springtime recommend as it looks so much more comfortable - especially for sleeping. No zippers! I will try to wear that for 4 more weeks. Dr D recommends at least 2 weeks of compression after Stage 2 but says with 6 you will get better results. 

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    SurfaGrl: Everyone has their own story but Stage 2 for me was much easier than Stage 1.  No drains whatsoever, uncomfortable but very manageable. I loved being right in the heart of things in the French Quarter -- lots of walking, slept well at night.  Even went to a Marti Gras parade!  I didn't even use any pain meds after leaving the hospital.  I've got to agree with the others -- the Marena compression garment is the way to go.  I wore mine almost 2 months -- I also wore alot of running suits, elastic waists, very comfy.   

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2011

    Rogam - just seeing your date change! See you there. My preop is 10/31 and we have the same surg dat. Minnesota - hope to see you also. I arrive in nola sunday afternoon. Staying at homewood.

    I am less nervous this go round. Well until I see a needle. Lol

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited October 2011

    SurfaGrl,  I had nipple reconstruction as part of my unilateral DIEP done elsewhere.  I absolutely can't imagine it slowing you down in terms of gong out and mobility.  

     dbdaze - Thanks for suggesting Living Social.  I am going to join.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    If you use this link to sign up for SocialLiving New Orleans:

    we will BOTH get 5 Deal Bucks to use!!  Also, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of their website to check out the 365 Things To Do in New Orleans.  Really great ideas!  You actually can do the same thing with ANY city you are planning to visit.  Just be sure to purchase your "deals" at least a week before you plan to use them since it takes a few days before the deal goes into effect. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Surfa, my favorite compression garment is linked up at the very top of the surgery date listings way at the top of this page. I got out of zippered ones as soon as the drains were out, and then you can be more comfortable, but still have lots of compression. The Marena material is so smooth and soft and easier on your skin.

    Here are the upcoming surgeries!! Good luck, ladies!!!

    Oct. 31 - Minnesota - Stage 2C, Dr. D., NOLA

    Nov 1 - TigSun - Stage 2, Dr. S, NOLA. 

    Nov 1 - Rogam - Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA 

    Nov 3 - Djfrro - Stage 2, NOLA. 

    I do not know why my computer does that above, where some are in different font!! This means nothing!! ugh. 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited October 2011

    dbdaze- I signed up using the link but to me it looks like it signed me up for my home town.  I guess I will see and if that is the case I can always correct it. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    my original date was nov 3... wish it still were... i am looking forward to getting on with it... just went out to target and bought yoga pants... just prepping!

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2011

    Stage 2 Ladies so are you guys really getting out after 1 day?

    How do you know what size Merana garment to order?  What is most comfortable to wear after surgery? 

    No drains right??? 

     Wow I can't believe the time is here 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    So based on what the center says, one night in the hospital, and otherwise just at the hotel... As I said, I just bought yoga style pants... very soft, loose and wide soft waist band... bought three pair (Gillian something brand)...I wore the shorts version this summer after surgery and they were great over the DOM ($14.99 at Target).. and I also still have my larger sized underpants that I wore over the DOM after stage I... I assume I can wear just big shirts, nothing clingy.. I am planning on wearing the center DOM for the first week or so (assuming I'll have drains for that long since I had a hip flap and they have to do a butt lift) and will then measure and order a marena to wear for the next 5 weeks... so I guess i will order two... Ro... yours is coming right up!!!! Excited for you and Theresa and Debbie.

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited October 2011

    Laura, dbdaze, Springtime, and Besa:  thank you so much for sharing your experiences.  Surgery is such an emotional game.  Each time I read your posts, I am encouraged.  I was googling life after lipo and was getting worried again because if you gain weight, the weight goes to the areas you don't lipo. YIKES!  I just lost 10 lbs.  Hope I don't gain it back.

    EVERYONE:  did you let the Dr. recommend what should be lipoed or did you share what you felt should be lipoed?  My whole body could be lipoed but I'm concerned about so much lipo and numbness? 

    My stubborn scab on my abdominal finally fell off today. YAHH!  It is so big, about 1/4" in width, by 1/2" in length.  I'm keeping it as a souvenier.  One more stubborn scab to go from my hip drain, kind of big too. 

    Good luck to the four ladies coming up for Stage 2's. I'm so glad that we're able to go through this journey together! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    I was hoping that was an old wives tale about fat going to un-lipo'd areas.. and for those who are veterans, did you stay numb forever after lipo? Or does it eventually come back? and have any of you gained weight? Where did it go? I would mind never having fat in my abdomen... LOL but don't want it all collecting in my ankles.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited October 2011

    Betsy, do you plan on wearing the compression round the clock for six weeks or just the first two, and then daytimes only after that?  Just curious . . .  I was told that "Dr D defintiely does not want you in it round the clock after the first two weeks".  But now I am not sure.  And like some other stuff, we seem to get differnt answers depending on who you talk to.  The Marenas will be a good inverstment for you either way. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    well amy... that is a good question. I will add it to my list of questions to ask when I get there. I will do whatever will give me the best results. I have already worn the Center DOM for 8 weeks in the summer so whatever I need to do this time will for sure be easier.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2011

    I'm finding this frustrating as well, that there seem to be many versions of how to manage after stage 2. We've all been down such a long and difficult road that I think we will do whatever we are told--- no matter how tedious or uncomfortable. But I want to do it right! I was told also -- very explicitly -- NOT to wear compression at night after the first two weeks, and that daytime compression after the first two weeks was SOLELY for comfort. They said some women feel more comfortable in compression due to the ongoing swelling. I was told that there is NO difference in "outcome" ( whatever that is, exactly... ) with ongoing use of compression garments. I know that is not what it says on the Dr D Ask the Dr site, maybe not what he says in person. But that is what Dr S says and those are the instructions from his nurses and PA. ???? Don't really know what to make of this. And then there is Dr Massey, who recommends compression for six months! Similarly with nipple care I have been told so many different versions of what to do...which guards to use, what part of nipple to cover with Betadine, how long to use the guards. The written instructions say guards for 3 weeks then done. Underwire bra Ok at 4 weeks....i bought some extra big molded cup bras so as not to cause any squishing, but they are just so big and uncomfortable. Like having on shoes two sizes too large. I feel like I am bumping into things! Don't quite know what to try next. Maybe just a soft, loose cami.

    On a better note, I went to my home surgeon to have some pesky stitches out the other day. This was my booby debut and having read so many times about all of the complements the NOLA grads get, I was kind of worrying that maybe he WOULDNT ask if he could bring in some colleagues....but YAY, he was very impressed and called them in to admire Dr. S's work! I couldn't have been more pleased and was so glad to have the opportunity to spread the good word :)

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2011

    Okay Ladies thanks for the update on the compression garment. I will ask for sure on Monday during pre-op. Amy did you have any drains with Stage 2? BDavis yes it is go ready to get my lift, lipo and I will keep it moving. Maybe 3D tat's in Dec if that is not to soon.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    You know... They each have their own thing and the nurses are trained to repeat those things... BUT then the doctor says something different.. LIKE after stage I, I asked Dr D when I could let the shower water hit my chest directly, and he said whenever...and he said the nurses say that we shouldn't but its ok... AND they all say that Dr D does not to use Betadine on incisions, and yet, that is exactly what they had me do. So, partially I think its a case by case basis for some things (like the betadine), but other things are a standard that they follow... And yes, Dr D says on the Ask the Doctor that the longer you wear the compression, the better the results which is consistant with Dr Massey... He also said most women won't do it, so they just tell them 2 weeks. So maybe he needs a very direct question. Dr Sullivan then seems to be the most lenient? And then the nipples... I would think the more you protect them the better off they will be.. but again, not all nipples are created equal... If you get a barely there nipple versus a high beam nipple it may make a difference in care... not sure. Of course, I need to pack for Nola soon and need to know what i need so one does not see my guards... I assume loose clothing works. And Jerusha... what stitches needed to come out?? Will I need to get someone to do that for me?

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    bdavis: my Stage 2 with lipo was in February and though I don't know quite when, I no longer have any numbness -- all gone!  

    rogam: Personally, I didn't have any drains put in after Stage 2.  I wore the Center DOM for a few weeks and then switched to the Marena for a few weeks more.  I didn't see much change in my body (due to lipo) for about 3 months and then slowly I noticed my clothes weren't so tight and my stomach was flatter.  It seems it just took time.  I think I heard not to expect the full results for an entire year!

    Surfagrl:  I'm sure you can share your thoughts about the lipo areas with your doc but I think you're going to be surprised how much they actually do.  I was so marked up at my pre-op visit I couldn't believe it.  Remembr though it's not going to be an immediate loss -- you'll definitely notice over time.

     I'm so excited for my 3D tats -- love to hear from anyone who has gotten them.   

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011

    Stage 2: I had my "lipo list" but Dr D took care of everything when he marked me up, I didn't have to add anything. I did have two drains, one in each breast, that had virtually no output and were both removed before I was discharged the day after surgery. I do not have numbness at any of my lipo sites. I need to confirm with the Clinic too about my compression. I'm thinking 6 weeks because of what I have read here and I'm ready to order my Marena garment (based on my measurements and their size charts) for my last 4 weeks. Not wearing compression at night would be wonderful but I don't want to do it at the risk of poor results.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2011

    Betsy, my breast incisions which go across midline from previous BMX ( elsewhere) were extended out 5 inches toward my back on each side to smooth things out, and similarly my extended DIEP was extended another 6 inches or so on each side ( I think I probably look like you with an incision nearly 360...), so I had lots of new sutures. All dissolvable, but a few getting icky faster than they seemed to be dissolving. One under my arm , on my side , was poking out and a little infection brewing. I also had one at the beginning of each hip suture line and one a little lower on each hip from the lipo cannula that just were not dissolving and were getting red and sore. I tugged a little, did a lot of standing in a warm shower, but they were not coming and I felt they needed to be clipped. I felt better the instant they were out. After my DIEP I had sutures that took forever to dissolve but none ever gave me problems. I had an agreement with a local general surgeon that he would help me out with any stuff that came up after my surgeries. He is not a PS, so there was no tension over going out of town for my reconstruction. After my DIEP. I had seen him to pull some drains. And as I said in a previous post, I was thrilled this time to show off my breasts and to get the..." may I bring in some colleagues..."! But, to answer, I do think it's a good plan to have someone lined up to help you out with any minor things that come up. Pulling drains and cutting sutures on other people, I'm OK with that, but on myself...haha, I'd rather not! Besides, I couldn't even reach some of the stitches that needed to come out . As for the different protocols, I think I wrote once before that my guess is that it really doesn't matter! I don't think these issues have been studied, and I think the advice is all based on "anecdotal evidence" and it's what the docs each feel comfortable with. If it was something well studied, I don't think there would be any wavering. And I agree, Dr S is the most no muss-no fuss! Fastest in the OR, drains out quickest, shortest time in compression, less elaborate nipple care, etc. I'm sure if his practices led to any compromise in outcome, he would modify. My point earlier is that it is frustrating and confusing to get lots of different advice from the rest of the staff.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2011

    BTW, DESPITE what I've just said about thinking it probably doesn't matter...and I really do think that... I also feel superstitious about doing whatever will be best in the long run, and I have found it more comfortable, anyway, during the day to wear some compression. At 4+ 1/2 weeks out I've been wearing Marenas since I finished with the DOM. For those ordering, I like the ankle length one better than mid calf or above the knee-- it just feels like a more natural place to have a cuff than in the middle of the leg somewhere. I do usually take them off when I get home at the end of the day, and I find it quite unpleasant to eat a meal with them on, so they always come off before dinner! The pull ons are easy enuf to scooch on and off, so you can wear your panties on the inside, which also makes them feel a little less weird -- more like regular leggings.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Jerusha.. about self care... I pulled my own drains and cut my own sutures (both at hips and center belly), so will I need more than that?? I am sure I can find someone to help me...My internists office has been great!!

    As to what my new scars will be, hard to say... My DIEP scar is pretty flat, so maybe he won't even revise it.. I know he has to go back into my butt to re-allocate fat and I know he'll need to open up both breasts... lots of work needed there... necrosis etc. and I remember your MX scars... you may not remember but you gave me a flash when I saw you in May.

    Laura... I have my list too, but plan to have Dr D tell ME what he wants to do, and then I will add if need be. I have some scars, scar tissue and inflamation from my port that I  want him to deal with too...  He already offered to work on it.

    So ladies, find out what the concensus is on the compression and report back

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011
    BDavis - I did exactly that. Dr D told me what he thought should be done. He drew all over the place. I checked my list and he had covered everything. I bet he will hit all of your items too!!