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NOLA in September?



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Tig, only an hour! Wow!

    Glenn is my favorite, well, THE favorite I think! He is very sweet. His daughter has cervical cancer and it has spread. I hope she is still doing okay. She's an only child and he is over the moon about her. He told me once that driving us women around saved him when his daughter was dx'd. He said we would smile and show him that we were strong and could do it, no matter what we went through. 

    Everybody has something. I guess you might not always know when you impact them in a positive way, just by being you, going through what you are going through... <<off philosphy box!>>

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Yay Teresa.. you were fast.

    About necrosis... I fear I have a good amt in left "hip" breast... luckily, it is on the outside where he put too much anyway (750 g), so hopefully after he breaks it up it will reabsorb to right size... That side needs more projection too and a nipple... I do think my surgery will not be a quickie.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    Betsy, what kind of nips will you get? Do they ad fat for projection?  You know I am an implant gal, but will be a nola girl if I ever need to do something different.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    well.. I am not sure... I think for projection, they do a breast lift, and add fat... I will know more after my surgery.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited November 2011

    Hi girls.  I had a major anxiety/breakdown today. is November 1st and i will be in NOLA on the 29th for my stage one surgery on 12/1.  I am typically fine with having surgery however this summer i had so many failures with my recon i am not freaking out that this is going to be another.  Lord i couldn't stop crying this morning...worried worried worried.  ugh...glad i got that off my chest:(  hubby just never gets it. 

    Also worried about the different things that you girls are having done at stage 2 and or 2b.  I wonder how i will look after stage one...presentable in a bra???  Because of work issues and not having anytime i will have to wait to have stage 2 as late as i can so i am hoping that i won't look too bad.  BUT right now i only have one boobie so i guess any "mound" is going to be better then my caved in side right?? 

    hope you all had a wonderful halloween:)



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    I look totally normal in a bra after stage 1... no worries.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Michelle, you're going to the best place in the world, and you will see what we mean once you are there. This is all they do. You are in the best of hands. You will be so well cared for. 

    And yes, as Betsy says, your Stage 1 boobs will be great in a bra. Actually, you may be surprised how good they look outside of a bra! Breathe. You've been through a trauma, but your restoration is about to begin! Believe it! It is a big surgery, but we all did it. You can do it too. We will be here!

  • joasta7
    joasta7 Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2011

    Michelle - I read your post and I mostly read but I had to comment.  I had a proph........ BMX almost ten years ago.  The doctor used implant expanders that were left inside of me.  I was never truly happy with them because they did not look like normal breasts to me.  Before deciding on SCSH I went and got an MRI and went back to the original doctor.  The MRI said everything was normal and the doctor told me that there was no reason for me to get this surgery done because the standards for keeping implants in had changed since 2001 and that he believed no one could do any better than what he had done for me.

    I went to the F.O.R.C.E. Conference in Orlando looking for a doctor who would be able to take care of me and that is where I met Dr. Trahan.  He gave me a consult, told me he believed I had capsular contracture and said he would take the challenge of making me look better.  When he went in to remove the expander-implants, not only did he find that my chest was caved in, but that my implants were calcifying.  I am not a skinny person and had concerns about the length of surgery, the anesthesia, my sleep apnea, my chronic edema, etc., and they told me not to worry that they would have it under control.  My surgery was 9 1/2 hours long, but when I came out of surgery with stitches and all, I believe I already looked better than what I looked when I first walked in. I wore a bra for the first time in ten years (compression bra) and can't wait to fit into my VS bras that I will be purchasing.  Those things I had before would not fit correctly in a bra so I could not wear them.

    These doctors are the best and the great thing about them is that they actually care about you and will take their best care of you along with the rest of the team.  And by team I mean all of them from the front office to the chef to the limo driver, etc.  I will be in New Orleans on Wednesday November 30th - pre-op on Thursday and surgery on 12/2.  Might see you there.  You have made a wonderful choice to go to the best - you are in our thoughts and prayers and you will make it through this (like Springtime said).   

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited November 2011

    Too true. I am getting the most I can out of it at stage 2 but I have to admit, even though I was prophylactic and never had implants, these 38 DD longs from three pregnancies and three years of nursing look better than before I went in. There are certainly higher and rounder. And I am only 4 weeks post stage 1. You will be pleased momma2four. We promise.

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2011

    Yes the team will take care of you!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2011

    Yay tigsun!!!! You are done!!! I am happy and excited for you!

    And Michelle, I can only second what everyone else has said. You will be in the best of hands. In fact, you have been from the moment you first contacted the Center. I cried when I saw how good I looked after stage 1. I actually looked "normal" (for the first time in 4 years) when I wore a bra. And I looked pretty good out of one as well. I think you will be surprised and pleased.

    joasta7, your post made me cry. Calcified implants??!!! Damn these other doctors and their overblown egos. We are blessed to have doctors who are not only amazingly skilled, but are also good and kind and much more humble than they need to be considering how talented they are.

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited November 2011

    Hey Ladiies-- everything went well. Up watching tv. Tigsun came by to visit. I can tell a lot of lipo was done as I am very sore. But I am not complaining. Will post later today.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2011

    Woohoo, Ro!!!! Another done!!! So happy to hear it! Rest up and enjoy the food and the TLC!!

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited November 2011

    Tigsun & Ro - Yay for being done! You all amaze me being online on your op days! Rest well.

    Michelle - I agree with everything the other ladies have said. Your girls will look good in and out of clothes after Stage 1. The caring, skilled surgeons at the Center want you to be 100% happy with the way you look!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited November 2011

    Great news Ro!  Nice to hear that things went well and you are already posting and watching TV.

    Michelle- I second what everyone has said.  You are going to the best.  I also had a very problematic previous DIEP reconstruction and can relate to how you feel.  I had a GAP reconstruction 6 weeks ago at the Center.  I can tell you that for me this was a totally different ball game - skilled, compassionate surgeons and beyond wonderful nursing care.  My stage 1 GAP  looks good in and out of clothes. 

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited November 2011

    Tigsun and Rogam:  hurrahhh!  You are both done with Stage II.  Rogam, can't believe you are sore but seem happy. Tigsun, I hope the Dr. says i don't need to have too much done too. I can't wait for my stage 2 because I have necrosis in one area above my chest where I had a previous scar from a biopsy long ago. Dr. filled it with too much fat and is slightly raised. Can't wait to fix that!  I'll also ask if Dr. can do a scar revision on that old, ugly scar.

    I think someone else was saying they hard a hard area below the navel just above abdominal scar.  I have the same thing.  Not sure what it is and if it can be softened.

    Michelle:  I too was worried and scared before surgery because I always felt I had tiny veins and that my surgery may not but successful.  After I woke up from surgery, I kept asking the nurses and doctor if they could hear the swoosh (blood flow) every day.  Well, my new foob is soft and warm. Not as jiggly as my real side but I'm only 7 weeks post op Stage I.  I too was concave so it feels great to wear a regular bra. I look symmetrical in a bra.  I have a few tweaks that need to be done in Stage II but the foob is pretty close to my other boob which was lifted. The only uncomfortable thing I have is a pulling sensation around my foob but I think in time it will go away. Good Luck!  You are in good hands!

  • joasta7
    joasta7 Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2011

    Kaitsmom, I am sorry I made you cry.  It is funny you say that tho, because as I was writing it, I was crying.  I also cried when the original doctor, in the most arrogant tone of voice, told me that he believed no one could do better than what he had done.  He is so arrogant that he even put that in his office notes for that visit.  But thank God for OUR DOCTORS AND TEAM who actually do care. Our Doctors take pride in their work and actually care about the well-being of their patientsnot just how we look.  Imagine if I had listened to Dr. Arrogant and not to Dr. Trahan.  Those things were already six ounces more than when they were put in me and were causing inflammation and upper body immobility.  I was never able to touch my own back and the day after surgery, I touched my own back for the first time in over six years!!   I Love My Doctor Trahan and the rest of the group.  At this point, I still have not remembered to ask who was there with him and I guess it is because I believe that no matter who it was, I was and still am in the best of care.

     I am so grateful for everyone's posts that helped me before, during and after my stage 1 and now look forward to my Stage 2.  I really get a lot of help and inspiration from all of you and hope one day to pay it forward.  Thanks for your kindness!   

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2011

    Ro and Tigsum: I am so happy to hear of your good experiences! Yaaah! I am going next week and I am a nervous wreck. I have total confidence in everyone at NOLA, but I guess I am just mourning the loss and wondering what I will feel like when I wake up. Is this normal? What can I do to lessen the anxiety? VickyB

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2011

    Tigsun & Rogam:  So glad to hear surgery went well for both of you!  That soreness will soon wear off -- hope you both have time to do some walking around the French Quarter after you're released and you can enjoy the city before you depart.

    VictoriaB: Just listen to all the women here who post one success after another -- it's natural to be nervous but rest assured you will soon be another vocal fan encouraging newbies like you.  It's true the docs want their patients to be 100% satisfied.  I'm returning soon for Stage 2B -- minor tweaking.  I thought Dr S might have felt I was being picky but he saw my concern and more.  Ya gotta just love these guys for all they do for us. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2011

    Ro and Tig, whoop!! There you be! all done with "2"!! Hot mama's coming...

    Good luck tomorrow to DJfrro!! 

    Nov 3 - Djfrro - Stage 2, NOLA. 

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited November 2011

    Spring - I just saw your post about fat necrosis. Mine is at the top of my breast where it abutts the chest wall so is thinning out too. I guess since it's in my non-cancer side and it turned up 6 weeks after my flaps, I should relax and just accept that it's fat necrosis. I will have an ultrasound at my 6 month follow-up. Maybe I'll be able to let it go after that! Thanks for your reply!

  • Fight-like-a-girl
    Fight-like-a-girl Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2011

    Wow you girls are the best! Your words of encouragement, sincerity

    And genuine concern. Thank you so much!

    Special thanks to Anne w, dbdaze, springtime,

    Betsy, kbodie, kaitsmom, too much, Besa and surfs girl and many more!!

    Michelle everything you write is how I feel too! I arrive in NOLA

    Dec 1. My stage 1 is Dec 5. I just pray this is the right thing to do.

    This will be the 3rd Christmas that I am not up to speed. I feel

    quilty. I had an unsuccessful especial implant surgery Dec 2010.

    I am constant pain contracture. When I was told I am no w a survivor

    I didn't feel like one! Dr. I don't care thinks it is good! When I met dr.

    Marga I cried! She cared about me!

    From all you have written I can't wait and thanks for taking time to post

    your support and caring! Love and prayers to all of you!


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited November 2011

    My stage one is 12/6..... we can do it.

    djfrro-  Good luck tomorrow!

    Healing vibes to all those recovering.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2011

    Rooting for ya, djfrro!  Best wishes tomorrow!

     Fight-Like-A-Girl: You are absolutely right -- you are now in a whole different ball game with players who actually care about you and believe you deserve the best outcome possible, nothing less.  Leave those past memories behind.  The staff at the Center is even better than this here on-line support group.  I know, I know, it's hard to believe 'cause we are pretty darn awesome but it's the truth.  You made the right choice. 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Running. I agree with's the only way to get ride of the shark bites. They cut a line above the original scar and a parallel line below it and sew the two together. This lifts the butt up.  Didn't hurt, the scar looked pretty smooth and was getting light by my last surgery.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    I have had a lot of problems and now have a fair amount of necrosis in left breast... breasts don't look great naked, but fine in clothes... BUT BUT BUT I have total faith that Dr Dellacroce will make it all right. I fear it will take a stage 2B, but it is what it is... My originals were not mis-shaped, saggy or small so I have high standards... and I believe my new breasts will be fabulous in the end.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Michelle - after stage 1 when I would do show and tell at FORCE meetings - they all would say they couldn't imagine what the doctors would do in Stage 2.  So yes, you will look normal - but you will see ways you want to be improved - as will the doctors.  Good luck!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Hi Surfagirl - I think it took about 4-5 months post stage 1 for my breasts to get jiggly.  They'll get there!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2011

    Hi Betsy - I had really nice original breasts too (no sagging, perky, firm) - but while the new ones are not the same, they are great.  Yours will be too!

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited November 2011

    Those of you heading out for early december stage 1....your timing is exactly on cue for when the nerves started to get bad for me and when I posted here, many agreed. The last month before is tough, you can't think of anything else. The anticipation is worse than the deed. If you could just go in tomorrow and wake up afterwards and just deal with it then, it would be easier. But you do need the time to prepare, as distracted as you are. Schedule weekly things. One week to get the supplies and clothing you need. One week to make meals to freeze. One week to squeeze in as many fun things with loved ones. One week to download and organize photos or closets or whatever things will drive you crazy not to have done for a couple months and that will distract you. And get on the boards constantly. That's my advice, FWIW.