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NOLA in September?



  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    mchas - did Dr. Stollier do your breast surgery?

    Betsy - My MO suggested I do an MRI within a year and then if all is good every 3 years. My regular MD put in for it and got it approved prior to doing it. He said that having BC and a family history and the BRCA gene went into them approving it.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    FYI - just ordered the Marena girdle and used this coupon code for 20% off (plus they had free shipping!)  Anxious to get out of the dom and into the Marena.

     coupon code: 6325E

  • mchas
    mchas Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2011

    Kathryn: No, it wasn't Dr. Stollier.  It was Celeste LeGuarde, who I really liked.  It does appear that she scraped everything really, really well inside my breasts, so there doesn't appear to be anything left but that island of breast tissue. 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    celtic - you are so right - we have so much we have to juggle, and that is on top of the rest of our lives. Sometimes it is overwhelming to think of it all. And yes, I get pissed off too some days.  I now live on the westcoast but spent the first 30 years of my life on the east coast - I remember feeling low once the leaves were off the trees and the days turned gray...but maybe you can light a fire in the fireplace to put a little cheer in your house.  I know that always made me feel better. Hope you get some white stuff soon.  I always loved the first snow! Take care and know that it does get better.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    thanks mchas. I'm now all caught up on your "island." It's always, something, isn't it? Keep us posted on what the doctors at the center say. Good luck to you.

  • mchas
    mchas Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2011

    VictoriaB: Good luck!  I had that same surgery about a year and a half ago.  At the time, it seemed like the healing took forever.  I was so impatient with my darn drains, that I had to have in for 9 blooming weeks!  They got infected (big surprise!) and then I had a bad reaction to an antibiotic they put me on.  I was so tired, and it took forever to get back to work.  Or, so it seemed at the time.  Looking back, it seems like just a little blip in my life.  The women here were SO supportive, and one even said that I'd look back and say it went by so fast... and she is right!  It did seem to fly by fast!  ha!  So, good luck, and take good care of yourself.  I had a ton of support - meals, etc. - when I got back home, so that was tremendously helpful.  Don't know how we all - my family of 6 - would've gotten by without all of our friends and family.  I am so, so happy with my results and so glad that, for the most part, this is all behind me, as it will for you, too, in no time at all!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Victoria, I added you to our listing above; GOOD LUCK!!! We'll be waiting to hear back from you when you are able! 

    Melissa, this "island". Good grief. Let us know what you find out...  

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    djfrro - I would push for more testing if I were you. There is no reason that you should be living in pain and without the knowledge of what is going on. It has been said so many times on here, but unfortunately it is so true that you have to be your own best advocate. Please become the "squeaky wheel" and push your docs to find some answers... and some relief for your symptoms. Hugs (((())))

    Kathryn - So glad to hear that you are feeling better!!!

    Victoria - You are coming up on surgery very quickly! You will be great.

    I can't remember who was worried about leaving their kids for surgery? (I am senile, for sure). I left my kids when they were 1 and 4  - I had never left them before and it was really hard for me. I left notes for my sister in law to read to my girls every night and I left them Hershey kisses so that they could get their "kiss" every night. I did not skype, but did talk to them on the phone nearly every day. Leaving them was probably a lot harder on me than it was on them - they got to play with their cousins for 10 days and get spoiled by their aunt and uncle! All will be well. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2011

    Mchas - also interested to hear about your island! And hoping it is all nothing.

    I am thinking I am going to push for a baseline MRI... haven't had any testing except a couple of US for some lumps - that were fat necrosis - since my reconstruction. I think maybe it is a good idea. 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2011

    Linda, thanks for the compliment on the t-shirt design---they are really gorgeous in person. 

    Jaimie had her tattoos done by Vinnie and he does amazingly detailed work.  I need some color correction because mine don't match well, and I would like some more realistic detailing added.I need to send him photos.  I guess he is normally in NOLA the third week of the month, but since I'll be there Jan 10-11th, they were able to arrange for him to be there a bit early, which I really appreciate!

    I'm actually heading to NOLA this Wednesday..just decided today to go.  I was able to book last minute flights on SW and used Hotwire to really save on hotels and a car.    I'll get to finally attend an EnCourage meeting in person, and hang out with Alaina as much as possible.  My daughter is going with me and I'm looking forward to relaxing for a few days with some of my favorite people in one of my favorite places. I'm going to take some of our new pink ribbon tee styles to the Center, and try to talk them into trying our pink ribbon caps.  They sell like crazy out here at Long Beach Memorial's cancer center, which just ordered another 120.  I know the Center would do well with them, and the proceeds are donated to Hope Lodge.

    I'd like to ask once more for prayers for Alaina.  She's been in quite a lot of pain lately.  I'm hoping that she feels well enough for a visit while I'm there in NOLA.  For those of you who don't know of her, she took me under her wing when I was headed to NOLA alone for a revision, hysterectomy and prolapse repairs.  She picked me up at the airport and we became fast friends.  Alaina is one of the kindest and more generous people I've ever met, and she has similarly helped other women flying into NOLA for reconstruction. She's been battling a recurrence for the past two years while working full time and taking care of her family.  It grieves me to know that she is suffering and so I am praying that her doctors can help her obtain relief from her pain.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Sandy... Will you still be there Sunday?? I fly in next Sunday.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited November 2011

    Hey Betsy, Thanks for your inquiry yesterday and your kind words today. It really makes me happy to pass along info that can be of help. I sensed a panic about to break out over the idea that we all needed to worry about left behind breast tissue. Sheesh, we have enough to worry about! I'm 6 weeks out fom stage 2. Nah, don't feel like the old me...but maybe that's the new me. Still find something to kvetch about every day:) But I'll tell you... Dr.S did one HECK of a job on my breasts. Definately now my best feature! Ha ha. Well, I'm keeping track of your countdown.

    Kathryn, I'm so glad to hear you are finally on the other side of your misery! And way to go with your Marena coupon!! Very impressive.

    Just a point of interest for those contemplating Marena stuff. After hand wash it dries really fast -- definately overnight, so don't feel like you need two of any of the garments in order to switch off a clean one/ wet one.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2011

    Betsy, I wish!  We are going to leave Saturday at noon. I'll miss you by hours, just like I will Nordy in January!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2011

    Anyone going to the Conference for Young Women in February?  It's Feb 24-26th in NOLA!  See for details.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Ohhh... too bad... Lucky you Sandy to get there so often... That's good, right?

    And Jerusha... my compliments to you are well-founded... you have a world of information.. Glad your breasts look great. I was just talking with Rosemary last night (Louis13) and she was asking when do we know we're done? Won't there always be something to tweak? And I guess that is true with every part of our body.. I am not looking for perfection (I need them to match the rest of my imperfect body), but I would like awesome or great results. But I don't need to be Barbie... And I do want to put all this behind me at some point... So I can see doing a stage 2B and maybe 2C, but that would have to be it unless I have some big problems.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2011

    Kathryn-Thanks for the Marena coupon code.  I've been coveting some of their workout pants for ages and just got some high-waisted leggings.  Yay!  Where did you find the code?

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited November 2011

    A question for those of you who have had lipo and fat grafting at NOLA during stage 2 - how long until you can sleep on your stomach or side and also how long until it softens.  I know that we need to wait about 6 months to see the final results from but was not sure about how things were handled before that. 

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited November 2011

    Besa, I was told that after Stage 2, lipo and fat grafting, (Dr.S), that I could sleep on my side immediately. Didn't ask, or maybe didn't listen, about stomach sleeping, ( cause I don't ). Everything was soft right from the beginning...If I am remembering correctly ( I'll check my notes when I get home tonight) I was told that after about 2 weeks I would be at my final breast size -- in terms of how the fat grafts "took", and that the lipo swelling would all resolve by about 3 months.

  • mchas
    mchas Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2011

    Besa... I had hip flaps, so my lipo was from about my mid-back to upper back part of my thighs.  I was pretty bruised and pretty sore for awhile.  From really great suggestions I found here, we got a pillow topper for our mattress and a soft toilet seat to sit on, which were invaluable ideas!  I didn't see results for months (6?) so be patient - the results will come.  I can't remember how long until I slept on my tummy, but I don't think it was too long - 2 weeks? 

    Jersusha... I hope you didn't think I set off of a maelstrom of "panic".  I certainly didn't mean to, and if I did, I apologize.  I'm not panicking, but I am, of course, concerned.  The breast tissue left behind now has to be monitored and I didn't even know it was there.  I do know - since I'm a nurse and lactation consultant - that breast tissue in the axilla is very common.  It's just that I didn't know that I, personally, had any left behind - and quite a bit of it, unfortunately.  I was talking to one of the nurses at work, and she thought I should ask you all, since it does appear to be so common for breast tissue to be in the armpit, that others may have come across the same thing.  Does that make sense?  I have learned so very much here, and the women here have been so very supportive, and in so many ways, so much more knowedgeable than the multitude of doc's I've consulted with, that I  thought I'd come back for any/all info I could glean from others' experiences.  

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Jerusha - thanks, definitely starting to feel more like my old self - but an old self who tires easily!

    bdavis - I do think you know when you are done. I had my 2B and feel very sure I am done.  I look great (even a week and a half out) and can tell tha whatever minor imperfections may be left (and right now I don't feel like I have any) I would not undergo another surgery for it. After stage 2 I did not feel that way. Something inside of me told me things were not right (they weren't) and I would need a revision (I did). I am done and I know it through and through.

    Jeskachi - whenever I order online I do a search for coupon codes before I buy. In this case I did "Marena Coupon Code."  The first one on the list that I clicked on was too old. The second one had 100% success 3 months ago so I gave it a whirl...and it worked.  

    besa - just finished Stage 2B less than 2 weeks ago and the instructions said I could sleep on my side immediately. Not sure if all the doctors have the same instructions but that is what Dr S said. For myself, I'm not comfortable on my stomach...haven't been since stage 1.  But I'm sure I'll get over that eventually. As for how long it takes to see the "final" results - I do think my breasts decreased in size for up to 3 months after my first Stage 2.  At first I was quite bodacious (which my husband apparently loved), but by month 3 I was much more subdued size-wise (which my husband still liked!)  Also, I my first area of weight loss and gain used to be my love handles -- so now when I lose weight the breasts are the first to go.  So for the first time in my life I actually need to just maintain my weight rather than be gunning to lose. 

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited November 2011

    Oh Melissa, So sorry to make you concerned. I guess I did not put it very well. I really didn't mean to make you feel bad. I think it was a really important thing to bring up... mostly because it is a difficult issue for you -- and that's what we do here...try to help each other out...but also cause, as you say, it's pretty common and bound to be a problem for others. So... in asking for support, you've actually passed support along. The next woman who is told about having axillary breast tissue will already be educated, thanks to you.

    And, yes, I agree. These boards have helped me so much along the way. I honestly don't think I could have made the choices I've made ( which I'm so glad I did!) without the kind, funny, strong, generous women who come here. :):)

  • mchas
    mchas Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2011

    Thanks, Jerusha.  Again, I don't mean to make anybody panic - just a concern for me.  I sent my stuff off to NOLA.  I'll let you know what I hear back.  Mostly, this is just a big pain in the tushie!!  And I thought I was all done with pain in my tushie!  ha!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    I seem to be full of bargains this week. Just got this email from "Sneakaway" with a New Orleans discount.  May (or may not) be of interest to someone here....

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2011

    I have 2 more antibiotic pills to take and one more week living in the DOM.   As far as i know I am done with my  DIEP surgeries. Stage 1 and Stage 2.   I will need tattoos at some point.  I will have surgery #4 for 2011 in december but I hope that is the end of me needing any surgeries.  I too want to be done.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel again.  Yeah.

     speaking of the Dom.......will i really need  to wear something after i can bust free from the DOM?  I have no idea how ones with drains and the DOM did it.  The DOM isn't bad per se but I will be glad when I don't have to wear it.  I don't like control top pantyhose so this is has been interesting.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Tigsun - I still have 3 more days in the DOM and I can't wait!  I downsized to a Medium yesterday and last night couldn't wait to liberate myself and get into a large! I am so excited about the Mirena.  The doctors say they only require 2 weeks since most women won't do more...but apparently extended wearing of a compression garment will help keep the lipo'd area smoother as it heals and it does make some difference per other doctors on the web.  Looking forward to celebrating being Dom-free with you soon!

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2011

    I only have one size but it is still tight.  I am a sausage.  lol

     that answer helps......i will investigate the marena.......i guess i will wait a couple more days to order it in case my measurements change.  i don't think they will.  lol

  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone,

    So when I got my mast.  Dr L. told me to have US every year. Not sure if I didnt qualify for an mri due to the prophylactic nature? So just US for me.

    I have a couple of questions:

    When did your surgical glue and stitches fall off? I am almost a month out from stage 1 and still have stitches and glue.

    Embarassedalso, how long do we wait after surgery to have 'relations with our husbands? so embarrassed to ask this.

    Does anyone have a photo of the DOM? Im not sure with my claustrophobia I can do it. :/

    thanks :)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Lisa... You can cut and pull your stitches... I did it to myself. And the glue is indeed around for a while... eventually you can kind of rub it off. No picture of the DOM, but there are pictures of the Marena online

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2011

    Lisa -- 

    The Marena for Stage 1 that has zippers all the way down the side is like the DOM, except ours are all black!

    Once drain was out, still have to stay in DOM and now have to keep taking Keflex. Did that antibiotic make anyone other than me sick? Nausea all the time (like being preggers -- not a chance, 63 and plumbing gone), fatigue, joint aches and pains, feel feverish by the end of the day ... just like I have a really bad case of the flu. Anyone else? 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    no maggie... maybe you should check it out... it may be a sign of something else.