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NOLA in September?



  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited November 2009

    Hi, Sassie, good to see you again!

    I'm in spanx "for as long as it takes" (whatever "it" is!) because I had a lot of lipo. They suck out the fat, then you're bruised, so the spanx help hold it in and promote the skin adhering to where the fat used to be. Plus, it just plain feels better to be compressed!

    The scar revisions on the breast and butt have never bothered me a bit.

    As the huge areas of bruising heal externally, they shrink up internally, and get hard. Blood/bruises are an irritant to the muscles beneath them. So right now, stretching out my ab, sides, and inner thighs is uncomfortable. But today I did half an hour walk on the treadmill and hlaf an hour on the exercise back. Nothing too vigorous, but I could feel the blood flowing into those areas, and it hurt less and less as I did it. Then I was able to stretch better.

    Lots of fluid retention post lipo. Not sure why, probably because the microcirculation is disrupted. Haven't noticed a weight loss yet (too much Thanksgiving??) but definitely see the shape changing. And that will continue for many months.

    Many people can get nips at stage 2, but if you need a lift on one side, or some major touch-ups during 2, it's probably smart to wait till it all settles first. Don't want the new nips to be off-center, ya know!

    Why did I have the necrotic areas? I think too much fat was stuffed into those areas. That is the most vulnerable part of the flap, anyway, being farthest from the blood supply. And Marga wanted to be generous with how she shaped the new mounds. In retrospect, we would have gone a bit lighter...And I think, but don't know for certain, that the butt fat is tougher to begin with, and perhaps doesn't lend itself well to over-stuffing?

    I think that covered your questions!! Keep 'em coming!

    Best of luck to my friend Danny, who is leaving today for NOLA , and to dear Spring, Jill, and bcdiva who all have surgery this week!


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    All my love and prayers going to those next in line!! lol Good luck to Danny, Jill, BCDiva and my Stage 1 Surgery Sister, Spring!!!  Keep us posted when you can!!  Lots of hugs coming your way...gentle ones...on your ankles only! lol

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    I am trying to book my trip for Stage 1 (Feb 23) and I have a question for those who have been there..... My sister and her husband are coming to take care of me after I am discharged.  I was thinking Homewood Suites, 2 bedroom.  Would I be better off getting 2 rooms (adjoining) than doing that?  I don't want any of us to feel weird.  Not sure what to do.  For those of you who have been through this already.. will I need more privacy (my own room) or would the 2 bedroom suite be ok.  Also, I am already feeling guilty that they will be in a cool town and feel like they can't go see it because they need to be by me 100% of the time.  This is not the case right?  I keep telling them to go explore and come back and tell me about New Orleans... they keep saying they would feel strange leaving me in the hotel alone... any thoughts on this situation?  How much round the clock care will I need from them... will we be okay with the 3 of us in the 2 bedroom at Homewood Suites... or will I regret that and wish I had my own room..... help! Laughing 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009


    I chose to have a hysterectomy during a breast revision surgery because my mother had uterine cancer not long after her breast cancer diagnosis, which put me at higher than average risk, not to mention that I'm on Tamoxifen.   Ovarian cancer is so evil that I just didn't want to have to worry about it either.   I'd also sustained damage from the ten days of constipation after my stage I, and that needed repair, so I decided to do it all at once.  I had three surgeons that day, and still did not need pain meds.  I was in some misery with cramps from the gas used, but once that subsided, I was out walking all over NOLA once again.   I've had seven surgeries (really nine--due to the 3 in 1 last Nov) in the past 2 1/4 years and I don't feel weary.  Because each surgery has improved my outcome, they've actually lifted my spirits and I've had lots of energy.  I always resume my walking the day I get out of the hospital, and drink tons of water, which I believe has really helped.  I agree with Spring that you shouldn't count on having a phone consult with Dr. D.   There just aren't enough hours in the day and we want him in the OR gifting as many of us as possible with his exceptional flap reconstruction results, so something has to give.  Plus he communicates in generalized terms with us on his bulletin board, and we can't forget that he has a family and life outside the Center.   You'll have the compression garment if you have lipo with Dr. D on your lower abdomen or below.  The last time he did lipo on me it was only my upper abdomen and I woke up with an abdominal binder, but that was the only time I was not in the black girdle that extends from the bra to almost the knees.   Don't forget that I've told you I had a LOT done during my first surgery with Dr. D---he reopened my abdomen and scraped out the pseudobursa, did the muscle plication, fixed my belly button and made it look real, did major breast revisions (unsuturing, reshaping and resuturing my flaps) removed part of the circular breast patches, and lots of lipo.   It sounds like your stage II will be much simpler than mine.  I was not ready for nipples at that point because there was still much work to be done to complete the removal of the "circles" and the nipples would have been too high.  Just remember that you are in the best hands in the world, and try to relax!!!!  

    If you don't have your records yet, you can contact the Center and make a second request.  They had a tough time for those months that Celeste was off on maternity leave and I'm sure there's still a lot of catching up to be done. 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    holtbolt, Homewood Suites has the added benefit of the living room between the bedrooms, plus the small kitchen and dining area.  It's very convenient for eating in your room, and I think there will be enough privacy for the three of you, but they'll be right there to help you if you need it.  You will want to take naps, and they should be able to go out and explore while you're resting.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009

    Bon Voyage to all you guys - Springtime, Danny, BC Diva, Jill!

    I envy BC Diva and Spring meeting up in NOLA for dinner! Dinner in New Orleans Monday night! FUN!!!  I just want to comment that it's pretty typical to decide on what you want done at your pre-op, or at least discuss the options. You really can't know what's available in your situation, until you talk to the doc prior. If there's something you need to think over before surgery, you do need to keep your wits about you until you see him the next day - legalities that you be cogent. I remember nurses or somebody who kept offering me some sedation before Dr. D got there and I kept refusing it so I'd be clear-headed - saying I had to talk to him pre-surgery. He was a little late that day, as there had been an accident on the freeway. Of course I worried that it had been him! But he finally showed up - so dashing in his scrubs, ladies!

    Springtime, try not to be too nervous. You gals need to have a cocktail with your dinner - maybe two! Try to enjoy being in the moment, being in New Orleans! Laugh it up and stay up late, as you probably won't be able to get to sleep anyway and, as you said, you'll have plenty of time to sleep during surgery! Go out and score some beads!


    It's a great idea to get holiday stuff done prior to your surgery. I actually did all my Christmas shopping in New Orleans that year! There was definitely a New Orleans theme - t-shirts, Cajun food mixes - and I wrapped it all in green, purple, and gold. I think you should reconsider your Christmas Eve soiree - or else tell everyone that they need to provide the food! Your should take advantage of this time - be pampered! I really think you might be taking on too much, so soon after your surgery.

    Sassie & Springtime,

    Being nervous for stage 2 is typical - but soon it will all be behind you. Soon you'll even be crying that you miss being at NOLA!


  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009

    Dear Sandy;   Thank you for the info. Your knowledge and willing to help all is always greatly appreciated. Although, I disagree on one point. I don't think with the complexity and seriousness of the operations (stage 1 & 2), and the huge cost of the flights, rooms, food, and costs of the surgery (I am going to have a lot of out of pocket cost)  that it is too much to ask for a phone consultation about an up and coming surgery. It would give the patient time to understand what to expect and give them time to think through the options and give them peace of mind.  As you suggested, I have written Dr.D on his site, but as you stated he is very limited as to what he can say.  He can't reply in specifics due to it being a public forum.  That being said, I am afraid that option is probably not available.

    Spring best wishes keep us posted when you can.

    Holbolt      I will try to answer your question in a round about way.   I stayed in the hospital one extra night so I was in there 4 nights. I then stayed at the Marriott on Canal. The hotel was within walking distance to several restaurants and the French Quarter. I ate breakfast every morning down in the hotel.  They had a beautiful breakfast buffet.  Did it take me a LOOOOOOOOOng time to get ready.  Absolutely.  My husband helped me in the shower every morning.  He washed me and stood there In case I would lose my balance or get dizzy.  Then after the shower I had to put the iodine swabs that they give you all over the incisions and where the tubes came out.  Then put the gauze around the tubes that were leaking on me.  Then help me get into the compression corset.  But after all that which took at least an hour I was ready to go.  We ate breakfast.  Then came up and rested for awhile and then we went walking down the French Quarter.  We ate out every night.  Sometimes I would get very tired but I really think all the walking helped me heal faster.  Also, sometimes I slept in the chair in the room and sometimes I needed my husbands help to get out of bed.

    So the bottom line is this: I think you will be surprised as to how much you can do.  I don't think you will want to stay in the room all the time.  I do think you will need a nap everyday.  As soon as I got back to the room I walked around without clothes. 

    AnneW  Glad to see your doing well. Thank you for answering some of my questions. Keep us informed as to how the healing is going.

    Hugs to all


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Thanks Eve, for the words of comfort... 

    Holtbolt, I was in NOLA with my inlaws and husband at a 2 BR in the Homewood, and it was plenty of privacy (both bedrooms have doors, their own bathrooms, and own TVs) - and as mentioned above, in-between is the living room and kitchen. I think it is a better option that two separate hotel rooms.  Also, you will feel up to some walking at some point, and they can certainly go out and leave you alone. You don't need to feel guilty! You will not be a basket case!  

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009

    Testing to see if my picture comes up.  Success Smile

    Holtbolt didn't realize you each had your own bathrooms.  That's great. Never stayed at Homewood.  Thanks for setting that straight Springtime.


  • sunandsandgirl
    sunandsandgirl Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2009


    I guess I never asked why my stage 1 surgery took 9 1/2 hours.  I just assumed it was because I had a bilateral mastectomy followed by immediate SGAP repair.  I was surprised that my stage 2 took 4 1/2 hours.  Just a note.  I did not think that I really needed stage 2 because I was so pleased with my results.  However,  The stage 2 really improved the outcome.   My biggest recovery hurdle has been fatigue.  It may be the because of the Clodronate and Tamoxifen.  Just not sure.

    Good Luck to all have their surgery this month!   


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    Someone asked me about what I posted after my surgery. At my Pre Op Appt.  Dr M thought I might need 3 stages.  yes, that is the norm.

    What I meant & she meant is I might need 2 stage 2s.

    After surgery she said maybe not.

    I sure hope not!


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    Thank you to those who replied about the hotel... I am so so glad to hear that I may be able to join them in a restaurant and not just be a zombie laying in the room in a puddle of my own tears for 4 days .. LOL  That made me feel better Spring.. really.. when you said I won't be a be a basket case! lol  Flights are now booked... whew... glad to have that accomplished at least... 

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009

    Dear Ladies

    Thank you sunandsandgirl. I am glad that you shared that you also were pleased with stage 1 and didn't think you needed stage 2 but was happy with the outcome after stage 2.  Sharing thoughts like that really help.

    Just got off Dr. D's site reading questions and answers of others. Gaining some needed information.   It seems that almost everyone on the site that has asked questions about the nipple recon has stated that they really shrink in size.  In fact one women stated after two years hers had shrunk to almost nothing. Some are asking about having them redone. 

    Have a question for anyone out there that has had tattooing.  The girl on the site said she had scabs and sores for a month after tattooing at the center.  Is this normal for tattooing?  I have never had a tattoo so know little about it.  I thought Dr. D's answer to the comparing of nipple recon vs tattooing was interesting.  He said do you want visual or physical dimension?


  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2009

    I tried to go on Dr. D.'s web site to ask questions about stage 2 but I don't know how to register in order to sign in.  Do any of you know how to?

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009


    It states the login and password right on the top of the page.  I believe login is POST.  I know it sounds weird to have the login and password stated right on top of the page but it's there.


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009


    It has never taken me a month to heal from the tattoos, and I've had them redone twice. I'd say more like 10-14 days. And there is little or no pain, so "sores" doesn't really describe it. It just kind of crusts over and you need to keep it clean and apply a moisturizing cream a couple times a day for a month, tho it will be healed long before that. 

    Re: the phone consult issue, I'm going to agree with Sandy. I do understand where you're coming from, but I think the problem really is that there aren't enough hours in the day for the docs to be doing any more than they already do. It's not an issue of how much additional expense we may have by coming from out of town - they already put in so much time, I don't know where they'd find any more. Seriously. I don't know any doctors anywhere that do any phone consults, let alone surgeons. The most I ever get is a nurse, and you do have access to that at the Center.  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Sassie, Dr. D is extremely patient and will answer any questions you have at your pre-op.  I know that he has spent up to three hours with patients who really need consoling and information.  He has also done second consultations for those patients who feel they need more time with him before their surgery.   Plus, with you being out of state, how can Dr. D see you and address your concerns in any detail?   Everything will come together when you are there in the room with him. 

    In contrast, I put my trust in him before I ever went to NOLA and have barely asked him any questions prior to any of my surgeries---I leave the details up to him and trust his judgment completely, so my pre-op appointments have all been fairly short.  However, because of all of the things my first surgeon did not do well, I have had multiple issues and have always taken a list of my desires and concerns to my pre-op appointments so I don't forget anything.   The one time I neglected to bring a list, I forgot to ask him for scar revisions that I had really wanted and I regretted that later, but he addressed them a few weeks ago.  Start making a list of your questions now, and maybe take the list on the plane with you and write down your concerns, and then make sure you have them with you at your appointment.   

    As you know, I've had my nipple reconstruction re-done and Dr. D did something rather new to build them up so they will not flatten out this time.  I told him I was willing to be a guinea pig and I know that other women are waiting to see how these hold up for me before deciding to have theirs re-done.   It's up to you to communicate to him what you desire.  My thoughts were swayed by comments on this and other boards about not having "headlights" on all the time, so I asked for "barely there" and that's what I ended up with.  However, I prefer to wear a bra most of the time, so the headlight issue is not a concern for me.  After my first nip recon flattened, DH and I discussed it and I then changed my mind and went back to Dr. D to ask for something more substantial that my husband can feel.  DH didn't want me to have more surgery, but I wanted to do it. 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Martha...............oops I mean Mel!

    You make me look bad.....again!  Now will you be serving homemade made from scratch pasta at christmas eve?  KIDDING...altho I wouldn't be surprised!  If you do christmas eve...thye need to do ALL the work and SURELY they will?

    OK, so my sister Jean, deer widow this wkend and soon to be mother of a bride!(who had DCIS and basically was the motivation for me getting my first mamo at 41 that revealed the ADH)...sorry...............she came over last pm to help me get out the fake prelit christmas tree.  The turkeys, pilgrims, pumpkins and leaves remain all gathered on the coffee table...But by gosh the 4 piece tree is assembled!  And that is almost the most physical part.  My tables are sort of done-Tgiving away and the approp linens of, christmas in place.............all detailing still needs done and that will easily take another week of 1 or 2 hours here and there.  So it's ok, coming together.

    So Mel, will you hit the greens before going under the knife in Nola?  I think I know the answer to this question!  Hope you do and hope the weather will be perfect...sheesh!  I was not prepared for the steamy end of sept as much as I should have been...guess I'm bringing wicking fabrics and layers this time!

    OK, here's the deal.(way too many I's in this)  I know I have said way too much about my abd incision....the middle didn't pull all the way down when I had stage one.....and honestly many of you may remember I was the one worried about becoming the sasqwatch(sp).  So in my mind.....this area of eschar was ok...Yes, I'm a nurse, however, when the nurse becomes a pt I have decided that somehow all reasonable thinking leaves......And I didn't get exactly how this small black area was going to heal....the explanation was "yes it will granulate up and heal" .  Me : "Ok!".  It really has been a bit more of a process and there has been some oozing and nasty drainage.  I have had it looked at and sent in pics and the reason I was scolded was because last wkend when it was at the height of nastiness I did the unthinkable......I debrided my own wound!  BUT, using a sterile kit.  But for any of you:  DO NOT DO THIS!  Do as I say not as I do.  But  There ya go!  I'm out!...and yes have had my hand slapped over the phone, however, the necrotic tissue was not doing me any good..............So, retrospectively I SHOULD have been on the phone and been asking for more details...yet every time the topic has come up the answer is 'dry' and 'betadyne'....If you read my post on ask the Dr.  He does address the issue/question.  So that's my story/drama that I believe will soon be ended and I'm pretty sure -God willing- stage 2 will still be Dec 10th. 

    Better run, yard guy here-Oh man I bet the neighbors LOVE me- NOT! -next time saturday or later in the day.

    cheers......later !

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Ladies, the sign on for the "ask the doc" site is POST and DOC (think POST DOC as in a post doctoral PhD program? That's how I remember it...)

    Packing today ladies. it is here.

    About pre-surgical. for my presurgical - I was just done chemo and needed bilateral mx and recon. My husband and I must have spent an hour with Dr. D and Liz going over all the options. I had a LOT of questions, and if I did this now, and had radiation, what would be the downstream impact, what if I hated implant on the one side? Basically, he suggested, based on what I was saying were my desires and concerns, one option I do the bilateral mx (given I wanted the most breast tissue gone as possible) with immediate recon with implants and alloderm to get me through  radiation, and then come and do phase 1 after rads. We determined this would give me the most options later (I had minimal fat, which was a big surprise to me, believe me!) and would also give me a chance to try out implant on my prophylactic side. Well, I never could get used to the implant under my pec muscle, so for Phase 1, I chose the stacked DIEP Lumbar (both front and back). It did mean one more surgery for me, but, I do have exactly the outcome I am happy with, and I am sure of this, because I tried the implants.

    Anyway. What I am saying is that he took all the time I needed in the appt and I am glad he did, it paid off for me, and I bet him, because I am happy and know this was the right path for me.

    I am doing yoga to calm down then packing. eeeeeeeeeeeee. breathe....breathe...breathe... 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Spring...............You are so funny!  and such inspiration...BREATHE!!!.............  Ok, so just asked my (BC)sister to be part of the entourage and she balked...but it's OK!  this is why I asked a non-sister to come be w/ me and that's already set!  If sister decides to go- no worries we're set up for it if not no love em but...ya know never sure what you can depend on!  at least here!  sorry chicas!  but THANKS for listening!  and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009

    Dear Ladies:

    Thanks for sharing.  Minnesota thanks for the info on the tattooing.  Who did it?  Was it at the center or where? 

    I don't want to beat a dead horse ladies and I can appreciate what you are saying about having enough hours in the day but I still don't agree.  I can't imagine that Dr. D. couldn't take 10 minutes on the phone before the next surgery. I would have liked to send him some pictures and have him respond.   Most surgeons in state see you at least once in their offices before any surgery.  I hope you can understand and appreciate my dilemma

    I saw Dr. D for an 1/2 hour before my stage 1.  I never saw him after that.  I was in the hospital for 4 nights and never saw him or at post op.  I went down in August for my abdomen opening and never saw Dr. D. pre or post op except for 3 minutes just before I went into surgery.  If I could have seen him even once after stage one,  I could have gotten an idea of what his opinion was for stage 2.  You see it is not clear cut for me like some of you ladies.  My breasts are symentrical,  my incission on my abdomen most likely can not be lowered due to the tightness, so other than nipples vs tattooing I am really in the dark.  My husband says he can't believe that I am scheduled for surgery and I have no idea what is being considered.  My husband also at this point is debating whether I need anymore done.  He says he thinks I am perfect right now and if I go through anymore surgery it will be for me not him. 

    You see it has nothing to do with Dr. D's ability as a surgeon.  My husband and I shout his skills as a surgeon from the roof top. We can not sing his praise more loudly than we have. He is a genius.  There is no doubting that fact.  My husband and I both can't be more pleased.  We are just wondering is this second surgery needed for me.  It would be nice to find out before I leave for NOLA.

    Anyway, enough said.  I appreciate all input and I hope you can appreciate mine. 

    My thoughts are with all that are going into surgery this week.

    Hugs to all


  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009


    What I think you are really saying here is (and I apoligize if I am wrong) is that you don't want to go down there for nothing.  That you are not convinced at this point that you need a second surgery.  Because in all honesty, having your pre-op the day before is not a big deal for those of us who know we wanted a stage 2.  Yes, if you have a local doc you can go see them 2 weeks before or a week before to go over things and schedule your surgery.  But then you don't see them until the morning of.  So, to me, it wasn't a big deal to see Dr. S the day before and not much different than any surgery I have ever had locally.   

    I was ecstatic after Stage 1 and if I would have had to stop after that, I still would have been 1000% happier than I ever was with implants. But I wanted the complete package...for me. I pretty much knew what I was going to have done before I left based on what I saw in the mirror.  I knew I wanted nipples.  I had major dog ears at my hips and my upper abdomen was completely out of proportion with my lower abdomen.  My radiated side had a slightly hollow spot that needed to be filled in and I had excess fat under my arms.  I knew all that would be addressed when I saw Dr. S at the pre-op the day before.  And they all were and then some. 

    So, if you look in the mirror and don't see things that need to be addressed and you don't want nipples, then perhaps you truly don't need a Stage 2.  You can email pics to Liz and have Dr. D review them and then email you back what his suggestions are and then make your decision from there. One of the gals I met in person in NOLA (her stage 1 was the day after mine) did that for her stage 2 that was just a couple of weeks ago.  Like you, she wasn't sure if she wanted a stage 2 and wanted to know what Dr. D felt needed to be done for her.  She did via email and it put her mind at ease.  If you do decide to go down, then be sure to ask the questions and have Dr. D spend as much time as YOU need with him at the pre-op.  It sounds as if you haven't really gotten enough time with him at all and that isn't helping with unease at this point. 

    There is nothing wrong with not having a stage 2.  Several women choose that option.  And if you want nipples sometime in the future, you can always go back down...even years later.  I understand about your insurance concerns, but don't let that be the deciding factor in having a surgery that you really may not need and/or want. 

  • Teel
    Teel Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2009

    May I join ya'll?  Thanks to Trishia for pointing me over here.

    I am having a bilateral MX and Stage 1 in NOLA on December 9th with Dr. Massey (and Sullivan).  I'm glad I found you because how did this surgery suddenly become a week away and I am so not ready!



  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    PlainJane - Yes, I will be playing.  We are playing Audubon Park on Tues and English Turn on Wed, then surgery on Thurs at 7.  In fact I just got back from a record round today.  It was LOVELY! here, 66 degrees and SUNNY!  Oh what a wonderful day to be November 29th. 

    I think Eve may be right about the Xmas Eve thing, I think I will ask everyone to bring a dish, that way the pressure will ease a bit.  I wished I knew how extensive stage 2 is gonna be.

    Now I am thinking I may need the abdomen scar moved down too.  Oh well, we will see in just 18 days!

    Good Luck this week Girls!  I am sure everything will be JUST FINE!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Sassie, I know you want to talk to him, but i've never heard of it happening! Perhaps you are right that you should be able to, but unfortunately, it is not the protocol with this practice. 

    Have you contacted Liz or somebody at the office to send them your pics now, and ask your Q's about stage 2? How it worked for me was that you always went through an intermediary to get to Dr. D, but I believe if you send pics and have questions, you can get this done through someone at the office. I did several rounds of this for stage 1 - back and forth through an intermediary. I kept at it until all my Q's were answered.

    I saw a lady post on the Ask the Doc forum this exact thing (maybe it was you?) she had emailed pics and was wanting someone to get back to her about what exactly would be done in phase 2, and Dr. D said yes, someone in the office will get back to you (and he took her name or whatever to pass on).

    I am nearly done packing.  The flight is 6:20 not 6AM, I exaggerated! :)  Have boarding passes printed, checked in for flights and picked room and checked in at hotel online. Questions for Dr. D are typed up and printed out. Dog is dropped off. Daughter has a place to stay while we are gone. Husband is doing laundry!!! I am tidying up the house. The cleaning lady comes tomorrow. At least it will be nice around here when we get back...ha ha ha.


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009
    So Plainjane - I had to google "debride".   Uh, NOT A GOOD IDEA!  Are you CRAZY? Surprised
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Teel, I added you to the list above. Welcome! I bet you can learn a lot by reading here, and ask questions! We all did!!! 

    Ladies, I may not be here as much for the next few days. If there are new ladies asking to be added to the listing above, please welcome them and tell them I will add them when I get done with surgery!!! HOLD THE FORT!!!


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Im praying for you Spring. 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Will do Spring...I Can NOT believe we are wishing you off again!  and I will NOT be advising anyone to be noncompliant.(LOL)  Mel....I'm sending a pm....debride is a very general term.

    And I agree w/ Eve too...let everyone else do just sit back and let them wait on you!  Congrats on the golf!.......  Awaiting 'green death'...Or I should say vegeattion death as we still haven't had a hard freeze yet here!

    TEEL, congrats!  I get in 12/'ll be busy w/ pre ops.  I'll pm you my cell, feel free to call if you like.  I have stage 2 on 12/10- God willing!  Ready or not here it comes!  You are going to do fine!  and will be in the BEST of hands!

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2009


    What I am hearing a lot of is women questioning whether they are wrong for being ready to stop at stage 1, and other women saying that for them, going thu stage 2 or stage 3, was important. I think there is no right or wrong, that this is a personal decision. Moreover, whatever we decide now, what we want can change over tme. When I first got my implants 20 years ago, I thought that having mounds was all I needed. And then when I got nipples, I thought they were wonderful. Now, I am having an SGAP, and one year ago, I had never even consdiered such surgery. Things change.

    For some people, cost may be a reason to postpone stage 2. For others, cost may dictate doing stage 2 quickly.

    It is wonderful to have so much information from so many people who are going thru the same thing, but ultimately, this is a personal decision.