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NOLA in September?



  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2012

    Spring,I did not have rads but did have a 4 inch x 1 inch ( or so) swath of skin that is ( still there in the very side of rt. breast) nothing but scar tissue ( very thin) where my BS scraped my chest wall and did a wide excision to get all cancer he could and to spare me radiation, if possible. Because it is so thin and very fragile there, i did require a 2 short debridement surgeries due to infection/ healing difficulties after my Stage 1. ( I'd do it all again, no problem:)

    I need to add that before I proceeded with the small implants I "grilled" Dr. S to make sure capsular contracture would not be an issue for me . He reassured me at that time it had not been an issue for prior cases he'd done.That said with all the improvements in technique re: fat grafting since 2007-8 it is possible that the Docs no longer feel a need? I simply don't know if this is the case but I wanted to put this info out here :)


  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2012


    I had a c-section and DIEP flap was not a problem at all.  I think your friend should look at NOLA.  

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited February 2012

    Hi Downey. I suppose it depends on what you're doing when you're away. A few days relaxing by the fire at a cozy lodge or a few days skiing? I'd be tempted to wait for a getaway until cleared for intimate activities. They told me four weeks when I asked.

    It was actually a funny moment. I was in the hotel bathroom with my sister surrounded by ADB pads, alcohol preps, betadine swabs, tubes coming out of four places and I blurted "Don't let me forget to ask the doctor tomorrow when I can have sex." I think my husband will be afraid to touch me for way longer than four weeks, but we'll see.

    I'm 11 days out today and feeling all right. I have committed to performing a short gig on March 10 (about 45 minutes, piano and vocals). I think I'll be ok for it, though I don't know what I'll wear. I'll still have my hip drains. I have a hard time telling when I'm tired sometimes.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2012

    Eva - ditto calling the center but in your discharge paperwork there should be specific instructions on what to wear, how often to clean etc.

    I had Dr. S and I have had to wear my bra 24/7 1st 2 weeks, then off at night after that. Betadine everything twice a day, I am still using ABD's  in my bra as (1) still have glue and some healing areas (2) they are so soft & (3) they cover my incisions and under the bra edge. I am using fleece in the areas that bug me as a soft buffer.

    For my hips I bought drain sponges and am still using them. I too use the overnight maxis for compression. But I stick them onto themselves for double layer. Use fleece again where the drain comes out the top of the girdle that I am still wearing!! Will wear it until one week after the last drain comes out. 

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited February 2012

    Hi EVA--when I ran out of betadyne, I bought a bottle of it and also bought individually wrapped gauze pads.  Then I poured the betadyne on a the gauze and applied it (and did this over a plastic bowl), so that each time I applied it, it would be sterile.

    NEEDTONEW--this is a tardy reply as I haven't logged on recently...I actually don't feel ready yet for Stage 2, which is now in less than 6 weeks (and I'm just at 6 weeks post-op now.)  But I'm putting my faith in what others have said, that by that point I'll be ok.  To be honest, I've still having a tough time with recovery, and it's bumming me out, but I figure the sooner I get stage 2 started, the sooner it's all over and I can start looking good! :)  Oh, and as to my age, thank you for the compliment.  I'm 39, but I guess I'm lucky that I have good genes (except for the darn BRCA1 gene!) that make me look young! (I did have breast cancer at 29, however, so I've been dealing with all this crap for a while!)

     Hipsters--I feel like the numbness is maybe wearing off of my backside and it's now getting harder to sit...did that happen to any of you? I'm hoping once Stage 2 is done and my backside is put back in order that this won't happen!

    Also--thankfully, my seroma on my right backside seems to have gone away!  I don't know if it's "hiding"...but I made the choice to finally ditch the compression garment and I don't feel like it's coming back or I"m hopefully I'm doing the right least one thing is now more comfortable! 

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited February 2012

    Jamieh- I didn't have a c-section, but had a fallopian tube removed due to ectopic pregnancy. Ended up with about a 9 inch ab scar. Dr. Massey never even mentioned it as being an issue. Hope your friend makes the right decision for her. Hopefully she will come here and read of some great outcomes.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited February 2012

    EvaM- When I left the Center they suggested I use bottled betadyne (or the generic equivalent) and nonsterile swabs or the corner of a gauze pad.  I thought using the bottled betadyne and swabs/gauze pads was less messy than using the swabs that are packaged with betadyne.  The Center also suggested using sanitary pads instead of the ABD pads.  I agree with Eva, I would call the center just to make sure.  We have gone through a lot - just to be safe I would figure out what exactly they want you to do in your specific case.

    From the research I have done -having a C-section generally does not prevent someone from having a DIEP.

    Marcia- Do you have to have routine MRI's because of the implants?  Also how often do the implants generally need to be replaced.  Was doing another small flap presented to you as an option (instead of lipo and fat transfer)?

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2012

    Eva-  After my incisions healed I used wash clothes, one or more depending on what compression you want and a bargain.  (c:  Soft too.  When I was trying to get my drains out (I had them for 8 weeks) I put a hand towel for extra compression.  Ha!  Have you seen that commercial for the fat wallet?  (c:

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2012

    DJ - I am 4 1/2 weeks out, still have the drains & have had a rough few days myself. I did read in the paperwork that weeks 3-6 there are more bad days then good. I found that hard to believe but....It does seem true. The swelling on my hips has gone down and some feeling coming back so I think I am more sore there. Thought it was just me so glad (not really) to hear that you think so too.

    I had a couple of stitches peek through close to my armpit and they hurt so bad. I was in tears last night and finally around midnight I got the little buggar out. What relief.

    Just had a breakdown yesterday all day of sorts. I have my scans coming up for my sarcoma in two weeks and that is always stressful. On top of recovering from the surgery. I know it is normal but still no fun when I am bawling and it is so not me :)

    Keep your chin up, I will be not too far behind you for stage 2, probably last week of April.  

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2012

    Besa, lets see.. I've not been advised to have MRI For the purpose of screening the implants ( as I recall) unless there seems to be a problem with them. As an aside I am uninsured and MRI is not in the cards at the moment.

    To the best of my memory I think that very small implants placed under/between flaps are much less likely to present with problems, than under the skin/ pectoral.

    No, another flap was not going to be a good option FOR ME.:)

    I was on the thinner side to begin with and Dr S had to use hip flaps and abdominal flaps to restore me to my size before BC. So 4 separate flaps were needed from the get-go.

    I'm not sure where the flap could have come from and truthfully after a total of 7 surgeries (inc. wound debridements/incision repair etc. I just wanted to be DONE :) after a total of 5 years either in treatment or having surgery.

    In hindsight I should have opted to be smaller (I was greedy). Dr D told me was that the flap underneath the implant most likely will have "thinned" and might present a deformity if removed.

    However, I think it's a great option in cases where grafting, flaps are not.

    Hope this helpful,


  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited February 2012

    Hi Marcia,  Thanks for the information.  It is very helpful.  I still have a potential donor site that can be used  if I need to go that route but I have also had multiple surgeries in the last 4 1/2 years ( due mostly to a local ps who was young and not that skilled. )   It is so helpful to hear what others have decided to do.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2012
    Ok.  So I was looking at my ass today!  As we hipsters......... or at least this hipster does sometimes and I thought wow, that doesn't look half bad.  It looks almost normal.  Shark bites almost gone.  And then I realized........ It's probably because I have seromas from pulling the drains!  Tongue out  Found it most amusing.  Happy healing.
  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited February 2012


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2012

    Wow,loads of typos in my last post! Sorry ;)

    You are most welcome, Besa!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2012

    Downey-  I'm darn close to 11 weeks out.  My drains came out at 8 weeks and were still juicy.  I'll take what I can get, my ass does look good!  (c:  My stage two is March 15 and I can't wait.  I see your stage one is March 6.  We might overlap, when do you leave?

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited February 2012



  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited February 2012


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2012

    Downey-  We arrive on the 13th.  See ya in NOLA if you want.  (c:

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2012

    Adey- even if it's only an illusion now it'll be a reality after stage 2. Dr M is really good at fixing donor sites! Actually, I think she gives them extra attention at stage 1 so they start out looking pretty good.

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited February 2012

    Need2New--I'm so sorry you had a bad night...I completely get it and have had many myself.  I keep trying to remember the end goal and that all these pains and tiredness will eventually abate. I'm starting to work tommorrow and I'm nervous about does one work when they are this exhausted?  Anyway...Hang in there, I can tell you I'm definitely better than I was at 4 1/2 weeks so it does get better!  

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited February 2012

    ADEY,  That would be absolutely great.  I would love to meet. I'll PM you with my cell number and anything else I can think of.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012
    • I had a C-section and no problem with DIEP
    • I used q-tips with a bottle of betadne, but after stage II I asked for extra swabs cause they were better
    • Eva.. for Dr D and betadine, he had me betadine my belly button after DIEP,but I never betadined my hip incisions, just the drain holes... he did have me also use betadine on the ab incision a little just in the center... Its true that the docs have different courses of treatment... and even different per patient, so I would ask.
    • Implants... Dr D had suggested it as an option for me if I didn;t want to stack and have multiple donor sites... I had opted against it at the time, but if I had so much fat necrosis and lost half of my breast, I would consider supplementing my breast with an implant if need be... It would be no different than someone get implants for enhancement.
  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2012

    Jaimeh- i had two c-sections and when I was first looking at flap surgery, no one even batted an eye about doing diep flap. Of course, we know because of lack of fat there, I ended up with hip flaps, but the prior surgeries were not an issue. I would definitely tell your friend to try to go to The Center first. I wish I had... And I know Sandy wishes she had started there. Positive vibes and hugs for your friend and all she is going through right now!

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited February 2012

      One last whine here then I won't do it again!  Had a call from Ashley today.  Was once again denied St Charles for my DIEP.  Then she brought to my attention that even though Fairway is contracted with Cigna, they are not an HCA facility which my insurance is saying it must be!  No out of network coverage even though my plan is a PPO and Open Access Plan!!!!  WTF!!!!!!! So I guess I am done.  I just don't have the energy at the moment to fight.  I have never felt so defeated.  Good luck to all of you wonderful ladies who have been here to listen and support me!  You are the best!!!   Katiejane 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Ladies.  Nordy, Hopkins is telling her that it's an issue.  I am telling her that besides having her chemo there that she doesn't need to have her MX there.  I will let her know tomorrow that I know many of you who have had a c-section and still had DIEP. 

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited February 2012

    Need2New:  Sending warm hugs and sunshine to you!  Itʻs natural to have the ups and downs in recovery as I sure did!  Cool

    Jaimeh:  I would have your friend call the Center.  It wouldnʻt cost her anything.  Iʻve also did a little bit of research on using the inner thigh for microsurgery- usually for thin women that have some fat on inner thighs and A or B cup. I know this is absolutely crazy but I may go back in to do my other side.  I should have done it the first time.  ARGGHHH!  

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited February 2012

    I had 3 c-sections with very bad, jaggled scars.  Dr Sullivan was able to make my incision low enough to modify that scar, in addition to the DIEP.  Very nice results. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Happy Mardi Gras Ladies!!!! Le Bon Temps Roule!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2012

    Happy Fat Tuesday!

    I wonder who's idea this was?  (c:

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited February 2012

    Jaimeih,  I am from the DC metro area.  If your friend is staying local for a reconstruction or a 2nd opinion, the person I would go to for a DIEP would be Bernard Chang at Mercy - very experienced and does DIEPs in high volume.