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NOLA in September?



  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009

    Well we can both be jealous of each other - you because you're fighting to loose weight (tho you WILL get there), and me because my tushie is "thin" and I need to consider an implant. When I tried to gain weight, it just made my stomach feel really uncomfortable (due to post-DIEP tight skin and tightened muscle) and made the breast that needs to be matched using a "thin tushie" - get bigger - thus defeating the purpose of gaining the weight. So there is basically no recourse - eating more doesn't help and exercise just makes my rear "thinner." Or I have the GAP and see what I'm left with behind me and then exercise to try to build up the gluteal muscle - and believe me, if my rear end ended up looking flat, I would definitely be motivated to do those leg raises and squats!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Happy Birthday Pam and Stephanie!!!

    Okay, I was reading this and thought of something - SANDY - you need to get a pair of the five fingers water shoes. People are using them for running and hiking and they are as close as you can get to barefoot while still having protection for your feet. I ordered a pair online for my husband for Christmas. They run about $90. I personally have not tried them, but people that have absolutely love them... as sci-fi as they may look! 

    Okay, gotta run, just a quick check in!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Thanks Nordy. I think I've decided that my elliptical is a much better workout for me than the treadmill, and I've never had a problem using it barefooted!  Maybe I'll try the water shoes for our morning power walks---they sound comfy!

    Eve, we went to a really nice Italian restaurant tonight and I had a small spinach salad as my entree while everyone around me had lasagna, ravioli, fettuccine, etc.   It was tough, but I drank a lot of water with the salad and didn't feel too deprived.   I've never mentioned it before, but my abdomen is always tight and uncomfortable, because even though Dr. D has lipoed my superficial fat away, there is still the visceral fat (between the organs) and tightening the muscles resulted in that fat making me feel overstuffed!   My hysterectomy last year really affected my ability to lose weight and I actually gained weight slowly until this fall, all of it in my abdomen.  I will lose it, but it sure is hard now.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Eve and 2 are a riot BUT what a wealth of  nurse x 22+ years, 2 specialty certs, self appointed jack of all trades....BUT I know almost nOTHING about plastics...or general women's plastics.  So a very genuine 'Thank you!' for spelling this all out.  I know many people, some plastsics guys who'd probably explain it to me assuming I knew portions BUT......the perspective Soo changes to be the patient!

    I'm happy to say I don't think I'll need any more tummy stuff.  Unless this eschar area in the middle where old belly button was still looks icky and that is certainly a real possibility.  Since I am the barren one too don't think I have the muscular stretching issues..............If I'm having ANYthing extra done it's most definitely, w/o a doubt on the part my african american friends say qualifies me to be part of the 'sistah club'.  Too thick there.

    Pam, Carolyn, Trishia, Stephanie, HBD!  Trishia, your dear daddio sounds awesome!

    Steph already on the aquafor and massage regimen and believe it or not feels better.....concentrated EFFORT.  BUT really almost ALL my skin a bit flaky, could be seasonal, time for winter skin care + extra for the twins.

    Speaking of twins that has been my pat reply when people at work ask where I've been.  "Oh I adopted twins"...the usual answer is "Oh that is wonderful!  How old?"  Me:  "The same age as me?....I had the breast cancer makeover- bilateral mastectomy w/ immed reconstruction and I have new breasts, best thing I've ever done for myself!"  then they want ALL the details.  It's been fun!

    Trying to get inspired to be more active at least.....the food part and this week...yikes!  I WILL get into better shape.

    have a great sunday! 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    Happy Belated Birthday Stephanie!

    And An Early Birthday Wish for you Trishia!

    Thank you ladies for the Birthday wishes.

    I didnt do anything Exciting.  But I did have a Nice day.

    Nordy- I have never heard of those shoes.  I will have to google them.  My feet are Claustraphobic


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Wow, so it is not very clear that I did not have the diastasis repair (as Sandy calls it! Holy cow Sandy, so impressed!) but all this tummy discomfort, and tightness, and puffy at end of day is just do to the flesh removal and slight muscle opening to get the vessles out! I can't believe it! I was sure he did something do the muscles in there! Amazing.

    However, reading over what Minnesota said, I think I will do the diastasis repair if Dr. D agrees he can lower my ab incision during phase 2. So I guess I'll have to wait to see. Only 30 more minutes during surgery.  I hear you, Minn, that it will take a long time to feel better. Ugh. But, as you say, 2 years out you are glad you did it, and this is my one shot. I am sure there is a "gap" in my abdominal muscles -- I had two 8lb 9oz baby girls (my water broke at exactly 8lb 9ox both times lol)

    Minn, I remember your flat flat tummy from that BC video spot you did. I think it may be worth it!!! Also, it sounds like all this skin and muscle tightening actually prevents you from gaining weight (I can already feel it now, uncomfortable to eat too much), and we all know that a normal to low BMI prevents recurrence, so maybe this is another "prevention" thing, besides making us gorgeous. he he.

    "Five Fingers Water Shoes" Nordy?? I will have to look that up online! I do a lot of walking. I try to do 2 miles every day. (it takes about a half hour). It takes much longer after surgery! The first time I tried to walk 1 mile after phase 1, it took 25 minutes! then I was at 22 minutes a mile for a long time. I guess I better get my head wrapped around loooooooooonger walks for a while...

    Happy Birthday all you November Sexy Mama's!!! Pam, Carolyn, Trishia, Stephanie!!

    To echo what has been said above, Minn and Sandy, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This is very helpful. You ladies ROCK!!! BOTH DIVAs!!! :)

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    I spent a LOT of time on in the tummy tuck section after my stage I, because of all of the problems I was having with what my surgeon said were "suture reactions".  I think I lost faith in him earlier than I was conscious of, because I was researching the internet for answers to my discomfort very early on.  While trying to figure out what was going on with my abdomen, I learned that salt is the enemy after a tummy tuck, and that it can be a year or more before the swelling really subsides.  The gals there swear by lemon water and bromelain to reduce puffiness, and all caution that exercise increases it.  I have had to really watch my salt intake or my lower abdomen quickly swells.

    Spring, the muscle/diastasis repair is also called "muscle plication".   Having it done pulls your rectus muscles in and serves as an internal corset of sorts.  Since menopause steals our waistline (our bodies are busy trying to build up fat because fat makes estrogen), and DIEP can make us a bit boxy as well (which is one reason the NOLA docs generously gift us with lipo) the diastasis repair can restore our waistline.  If you are considering having your incision lowered, I would encourage you to have the plication done at the same time--you'll love the result!  I did not know that Dr. D was going to do it for me, and I was so happy after surgery when I found out that he'd taken that extra time.  There was so much he did during that first surgery to correct what my first surgeon did that I had all sorts of surprises when I was able to see everything. 

    Pam, my feet are claustrophobic too---that's hilarious!  My husband calls me "Flip Flop Flo" because I hate closed-toe shoes.

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009

    Dear Minnesota:

    Could you tell me about your surgery when they tightened your muscles.  How long was your surgery and recovery.  Did you have problems with tightness and not being able to stand up straight?  I think Dr. D. might suggest that for me.  Any info you can give me would be appreciated.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    Thats funny Sandy.  Our feet are similar.

    I can not stand shoes & would live in flip flops if I could.  A little hard in MN. 

    Even after surgeries when dh puts my socks on me...its like- dont pull them tight on my toes!


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Sassie, the muscle repair won't cause you problems standing up because the pull is from the sides, not up and down.  There is definitely some discomfort, but you have that from the lipo as well.  It doesn't change the recovery time because the sutures are all on the inside.  However, I still feel the tightness two years out, especially when swimming or laying flat on the floor.  Eve's experience may be different though.

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2009

    I'm sure I'll be back in compression for weeks after stage two, but are we also back to sleeping ON OUR BACKS for six weeks? (I'm a side sleeper, I thought those six weeks would never pass!)

  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2009

    When I spoke to the Dr.'s office about my stage 2, they said that I could sleep on my side.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    I cant wait to sleep on my side someday.  I have been sleeping on my Back (well trying to sleep) Since my Lumpectomy 18 months ago.   1st there was pain from that.  Then I had my BLM.  Then Implants with Symmastia- Was too painful to sleep on my side with that...And now my GAP (Oh I had a Hip GAP) if I never said.

    I dream about sleeping on my side- Well Thats the pain pills again.  LOL

    Anyone heard from Linda? ?


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Pam and Sandy - LOL, you two and your flip flops! I live in clogs most of the time since I live where it rains a good percent of the year and it is just easier to slip them on and off... a bit different when you have snow! Okay, so the Vibram 5 Fingers have toes built in. And really, a sole that is strictly to prevent injury from the ground, but not to place your foot in any different position (unlike a sneaker which has all kinds of cushion and/or features for pronation/supination (walking on the inside/outside of your foot). People that wear them for running or even just around town swear by them. I have not yet tried them, but like I said, I ordered some for my husband which he fully intends to use for running. SO... most places are sold out, but maybe after the new year REI will have more in stock? I am usually in socks or barefoot in the house and in clogs or flipflops out of the house! Maybe I should get some too?!

    Carolynn and Trishia - I did not know it was your birthdays as well! Wow - a lot of November babies... well, we all know what your parents were doing in March...! You know, those cold winter nights... Sealed

    Sandy - my BSO/Hyst is in less than 2 weeks - I am not looking forward to having more difficulty losing this tummy weight! I still have 10 pounds I have been packing around since my first pregnancy and I don't really want the tummy tuck! Well, at least I have a few months to decide! Maybe I can talk my onc into some estrogen replacement, at least short term!

    Okay - off to pay bills... arghhhh.... 

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2009

    Hello ladies

    I have a practical question about packing for the hospital stay. Did you stay in the hospital gown the entire time, or were you able to get into something else? What did you pack to go home in?Anything else I should think of for hospital packing?


  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2009

    Ooooh, I do hope side sleep is allowed after Stage 2!!!

    Yep, my birthday was Nov. 5. 46 now!

    Margit, I only wore a hospital gown during my stay. St. Charles has wonderful robes to wear if you want to walk the halls. On going home day, I wore knit pants and a button up shirt. Between drains etc, this was easiest!  :)

    Carolynn :)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    I believe the side sleeping is not allowed for 6 weeks after Stage1 b/c they are protecting the flaps and the blood supply. I would think the only thing preventing side sleeping after Stage 2 would be the hip/butt drains? 

    Sandy, and Minn: after your ab muscle repair, was your tummy really really sore doing things like getting out of bed, etc? Initially? I am assuming yes, but let me know. 


  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2009

    Ooooooh, I forgot about the hip drains.....

    Wonder if the muscular soreness from tightening the muscles during the tummy tuck would compare to a complete hysterectomy? If so, it's bearable....

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Bearable would be good!!! 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Spring, yes, pretty darned sore, but I also had a lot of lipo during the same surgery.   Within a week, it was much better and the discomfort lessened every day. I'd say it faded as quickly as the lipo pain.    If you overdo it, you will know it, so baby yourself after having it done.  I made a wrong move two days post-op and immediate searing pain was the result, which led me to think that I'd torn the repair.   All was well though.    Because I didn't talk to Dr. D about the muscle repair in advance, I didn't know to be concerned about pain after.  When I saw him a few days post-op, he asked me if I felt like I'd been run over by a truck, and I had to admit that I did, but I'd also had a lot of lipo and he removed a pseudobursa from my abdomen, so that blurs my memory of pain due specifically to the muscle repair.

    My hysterectomy was not painful at all.  If not for cramps from the gas used to distend my abdomen, I never would have known it had been done. 

    Nordy, I'm not taking any hormone replacement and maybe that would help with the weight issue, but it's not an option for me. 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009

    Sassy & Springtime,

    The procedure added a half hour to surgery. Prior to that surgery, most of the pain from stage 1 was past, tho the tightness still definitely remained. After the ab tightening surgery, there was definitely a new source of pain. And yes, it hurt getting up, pretty much like stage 1. I can't remember that I could really distinguish one pain from the other, tho. I had to roll from my back onto my side and then push myself up with my arms. Wait, now I remember! It felt like it does after you do, like, 50 or 100 sit-ups without having worked up to it - like when I was in jr. high and we had to do the Presidents Fitness tests or whatever. The pain was very similar to what it felt like after that - I remember actually thinking that at the time. But the pain didn't just go away after a few days. It lasted quite a while - a couple weeks, at least. But the pain was only when you tried to move a certain way that put strain on those muscles. It wasn't as tho it hurt all the time, tho I did take some of the pain pills. I still had tightness from the DIEP, too. I guess I couldn't distinguish the tightness of one from the other. I think the main tightness source was always from the DIEP, tho, because I was very tight and still could not stand up totally, totally straight, even after like 2 months, tho it was significantly better by that point. I would also say that the DIEP, and maybe the ab tightening too, does serve as motivation not to gain a lot of weight, because it can be uncomfortable - maybe like having your stomach stapled!  At least for me, it does make me want to keep excess weight off, otherwise it feels like my pants are too tight, even if I have no pants on! Like eating a big Thanksgiving dinner and not being able to unzip your pants! 

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2009

    Dejaboo, negative. I keep logging on hoping to hear something from her but so far, nada. Should we be worried?

    LindaG47, wherever you are, I hope all is well and that we'll hear from you soon. Thoughts, prayers and hugs (but not too tight just yet!)...  

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    Hi Snowbird.

    Sorry you have not heard from Linda either.  I wonder if she does not have internet.

    I am guessing Sat. was her fly home day.

    Linda we are thinking about you.  Hope all is well.


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    Happy Birthday November Girls!  Wow, everytime I step away for a few days, I come back to find a hot new topic here! lol  Ok...the finishing of the tummy tuck seems to be the hottest topic now. Do they actually sew the two muscles together? I would think this would be so are anytime muscles are touched inside. Spring, are you going to do this? Do we need to tell the doctor ahead of time?

    I had a nice chat w/Dr. Massey about my upcoming Stage 2. I needed more details on where she can lipo etc. She basically said she can lipo from the chest to the ankles, but can't flip over to get the buttocks etc unless I had a GAP.(Would have a hard time justifying that to insurance co) She is so very generous, just like the boys of NOLA!

    As for Lipo, I know some of you girls did the max amount. What is the max amount in lbs?? Are there still fat cells left in that area? I have heard you don't gain weight in those areas after but then your butt would get bigger  What are your thoughts??

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Warrior, this topic comes up a lot on the "Ask the Doctor" site. Dr. D said you just gain less wieight in those areas that were lipo'd and you don't have to be worried about looking out of balance. Somebody correct me if that is not in the spirit of what he says.

    If Dr. D says he can lower my Abdominal incision at this time, then I will have him do the abdominal muscle repair thing while that incision line is already open. Minn says it's like an extra 30 min, so not bad. He's going to have it open anyway, and it sounds like it will be like going through Stage 1 ab pain again, and hey!  I did it before, I can do it again. I figure this is my last shot!  

    I will get all this straight with him at the pre-op appt. Warrior, ask Dr. M about it at your appt prior... if your ab incision is already nice and low, you may not want to mess with this! Though, it sure would be nice to have more of a waist - is what I am thinking for my situation personally! I am very boxy in that area.... 

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Ok, about the tummy tuck...i.e. tioghtening, are there DRAINS for this?  If it has already been stated, sorry to digress, but I can hardly keep up with you guys!

    Linda - Hope you are well!


  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2009

    Does anyone know if you can lipo arms?  Would this leave a big scar?

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    Lipo of the arms is NOT recommended if you had any lymph nodes removed due to an increased risk of lymphedema, according to Dr.M.

    So, let me understand this.;.. to finish off the tummy tuck, you have to be opened up again, but is the incision small? larger?

    Spring..thanks for the info. I am concerned because I don't have a "pre op" appt scheduled. They just said fly in on the 10th and go home on the 13th..with surgery on the 11th. I will leave a message for Jenny now to find out if my "consult" is just prior to surgery. I better have all my ducks in a row then! lol

    I hope I can see you Plainjane..I will have to stop in or visa versa! lol  Trishia and I will pass like two ships in the

  • acarr
    acarr Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2009

    I don't post very much anymore, but I've enjoyed reading this thread.  I had bilateral SGAP in March 2005 with Drs. D & S in NOLA.  I didn't have enough tummy fat for DIEP, but I did have a small pooch in my lower belly where the muscles were stretched from pregnancies.  At my pre-op for Stage 2, Dr. D suggested that he could do a mini-tummy tuck if I wanted it, along with the inner and outer thigh lipo. I excitedly agreed!  My Stage 2 lasted 6 hours because, along with the mini-TT and lipo, Dr. D reopened my gluteal incisions and worked on the flap donor site, plus lifted my left breast.  I have to say that I didn't even notice the pain from the tummy tuck because I was in so much pain from the lipo!  I left the hospital with 2 hip drains and 1 tummy drain.  I think it's great that so many of you are getting to meet each other in NOLA.  I was able to meet and have dinner with several girls from the FORCE board on a couple of my NOLA trips.  Some of us are still in touch. 

    Good luck to each of you who are starting this reconstruction journey and also to those who will have Stage 2 soon.    

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Warrior, I initially didn't have a post op appt either, but decided i wanted one (plus I could visit BC diva in the hospital while over there, lol!)  Katie told me no docs would be in that day (it's a friday, Dec 4th) but she did get me an appt with a nurse. I thought this was a good idea.

    Acarr, thanks for the info on stage 2. It sounds like I'll have one tummy and two hip, I expect to have 2 breast ones too, but those typically come out really quickly. (before I left hospital for Stage 1 anyway!).

     Warrior, Trisha had arm lipo (w/ Dr. S) and I think some incisions there. Trisha, can you comment? I also had nodes removed, Warrior, and I wondered about that with the lymphedemia risk. Just as I thought! 
