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NOLA in September?



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    Eva-  I think that will help alot.  I always had mine rolled down so it didn't hit the new boobs.  (c:  Another great limerick.  Someday.............   BTW did you do plication?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Eva.. I cut off the top of the girdle so that it wouldn't bump into my new girls... Dr D was ok with that.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    Eva- I also always had my compression garment rolled down.  The top hook was always undone and my compression garment was not zipped past the 2nd to top hook. ( I guess if someone was really tall this wouldn't be an issue :-)   

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Eva, I would e-mail the Center a picture just to be sure.  Jeanine is so quick & helpful when responding.  I think you will sleep a tiny bit better without this occupying your deep thoughts.    I am short so my garment was practically doubled over...that & the drains/pouch made for quite an interesting figure!  I will consider playing tailor & cutting off the top for stage 2.

    Nordy, That would be great if you came through Boise.  I would love to meet you / have you over for a meal.  Let me know!

    Betsy, Same deal.  What brings you to the gorgeous Sun Valley area?

    Peace, Tamara 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Eva, I would call and send some photos, just to be sure you are doing the right thing.

    Interesting that the girdle was too long for so many of you. I had to keep yanking mine up so it came a little closer to the girls, so I didn't have a big wad of uncompressed skin. Yes, it was tight enough, but with a longer torso mine would creep down throughout the day. I'm 5'6", so not tall.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2012

    Huh, I didn't have this girdle problems either, I too had to always yank it up...Paula and I are in the long torso club I guess.

    Going back and forth and back and forth in my mind about whether or not to do another surgery for my ab tightness -it's maddening!  Right now I'm leaning towards, but that can always change!  Really, I want to lose another 5-10 pounds and I'm terrified to do so as losing what I've lost so far has made my abs hurt so much worse.  So I think I am going to do it - will decide by the end of this weekend.  Also going back and forth with the center on Dr D's schedule which keeps filling up so my dates changed a bit:

    Spring can you update when you get a chance?  Thanks!

    July 10th - Denouement - Stage 2b (DIEP scar revision) with Dr. D

    July 11th - Denouement - Spared Nipple tattoos with Vinny

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Tamara.. I am visiting a friend who I went to college with.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2012

    Betsy, Please let me know if you will be in Boise & have time to meet!  Tamara

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited May 2012

    Denoument, just curious, why do you think that losing weight has made your abs hurt?  I'm expecting to get a DIEP and need to loose about 10 pounds, so you're making me worry :)

    Also, to the ladies who are renting recliners, are you getting the type that is a lift chair?  I just had a lumpectomy and have been trying to sleep on my back with little success -- I wake up turned over. So thinking the recliner is the way to make me stay on my back.

    By the way, has anyone tried to get reimbursement for your girdles or other garments? Supposedly, insurance is supposed to pay for several per year? Just got a package in the mail of some clothing -- button front opening tops and a pair of capris in "cool wicking fabric."  Hopefully good for the heat of New Orleans, summer at home in a girdle, and chemopause in general.  The tops have removable drain pockets.  The top seems to run large and the capris seem to run small (or my butt is bigger than I realized.)  I ordered two sizes in a few colors and they said I could keep what fits and send back the rest.  

    I'm worried about being under anesthesia for so long -- does anyone have any thoughts on that?  I was so athletic & healthy before chemo, but now, feeling a little fragile.  I feel like I need to "get my things in order" in case anything happens. I'd pity my poor husband if he had to go through the piles of paper I have stashed in my office.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Jenifer... I tried getting reimbursed and Aetna denied it... Perhaps if I had sent a prescription along, that may have made a difference.

    So today I went to spin class and afterward was doing my ab work...  I can say that for the first time, I didn't have any discomfort doing the crunches... Maybe it just takes persistant work and time. We'll see if that continues... will keep you all posted. Or maybe its because I had just done a spin class and was loosened up... but I don't think so because I often take a class and then do abs.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    Eva - I stopped the big girdle this week as that was what they told me to do. Wearing some compression and I am still using my fleece to pad things. Dr. S & Nurses do not want me in it 24/7 anymore. I feel more swollen than not these last two days. 

    On the gap - keep painting it and take a pic you can send to the center. If it is not red & inflamed you are probably just fine. Are the edges approximated together well?  

    I ordered the Marena so I can just have something to wear during the day. 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well :-) I'm trying to get things in order before I leave early Wednesday. So much to do and so little

    @ Eva, I got the pajamas!!! Thank you so much!!!

    I got to meet another lady yesterday who lives near by who will be in NOLA at the same time I will. We sat at Starbucks & talked for 2 hours :-)

    Also, I scheduled my photo shoot for Monday. I'm a little nervous, but I think it'll turn out great!!

    It's amazing how time has flown by and I will be on the other side soon.

    Hugs to you all!!!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2012

    Eva, Like others have suggested, I'd email a pic to the center and talk to someone about how to care for it in addition to protecting it and using the betadine. 

    Denouement, I added your updated dates to the listing!! 

    Betsy, amazing how quickly you're doing crunches with no issues NOT having the plication. I wish I skipped it. It was years for me to get to that point... 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Spring.. I started ab work at about 6 weeks post stage II and just do a little every other day... I always have felt a tightness, like I was wearing a belt, but today was the first time I didn't have that belt feeling... I hope it wasn't a fluke.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited May 2012

    What is plication? Spring, sounds like it was not a good experience for you.,.

  • Seashellie
    Seashellie Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2012

    Spring, I was going to PM you about your negative experience with plication. My PS has suggested it for me and said that based on my symptoms would be covered by ins. Will you share more specifically about why you regret having it done, etc?

    And anyone that has had a positive experience, I'd love to hear from you too either here or PM. I want to be as informed as possible going into this, surgery is in 3 weeks. 


  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    I did not have the plication.

    I'm short waisted, so yes, the girdle rides up my breasts about halfway to the nipple. I never wore it all zipped up after stage 1 because I was just trying to compress the hip incision sites. This time, I've had lipo and wanted to make sure I was getting a smooth figure. Also, wearing it turned down makes for a bulky look. I like the idea of cutting it off. That hadn't occurred to me.

    I ended up calling last night and talked to Dr. Trahan about the open incision. He said to swab it with betadine and keep a pad over it and it should resolve ok as long as there's no sign of infection. I asked if it might lead to a larger scar and said probably not.

    Last night I slept without the girdle but with the bra. That was better than all or nothing, but I'm still not all that comfortable. It's getting better every day. I'm straight up and can walk without looking abnormal, but I still can't walk fast or take long strides, which is frustrating. I've been more active in terms of housework and errands, but not really exercising. I've been suddenly ravenous the last two days. Anyone else get that? I have no idea why and am trying to satisfy the beast with fruits and veggies as much as possible but chocolate is having its way with me too.

    Thanks for all the advice!

    Michelle, glad you got the pjs in time! 

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Eva, it's so great to read your recovery updates. It helps prepare us May party girls. Although I can't offer you any insight, it sounds like you are getting all the perspective you need from the experienced girls. Here's wishing you more and more physical comfort and ability each and every day.

    I'm sitting here packing and thinking about my pre-op appointments with Dr. Dellacroce and Dr. Stollier in two days and I'm wondering... Is there anything you absolutely think I should ask either of them? Is there anything you wished you had asked or addressed with them prior to surgery?

    I just read (on a different thread somewhere) how there is a risk of lymphadema on the prophylactic MX side, despite having no lymph nodes out and I'm feeling bummed about that. It's tough making a medically "unnessecary" choice (though doing so will hopefully reduce future risk), but one which might actually create a different and serious side effect... Thoughts?

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited May 2012


    Lymphadema is a valid concern and should fact

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Jen... I had a BMX, so one side was voluntary and of course that was the side that had to be re-done... so for a moment I thought perhaps I should have done UMX, but in the end, it was all the right decision for me. I had thought long and hard about risks and future regrets I might have if I did or didn't do something, and my list could be very long if I had had a UMX, so no regrets. I think the risk of LE on the prophy side with no nodes taken is slim. I don't know of anyone who has that problem, so don't worry about it.

    And about asking questions, for me, I was concerned about getting all the tissue... I just needed to hear them say they take everything they can get... This is a surgery they do everyday, so I would ask questions that you feel are ambiguous, like whether to have nipple sparing or not... or what size you hope to be...or recovery questions and care post surgery, but you'll have plenty of time in the hospital for that.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    Jen - I know this sounds crazy but I just asked about the nipple sparing part and making me a little bigger. Then when could I drink coffee :)

    This whole journey for me has been blind faith. I have been prety much "do what you want".

    Other than questions about how to care for things i needed to know nothing:) Sounds nutty but I am an operating room nurse and already know more than I should. It was my way of coping with this.

    I am 2 days ahead of eva in recovery and feel tight along my incisions and more swollen than when I wore the girdle. So today I will wear one for the day. My glue is almost all gone and the scars look good. Have 2 knots to trim but the glue is stuck on them so will wait. I am back to work on Tuesday - yikes - so will let you all know how it goes.

    Chelle - have fun at your photo shoot, maybe youguys can do a "girls of NOLA" calendar for a fundraiser!!!! 

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Karen, it's interesting to hear that your glue is almost gone. I've been afraid to touch it - especially since noticing the gap yesterday. I have a lot of glue and quite a few stitch ends poking out here and there, though they don't especially bother me. I haven't really tried going a long time during the day without the girdle. My gap looks about the same as yesterday, maybe very slightly better. I have a show tonight and all my stage tops are low cut. I tried on one of them without a bra and it looks good, so I think I'm going to do that for just the show, but wear the bra and padding for walking around the festival beforehand. 

    Jen, fair warning - the consultations can be unexpectedly emotional for you. It all suddenly seems so real. I was holding it together pretty well, but sniffled and leaked during both consults. Talking to Dr. Stolier about the mastectomy was hard and seeing Dr. D's marks on my body was hard. They're very understanding and have lots of tissues around. I just let it happen. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I never cried once afterwards though. I felt so relieved to have it over. Flying into NOLA for stage 2 got to me a little bit - just bringing back memories. But that was ok too.

    Plus you'll have something I didn't have - the NOLA party crew. I can't believe how many of you are going to be there together! There was only one I knew there at the same time as me - Caitlin - but I met a few others and it really helped to have others to commiserate with.

    We'll all be there with you in spirit and messages. 

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2012

    I am especially fearful of the marks on my body!  I am glad to hear that there are lots of tissues around. 

    Have a great show today, Eva!  I wish I could hear you today.  I look forward to performing post-op -- I know there will be a fierceness coming out of me when this is behind me. 

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Thanks! Heading over there shortly. I'm chafing to be at the festival, but trying to conserve my energy too.

    Any questions you might have for the consults, be sure to write them down. It can all get away from you in the moment. Especially with Dr. D. He's so charming and breezy. I asked him to remove a mole that's in a spot that chafes and he was happy to add that to the list. You all have done so much research and asked so many questions here though, that you probably already know most of what you want to know.

    Try to have a little fun while you're there. Enjoy the town, have a nice meal, have some quality time with your husband. It may be a while before you feel like being intimate again.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Eva.. Dr D removed a couple of freckles for me too... turned out they were atypical... they were located right at the end of my breast incision, so I thought why not... never in a million years thought they'd be suspicious.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Thank you for all your responses! You always have a way of calming my anxieties!

    I'm at the drugstore - anyone have feedback on which scar lotion/ ointment you'd recommend? Arnica gel, Mederma, or Bio-Oil? Thx!!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    Esmeralda- you don't need to buy scar lotion/ointment.  The Center will give you special brown tape and kelokote (spelling?- I think kelocote is a silicone gel)  which you will start to use about 4 weeks after your surgery.  They are not used at the same time - one and then the other.  I think the brown tape flattens the scars and the kelokote removes the redness. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Jen.. and I didn't use scar treatments until after stage II as they reopen all incisions... And when I ran low, they sent more to me...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2012

    JenLee and SeaShelly - Minnesota had a good experience with Plication, so you all should contact her for the other side of the story. We both had Dr. D, so the surgeon was the same, but our recovery experiences were different.

    Plication is a stitching together of the abdominal muscles, in a criss cross or diamond type pattern. I asked Dr. D. if he thought I was a good candidate. At first he said no, but then he looked again, and said well maybe from the navel on down. So I only had half of my abdominal muscles stitched together. If you had a pregnancy your ab muscles may have been stretched and separated, and this tightens things up. Trisha once said imagine a corset tightening things side to side.

    I asked Dr. D. how long the recovery would be? 9-12 months? He said at least 18 months. For me it was more like 2.5 years to get to full recovery - but I am very very active. I was working out and doing ab things at the gym, I was not laying around. And it would swell, pooch out, and be very tight and sore inside. At about 6 months I actually sent a picture because I had such a bulge and they worried I had a hernia or something. But no, they said that is normal. (!!!) I could barely fit in my clothes, I hated it. So there is a lot of abdominal swelling, even more than with DIEP alone if you also mess with the muscles. I would say things got a little better in terms of fitting into clothes around 9-12 months. Then it was just the swelling and tightness from activity that went on and on.

    So it looks great, but I'm not sure how much better it looked than just removing all the abdominal fat on the outside, you know? For me, I wish I would have skipped it because for me, the recovery was very difficult, and the cosmetic result was minimal, or for me, just not worth it.  I would rather have just stuck to removing all the fat with the DIEP and kept my ab muscles as they were. 

    My advice? If you really want to consider it, ask your surgeon if you will have a significant cosmetic improvement from the plication. If they are on the fence, skip it. If they say yes, and if you really want it, be prepared for the possibility of a significant recovery period. It may be worth it to you, or it may not.

    Minnesota had this done also, but didn't have the recovery issues I had and is happy she did it. So you can hear a positive story from her. I just want peopel to hear my experience too so they are not surprised if they go through a more difficult recovery period.  

    That is my story!  

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    Jen- Yes as bdavis said- I didn't use scar treatments until after stage 2 - I didn't do a good job of explaining.