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NOLA in September?



  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2011

    As someone who had to camoflauge nipple guards *and* a shrinking boob for 7 months, I can say those cardigans with the flowy shawl-type collars/fronts are the way to go, or a vest like that if you don't want long sleeves.  I own about 6 of them now, and since I'm getting a new nipple and a revised nipple next month they will come in very handy. Loose blouses also work, but dark colors work better than light.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2011

    btw... I don't think wearing compression longer than suggested would do any harm.  If it did, they would tell us never to wear spanx :)  Or control undies... Or tight jeans...

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    The Center really is remarkable in the care they provide us women starting from the moment we arrive.  Limo service is such icing on the cake, isn't it?  We've had some great drivers but the one that stands out is Glen.  He once took us, after my pre-op appointment,  on an hour and a half tour sharing the city's city, pointing our landmarks and the homes of the rich and famous, and sharing recommendations.  He is so sincerely caring -- he really stood out even though I have enjoyed others as well.  Any one else have Glen or another driver that really "made your day?"

    In my search to stockpile some good NOLA deals for my upcoming Dec visit, I found another great restaurant deal -- this time for  Broussard's in the French Quarter.  Yum! Getting $60 for $30 makes it even better!!! 

    I hope I'm not breaking some advertising rule!    I'm big on saving money so I tend to get a little giddy when I find stuff like this.  I'm still holding out that that Segway Tour I got last time will become available again.  I think if someone had pitched a sale for them after our tour, I would have been extremely tempted to buy one!!!  It was sooooo much fun! (And please just say the word and I'll stop sharing if this isn't kosher)

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011

    I remember Glen well. He drove us for both my Stage 1 and Stage 2 trips to NOLA. I had him both times on the way to surgery from the hotel. I think he prefers this leg.  He is so kind.

    Our driver who took us to the airport last week told us that Glen helped to start American Luxury Limo. Glen drove for the hospital for years with his previous company. During Katrina his company lost all of their cars so he brought his customer's (the Hospital included) to American Luxury Limo and the rest is history.

    And Glen's family came to New Orleans in 1820!! 

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited October 2011

    Hi all - Just wondering if anyone can help with a question about possible fat necrosis.  I have a hard area on the outside of my left breast that is fairly large, and that same area on the right breast is soft now (have no hard areas on the right side).  I am 6 1/2 weeks out - is it too soon to be able to tell if that hard area is necrosis? 

    Also I am still oozing from a small opening on my incision.  The oozing started after I took the last drain out.  I think the end of the drain was at the spot that is oozing and maybe rubbed it thin.  My doctor here says it looks okay and I just need to be patient.  Arrgh.  Still compressing to keep a pad over the oozing area, still on antibiotics.

    On the plus side, feeling much more back to normal in terms of energy level and now able to walk pretty fast.  I tried to run a few steps yesterday and my body said "Not yet, Ma'am, thank you very much!"  

    Kathryn - I hope you are feeling okay and healing well!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Sonya... My left breast is the same way... from about nippl area outward is pretty firm... and I had surgery July 21, so more than 12 weeks ago. I am having stage II in 2 weeks, so I will report back on what I find out... My left breast is a hip breast and my right breast is an ab breast, so I try not to compare them... but the inside left is normal feeling while the outside is like an unripened grapefuit.

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited October 2011

    I found the how long to wear compression after lipo thing really confusing as well. I was told conflicting things and when I researched it online found lots of conflicting things as well. I ended up asking about it in the ask the doctor column. I'll paste the back and forth conversation below. I have to add that I asked this a couple weeks after stage 2 and had already NOT done exactly this because I stretched out my time after a shower for at least an hour or 2 right away. I have ended up with some lumpiness and I wonder if this has anything to do with it. If I have a 2B and have more lipo I plan to be much stricter about this, even though I HATE compression!

     I thought for sure I had seen questions about this here, but can't find anything on a search. Anyway, after doing some internet research it seems like there are various opinions about how long to wear compression garments after lipo. Ranging from the longer the better to no point after the initial extra swelling goes down (around 2 weeks).

    What is your opinion Dr D?

    I generally temper this question with a dose of reality. By that I mean, after a certain period of time almost no patients will comply with the recommendations for compression since it is uncomfortable and in the warmer months, plenty hot!

    So, I recommend 3 days of absolute compression and then out of it only to wash garment & shower for at least 2 weeks. I think there is benefit from wearing compression for the majority of the day beyond that for 6 weeks (this is the time most will begin to fudge). The first few days are absolutely critical to limit what can otherwise be extreme bruising and swelling. After that it helps maintain comfort, speed swelling resolution, and maintain a smooth result.

    Those are just my personal biases and nearly every plastic surgeon and garment manufacturer will have a different opinion, there is no absolute right answer.

    Hope this helps,

    Dr. D
    Thanks-very helpful. By majority of the day do you mean the 24 hours day (including time asleep), or just when up and about?

    24 hours, excluding sanity breaks and showers!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Amy... That is consistant with what he said to I think Dana in her exchange on Ask teh Doctor... and consistant with Dr Massey...

    SO 24/7 for 2 weeks is mandatory, and 24/7 for another 4 weeks for best results. What does he mean by absolute compression for 3 days? No shower? Do not remove at all?

    It is absolutely doable... I wore that damn garment 24/7 for 8 weeks and will do it again if need be... And I had drains that whole time, so I had the zipper DOM from the Center.

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited October 2011

    Jersuha:  did you know you were going to have the additional incisions before surgery?  So you are saying that your DIEP incision goes around your hips to your back? Is that another 6 weeks for recovery?  I'm looking forward to a short recovery time; hopefully 2 weeks but I'm o.k. with 4.

    So the nipple guards---do they protrude out of your clothes?  What do you wear for 3 weeks another nipple guard on the other side? That'll make them symmetrical.  LOL

    I usually listen to the doctor but I'm pretty flexible with myself.  I'll be happy if I don't have to wear the DOM for long.  I noticed that about the Dr.'s being different about recommendations for different things.  The main thing is that we are satisfied with the results.  Dr. S did not even look at my output (written record that we had to keep) of drainage post op Stage I, he just took them out and I'm fine.   I only took antibiotics for 3 days because Dr. said I was allergic and told me to stop taking them. 

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2011

    I have a wedding and an work functions 3 weeks after surgery will I be able to wear my old clothes?

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2011

    I am at new orleans airport. The nervousness just hit! Going to head to the hotel and figure out a place to eat. Waves to kathryn who I think is leaving today. Maybe I will see minnesota and rogam tomorrow. Stage 2 here I come.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Will be thinking of you Teresa!!

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited October 2011

    Betsy, hmmm now that I read that I'm not sure! Since they have you take the thing off and shower in the hospital I assumed that was fine. But it seems like if you take it off once a day for a shower this is no longer absolute compression!

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2011

    thanks betsy......why can't i find your restaurants to eat at post?  I wanted to try the one that started with a C.  we are all checked in and heading out to eat soon.

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2011

    ok found it!  looks like it is acme oyster house.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited October 2011

    Sonya -- Based on  my previos non-NOLA problematic DIEP experience 6 1/2 weeks was too soon to know what  hadn't softened yet and what was necrosis.  Usually  3 months is about the minimum and it can be longer.  In terms of softening I don't think you can't expect one reconstructed breast to be the same as the other. 

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited October 2011

    Glad to see you made it here, Fights-like-a girl! I hope you're not too overwhelmed with all the discussions!

    Jeskachi, was it you who put together the list of things to do/remember/think about prior to Stage 1? If not, can someone help me find it for Fights Like a Girl?

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2011

    I just bumped up the thread (it was Journey).  Here's the link:

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    tigsun: Believe me you are in the best of hands -- try to relax, enjoy your meal and a good night's rest. 

    Good luck Minnesota, Tigsun and Rogam!  

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2011

    Tigsun - I waved back at you! 

    Eve and (oh shoot I was so drugged when I met her I forgot her name) - It was so great to meet you and your husbands. Can't recall a thing I said but I clearly remember your flashing me with your gorgeous breasts! Hope you have a blast in your costumes and hope to see some pictures.

    I am now home (always a great comfort - even though NOLA is great!)  Stage 2b was a very different experience for me. With Stage 2 I lost so much blood and was so drained and exhausted. This time (while not running a marathon) I have so much more energy.

    Since I was only scheduled to have my scar tissue removed on my stomach I wasn't sure what would happen...but as usual Dr. S looked me over and saw things I never noticed - places where he could add fat,I lift on one hip, adding fat to my nipple for projection, and I ended up with a small stomach plication. Not sure how the plication is feeling since I am taking tylenol still and haven't really moved all that much but right after surgery my stomach was super flat.  Now I'm a bit bloated but I was so happy it looked good!

    Someone asked about numbness (sorry I didn't write down who it was - so much has gone on in the last few days) - I definitely had numbness after my stage 2 but most of it was gone my 2b (4 months later.)

    Laura - don't worry about nipple scarring - It's odd but I had no scars whatsoever after my nipples were opened up after stage 2 - though I had incisions that were at least an inch long maybe longer. I think it heals differently - or they are just such amazingly skilled surgeons!

    Nordy - thanks for keeping in touch!  

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2011

    Happy Halloween!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited October 2011

    BWWWWHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Spooky Halloween ... and I have my drain coming out tonight!! Boss suggested I just let the tubes hang out for the day! Yuck! Free at last ... for a few weeks, anyway!! No trick or treat here!!! Just the treat of no sore hip!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2011

    Congrats on no drains!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    yay maggie!!!!

    So I am two weeks till my  stage 2 and a little apprehensive about getting everything done in just one stage 2... My left "hip" breast is still quite firm on the outer half of the breast, and I fear by now it should be softer... it has been 4 months since it was done and my right DIEP breast which is 3 months out is much softer... and the inner side of the hip breast is soft... so for those who have gone before me, is it a bad sign that my outer left breast feels like an unripened grapefruit? And if it is necrosis, can he break it up??

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2011

    Yeah for no drains!!!  it is a wonderful feeling.  I hope all went well for Minnesota this morning.  I am heading to the center for my pre op.  I hope she has her sign up so I can pop in and say hello after my appointments.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2011

    Hi all. Happy Halloween. I don't want to be too scary, but  I know people are asking what to expect with stage 2.  I think there is a huge difference between those who have hip flaps or and those who have DIEP. I think for the DIEP women it is much easier - lipo, maybe open up the scars and refine....but for hip flap women it's not the same. For them you not only have new incisions made on your back side to lift up your behind, but if you are getting a tummy tuck you will have a whole new scar in the front (therefore one that goes around your body).  Plus you'll get the lipo and most of your other scars may be reopened too.  It is not as bad as stage 1, so don't worry about that...but it may not be as easy as those that have DIEP (and I think that's the majority of the women on this board.)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    So.. I guess since I had both hips and DIEP I am screwed... I am aware Dr  will reopen my butt incisions to lift the butt and also aware of all the lipo.. and for sure aware of all the work my breasts need.. I am sort of hoping my ab incision is ok as is... it is flat, but I can feel some scar tissue between the scar and belly button. Is that something he can take care of?

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited October 2011

    Betsy, I had a couple of suture granulomas that Dr. D took care of with a small incision in the existing scar, upon request.  They felt like defined lumps about the size of a quarter.  After he tightened up my DIEP incision last fall I developed a couple more, and they do decrease over time as he told me they would. I can still feel one of them, but it is becoming smaller.   Is that what you are feeling?    

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited October 2011

    Tigsun and Ro - I hope that you enjoy New Orleans today after your pre-ops. It's one of my favorite times in NOLA!

    Minnesota - I'm glad that your insurance came through and hope you are resting well today!

    I have to agree with Kathryn. Stage 2 was not the piece of cake I was expecting. I seriously missed the on-q pain balls in my hip incisions! Dr. S was surprised when I told him at my post-op that I was more uncomfortable 5 days out from Stage 2 then Stage 1. I had a large indent over my rib where the vascular graft was done and Dr. S used some Matrix and then fat to fill it. That area was seriously tender. He added a lot of fat to my left breast for symmetry and said that I'll loose 50% of it but right now it feels overstuffed. I've been feeling pretty good since post op day 10 but that was longer then I expected! I had pretty minimal lipo and no pain from that at all!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited October 2011

    Hmmmmmm ... you may be right about us hip flap types having a little more discomfort than DIEPs. I know there are lots of places where I will have lipo knicks, and there is quite a bit that needs to be added to the contralateral breast to give it the fullness of the 'foob'!

    @Betsy -- my hip flap foob is quite soft ... I was beginning to think it was too soft and it would all migrate down to my waist! Can't say if there is an issue with yours, but you CAN be sure the docs will take care of it. Always happy to donate the extra I lug around!! LOL!

    Biggest problem right now is finding a place to stay in NOLA that won't cost the earth!! I had planned on staying 3 weeks (I am a scaredy-cat about flying solo, especially since I had such a bad time traveling home after Stage 1 and I was there for almost a month healing, and my husband will be supervising the contractors who are renovating our house into a B&B!), but it hits two holidays and two bowl games and hotels, vacation rentals and B&Bs are either not available or outta sight expensive. Got some feelers out ... here's hoping. I may have to try to fly back home on the 28th and just eat the change fees on the ticket!