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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    VictoriaB.. I replied to your PM... I found the MX the hardest part, with range of motion and being careful etc... DIEP is bascially a tummy tuck and DR D said some women get it done over their lunch break and take 2 days off... He doesn't recommend that, and nor do I... but as I said in my PM I think you could resume your life at 2 weeks... I took an extra 3 weeks off work because I could and I still had drains, but besides my drains (from hip flap surgery) I felt great, and certainly could have gone to work for light duty. AND Homewood SUites has a free breakfast and light dinner (Mon-Thurs) plus a small kitchen and BIG bathroom... perfect for recovery.

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2012

    Hi all,

    I had my 1 week post-op appt with Dr. D today and all is well!  I even got my breast drains out, which surprised me as I wasn't under the 20 cc/day limit (though appararently "quality of fluid, over quanitity" helps!)  All else looks good to him.  I'm still a bit surprised by how my breasts look-- they very big, with volume but flat-ish, rather than projected-out.  I confirmed with Dr. D. that he changes all of this at stage 2.  I don't have my mastectomy results yet...hopefully tomorrow and hopefully they are fine!  So I head back home tomorrow...I'm looking forward to being in my own bed!

    It was great meeting the NOLA gals while I was are you all doing? 

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2012

    Hi Victoria. I'm so sorry to hear about your flap failure! What a disappointment! Do you or Dr. D have any idea what might have caused or contributed to the failure? My surgery with Dr. D is in four weeks and I'm starting to have nightmares. I wish you all the best going forward.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2012

    Victoria-- I'm in the club too. I agree with the others, it's a more uncomfortable recovery because of the ab tightness, but otherwise it's everything you've already been through. You may have drains for less time. You'll have a lower risk of seroma but a slightly higher risk of the incision opening (it'll be very tight, whereas GAP incisions have more give), but since you know what to look for I'm sure you'll be fine.

    It's a bummer having even more numb areas, especially the front of the upper thigh (for me).  I was in a pretty pissy mood for a while leading up to the surgery, including pre-op and the morning of surgery. I'm sure the Center staff hated me. I was just angry at the world that I had to go through it all again.  In a way it's easier since you've done it before, but it's also harder because you got through it once and you thought you were done, and you breathed a sigh of relief. Doing it again is totally doable but very annoying.

    Feel free to PM me if you want to chat about it. If you want some inspirational pics I can show you what I looked like before, when my flap had failed, and what I looked like after the DIEP (before stage 2).  The end result makes it all worth it. Just keep your head down and carry on a little longer, you'll be done before you know it.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2012

    VictoriaB - I am sorry you may have to go through another surgery.  Jeskachi does a great job of comparing the two surgeries.    I had a unilateral mastectomy and DIEP done in MD and then a unilateral mastectomy and sGAP at SCSH so keep in mind that I am comparing truly wonderful care and very skilled surgeons at SCSH to not very good care and a clearly lesser surgeon in MD.  I had basically no pain with  GAP (pressed the PCA pump maybe 2 times in the hospital and didn't take pain meds once I was discharged.)  With DIEP I needed pain meds in the hospital and at home.  It was doable, the pain meds took care of the pain - but I needed them.  I went back to work 4 weeks after surgery with GAP and about 6 weeks after DIEP.   My abdomen was tight right after the DIEP and there was (and to a lesser extent still is) some abdominal numbness.   I also lost  abdominal strength right after the DIEP (initially I needed to sort of roll out of bed instead of sitting straight up) but  I recovered the strenght -and more since I was working out.    No drains after about 1 week with DIEP and had drains for 4 weeks with GAP.   I am guessing a lot of the difference in my recovery was probably due to differences in nursing care and skill of surgeons but that was my experience. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Besa.. for what its worth, I had both my GAP and DIEP in NOLA and the hip flap for me was painless, but the DIEP did require more meds (I took no pain meds with GAP and took pain meds for a week round the clock with DIEP)... I had back pain due to hunching over as well for the first few days too.... so the first week post op with DIEP was indeed more difficult even at SCSH... And I had my hip drains for 8.5 weeks and ab drains post DIEP for 1 week.. so I think its just the type of surgery and maybe less of the nursing care when comparing GAP and DIEP...

    VictoriaB....Either way, I of course was not happy I needed more surgery, but looked at it more as being fortunate that I could have the surgery and with such fine doctors... I am definitely one who wants to get it right, so I just approached it that way. And do realize my do-over meant being in the hospital for 2 weeks due to a wound surgery as well... You will get through this, and you will be pleased in the end... even if it means extra tweaks.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2012

    Bdavis - Thanks for the perspective.  It is helpful for me.  I am waiting to see if enough of the lipoed fat transferred to my  DIEP side takes.  Hopefully it will but if not plan B is for Dr. D. to do a second GAP surgery.  I also feel  fortunate to have such good surgeons and to be able to go to a plan B if needed. 

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited January 2012

      Anniese,  This is a very tough decision and the longer I think about it, the more undecided and frightened I become!  If I didn't have lymphedema it would be a no brainer for me.  I'm just petrified and I mean petrified, that my lymphedema will worsen as a result of surgery. It isn't good now and is painful but tolerable, sometimes w/ Tramadol or Darvocet for the pain. I trust Dr. M.and I know she will guide me in the right direction but I also know there are no guarantees. My husband's thoughts at this point in time is to do whatever I want but he will not give me his opinion on any part of this. Needless to say it only makes it tuffer to make a decision.  Let me know if you're going to make it to SLC.   katiejane

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    Can someone explain to me how DIEP can HELP LE?? THis is a new thought for sure! Mine (trunk and breast) was always aggravated just from having the surgery. It's an interesting thought, and Dr. Marga would know for sure...

    Eva, that is what we NEEDED on this thread, someone poetic with lymerics! I am loving it!! Gald you "came out"!!

    Betsy, GOOD PLAN. So glad you called and got some attention and now at least have the info you need to make a plan.

    Adey your info a page or so back was talking about not being able to cut your toenailes because your  boobs are so big !!! LOL LOL LOL.... They will deflate! :)  (hopefully enough for toenail cutting!) 

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited January 2012

      Springtime,  When I met w/ Dr. M. this past Sept, I went there to investigate the node transfer not DIEP.  I really had given up on the idea of ever having "breasts" again but wanted help with this painful, debilitating lymphedema . Dr M. told me that she feels I would see a fair amount of improvement w/ the DIEP without the risk of lower limb LE caused by the transfer of groin nodes. This is why I'm consulting with her again in Feb. - I need things to be clearer in order to make the right decision for me. Not much help I know but I will have more info after Feb 4th.  katiejane

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited January 2012

    Spring - There can be improvement of LE after DIEP in women who have significant fixed scars from previous procedures, either lumpectomy or mastectomy. This did happen with my breast LE after Stage 1. However, the fat transfer to contour my irradiated breast in stage 2 aggravated my LE and 12 weeks out, I haven't gotten it back to where it was after Stage 1. Damn LE...

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2012

    I'm finally back home and slightly recovered from the time difference.  I was exhausted waking up at 3:30 a.m. to catch my 6:00 a.m. flight to San francisco and then onto Hawaii.  I was so jealous of my husband sleeping as I kept myself awake to walk the cabin every hour and to do my leg pumps as one of the nurses shared with me to do.

    DJ so glad you have recovered so quickly, you looked so good at the Center.  High 5 to you1

    Eva:  I love reading your poetic words. Humor is great medicine.

    Victoria:  I am so sorry to hear the news; hang in there.

    Nordy:  I will pray for your insurance!  Sorry I missed you at the airport. LOL

    My stage 2 recovery is a lot easier than Stage 1 DIEP.  I do not seem to have much bruising going on and still taking Arnica.  Almost got too attached to my stage 1 Big boob and felt a bit sad after the revision.  But now, the boobs are symmetrical.  Had fat necrosis taken out in chest area where I I was concave from masectomy so praying that it takes this time.   

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited January 2012

    Wow! Missone day and I am three pages of posts behind! EvaM, love the lymricks!! Great fun. Don't we all wish we could get our new books via e-mail! LOL!

    CaitlinB -- When my daughter had her lumpectomy, we explained to my grandson that Mommy had an "owie" (his term for a cut or hurt) on that side, so that she couldn't pick him up,  but he could snuggle anytime on the non-owie side. By putting the restriction in his "language" he understood and we forestalled any behavioral issues (though my daughter would sometimes reflexively reach down to pick him up and usually all of us in the house were eagle-eyed to prevent that!). FWIW ...

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2012


    That's a great idea.  Laughing  

    Getting a little more nervous about the surgery, but wouldn't know where I'd be emotionally if it wasn't for all of your kindness and support.  

    You ladies are the BEST!  

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2012

    So with surgery less that four weeks away now, I'm wondering what types of exercise might be helpful? I've been trying to do more upper body work since I'll be doing less for a while after, but is there something that specifically would make recovery easier? Like chest or arm stretches? What about lower body? Should I be doing more stretching all over?

    Did anyone try to gain weight before going? I can't bring myself to do it. 

    At NOLA I'm facing my fate
    I'm sure Dr. D is just great
    But without enough fat
    My chest will be flat
    First time EVER I've too little weight 

    Oh, Caitlin - I sent you a PM 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2012

    Eva I gained some weight not that I needed it.  There are options.  I told Dr. S that if it looked like I was only going to have a small B after surgery to do a stacked flap.  He was able to get me to a 36D just from my hips.  Apparently I hide the fat well. :)

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2012

    Eva M,

    You can borrow some of my friend offered to help out with that too (she also had a c-section has a nice pouch like me), but I told her I had PLENTY, LOL!  I am hoping to LOSE some weight with surgery.  :-)  I have to say that this cancer diagnosis has been the kick in the butt I needed to improve my health.  I have been taking small steps, but I have a long way to go.  

    I told the first person today not related to me or a friend about my diagnosis....she was very nice about it.  I have to be away from work for awhile and I am debating about whether or not to tell my volunteers (I work for a nonprofit).  Still haven't decided....

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited January 2012

    Spring- I managed to maneuver my way around them!  (c:

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2012

    Caitlin, Get in line. I have a long list of eager fat donor friends. I'm sure I have enough fat for GAP. From the pix, Dr. D thinks it's borderline for DIEP. Not a single doc I talked to outside NOLA thought I was remotely close to being a candidate for DIEP and no one here does GAP.

    I'm a born blurter. At first I overdid it - I couldn't help myself. But I'm not blogging about it (for which my DH is profoundly grateful) and I don't post about it on Facebook except to a private hidden group of family and friends who have asked to be in the group. But there are 97 of those and they've been so great. I could understand not wanting to talk about it at work, but I'm curious why you wouldn't tell your friends? I bet they'd want to be there for you.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited January 2012

    Bumped this thread for the stage oners...

    A Compulsive Organizer Prep for Free Flap Surgery

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2012


    I have told most of my friends and they have been really supportive.  I think my volunteers would be supportive also.  I may only tell them if they ask and keep it gerneral otherwise.  

    I am not posting it on FB, lol, BUT, I did 'like' the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery so some people are probably going, "hmmm..." Dr. Dellacroce is on FB; I saw that when I 'liked' the center.

    I have mixed emotions about going to NOLA.  Nervous, scared, and excited (is that weird?) all at the same time.  I have never been to New Orleans and wish I were going under difference circumstances, however, I hope to go back fully restored as 'just' a tourist some day.   

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited January 2012

    Great attitude, Caitlin! We all have run the gamut on emotions as our times approached ... perfectly natural! 

    I only told selected friends and family and few at work. It was easier that way. Then people weren't treating me like I WAS cancer ... it was still me, just a disease and this is what we were going to do. Some people handle it well; others cannot and actually pull away (some of my sisters actually did). Wierd, but I survived and am surviving and LIVING!! With a new Dr. D. Special on the right side! LOL! 

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for all of your information about the DIEP. While I am not looking forward to it, I certainly am grateful that this is my biggest issue right now. Could be worse, right? And what clothes do I bring? I am assuming I will be a bit thinner and maybe fit into smaller pants? What type of binder do they put around your waist? I"m thinking loose fitting lounge pants to walk around in? And do you get a pain ball?  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    VICTORIAB...I wore a girdle but was also still recovering from the hip flaps... so I am nt sure whether they will give you a girdle or binder... but lounge pants would be great!! Its not that different from your last surgery as far as clothes to bring IMO... just be comfortable...

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2012

    Hi Caitlin - My surgery trip was my first visit to New Orleans and I didn't expect to have much fun there.  However, I have to say that before the surgery and right before we left, I did get to do some fun stuff, including eating at a few great restaurants and walking around the Garden District (so lovely!).  So fun can be had, even with all the hard work you will be doing.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2012

    Dr M took mercy on me and didn't put me in a garment right out of surgery (the DIEP stage 1). It was a good call, I put one on when I got released but it felt like torture. I ended up waiting a couple of days, and by then it felt better to have it on.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2012

    Caitlin, Where did you find the Center on Facebook?  I swear I saw it at one time, and may even have liked it, but don't see it now . . .

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2012

    Caitlyn: I'm with you -  this diagnosis really got me in gear thinking about my health in general.  Unfortunately, I had a pretty serious bout of depression after Stage 1 resulting in me putting on a few extra pounds before Stage 2.  I went into Stage 2B with the same weight but with the remarkable tweaking and widdling by the amazing Dr. S, I came out seeing a more attractive me.  Unlike the other surgeries, after only 3 weeks out I'm back in my jeans without a protruding stomach and with a real defined waistline.  It's been way too long since I've looked this good and now it's up to me to finish the job Dr. S started.  I think it's great you're starting to make changes to improve your health -- small steps is where it all starts!  The docs will do their part and believe me you'll notice -- maybe not at first but that final run will surely show results.

    Eva and Caitlyn:  Though I wasn't absolutely mum about my cancer when I was first diagnoised with it, I pretty much just shared with family and select friends.  Somewhere between Stage 1 and 2, the secrecy was just no longer important.  In fact, I DID write a blog about my diagnosis and several about my decision to go with reconstruction and my experience. (you can read the posts if you're interested:  I think it helped my family to read my true thoughts on every part of this journey and I know it helped me.  Bottom line: do what's comfortable for you. 

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2012

    Hello my Nola friends,

    Haven't been on in a while. I just wanted to report on my status. As you all remember, bone mets were found when they did the CT for my surger. I did not know about it until I had been home about two weeks. A shock to be sure. Also, I had a mast. On the right and cancer was found in that breast. I had a mast. on the left in2006. In Oct of this year a scan showed liver mets. My Dr wanted me on Doxil. It was not available, so I tried to get into a trial with Everilomis and Arimidex. My ins would not pay for it and would not pay for standard care if I went into the trial. We were so convinced that this was the treatment I needed,so we are paying out of pocket for the drug. I have been on this treatment for about 45 days. My tumor markers went from 110.6 to 61!!!! No SE's except low blood counts. I just know it must be working. I will have scans in Feb.

    Please pray for me. This is so very scary!

    I still read every post every day. I did not get to finish my reconstruction, but maybe someday I'll be posting that I am finished!

    Love to all of you


  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2012

    Ok, found it, I think . . .