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NOLA in September?



  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited January 2012

    congrats mountain mermaid!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2012

    AnneW - Congrats on being the mermaid of the month!  I'm so glad that you found Dr. Marga and that you were able to be relieved of your implant burden.  Mine felt the same to me as you describe.  I am not as physically active as you, but I felt they interfered with every aspect of my life, as I was in pain the entire 4 years that I had them in place.  I feel like a new person now.

    Quick random question for you, or any of you Marga's mermaids who might know - and this is just nothing more than curiosity - but I wondered if anyone knew specifically where in NC on the coast she grew up.  We have a home there.  I also notice that she is an alumni of my son's university, which is nearby our home.  Just curious, and sort of proud that North Carolina has produced such an amazing woman!  Told you it was a random question . . .

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2012

    Congrats, Anne! I've always loved mermaids!

    Betsy - Through all my recon experiences these past 5 years (LOL!!!!!! OMG!!!!), there have been a couple of times I've worried about necrosis vs. just swelling. Each time it really was just swelling. And being only two months out, it could still be swelling for you. Anyway, Dr. D. showed me how to tell the difference. He said that he can tell very easily, so I'm just saying that if he seemed really sure it's not necrosis, it probably isn't. So he said that necrosis is "hard as a rock" - literally. So you push on the hard section with a finger and kind of wiggle your finger around as you push (that's what he did). You do it for like 5-10 seconds. When you pull your finger away, you'll see a little indent where you pushed, if it's swelling. I don't think there will be any "give," at all, if it's necrosis. But I agree that you should send photos and make them address your concerns so you know if you need to worry or not! But even if it is necrosis, you still don't have to worry because they will fix you up!

    So I am one who also didn't really have any problems, either. No necrosis. No infections. No flap failure. The biggest thing that happened was on my second recon when they had to take me back into the O.R. for about a half hour because of some bleeding inside. But here's the thing - things happen. I truly believe that if something is going to happen, you can't be anywhere better than NOLA. If I had been somewhere else where they weren't monitoring as closely and hadn't caught the problem very early, it could have been a big deal. They are the best at catching anything early and addressing it expertly. They've seen it all. Most other places just don't have anywhere near that knowledge and expertise. For me, that takes away a lot of the worry. These guys are the very best and most experienced at this of anyone, anywhere.

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2012


    Ok, so I am going down to NOLA to see Dr D bcause I need to know definitely if the flap failed. Minnesota, I have been saying it feels "hard as a rock" for 2 months, and there is no give, so I do think it is a goner. I am starting to think at least this is just a cosmetic issue and yes the resolution will be tough and very inconvenient but things could be worse, right....what a journey! 

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Thank you ALL for your support and words of encouragement.  

    @Celtic, WOW!  That message was EXACTLY what I needed to hear!

    You are all amazing and inspiring women--thank you for being here for me.  Words cannnot express my gratitude.  

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2012

    Hi Caitlin,

    Don't be scared by my experience, as complications are very rare. If they can get the affected breast to the level of my right breast (warm, full, jiggly) I will be a VERY happy camper. I live in the Northeast and have access to many excellent docs but I went to NOLA because they are the best at tissue flap transfer, and cosmetic results. Good luck!

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2012

    Anne: Congrats on your mermaid status!  Man oh man, are you an active woman! Loved reading your story!  

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited January 2012

    Congratulations Anne! You embody the spirit we all strive to emulate..


  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2012

    To anyone who's farther along than I am...

    Any tips for keeping your belly button from shrinking too much? Dr. M said "sleep with a marble in it' but I think she was only half-joking :)


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2012

    Victoria - : (  Sorry it's as hard as a rock. But they will find you something soft to replace it, I promise. ; )

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2012

    Just got back from NOLA last night. It was great to meet DJ, Surfa and Nordy!

    Now I am waiting for the swelling to go down and the bruising to disappear to get a sense of my results. Fingers crossed!

    Victoria - I am one of the fortunately few who had a flap failure. After bilateral hip flaps, my left became quite hard over most of the breast and it was easy to see the difference in the healing as compared to the right. Four months later, I had a stacked abdominal flap to replace the failed flap. I lost some volume in the new flap and just returned from revision surgery to restore symmetry. Although this has not been an easy road, I have no regrets. At every stage this has been so much better than the implants I had before. And the experience and compassion Dr. S has provided has been incomparable. I do not want to alarm you that this will be your road but just let you know that if it is, the end result is still attainable and you are being treated by the best doctors who have seen it all. 

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    I am so excited.  I just scheduled my surgery with Dr. Sullivan on February 8th!!  It's all happening so fast...officially less than one month away.  

    Where can I find info on what to pack?



  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2012

    Hi Minnesota - Thanks so much for your description of how to diagnose fat necrosis.  I have a large firm area in one breast that I have been pretty concerned about, but based on the test you describe, I think it might possibly not be fat necrosis.  It is really hard but after pushing pretty hard for 5-10 seconds, I can make a little dent in the hard area.  I can't see it but I can feel it.  Here's hoping!

    VictoriaB, I am so sorry you have to go through this.  I hope all goes well for you from here on out.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2012

    Anne - you are my hero! I love your zest for life and all there is - keep it up. I was very active myself until a few years ago when all the late effects of my radiation from 23 years ago hit. I stil bike but on a cruiser not a mountain and hike not backpack. Have just made adjustments as needed.

     Thank you for sharing  

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2012

    Hi all--I seem to be doing well now post-op 4 days...can a few of you please weigh in on:

    1)  when the swelling in the boobs goes down?  I look huge...much bigger than I hope to be;

    2)  When the scarring becomes less jagged and inflammed?

     3)   When the itching stops?  This has been a big problem for me.  It's easier than it was, but I'm still itching!

    4)  Any advice on the major time frames of improvement that I can look forward to?  I hope to get the breast drains out at my one-week post-op...but what else can I look forward to in the near future for recovery?

     Thanks to all! 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    DJ, for me, I'd guess it took a couple months for the breast swelling to go down.  But even after a few weeks the swelling decreased.  I felt ginormous after Stage 1 (that's what I said to Dr S at my post op).  Then I understood that our docs overstuff us at Stage 1 and shape us up at Stage 2.  It is MUCH easier to reduce size than increase it.  Plus, there may be some necrosis that is removed at Stage 2.  So don't worry about the size until you get to Stage 2.  

    You've still got glue and stuff on your incisions.  Once the glue comes off (between 2-3 weeks) the scarring appearance is markedly decreased.   In fact, the scars are downright impressive they are so thin.

    For me, I itched only after I was on narcotic pain meds for about 2 weeks, post Stage 1.  I did not itch from antibiotics or garments.  So, once I stopped the narcotic pain med, itching stopped.

    I had DIEP, so my milestones are a bit different than yours will be.  There will be a period of when your breasts feel SO HEAVY, like you are wearing a boob size life vest or like when breast milk comes in after giving birth.  This takes some time to go away (a couple months? 3 months?) but it does go away.  It sounds like you are doing well!

    Congrats Caitlin!  Dr S is the best!

    Ref, sounds like you are doing well.  Dr S is the best!

    Anne, congrats on being this month's mermaid.  You are amazing!  Amy, I seem to recall that if you look around Dr M's website you might be able to find out where she's from.  

    Minn, thanks for sharing the way to check for necrosis.  I think it will help out a lot of ladies.

    And, Brenda!  Sleep with a marble in your belly button???  lol  I don't have an answer.  I'm OK with my belly button right now.  

    I'm doing OK.  I still feel fatigued and I've been keeping my seroma under compression.  I will give it a good jiggling tomorrow to see how it's doing.  Both of my breasts have been feeling very full, not just the one with the seroma.  I still feel sore on my belly, especially the very top of my upper belly, under my breasts.  My belly is tight, practically as tight as after stage 1 DIEP.  I'm looking forward to getting back to my PT for some scar release.  I haven't been wearing my Marena or other girdle as the top of it will not stay up by my bra, leaving a 2 inch gap, which I think bothers me.  I'm still napping a lot.  Blah.  I'm still waiting on my op report, as I'm so curious as to what was done to me for 5 hours.  

    I love you ladies! 

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited January 2012

    Hey hipsters...question for you.  Dr. M pulled one drain last week.  It was a problem drain...drain from the site and the bulb wouldnt keep suction.  I was suprised since this hip was draining LOTS.  She said i will probably end up with a seroma? or something.  Anyway, I still have a hole at the sight.  It is smaller but still there and still draining. long does it take for the sight to heal?  Betsy, did i remember you having a problem with a drain site?  Or maybe that was someone else.  I just wonder at what point to i call Dr. M or my helper doc.  Pulled my other drain last night and the hole seems to be almost closed already..still leaking a bit but nothing like the other.  I went back to work today so was a little worried about leaking.  UGH!

    Anne...GO GIRL.  I am soooo happy you are a mermaid!!!  I just LOVE Dr. M!!!  You are so amazing...i was out of breath reading your story.  I need some of whatever you have...LOL


  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2012

    Another hipster here - I took out one drain at three weeks and that side later ended up with a seroma.  I would suggest that you compress it as much as possible - maybe put a couple of maxipads there (suggested by the Center) or do what I did, which is to make a pad out of multiple layers of terrycloth to put extra pressure on that area (I sewed them together).  Also watch out for any rippling or waterbed type motion and get it drained ASAP, if that develops.  I didn't realize that I had a seroma forming and mine got pretty big before I noticed.  I think it is better to get them drained while they are still small and then you don't get such a large pocket forming.  Seromas are an annoyance (if you do get one) but they don't hurt and are manageable.  Apparently most women who have hip flap reconstruction develop them (per Dr. Trahan) and don't realize it because they are small.  They are fixed at Stage 2.  Good luck!  And the ABD pads work great for any leaking.  Leaking can be good, because it means you aren't trapping the fluid in your body.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2012

    Hi all!

    This is my first post. I just joined though I've been reading this thread for ages (not all of it, but a lot)

    I will be having surgery at NOLA on Feb 8 with Dr. Stolier and Dr. DellaCroce. I don't know yet whether it will be DIEP or GAP. He thought they MIGHT be able to do DIEP but won't know until he get his hands on it. I suspect GAP. I have loose skin, but not that much fat on the belly.

    I do have some questions - mostly about recovery at both stage 1 and 2.

    1. I sing and play keys in a band. The band wants to accept a short gig on March 10 - less than an hour. I'm wondering if I should say yes? It's 4.5 weeks post op. We've also agreed to do a 3 hour gig on March 31. I'd be on my feet the whole time except for two breaks. I feel like I ought to be able to do that one. I had a full hysterectomy 11/23 and did a four hour New Year's Eve gig without a problem. But I suspect this round will be tougher.

    2. I'll be eligible to Stage 2 at the beginning of May. If I have GAP on 2/8, I'd probably want a tummy tuck then. I think it would be skin/fat only. I belly dance, so my actual ab muscles are strong and flat but I have a fair amount of loose skin from pregnancies I'd like to get rid of. How long is it to recover from that? Can I expect to play a gig the last weekend of May? What about vacationing at the beginning of June? Might I still be in a compression garment?

    3. Do you need to have someone with you for Stage 2? How hard is it to travel solo after a tummy tuck?

    4. Are any of you going to be there the same time as me?

    Thanks! This thread is SO helpful and informative!


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    EVA... A tummy tuck, in my opinion, is probably more surgery and recovery than the MX and hip flaps. I had both... theoretically, you could do a short gig on March 10 assuming you have no complications... so you could say yes, but be prepared for the unexpected (which is unlikely)... March 31 shoul dbe fine. I attended a reunion weekend 3 hours from home 5 weeks post DIEP.

    If you have a tummy tuck and stage II at the beginning of May, for best results, you will be in compression until mid June... so you may want to delay the vacation til July, but the end of May gig is probably fine.

    And you absolutely need someone with you at Stage II... they will not release you without an escort... especially if you have a tummy tuck.

    MICHELLE... I did not have drain problems, just had them for 8.5 weeks... so no seroma here. My one drain hole did leak the night I took the drains out and I was fine with that as I would prefer it leak than get trapped in me... just use pads on the site for a few days, and continue compression.

    SOOOO... I did call Laura today and we spoke for quite a while. Dr D hasn't had a chance to look at my pictures yet, but he will see them tomorrow... Even if I have necrosis, Laura said he will still want to wait a while to see how things shake out... and I am fine with that... but asked what my options are... and she assured me that there are additional sites to harvest fat if need be. So just hearing that makes me more  at ease... I will report back once the doc sees the pics.... AND my belly today was looking like a 5 month pregnancy... so attractive.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2012
    Amy, I can't remeber which town Marga is from--Elizabeth? I know it's north of the usual beaches in NC. She grew up in a fishing town. And spent her entire academic career at Duke (go Blue Devils!!) I'm originally from NC, too, near the mountains in Lenoir. Went to Davidson and then UNC for nursing school.
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    Caitlin, Congrats on getting a date! I added you to the list, you are the first February entry! Let's hope some more women appear here to be your surgery buddies. OH and there is Eva M on Feb 8 too! You two will have to hook up!!! Fab!! Eva I will add your date too. My advise, have them lipo and remove all loose skin (tell them this right away, maybe he'll get it all in stage 1, but if not stage 2) I would not do the plication if your tummy is flat and you use those muscles. The tightness of the skin will resolve very quickly as compared to the muscle thing...

    Anne, I loved your article! Mermaid of the month! :) I met Dr. Marga several times and she's very special indeed...

    Betsy, I am so glad you called. And sounds like you have a bit of peace about it... 

    Calling Nordy! What did you find out from Dr. S?? 

    Ro, I am glad you got to meet up with several ladies.... 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2012

    Caitlin - you are in the best of hands. I just saw my hero (Dr. S) today & i still think he is as awesome as I thought he was when I met him over two years ago. I am also one that has not had any complications except a minor infection after my tattoos... But I am certainly not the norm & I think it may have been from an open spot where I was spitting a stitch from my stage 2 months earlier. Easily managed with an antibiotic!

    Well, i have had such a great time down here this weekend. I spent the afternoon with surfa and her hubby & just had a lot of fun. It has been a zoo for sure with all of the ball games going on. The weekend was busy, but today was nuts. Kind of quiet when I got back to the hotel, but that is because the game had already started. I expect full chaos to hit when the game is over. However since LSU is getting shut out at the moment, I think it might get ugly out there! I'm old so I will stay up here safe in my room!

    Ladies with the fat necrosis & firm areas - I know there are other women that have been on here that have had large areas of necrosis that softened up over time. After my stage one I had an area about the size of a golfball. It was mostly gone by my stage 2, with just a small area left. I don't remember at what point it started to soften up, but it did. Hang in there!

    Dj - Hi! Yes, there is a lot of swelling in the beginning! I was just so happy to have boobs again, I didn't care how huge they were & my hubby was loving it! Lol Yes, I also had that feeling of "letting down" like when you breast feed. I don't remember at what point it went away... But one day I just realized that it was gone! You will be great. In stage one, it is good just to have patience. Your body needs time to adjust to everything! Things have been moved around!

    Marble in the belly button is no joke! I have read that several times on various PS websites. It helps keep the belly button area round and formed. I am assuming all of y our incision is healed there or Dr. M would not have suggested it.

    I can't skip back a page, but for the person that asked about playing keys in your band about 4 weeks after surgery - I honestly think you will be able to do it... BUT you will still be on lifting restrictions at that point, so make sure you have someone hauling your gear for you if that is something you normally do yourself. None of those boards are less than 10 pounds!

    Oh boy... 21 to zero in favor of Alabama. I already hear yelling & arguing outside... & I am on the 5th floor! There are tons of game tents set up around this area, so where it is usually more quiet near the Homewood, it is not this weekend. The fans are starting to spill out of the stadium as it is getting louder & louder here! I am glad I have done all my playing the past two nights and now I am just packing up for my flight home tomorrow. Everyone have a great night!

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2012

    Cool. Hi Caitlin - we're the same day!

    I will ask about the tummy tuck if there's any chance they could do it in stage 1. I didn't know they would even do any lipo in stage 1. I assumed they'd want to leave tissue available in case something went wrong. I've been wondering what plication is. I assume it has something to do with tightening the ab muscles when they do a tummy tuck. I don't think I'd need that. Thanks for the info, Betsy and Springtime.

    Oh, and Nordy, yes I can have the guys carry my gear and set it up. Good to know. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2012

    Anne - going to check out your mermaid page as soon as I finish packing up!

    Spring! He had all good things to say. I will just call you! But not tonight! Packing, reading Anne's page & going to bed!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2012

    Anne - going to check out your mermaid page as soon as I finish packing up!

    Spring! He had all good things to say. I will just call you! But not tonight! Packing, reading Anne's page & going to bed!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2012

    Eva - they won't do lipo at stage one. That stage is all about getting those flaps up and transferred.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2012

    Anne, check you out on that wall... Love the picture... Now I will go finish reading! Love it!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2012

    I loved reading your story, Anne, and you look great on your climb!!!! 

    Well, Nordy, it looks like we'll be waving at each other as our planes cross in the sky.  The severe thunderstorms I've been stressing about are apparently forecast for the morning, and we arrive late afternoon tomorrow.   I only have about 38 hours in NOLA, seeing Vinnie Wednesday, and then heading out to be with Alaina for a few sweet hours and do a bridal show in the evening.  Then up at 3:30 a.m. to head for Atlanta.  I have to have my booth set up by 5 p.m. and then the show starts Friday.  It's the biggest gift show in the country and we've been working on our rhinestone apparel line for three months.  We are very excited and hopeful that branching out from bridal/pink ribbon is the right move for us.  I've been super-stressed about this since October and am so glad that in 8 more days, it will be over and we will know the outcome.  I don't know if I will get to meet anyone while in NOLA, but my time will be so limited that at least I won't have to feel guilty that I couldn't visit.  By the way, Alaina is doing really well and is back to work part time, hoping to go back to full time in another week!!!  She is a walking, working miracle!

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Eva M, it's great to have a hospital buddy.  I think I will be at St. that where you are having your surgery?

    Did any of you guys go early to New Orleans and get in some site seeing?  I would like to.  I went to a local knitting store yesterday (the day I scheduled my surgery) and a lady walked it that had just gotten back from New Orleans.  She gave us each a praline; I guess NO is famous for those??!! Anyway, I saw it as "a sign."  

    Let me know if anyone knows where I find what to pack for Stage 1.  I am assuming I will want to pack some zip up sweatshirts??? I doubt I will be wearing a bra??? 

    Thanks in advance for your tips!
