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NOLA in September?



  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2012

    Just got back from nola. Started to wear the white binder, how tight should I pull it and do the straps go in the front or the back? I misplaced the instructions. Thanks. Hi Cherrie and Maggie.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Jenifer... you met ME.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Pamela, straps go in the front. The tag will be on the outside, not against your skin. The straight edge of the back will be on top, curve on bottom. You want it tight enough to feel compressed, but not so tight you have trouble breathing. Be sure you do not have skin bulging out between the bra and binder.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited November 2012

    Betsy, I'm sure you thought I forgot while under the influence of pain meds:) Actually, I'm SO glad that we met since you were sort of my Nola mentor and advisor. Thank you for making the effort! And Paula came to our hotel to meet up with SueK and me after our stage 1's But I was too worn out both times to take initiative to contact others or even return calls:(

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012

    hello all.  Hope everyone is finding today a better day than yesterday.  I started the Hyperbaric wound care yesterday.  Had my first "dive"...  2 hours in the tank..yuck.  It is beyond boring.  They  put a collar type thing on your neck with a tight rubber thing that they then attach a plastic hood to that becomes your "helmet" to breathe the oxygen to promote the healing.  Problem is I can't read out of the plastic as everything loooks garbled and makes me feel funky.  Ah well...gotta figure out a way to just sleep through the whole thing.  1 down 29 to go....errrr............

    Had a couple of days of feeling queasy and just not myself.  Perhaps it's the anestesia coming out of me from the 2 surgeries.  Not sure but hope it goes away quickly.  rightie still looks great so guess she is going to make it!!

    Cherrie, MartyJ Glostagirl, celtic..and anyone that I am missing ..happy healing


  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited November 2012

    Mags20487 - I feel for you!!  I had 40 Hyperbaric treatments when my tram flap failed last year.  I could never sleep in there so I brought movies to watch through the plastic but it is better than nothing.  Take a pain pill to to relax you and by the time the movie is over you'll be coming out!  Just have to learn to relax and accept that you'll be in there a while.  If you could sleep that would be the best, I never could, I was always to anxious to get out and had million things to do!  If you want to pm or call me feel free, I may be able to give you a few pointers.  Ask about your eyesight.  Mine got really bad and was suppose to correct themself but never did all the way, now I need glasses all the time, when before only to drive.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2012

    Need2, Yes, please phone when you are able, I want to hear how you are doing.  My skin is miserable.  No relief from anything so far.  A doctor friend advised Ativan which I hesitate to try, but did last night when I had difficulty sleeping due to the burning itching.  Peace to you!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Hello again, Cherrie's DH posting this morning on Day 3 of Stage 1. Things are, in general, a bit better. Pain is still there, but being managed with meds. Dopplers sound great, drain flow is steady and starting to become clearer, and skin tone/texture is normal. Dr. Sullivan stopped by (Dr. Massey is on her way to Chicago) and gave Cherrie a positive report. He explained the heartburn she was feeling as a common occurrance because of how the entire abdomen has been "tightened up". He reiterated how every day is better than the last.

    Yesterday was an up and down day, though, as the local abdominal anesthesia from surgery was likely wearing off. But, she took three walks and got her catheter out, so that was encouraging. Of course after the catheter came out she was unable to urinate, and felt more and more pressure in her bladder, and was fearful they might have to re-cath her. Fortunatley, at about 5 am this morning, the urge turned into a flow and that small hurdle was surmounted.

    Today's schedule calls for more walks, and eventually a shower. She has been warned that this is a big event, but is ready to meet the challenge. If all continues to go well we are discharged tomorrow, to stay 6 days in a condo on St. Charles Ave.

    By the way, we are at the Fairway Medical Center and it has been wonderful. Completely competent nursing staff, who are very caring and attentive. Aside from the first night, with its hourly checks, the atmosphere has been quiet and restful. I've read two novels so far, located the Dollar Store, K-Mart, and Wendy's, and watched a thrilling Michigan State basketball victory. Today I will visit the Bargain Book Store to restock my paperback library, and maybe go to the nearby mall - hoping they have a "Guy-Store" or two.

    Thoughts and prayers to all who have procedures pending, as well as to those who are being treated or recovering. You continue to amaze those who surround you, especially the DH's who are often first-hand witnesses.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2012


    I forgot to mention in my earlier post to you that I did have change in eyesight vision from HBOT.  It took about 3-4 weeks to resolve.  Your HBOT docs probably mentioned this to you, but not all patients experience this.

    It sounds like you are in a large HBOT chamber (submarine style) with other patients as you have to wear the plastic helmet over your head?  I had single private chamber HBOT that I laid down in so did not have to deal with that and other patients.   

    I counted down the days, too!  :) 

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited November 2012

    Mags, I too was in the chamber with the hood. I went twice daily so it took half the time to complete my dives. Is that an option for you? Boring, yes!! I was not able to read much or sleep for that matter, magazines were good or just closed my eyes to pass the time. How often do we get to do that?

    Regarding eyesight, my reading vision actually got better! I didn't realize it until one day I was reading something on my phone and was doing without my glasses. Docs said probs because I had laser surgery many years ago. Anyway, I am now back to being old) with reading glasses again. It was good while it lasted. Hang in there, remember this is all good, especially compared to the rest of our hellish treatments we have endured. So breathe....

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2012

    Thinking of all you ladies in New Orleans and glad you have each other (and your husbands have the other husbands) for support.  Jen, it's really a miracle anyone meets up there with all that's going on!  I love your image of the sorority house!  I propose naming our sorority NTT -- Nu Tau Tau.  It sounds a little like "new tata."  Wink

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2012

    I just went there yesterday and it does look like a sorority house!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2012

    Hi girls!  I am not a member of your sorority (but no doubt you are the coolest chicks!).  Hope you don't mind a question??  I know that most of you enjoy and recommend the Marena garments.  Are they fairly true to size?  Any reason you can not wear the stage 1 garments past the first few weeks?  I assume stage 1 is extra compression?  I am short waisted, I am a happy implant patient who has just had a tummy tuck primarily because of the need to repair a hernia and significant diastasis.  I have the hospital garment, but it wants to wrinkle because of excessive length at the waist.  I also have the binder that I can use, but will not be very practical when I return to work.  Any of you have feed back on the garment that can be worn with your own bra and has the suspender like top?  I am a firm believer in compression after surgery and I know your docs seem to suggest the same, any comments/suggestions are appriciated.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Christine... I believe that the difference between stage I and II garments are the side zippers, not a level of compression. Personally, I would not get the ones with suspenders... The ones that look like they go half way up abs (three quarters), actually stretch up to the bra unless one is extremely long.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2012

    thanks Betsy, I am definitely Not long.  I will try the three quarter one, may start with zipper and go from there.  I will let you know how it goes.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Had a good day today. Took a shower and rested. I am not eating much at all. Dr. S thinks all of my drains will be out on Monday. Yay! no poop yet!!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012 happy to hear you are doing so well...first poop...yeah..good times.  They gave me some warm prune juice and next day the magic happened.  Still having issues even now though...who know it would be such a religious experience to poop??  I am still eating just a little compared to before the surgery...not such a bad thing in my case...could eat off myself for days!! as long as it doesn't come from my beautiful uniboob!


  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2012

    Thanks cider for your help. I am now in the black compression garb they gave me to go home with. Is it for real? First, I cannot get into it without help and I am using a large and I am 5'5" 156 pounds. It hurts up under my breasts, the abdomen area is ok. Going to the bathroom was juuuust ok, too close for comfort if you know what I mean. I only have 6 more days to wear it and I will put on the white bind at night. But, am I doing it right, or am I missing something. Thanks and good recovery to all.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Hi all

    Cherrie, great reports. I assume you are in your condo now. I had my post op with DrTrehan today since Dr M is on her way to Chicago. Seem to be having quite a bit of overall edema, partarcularly in left ankle and the right boob (the one that needed the hematoma removed on Sunday). Adding some lasix to the regimen. I won't be fortunate enough to leave my drains in NOLA, but hope to loose something at my helper doc appointment Tuesday. Then we run into Thanksgiving. Not too worried, but getting dressed with the 4 drains is a bit of a challenge. So sorry not to have met more of y'all. Hugs to Willy for good stage 2 on Monday.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2012

    Wow, just checking up over the last couple days of posts.

    My Stage 2 date was moved up a day, to December 19th. Just found out today. Won't affect our travel plans but means the pre-op will be the same day we arrive. Just started to back in the swing of the daily routine and realizing today that I will be back in NOLA before I know it. Times just flies by.

    Jane123- Sorry to hear about your continued skin issues. I have experienced some itching issue since I got home from Stage 1. Its starting to get very cold and dry in Wisconsin but I can't believe it doesn't have something to do from the surgery. I hope you get some relief soon. Hang in there!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited November 2012

    pamela44- i rolled the top of my binder down (actually folded it over) because it went up too high. (I had a GAP reconstruction.) I am your height 5'5".  The sizing is strange and thought I don't wear a large in regular clothes - I wore a large in the compression garment.  Maybe someone else can chime in but I was told the binder is not supposed to hit or interfere with your reconstruction- don't know if your compression garment is coming up that high.   

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2012

    Love the soririty house atmosphere! :)

    Mags, geeze. Hope you can find a way to make the treatments more tollerable...

    Christine, the stage 1 garments have zippers and the stage 2 do not. With drains I appreciated the zippers. Once the drains are gone, the zipperless ones are so much more comfortable. Betsy's right, the one with suspenders was a pain and I cut them off, and then it kept rolling down. Skip the suspenders! ugh. 

    Cherrie's DH, thanks for the great update! I've only heard great things about Fiarway, and if it wasn't great, the NOLA docs wouldn't use it. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Pamela... I am about your size and was stunned when they gave me a xl or Xxl garment... No rhyme or reason to their sizing. I ended up cutting the top off... The waistband. It was just too high and dr d said it was ok to cut it. I did have a gap flap when he ok'd it, but a month later when I had the DIEP flap, I continued to wear the cut garment.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2012

    Thank you all for your input. I will cut off the top part.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2012

    Safe travels to Marga. Crazy gal is driving to Chicago and posted it on her facebook to shout out to patients to give her a ring on her cell to keep her company. Anxiety overload about stage 2 surgery. It is just creeping up so close and I am terrible about the before jitters. I don't think I will sleep until the anesthesia people knock me out. Thank God for the picture forum or I would have never gone through this again. The results with natural tissue were so inspiring. Thanks and love to the ladies on here that posted pictures to look at on there too. I made the choice to never wish I could of should of and went for it again. I am going to the Dr is In at the Four Seasons Hotel that Marga is doing on Saturday. If anyone out there is attending, I look forward to meeting up with you.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Leaving Fairway today and moving into a condo across from the Fresh Market. My binder comes all the way up to under the breasts. How long do I wear this? Where do I get the replacement one.?

    Moving slowly, but I am moving. Not eating much either. That was never a problem.

    A smoothie or ensure tastes the best right now.

    I do take pain meds every 4 hours and can tell when I need it.

    My stage 2 will be in Chicago.


  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012

    weird...i do not have a binder for the abdomen.  The only thing I was given was several of the velcro front dale post surgical bras.  Did I miss something?


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Maggie-2. I have a corset up to my breasts and a bra. Both black. All I have is the front incision on the abdomen. I have 4 drains. They should all be out by travel day on Thursday.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2012

    My stage 2 Dominique has zippers.  It resembles a stage 1 garment but is longer in the leg, to my calf.  Thank you for the skin sympathy.  

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012

    now I wonder if I should have been given the garment too. 

    Yeah for drains out Cherrie...I am super jealous.  They are aweful.  Now they itch around the hole they come out.  Tempted to just pull em out myself
