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NOLA in September?



  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    Welcome Pamela! Who is doing your DIEP? Is it immediate or delayed?

    I always had my toenails painted when I had surgery. This last time was a deep dark teal the nurses loved. I always wear a very sheer nail treatment stuff on my fingernails, so I never asked about polish. I didn't know about having none on one finger for the oxygen clip. I started preop with the clip on a finger and came out with it on my earlobe! It was so annoying that night because every time I moved, it beeped.

    I took off my nipple cover for good today. I trimmed off the last of the sutures on my nipple over the weekend. I haven't been able to compare the two nipples yet.

    Loss of a pet is hard.

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2012

    Marcia - sorry for your loss. I lost a pet while going through chemo. It seems even tougher when we lose a pet when we are going through our struggles. They provide such comfort losing them in tough time is a double whammy.

    I am so glad everyone is doing so well!!!

    Thanks for the responses to my questions. I wanted to just toss this out there about my Cabo trip. I am on the West coast so the trip to Cabo 8 days post op is shorter than the trip from Nola back home, does that change anything? We were planning on going for Christmas, we have no family out here, we would be staying in a very nice resort I will probably have to do less there than at home for Christmas and I have a 13 and 9 year old sons and strapping husband so I will not be lifting any bags. I hate to disappoint the kids... They did not get the summer trip I promised them because I had to have emergency surgery to get the infected implant out, we could nit get the infection under control.

    I know it is crazy to think about, but on the other hand I am certain if I am home I will be cooking, loading the dishwasher, decorating, etc etc whereas if we go, no cooking, no clean up, no laundry...does that change anyone's opinion??? : )





  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited October 2012

    Hi All-

    While I'm off work trying to get things settled for Stage 2. So hard to do that stuff when back to work so thought I would work on it now. I had a couple questions:

    My Stage 2 is 12/20. My post op would be 12/24 but they aren't sure the drs will be in, plus I don't like the idea of trying to fly home on Christmas Eve. Don't look like I will get a post op because of all this. I really would like one but don't have a lot of options. Did anyone not have a post op for Stage 2 and regret it?

    Did anyone have any insurance issues with Stage 2? When we moved to my huband's PPO plan we did not have any problems with Stage 1. Just concerned after the huddles with my HMO plan I guess. We want to book the air and hotel soon, since we'll be traveling over the holidays and don't want to pay high prices last minute. I'm concerned if we book before know if the insurance works out that we'll be out a lot of money, if insurances creates a problem. I talked with Jeanine today and she was going to let Vicki know so they can run my insurance. Hopefully we find out soon. 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited October 2012

    Lesley -- I was like boiled lettuce after 8 days Stage 2 and so sore I could hardly sit down after the lipo, but, hey, if you think that you can make the trip, that you will get more rest there than home and that those great men in your life will paper the neck out of you, go for it!! Some folks have less issues than others. Just be sure than your mantra is "rest and heal, rest and heal" ...

    Booked flights today and got my orders today, so Stage 2B has hit home as a reality. Don't know why I am so dreading it this time as Dr. D. has said it is purely "revisional" -- surgery 11/6, discharge 11/7 and they said I could go home the next day if I wanted. I decided to stay a couple of extra days, just in case. You never know ... Stage 2, I ended up 2 nights in the hospital as I did the fainting thing in the shower and no one was happy about that! Hoping and praying that this is the last one ... it has seemed like a long journey to me, but mine, as compared to the lengthy and rigorous sojourns of most of you has been but a blip! You all have been and continue to be an inspiration to me ... and keeps the vintage "whine" under control! LOL!


  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2012


    What did your surgeon think about your vacation in Mexico so soon?  They might be able to offer you some advice regarding medical assistance should you more likely than not need it.

    I know what you mean by probably doing less work away from home.  My friends and family didn't like me traveling for my breast reconstruction surgery, but it was actually more relaxing recouperating in a nice hospital and hotel room out of state and being gone 10 days during days of most pain from surgery. 

    Does your insurance cover medical expenses out of the country?

    I was in an accident in Bermuda years ago, but was fortunate my insurance company paid for my care.  That's not always the case.  Most important though, is getting good medical care if needed.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2012

    Lesley, I think you can handle it as long as you are not attached to having a normal Cabo vacation!  I am 5 days post-Stage 2 and don't feel like getting out much, especially with these pointy nipple protectors on!  I also have some very unattractive brusing from the lipo.  I went for a 2-mile walk on Day 3 after Stage 2 and am being functional around the house.  The pain is not bad overall, but sometimes I have stabbing pains from the lipo.  If you will be just lying about getting lots of help and rest, then you will probably be just fine!   

    KerryA, my insurance refused to pay for fat injections/transfers for Stage 2, but the Center is appealing on my behalf.  They said to not worry about it and proceed with surgery because they will work with me if there is any problem.   It's a leap of faith, but I am going on the good experiences I have had and many other have had.  My Stage 2 post-op appointment was fairly unnecessary.  Dr. D was not there so I met with his PA who couldn't answer my specific questions about my procedure. The only benefits of having the post-op appt were my own peace of mind and getting lots of medical supplies to take home.  If there are no complications, it seems fine to skip it.  If there are complications, you will be taken care of at the hospital anyway and not released until things are resolved. Flying on Christmas Eve post-op sounds worse than skipping the appt to me!  You can be snuggled in at home resting and drinking warm cider instead.  :) Best wishes with your planning.

  • patience62
    patience62 Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2012

    Dear women of NOLA,

    I am four weeks out from my bilateral Gap with Dr. Massey and am having increasing firmness and pain and heat in my right breast.  It looks fine but It is not as soft as the left and I cannot sleep at night because of the discomfort when I lay down in bed.  Sitting and standing is less uncomfortable.

    I am concerned that this is evedence of a failure with necrosis and am wondering if anyone has had this experience and what is done about a failed flap.  Can it be successfully removed and replaced with an implant to match the healthy flap on the left?  Could this just be scar tissue that is forming that is making it more tight and firm.

    I am hoping to travel to Chile in December before my stage 2 surgery in Charleston and am wondering if I should buy the plane ticket or wait to see what the pain does.  Can I take a long trip with a dead flap in my chest?

    I will see Dr. M in November for an evaluation but just wanted to hear from anyone with a similar experience.



  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited October 2012

    Lesley, I purposely scheduled a "vacation" just after stage 2. We gone many times to an island near NOLA (Dauphin Island) and since I had stage 2 around the holidays I thought it might be nice for the family to hang there while I recovered. It worked out well. The kids complained a bit since I laid around mostly, but we had some really nice family time. One thing to consider is access to a pharmacy. I had a terrible rash and needed steriods, and my husband had to drive an hour to get them!

    Hugs to Marcia-- I am so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved doggie. Like others, I have been there/done that and know how sad it is.  

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2012

    patience--What you described sounds like it might be an infection. You should email Dr. M and send photos ASAP.  You're still in the recovery phase and she needs to know about a change like that. 

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2012

    Patience, I agree.  I had hardening/firmness caused by necrosis and it was a little sore, but I had no heat or such severe pain. Those issues do sound like infection.  

  • patience62
    patience62 Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2012

    Ok wonderful women.  I will talk to Dr. M again.  I feel like such a whiner and I have been thinking that if I can ignore it it will go away.

    Silly me.

    Thanks for your responses.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2012

    Pamela, added your Nov 6 surgery date.

    Marcia, sorry about Tinkerbell :(  I enjoyed your pics of her. I have a spaniel too, a Cavalier, so I love those floppy eared doggies!

    LesleyAnn - I think it is all a matter of expectations. If you would be happy to get away and really take it easy, not do too much, and rest, maybe it would be okay. It would be a different sort of vacation. You will be sore, you might have a drain still, depending on what they do, etc. Some people find getting away resorative, like a celebration, others would find it stressful to have so much going on being away from home. I think you have to do what is right for you. The Nurse Hubby is a real advantage! Stage 2's are very different, but lipo is involved and for me, that was a huge owie and the first 3-5 days were the worse. Hard to even sit down!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2012

    Lipo pain is intense!  Who knew toilets were so painful?  

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2012


    How was the pain on your flight home?  I fly home alone 4 days post-op of my Stage 2 SGAP, which involves fat grafting.  Friends will be checking my luggage for me, and I will have airport assistance to gate.  Is a pillow to sit on and a good dose of oxycodone in order?

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2012

    Hi, PinkHeart -- the pain was not bad.  I was exhausted from not getting enough sleep.  I had taken my meds the night before without food and they were making me feel sick, so I didn't take any pain meds on the trip home and was fine.  I'd brought a pillow for my bottom (I also had SGAP and fat grafting), but I didn't need it.  With the wheelchair, meds (with food), and help with luggage, you should be fine!  

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2012

    Ladies, I know it's been posted before, but what is the normal timeline for Stage 2? Arrive in NOLA; surgery; hotel; post-op, etc?

    For those that had a lot of lipo at stage 2, how long was it that you noticed a difference in your bodies?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2012

    ttay.. I flew in on a Sunday and had pre-op and surgery on Monday (not normal), and then post op Thurs and flew home Fri. I had a fair amount of lipo and it takes a few weeks to really notice.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2012
    ttay, I arrived on Wed, had a pre-op on Thurs, surgery Fri, post-op Mon, flew home Tues.  Glad to hear that the lipo results shouldn't be that obvious yet!
  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited October 2012

    Hi Ladies, I feel like I missed a lot here. And at home too, life went on without me and I'm having trouble with re-entry and getting caught up. Two big days of rest, but time to get back in gear and work on the myriad of things on my to-do list and calendar.

    TIA for some important advice!!!!

    I really need some guidance on Marena garments from those who know them well!!!!!

    The link provided by Spring seems to have expired. My abdomen is quite swollen, from revision and lowering of the incision scar (sort of like another partial DIEP of the abs.). I got a little bit of lipo on inner and outer thighs After surgery, I woke up in a garment that, as Betsy pointed out, was loose in the knees. Got a longer one at Post Op, they gave me one with knee coverage, but the knees are still loose. And of course like a geek, i wore it backwards for a day without figuring that out. Are the Marenas more flexible and effective? If I got one now, less that 1.5 weeks, should I order a stage 2 garment, since I assume that even if I pay for 2nd day air, the earliest I'd get it would be Monday. I want to make sure it is something that I'll really like, since they're not inexpensive.

    What are the primary purposes of compression after lipo? In addition to management of fluid and swelling, I read that it helps to prevent lumpy healing of lipo'd areas. Is this true? Am I going to risk having lumpy knees if I can't get compression there? I got a little on that goosh of back bra fat, but I'm just not willing to wear a full body garment -- too hot from hot flashes, etc.

    Also, has anyone found that major compression slows down the drains? I can getting very little fluid for a few hours, but once I lower the garment and strip the drains, there's still a lot there. But otherwise the compression would be too loose. There seems to be a fine line between enough compression and too much. After stage 1( before I learned that Dr S is ok with binder) they gave me a garment at discharge in the hospital that was really tight. So tight that I vomited within fifteen minutes. The next size up was too loose. It's all so confusing and I'm hoping Marena will be the magic solution.

    Sorry for the long post and all the questions! I'd appreciate any thoughts!
    Hope this makes sense and apologize for typos -- very tired.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2012

    Hi jenlee- You sure you don't want something to go up the back?  This might be a good fit for you:

    If you really don't want something on your back, there's a pull-up model Betsy and I have used:

    It goes up higher than it looks if you're average height, probably below your bra line. But it does tend to sink in the back a bit which is why I think the one with a back would be better for you, if you've had lipo back there.

    They all have different length legs.  I used both the one that went above the knee and below.  

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    I used the second one too.  It is comfortable and "bathroomable".  (c:  I bought two different sizes to find the right one but kept both.  They both fit but one gives more compression than the other.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited October 2012

    Jenlee, I'm right there with ya

    Ladies, I have been absent writing as I am having a horrible time with my legs & lipo. My thighs and knees are swollen, lumpy and still painful & bruised. I am very concerned. I talked to Jeanine and she said I must not be getting good compression and they sent me a smaller girdle. It is tighter, but not around the thigh area and knees. I am not sure if I should be wearing something around the clock or what. I looked at spanx, but the ones I need are like $78 to go past the knee. I just looked at the merena too. Can you wear these under jeans and other clothes?

    I want to have the lean thigh and knee, but I am concerned it's too late and I will stay lumpy in the front knee and thigh area. I am 3 weeks today. Any suggestions or help on what to do would be great.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2012

    Marenas are very wearable under clothes.  That's why I got the longer leg, the edge of the shorter one left a little dent that kind of showed under pants.  Not that bad though.  Otherwise they're invisible.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    I wear the Marena's under jeans and other clothes, I bought the below the knee kind.  I guess if you wanted some extra compression at home you could buy some Ace bandages and wrap knee to thigh.  Just a thought.  I haven't tried it.  Best of luck ladies.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited October 2012

    As for size? It's hard to know what size without trying it on and to know what size will give the right amount of compression. I am only 5 feet tall. If I buy 2 sizes can you return one? How long did ya'll wear this?

    My fear is that it's too late to correct the lumpyness, but Dr. D said it takes a year to see final results so maybe it can be corrected...

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited October 2012

    Jenlee- I am also noticing my drains slow down with my compression garment, and then when I shower the drains start to fill up.

    Am I right in thinking a nurse from the Center calls you each week? I have a few questions and have been waiting until they call but its been over a week since my post op.

    I have hip drains and understand they are in for about 5-6 weeks and I'm down to 30-40 ccs day...that doesn't seem right does it? I'm 2 weeks post op for Stage 1. Do you think its worth calling the Center?

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2012

    I think your hip drain output sounds pretty good.  I looked and my daily output was over 50 cc/day at 2 weeks.  I sent the nurse an email with my daily drain output once a week.  You can call the Center any time -- they are really good about answering your questions and you don't need to feel like you are bothering them.  They will also send you more medical supplies when you run out.  

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited October 2012

    Jeskachi & Adey, thank you! 

    Chelle, I talked to the woman at Marena and she said that you can make a return within 30 days if you're not satisfied.  I found a discount code, 4104 , for 10% off.  I ordered the girdle-type garment that Jeskachi suggested, plus one other.  Two-day overnight shipping was very reasonable.  Crossing my fingers that this will work.  Everyone raves about how comfortable they are and I've got to get compression on the lower thighs and knees (I may try Ace bandages over the weekend).

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited October 2012

    Big thanks to all of the stage 2 girls for updating on reaching the other side of the surgery.  I've been lurking and wondering what to expect.  So far, gotta say UGH to drains and compression.  It is helpful to have time to try and wrap myself around the idea of dealing with both again.  I suppose my holiday attire for Thanksgiving and Christmas might be my hippy skirts (aka maxi skirts) and hoodies.

     My drain output after stage 1 at two wks was 50 to 60 cc.  One of my hip drains dwindled quickly and came out after three weeks.  The other side came out past the six week mark and I still ended up going for needle aspiration once. 

    Happy healing to all on the other side and great big hugs of anxiety free waiting to all those up and coming.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited October 2012

    Ladies, it really is a small world. After looking at the Marena website all day trying to make a decision...I called. I never looked at their address, but turns out they are only a few miles from my house. Then the lady I spoke with, her brother works with my husband. Small world huh? She brought my stuff to me on her way home. Her last day is tomorrow so I am going to try these on tonight and see how they work.