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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    Eve - So happy to hear from you! Hurray for success and for making such a great costume. I can't wait to see pics!

    Kathryn - I second the part about increasing your fluid intake - maybe even including some gatorade or water with a NUUN tablet in it. They will both help replace electrolytes and hydrate you. I felt horrible the day after I got home from the hospital after stage 1 - I had to go back to the office and have Dr. S infuse a liter of fluid. I was so nauseous and dizzy. Part was the antibiotic I was on - the other part dehydration. Hang in there... sending you lots of positive energy. 

    Celtic - hoping all the pieces fall into place for you!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    Spring - I should still be here the fourth!!! I will find someplace yummy for us to eat and hang out - or you can come here and we can do that!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Eve.. Saw your Halloween pictures on FB... do you have a full length of your costume??

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited November 2011

    Betsy, Beverly, Amy and Teresa!  I was also thinking about going to MD to seeing Vinny for tattoos - would it be great it we could all coordinate this and go together!  Oddly enough I think I had a tattoo done at his place in MD 15 years ago when I was in college - would love to go back.

    Kathryn - I too thought stage 1 was easier for the first couple of weeks after stage 2 but once I made it past the 3-4 week mark I changed to tune.  I was also having bad nausea issues and went off all the meds as soon as I could which helped.  I think going into stage 2 not 100% recovered from previous surgeries definitely made a difference. Hang in there, it does get better!

    I'm behind on this thread, need to go back and read.  Been sick for 8 days and went back to the doc today only to find out I have the flu - blech!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Eve... to get a picture up, first save it to or some photo site. Then click on the tree icon and paste the link and resize.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    All of you ladies are all so awesome.  I actually feel so much better after reading your comments and hearing your support.  This site is so amazing. I know that many of us rely on it and it has been a G-dsend.  Thank you!

    Toomuch - I took your advice and upped the water and electrolytes.

    Paula - yes, I was in great shape going into Stage 1 too - but maybe that's the place we needed the greatest strength. I LOVE HALT...and you're right - I think we all do ignore ourselves. 

    Eve - you are the sweetest!  I can't believe I looked beautiful in any way, shape or form...but it says so much about you that you could see that through my haze (and make-up? no way! I'm guessing my hair hadn't been combed in two days either.)  And you are my hero! I am in awe that you went out partying the same day you had surgery.  Unbelievable.  I saw your facebook photo -- only a trained eye could spot the drain tube peeking out! LOL!  Hi to Pam too - sorry for spacing out on your name. Loved both of your costumes.

    Betsy, Dana & Nordy - wish I could stop the antibiotics - it's the only thing left that I'm on and I'm guessing that might also have something to do with the dizziness.I was told to pull the drains today.  Happy but they haven't been as big of a pain this time...they've never pulled more than 10 since I came home...but after my last Stage 2 I would have worn them a month if I had to!

    Nordy, you're saying that it is that possible? Could Bactrim do that?  Make me dizzy? I think I just have 3 days left. Also, what's a NUNN tablet and where do I get them? Thanks for the + energy!

    Last thing - the one thing I did today after writing on the board was to select a few of my closest friends and email them telling them I was down. So many people were there for stage 1, but by stage 2b they have sort of forgetten and moved on with their lives (also I didn't talk about it as much since I felt they were tired of it all by now). But by reaching out and telling a few of them I needed support they all raced to be there (as did you!)  Sometimes it is hard to ask - but it is such a wonderful feeling when you do and people answer. Thanks again!

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited November 2011

    Kathryn- I can imagine how you look in person.  You look gorgeous in your picture posted for this thread.  Take some time for R&R and watch a funny video, or take a drive and admire somewhere beautiful.

    I too had a rotten day today but I gues that's life and how I deal with it.  I was spotting for a month so had to see my ob gyn.  Not fun!  Hopefully, I don't have any more cancer. Had to take a biopsy, I had a polp. I've been on Tamoxifen for 4 years and plan to take myself off of it. On the flip side, my ob said that surgery and emotional turmoil could have caused the stress on my body to have a heavy period and spotting.

    I too am looking for a place to stay in January and having a hard time!  Katie told me there is a huge football game and the hotels are not giving us the discount that the center usually offers.  I tried the Residence Inn and Hotel Monteleone.  Daily rates are crazy! I think $269 for Monteleone with a minimum 3 night stay.

    I wanted to stay somewhere where I could easily walk to find food and a fairly nice place.  Anyone have suggestions?  I could try to go back to Homewood Suites but thought I'd try somewhere new. 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2011

    Thanks BDavis. But I managed to screw that up, too. And then I tried to make it my new avatar and then ended up just deleting my old one. Maybe I better just go to bed and try again tomorrow.

    Kathryn - No, you're sweeter! LOL!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2011

    Well this is pretty hard to see - LOL!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011
    I have found a vacation rental with a cancer survivor (she had no idea the docs were there!) for December. It is a small cottage in the Garden District in a good neighborhood (according to my friends who live there) and Kristina couldn't be nicer. Gave me a great rate. You can see her properties on HomeAway, property #253185. It is in the Garden District and she has a one bedroom studio type I will be staying in and a larger 2 bedroom. Name of Property is La Maison Prudeaux. I'll let your know when I get there. Will have 3 days upright before surgery, so will have some time to settle in, get groceries and ready for the after-surgery UGHs!
  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Surfagrl - thanks. This is all good for my ego since I have been slumping around the house with matted hair, a cold sore that's taking over my face, baggy clothes and no remnants of any make-up.  You are too kind!

    Eve - love the new avatar - you look just like Natalie Portman :)

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited November 2011

    Denoument - Sounds like your bout with the flu should be coming to an end soon! I hope you're feeling better.

    It would be so great if we could arrange to get tattoos during the same time in MD. I think that Dr. S told me that I should wait at least 12 weeks but I was still in a haze when I asked him. Now that I think about it that seems like a long time. I'm not in a rush to get it done though. When were you all thinking about getting them?

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2011

    djfrro i hope all went well.  i just finished up at the center and will grab a bite to eat.  if you are reading the board send me a private message with your info and i will stop up to say hello.  we leave from the center to head to the airport at 2:30.  going to stop by houston's for lunch.

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited November 2011

    Hello all Djfrro I hope all is well. December ladies don't worry be happy! Everything is going to work out just fine. So glad the Lord has allowed me to see the other side of stage 2. I am 3 days out and feel pretty good. I am mostly sore from the Lipo! My husband has studied the Dom and has a foolproof way of putting it on( hook the top first one side then the other, line up the opening, then continue to hook zipping last) it really feels good. Not taking any pain meds just over the counter. I really appreciate all the encouragement and support! I took Dr D a pix for inspiration and they said he had it posted the entire time during surgery. I thank God my mine and your continued healing he is able!!! Be blessed ladies.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited November 2011

    HOLY SH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOLY!

    Just got a call from the billing dept re my "up front".

    Seriously..... how did you all do it (if out of network)?

    I know I will find a way but, wow.

    Done whining!  (c:

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2011

    Ladies - don't wear cargo pants at the new orleans airport. I did and it caused problems. It didn't help that our gate was changed 3 times which meant we had to go through security 3 times. Lunch at houston's near the center was fabulous though.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Kathryn, Hope you're feeling better today. It's a lot to go through... hang in there, you will recover!

    Minn - tell me more about your scar revision. I have a thick area under my rads breast that is bothering me a little, not nice and smooth looking. I wonder if it is possible though for it to look good, given he's had three goes at it already??  

    Oh yes, a Tattoo get together!! I know Betsy is in NJ. Deno, TooMuch, and Tig, what states are you in, re: Tattoos with Vinnie in MD? I am in no rush...

    Adey, the prices vary a lot, I guess depending on how much your insurance co will pay. :O 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited November 2011

    Tigsun,  I always seem to get pulled aside and searched when I wear cargo pants.  I am guessing it is a problem at any airport.

    Adey, To put things in prespective my previous DIEP done locally ended up with  5 revisions.  The out of pocket for repeated local surgeries added up.  I assume as Springtime said that different out of network insurances reimburse different amounts.  There are financial need papers that can be filled out if the number the Center comes up with creates a hardship.  I  scheduled both surgeries in the same year so there would be only one deductable etc. 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2011

    Ro!  I laughed that your hubs has studdied the Dom and figured it out!  I will remember that in Dec when I get mine.  I was thinking of bringing a couple pics for Dr S.  Did you bring one from when you were younger?  Or some other pic?  Anyone else bring pictures?  I'm pretty far away from my ideal shape right now.  I was guessing that our docs just know what our ideal shape is, though. ?

    Oh, and those of you who had perky breasts to begin with----I did not!  Large and droopy are mine!  They are still in need of lifting.  I can't even imagine it.  I never really had perky breasts, even when I was tiny.  I *never* went without a bra, even when I was 34B, but my shape was really nice.  I will have to work on posting my photos on timtam's site.   

    I'm sooo frustrated with my stamina!  I tried to up my workout a tiny bit on Wed and I've been wiped out for 2 days!!  It is getting old.

    Kathryn, sounds like you got a good handle on taking care of your needs.  It's great to reach out to your support system.   

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Amy... I think I will do tattoos in the spring... but may have a better plan once I actually have my stage 2 surgery.

    I told Dr D when we had a consult in May that I just want to be me (of course I'd prefer me 10 years and 45 pounds ago)... so maybe a picture would be a good idea... Chemo and spending time recovery has not helped my waistline. I look at pics of me from just last year and think "hmmm"

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    Kathryn - Yes, my antibiotic (it was not Bactrim but Minocin) made me super shakey... but I was also dehydrated and didn't even realize it! NUUN tablets can be found in numerous places. Sometimes the grocery store will carry them. I usually get them at the bike shop or REI. They are electrolyte tablets and I use them for cycling. They are fabulous! If you only have 3 days left of Bactrim - you can probably get by. They changed my antibiotic for me, but I had only been on it a couple of days, so switching it was not a big deal.

    Adey. Yes, the numbers can be alarming, shocking, and create a world of apprehension. As Besa said, you can ask to fill out a financial need form and go from there. Everyone's out of pocket is different, but they will work with you. Just let them know. If it is any consolation - when I looked into having DIEP 3 hours away (which wouldn't have worked for me anyway) - they told me I would probably be responsible for a minimum of 65K and would totally not work with me or my insurance company!!! Insanity! The Center's numbers were no where near that and they really worked with me to make sure that I could afford it without having to miss my mortgage payments. Just let them know and they will work with you. Hang in there!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Spring - thanks, I did have a better day. One of my "old" friends came by for 3 hours today and it was wonderful to catch up.

    Nordy - Thanks for the info on the tablets. I might not need them this time but it's good to know.  I think knowing what the problem is and knowing I will be done with the Bactim in 2 days makes it all doable.  

    Thanks again to all who gave words of support.  Felt like a big cyber hug!

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited November 2011

    So ladies the picture was that of a young woman in the Nola guide i think the ad was from the Hustler store. I have to admit the boobs are sitting at full attention and I hope they don't go down. I really think Dr. D did this for my husband as they had a great time chatting. I had to remind him that I was his patient not the tall guy lol...Adey they price was more than i expected but I can tell you that it worked out. Do you have any flexible spending money socked aside? The payment plan is a life saver.

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2011

    Sandy and Spring, I guess I'm way behind with the tattooing What happen to Donn in NO and has anyone gone to Earlene in Asheville, NC? Has anyone been to this Vinnie ( must be Italian) :-0

    Sandy, thanks for designing the Marga's Mermaid shirts; I am ordering mine tomorrow. Great job and very cute!

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2011

    spring  i am in pennsylvania......a hop, skip and a jump away from maryland. 

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited November 2011

    Spring - I live in MD outside of DC so just about an hour from Baltimore. I'm going to be in Raleigh for a quick overnight trip to see my parents next week!

    Adey - I think that we all have initial sticker shock but the Center (Vicki) will work out a payment plan over 12 months for you.

    Surfagrl - I hope that you're having a better day!

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited November 2011

    things went well, well kinda.  Dr. S could not see me on Wed, so I did not get to see him until thurs morning right befroe surgery. Oh and then there was the mix up of them changing my surgery time from 9 to7 but not bothering to tell me, so my phone in the hotel started ringing at at around 6,I really have not gotten a good look at the revisioins yet and I will not see Dr. S before I leave tomorrow, I am going to pull a drain today though.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    djfrro - sounds less than ideal - but I'm glad it all worked out. Only 1 day with a drain? That's awesome.  I had mine a week and no matter how long you have one it always feels freeing to tke it out!  I'm sure you look awesome - what did Dr S do?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Too much, we are leaving tomorrow to drive up to NJ for the week, (I have a HS reunion next wkend!) so I will miss you! Let me know next time you visit Raleigh and we will plan to get together, at least for a short one! Would be nice to meet you!

    Linda, I have also heard of the woman in Asheville, I think she's also free for BC pts. I have not heard reports back though on how it all looks...

    Ro! Whoop! Standing at attendtion!! Go girl!

    Nordy, See you in Jan!!! We are flexible, anywhere is good for us! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Beverly... NJ? Let me know if you want to meet up... I work in Princeton and live just north of town.