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NOLA in September?



  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2012

    Hi All-

    I realize everyone's situation is different but I was curious if anyone has received a bill from NOLA for office visits? I was under the impression the amount discussed with the insurance dept there (such as Vicky) and the deductible from the hospital were the only out of pocket costs. I just received a bill from the Center for the pre-op office visits I had for my Stage 1.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2012

    I haven't gotten a single bill from the Center or SCSH yet, and my Stage 1 was in mid-June.  It makes me nervous!  Was your billed amount very different from what was discussed, KerryA?  

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited November 2012

    Betsy, I think Dr. D planned on about a 2 inch scar for me, too. My surgery was a Wednesday, and my return flight was booked for Saturday. They even said there was possibility that I could fly home Friday since I was anxious to get home to my daughter. I literally was on the phone with Laura at 6:00 Monday night figuring out if I even needed surgery and on a plane at noon Tuesday, so there was no time to make firm plans for my daughter. Thank goodness she is 16 and super responsible!!

    My scar turned out to be 8-9 inches long and there is no way I could have gone home Saturday. I was discharged Saturday, but we never left Homewood until I was back for post op Monday, and we flew home that afternoon. Honestly, I should have waited another day, but I really had to get home. Hopefully, yours will be much easier. There was just a lot more necrosis than we bargained for. My fingers are crossed that yours all goes as planned, but we know Dr. D will work his magic no matter what!

    With all that craziness, I was still able to be back at work Wednesday, one week after surgery. I probably shouldn't be, but I really did not have a choice.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    I did get a $100 bill for my pre-op for stage I, but I never paid it because I didn't actually have the appt... Dr D was held up, so we did it before my surgery. I did not get billed for my pre-op before stage II. I literally walked from the Center to the pre-surgical area, maybe I didn't get billed cause I had already met my max out of pocket.

    I had a consult last month and haven't received that bill, but my insurance company tells me it will cost me about $180, so I am waiting.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Wow Dianne... I really hope I am not delayed... I am flying home the day before Superbowl and airfare skyrockets if I leave Monday... I have my daughter coming with me, but we are not flying together, so I am on my own. I too have a fair amount of necrosis, but we'll see I guess. One big difference is mine is fat necrosis and this is to improve things... I am guessing yours was skin necrosis and fat necrosis and was an emergency type surgery?? For me, I think Dr Dr can take as much or as little as he chooses. Of course, I want him taking all the fat whether he uses it all or not. And then take it from the other side too for symmetry.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited November 2012

    I had a little bit of skin necrosis and a ton of fat necrosis. It felt to me that over half of the breast was rock hard, so a bunch of tissue was needed. I think since you are over a year out from surgery, you are probably better healed than me and he has a clearer picture of what you will need. It is going to be wild the week you are there!!! :)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Oh I know.. Mardi Gras and SuperBowl... Luckily I am staying with a friend cause there isn't a hotel in sight with availability.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2012

    LAStar & Bdavis- I am going to call the Center tomorrow to get clarification. It was above the agreed amount I discussed with the insurance dept. I am hoping it all works itself out, and trying not to get too concerned. Thought to ask you all in case I misunderstood that the pre op office visits were seperate costs.

    I just was not expecting any additional costs, as I thought that was the idea of talking with the insurance dept upfront.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    I had a balance before. I called about it being included and they took care of it. Those bills get sent automatically and sometimes they miss the balance billings. I did pay the balance of my visit in between 2 and 2B. I did get a balance bill for my 2B preop and I will be calling about it. I wouldn't worry about anything just yet.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2012

    Been a lurker for several weeks, just decided to jump in and say Hello and ask a few questions.

    I had a bilateral mastectomy and immediate DIEP reconstruction with Dr. Stolier and Dr. DellaCroce on October 24th, so coming up on 4 weeks now.  I still have my right hip drain in, which I've been told has to come out at the 4 week mark no matter what it is producing (it produced 70 yesterday, but next to nothing today thankfully).  My breast drains were taken out at my one week post op, but both hip drains were left.  On our travel home, my left hip drain lost suction and had to be pulled.  My abdomen still seems quite bulgy to me and the areas just below and just above my incision are rock hard, as is most my abdomen itself.  Is this normal?  I'm thinking it's not fluid or fat because it's so hard?  Not sure if I should call on this or if this i something that will be addressed at Stage 2?

    Also, can someone please explain what stage 2 surgery is?  I see references to stage 2 and then stage 2b...what does this mean?  My breasts are surprisingly symmetrical, so I'm actually not even sure anything needs to be done to them.  Is more than symmetry done at stage 2?

    Thank you in advance!  I hope I am able to become an active and contributing member here.  You all have been a wealth of information for me.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited November 2012

    Cherrie - You can have your girdle on and pull it right over it or put it on over your head,  It is stretchy but soft stretchy.  Let me know if you try it!

    MartyJ - put a thick piece of gauze over the drain and then your bra so the gauze is under your bra until you get the drain out.  If you get the miracle bra it is really soft and stretchy and feels real comfortable.  I think you'll like it.

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited November 2012

    TTay, I am so sorry about the spots on the bones. I had the same thing happen. They did not tell me about it until two weeks after my surgery. I think the radiologist did not read them immediately since they are done for the surgeons to see the vessels clearly. But you are right, it is a downer. It will be three years in Feb. and I am still doing ok. I do have bone mets, but getting good treatment and staying pretty stable. Hang on and fight like a tiger. I wish you only the best and will pray that what they saw turns out to be nothing.

    Pamela44, I will pray that yours is nothing also.

    I am still so proud I had my surgery and I am glad I did not find out about the mets before. I would not have had the surgery.

    Best of luck to all you NOLA girls.

    I had my surgery during MG and when the Saints won the Super Bowl. The night of the Super Bowl we could not even find food. It was one BIG OLE PARTY for a week!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Audrella I am now asking the same questions now that a 2a is my next step. I know there is symmetry, fat grafting, etc. Otherwise, it is very individual. Some girls have not known until they went for pre-op what they are doing. You can get a consult if you can afford to fly back and forth. Many people just trust their doctors at this point.

    I will be trying a miracle bra when I get back to Michigan. However, Black Friday may not be the date to go. How do you know what size to get?

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2012

    Each person is different for needs. I had one side quite smaller than the other. Dr Massey advised saving nipple reconstruct for a 2b in case the fat grafting doesn't take. I needed a lot to even things out. Her reasoning was also that once nipples go on, insurance companies tend to think we are done and the door is closed if more work is necessary.

    I had a bunch of dudes taking care of me yesterday. Many nurses and assistants are male here. Kind of awkward to think a bunch of dudes are caring for my boobs bahahaha.

    Lipo hurts too. I echo what others have said that the worst is getting up and down. Brutal but the rest of the time is tolerable.

    Take care all.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2012

    KerryA -- When I went back for Stage 2, they told me I had a $110 pre-op office visit bill to pay. I objected as the costs of surgery are supposed to be all-inclusive. I had been told what my out of pocket was to be and that was to be the only cost to me and that had been paid. Took a little bit and me being quite insistent that this was "new" news to me, but they finally came out and said that there was no charge. I have never had a pre-op office visit charge for any surgery much less this reconstruction. So it didn't make sense. Ask, and keep asking. To me, and I can't believe I am coming down on the side of the insurance company, it seemed like double-dipping and I said so. Can't hurt to ask for an explanation and if it doesn't seem right, ask again. FWIW ...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Audrella... A firm abdomen is common... Mine was very hard, but it does soften over time... be patient. If you are concerned about the one drain output, use a LOT of compression for the next couple of days and that should help. If you pull the drain when you are at 70cc putput, you run the risk of a seroma and then internal pressure on your incisions (not good), so it would need aspirating (pain in the neck).

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2012

    When I came for my preop I was told I owed $50 for Dr. Stolier and $50 for Dr. Sullivan.  The woman at reception thought Dr. Sullivan's charge was a mistake and it was, so I only paid $50 for Dr. Stolier.  I too thought my out of pocket was taken care of, but I didn't want to complain and I paid the $50.  I feel so lucky to have had these doctors.  I just hope I have no surprises especially for Dr. Stolier's bill.  I assumed when quoted the financial arrangements beforehand it included Dr. Stolier's part.  I hope I didn't assume too much.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2012


    Surprised they said hip drains out at 4 weeks no matter what. All surgeons have diff opins. My hip drains were in for 6 wks. My surgeon had me stay on antibiotics until few days after drains out and holes healed over.


    You can get basically the same bra at Target. It is the Genie bra another as seen on tv. It comes two to a box for 19.99. I got one black and one white with lace. They dont come in cup sizes just sm, med, lg, xl etc. The genie bra has super thin pads u can remove from cups if u want. I need them to help with shape symetry until stage two. Super soft and comfy.

    I personally would find shelf bra cami uncomfortable as the elastic band would ride up or the cami doesnt always work under certain tops.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Just got my 2 breast drains out. Yeah!!!  Now if I can get more active maybe the hips can come out soon, though I think a nap is in order following my big morning.

    Pink - thanks for describing the sizing on the Genie bra.  My DH has PT right near Target so I will dispatch him.  Now to just pre-determine sizing.  

    Re Stage II - 11 days out of surgery and I have no idea where I would want to go.  I do know that Dr. M does have a concept of where she would like me to end up so I am in her hands.  Hoping to see her when she is in Charleston in December.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Pamela... Dr stolier used to be a separate charge, and I assume he still is, as anesthesia is separate. Neither stolier nor anesthesia were a huge bill though.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2012

    What do seromas feel like?  Maybe that is the bulge that I have?  My bulge is very, very firm.  My drain output when I am active is still extremely high for this far out.  I'm thinking I might need to email some pics and have someone at the Center take a look to ease my mind.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Seromas feel like a water bed, squishy... so I don't think thats it... but if its a big bulge, then maybe a hernia? After stage one I had a hard lump in addition to the hard belly... the lump was between the incision and the belly button. it was removed at stage II, but he told me it was left over belly button. Why they don't take it out the first time, I have no idea.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    With a seroma you can see the skin surface ripple, sometimes even after you stop poking it. Sometimes you can see the ripple from just moving around.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Went to the WW11 museum with hubby. I did use a wheelchair for this. It was nice to get out. Thinking of going to lunch at Commanders Palace tomorrow. This was a suggestion from Betsy awhile ago. I am doing well physically, with only one drain in. My big issue is sleep. I have only had 9 hrs. sleep in the last 36 hours. I am off pAin meds now. I tried melatonin last night. No success. Going home on Thanksgiving Day!!

    Thanks for ideas on bras. They will be useful when I get home.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Cherrie - so glad you go to the Museum.  A wheelchair is definitely necessary there.  Maybe you should call Dr. M or Becky about the sleep.  They might be able to provide some relief so that you can get good rest before facing the homefront. Is the eating getting better?

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2012

    I did speak with NOLA today regarding the bill I received. They are looking into for me. I was hesistant to call at first because they have been so great, but felt it was worth looking into given the amount. They said not to get too concerned so I am just going to see how it plays out. 

    I did not want to get anyone concerned here- as I realize everyone has different insurance- but thought to ask here first in case I had somehow misunderstood something with NOLA. Paula & Celtic Antique- thanks for letting me know about your experiences.

    Anita- Congrats on having Stage 2 behind you! I am in the Midwest so that is interesting new information.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2012

    Cherrie,    I have not been to Commanders Palace but am sure Betsy gives good advice!  We ate at Royal House Oster Bar on Royal St. per Dr. D's Jeanine.  It was fantastic.  We had the trio oysters and the charbroiled oysters, spinach salad, and fresh boiled shrimp. You can google the place.  We sat out on the tiny balcony and that was memorable, too.                I took Ativan a few times so that I could sleep well.  I REALLY dislike meds so you can tell I was desperate and boy did a good night of sleep make a difference.  

    My "skin sensitivity" continues but the burning sensation is less.  Tried a lot of different things to no avail.  Aloe vera seems to take the sting out.  My bruising is almost gone and swelling is way down.  The derma-bond on my chest is hanging on big-time.  I think it and the stitches are causing my histimine hayday.  I am 2 1/2 weeks out from a 5 hr stage 2.  I walked 2 miles today but it took over 30 minutes!  The jock in me is laughing but I am thrilled to be out and moving.   Praying for you all.   

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Help! - My husband asked if I am supposed to continue sleeping in a semi reclining position once the breast drains are removed.  I honestly have no idea.  It has been only 12 days since Stage I.  I have been sleeping with my head and knees elevated, which I thought was to ease tension on the abdominal incision.  Breast drains were removed today.  Thanks!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2012

    Marty...I'm curious, too.  I've been sleeping reclined for 4 weeks now.  Would be awesome if I could stop that.  For some reason I thought it was 6 weeks.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012

    In Dr M's instructions it say to stay on your back for 6 weeks minimum.  I for one am making sure that I stay that way to keep my 1 good one!.  I really  hate it though.  By 4 in the morning I am done with the bed and go back to the recliner for the rest of the night.
