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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Maggie... Do you have access to the picture forum?? If not, PM nowheregirl (TimTam) for access.

    Dianne... I still have bloody glue all over my rotational flap scars, so I really can't comment on that. I do seem to have more fat on the left than the right (under armpit), so there may be a stage IIc (small revision) to address that, but I will wait and see. As far as hospital stays, I was stage Ia 5 nights, Ib 14 nights, II 2 nights and IIa one night (although I wanted a 2nd night but wasn't confident insurance would pay)

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2013

    Betsy, you look great!  I have the exact hip incision -- it looks like a right curly bracket.  I call it my "champ stamp" because I feel like a champ for getting through all of this.  Heal & rest well!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    YES... thats what it looks like. Ha ha

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited February 2013

    I would not hesitate to go with vinnie. My PS did mine, the nurse, and it turned an awful yellow.....did not match the other side at. All. I went to Maryland for correcting with vinnie. He did a great job and he had a mess to work with. The color is still off though...but I will get one more color correction in the next year with him. Please don't let a plastic surgeons office do tattooing. I can't stress that enough. I know I work in the medical field and if I tattooed someone the way she tattooed me....I couldn't come to work everyday

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited February 2013

    Go to vinnie. My surgeons NP has to touch mine to see that it I s flat....almost like she is confused because itlookslike projection....until she touches it

  • Lulu2012
    Lulu2012 Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2013


    Thank you for sharing your experiences on the butt lift! I hope all is well. Continued Blessings for a speedy recovery.Laughing

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2013

    My caregiver experience. Stage 1 hubs came with me for first half. Surgery on Tues, hubs left Friday morning. Mom flew in Friday evening, Center drove her to SCSH. The original plan was as soon as she got to hospital I'd get discharged. Thursday night I clearly would not be ready. Friday morning all was set that I would stay Fri night, a third night. Mom slept Fri night on Murphy bed. It was fine that I had no caregiver for most of the day Friday; I scheduled it that way with Katie. The nurses took care of me. Stage 2 I brought my sister and was so ready to leave after one night. stage 2b my husband came for the whole time. stage 2b I had a small rotational flap and stayed 2 nights.

    I got my recon nipples at Stage 2. I had no issues with getting 2b approved, but I did have an unusual complication that distorted my breast. So a revision was obviously needed. I can hardly wait for my tattoos! But wait I must.

    Newbies, please remember that not many NOLA patients actually post here. Patients that had an uncomplicated recon experience don't always hang around here because this chapter is over for them. Those of us that had a complication or unusual experience tend to stay here for the wonderful support. Please don't be frightened by the unusual cases. There are risks and downsides to flap surgeries, just as there are risks and downsides with implants. This thread helped me decide on DIEP with my eyes wide open.

    I vote for choosing Dr S!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited February 2013

    motherandchild- I am from the DC metro area and went to NOLA for a prophylactic unilateral ns sGAP reconstruction. ( I had  a DIEP reconstruction on the other side done locally  -not at Hopkins- following a bc diagnosis a few years before the GAP.  The DIEP ended up needing many revisions and I was worn down by the experience.)  For stage I at NOLA I was in SCSH hospital for 3 nights and stayed in nola for a total of a week.  I did not have any complications. It was completely doable. I thought the hospital care and the whole experience was way better than anything I had experienced in the DC area. 

  • teddybear71
    teddybear71 Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2013

    Vinnie did my nipples in December and I am still amazed at how real they look. Definitely recommend Vinnie he is great!!!!

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2013

    Thanks everyone... 

    I'm trying to get things tied up with Vickie and I think I'll be shooting for about 7-8 weeks from now.  I'm still not sure how it's all going to work out.  I've got young-ins at home and this will be a HUGE challenge.  We are attachment parents and co-sleepers and I know my 3 year old will have a tough time with this.

    Have there been others who have NOT gone for a consult ahead of time??  I'm an RN and a researcher and soooo methodical about my physcian choices.... It seems absolutely nuts to me that I am thinking of not flying down ahead of time to see the NOLA facility and meet the surgeons.  All I can think is I can probably save $1000 by not going... and I really need to save that money.  I just can't get my head wrapped around doing THIS kind of surgery and just showing up and meeting the Drs. for the first time.

    Also, I wanted to let you all know that I had heard about Vinnie awhile back.  He is the Hopkins tattoo guy (which you guys probably know)... and I got the low down on him some time ago... He comes highly highly recommended and is the best at what he does.  I actually contacted him personally since I was struggling with where to have my surgery.  He was the most kind, compassionate, caring person... I could hardly believe how wonderful he was... gave me his personal cell number... etc.  I don't think anyone can go wrong with him!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    MotherandChild... I totally understand the flying down for the consult.. I have done it twice (before stage I and before stage IIb), but I can honestly say in retrospect that it wasn't really necessary medically. I was only paying for airfare cause I stayed with a friend, so it was cheap for me, so I did it. But most women do not go down for the consult, just send photos. I went down prior to stage I because locally I was told I didn't have enough fat, so I wanted to know for sure before passing up radiation. Going before stage IIb was so that I knew there'd be a game plan for what I wanted done before arranging time off of work etc.

    If its something you know you're a candidate for and you know you have enough fat, I wouldn't worry about going down. They are all EXCELLENT doctors.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    Mother... I initially made a consult for a month before my scheduled surgery and booked the flight. I am in the medical field and I , too was not comfortable with doing a preop the day before. However, aft I made those arrangements I saw other doctors locally and did intensive research. I then decided it was a waste of time and money and I cancelled it. No regrets. I can assure you about the facility. My anesthesiologist was u of penn trained. The nursing care was excellent. The rooms are lovely and spotless. These are highly trained and talented physicians who are rewarded for their skills and dedication and have poured their own money into their hospital and cut no corners. You will not be disappointed.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2013

    I did not have a consult before Stage 1. I had active cancer and with my research I knew I did not want implants and did not want muscle compromised. I saw 3 plastic surgeons locally, only 1 did DIEP but very inexperienced. I spoke with a former NOLA patient which made me decide it was NOLA or bust. I felt so confident in going that I felt a consult unnecessary. And it wasn't. Hubs was a skeptical not having a consult but supported me. He felt at ease very quickly and feels I got the best care possible. Because of the active cancer I did not want to delay surgery any longer. Once finances were settled I got my surgery date in 2 weeks.

    The only time I did go for a consult was for Stage 2b. Totally worth it. I was able to keep the cost low by driving 10 hours and staying at Hope Lodge.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2013

    Motherandchild, I had my surgery with Dr. D back in October.  Going for my 2nd stage week after next!  I too have little ones, a 4 year old and a 9 year old.  My 4 year old is VERY much a mommy's girl, she's my little shadow.  I am 35 and had a very uncomplicated procedure, it was literally picture perfect.  It did take a herculean effort for my husband and I to be gone for the length of time we were (total of 12 days, 3 in the hospital....but we came down early for some sigh-seeing as well).  I found everyone was more than happy to help out....many people told me they felt helpless and jumped at the chance to pitch in.  In addition to our girls, my husband is self-employed.  We enlisted 4 different families to inlaws, two different sets of friends, and my mom.  Between the four of them, they handled things just fine.  The original plan was for just my in-laws to care for the girls, but sadly my mother-in-law's father passed away 2 days prior to our departure so we were left scrambling at the last minute.  It still all worked out!

    Have you consulted with any local docs, yet?  I did a lot of local consults and just wasn't happy with how I was being treated or my options (only 1 DIEP Dr. in my entire state).  I was discouraged and upset before I contacted NOLA and just took the leap of faith.  I knew it HAD to be better than what I was experiencing locally (I actually had a local Dr. suggest I not get the gene test because insurance may not pay for my prophylactic right side...hogwash!).  I was confident I had enough abdominal tissue for diep so I didn't do any type of consult until the Monday before my Wednesday surgery.  I was worried, but it really is just fine!  These Dr.'s know what they are doing and I was completely at ease.

    As for who/how to choose between Dr. S and Dr. D?  I have no idea. I just picked Dr. D without any real reason behind it.  From what I can tell, Dr. S is a bit more open and outgoing than Dr. D is, so if that makes a difference, it might help you decide one way or the other.  I did, however, specifically choose Dr. Stolier as my breast surgeon.

    Good luck as you go through your decision making process!  I'm happy to answer any questions you have whatsoever.  It's certainly a challenge with little ones (and I only have 2)...but it is do-able!

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2013

    Thank you everyone for your continued help...

    Can anyone tell me if the Drs. do surgery on the weekend?  Or can a pre-op be done say on a Sunday for a Monday surgery?  Thank you!!!

  • Sydgrace
    Sydgrace Member Posts: 29
    edited February 2013

    Mother, I totally understand the apprehension about having a surgery like this without a consult well before the surgery date.  I did a "reconstruction tour", visiting a surgeon in LA, then Nola in one swoop.  The surgeon in LA does implants with Alloderm & after meeting her I thought I was settled on that until I met Dr. D.  When he told me what he could do for me without implants, my decision was pretty much immediate.  He was so positive & made the whole thing sound easy breezy. His confidence was very reassuing to me. Talking to him settled my nerves way down.  In retrospect, I could have done without the consult for sure if it weren't for the fact that I hadn't yet settled on the "flap v. implants" decision. Once I was settled on Nola, I talked to about 5 women who had the hip flap surgery - I wanted to know from women who had gone through it what to expect.  Every single one was positive/happy about her results and experience with NOLA.  This helped a lot in terms of peace of mind as well.

    In terms of weekends, I don't think the center is open for surgery or consults.  In my experience, everything was done during the week.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2013

    Thanks SydGrace,

    I'm just trying to figure out a way to be in and out of there as fast as I can.  So if all goes according to schedule... The fastest turnaround for a DIEP would be ???? If I plan a surgery on Friday, what would be the soonest I could get home?  I would love to know the average range people have experienced... esp. those who were motivated to make it as quick as possible.

    I know things are unpredictable but with 5 kids this is tough. I was initally thinking hubby would start the week and I would have my sister finish the week... but now I'm thinking of having hubby with me the whole time... If he's there for 4 days maybe another 1 or 2 is what's best... and then I'm not incurring another flight fee for my sis.  My children have never been away from both of us at the same time.  I know this will be challenging for my mother in law.. but I have a 16/14 year old who can help.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2013


    Is there a place/link to find everything I need to know about a NOLA DIEP surgery or just a DIEP in general?  I would love to find a place that tells me everything I need to get ready ahead of time... items to purchase... what to bring... tips on navigating NOLA... etc... I know this thread is 700+ pages long and that's a lot to skim.

    Thanks! Laughing

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited February 2013

    Mother, they don't do surgery on Mondays as it's set aside for consults & preops. As many others have said, I was unhappy with my local docs (I'm in Atlanta) and didn't like the options they were giving me. I did go for a consult, but I am a very hands on type person and I need to know everything before I jump in. We drove in on a Sunday and stayed the night with a friend and had my consult Monday morning and then drove back, so it was very cheap for us. My husband was a little skeptical at first, but before we left their office, he was set (no matter what it took) that's where I was going for my surgery. All the doctors there are incrediaable, but I am partial to Dr. D. I also chose Dr. Stolier as my breast surgeon. He is a very sweet and compansionate man and an amazing surgeon. I have had stage 1 and 2 and I am contemplating a stage 2b, but I have NO regrets with any choice I have made. NOLA is truly top notch!!!

    Betsy, I looked at your pics and you look great!! I have scheduled a consult for April 8th while I am there for my friends wedding on the 6th.

    Well wishes to all those recovering!! HUGS!!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    I know you have to have a post op appt which is on post op day #7.  Post op day #1 is the day of the surgery.  Most people come in the day before the preop and leave the day after the post op.  However you could possible leave in the afternoon after a morning post op.  Depending on you time of your preop you could possible fly in that day but that might be risky, you don't want to take the chance of missing it and too much happens that day to really make that work.  You meet with the hospital, the breast surgeon, the plastic surgeon and do the CTA.  That was a whole day affair for me.  So I would think, fly in night before preop, preop day with CT angiogram, three nights in hospital, two nights in hotel, post op and fly home that day.  That would be 8 nights.  I did 9 nights because I flew home day after my post op appointment. I don't think you can do it any shorter then 8 nights.  I think your children will be fine and they can be presented it as an adventure with your m-i-l,  acting all grown up without their parents there.  I wanted my husband for the three nights in the hospital and the preop.  So he stayed with me Sunday to Friday.  My neice came Friday to Monday.  Yes, it was two air fares but he couldn't take off from work for 10 days and it wasn't necessary.  The center takes care of the limosine service.  We just tipped them.  You can do this.  Your children will get through this, continue their daily activities and you will be a happier, healthier mom.  

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited February 2013

    Mother, you can go to their website and their is a packing list at the top of this page too. Both of these links are at the top of the page. I had my surgery on a Friday. I arrive the Wednesday before had preop on Thursday and then Surgery on Friday. I left the hospital on Tuesday and had my postop on Thursday and flew out on Friday.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2013

    Mother -- I generally fly in the day before pre-op (Sunday) late in the day. Monday morning pre-op, usually running through early afternoon (I don't get CTAs done). Surgery is Tuesday and, for Stage 1, I was discharged late Thursday with a post-op appointment the following Monday morning. Could have flown home later that day or the next, but opted to spend some recuperation time with my cousin in Thibodeaux, LA. Stage 2 I flew in Sunday again, Monday pre-op, Tuesday surgery with 2 nights in the hospital instead of the usual one night (I "offered" to faint in the shower and that put me in for one more night). Stage 2b in Sunday night, pre-op Monday, surgery Tuesday, Wed. night in the hospital and I would have been allowed to go home on Thursday if I had chosen to do so. It varies with the patient. I have Dr. D. as my physician. I had had a tissue expander (TE) placed in my breast (unilateral) after mastectomy, so was not having the mastectomy at NOLA. Wish I had had and gotten it all done at once and no TE!! I actually had friends fly in from England and AZ to help take care of me because family were unable to come! Every case is a little complicated and everyone makes special arrangements and it isn't as convenient as a doc in your hometown, but ... and this is a HUGE but ... there are no other doctors or facilities like these!

    There is all sorts of help here, so keep asking questions. This IS a stressful time, but all will work out in the end. As a medical professional, you know that things will take the time they will take, and stressing unduly won't help! (This from a Class A worrywart! LOL!) CALL the Center, talk to the staff -- Katie who will anwer the call, Jeanine or Laura who will speak with you and answer any and all questions you have with the greatest of compassion, caring and patience.  Yours is complicated with so many beautiful blessings in your children, but this is one time when you have to let go, let others help because you need to focus on you. this isn't just for you -- it is for the whole family. Please feel free to PM me if you would like to chat.

    FWIW --


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Mother... I agree with all these women... I flew in on a Tuesday night , had pre-op Wednesday, surgery Thursday and post op the following Thursday. With flight times, I wouldn't have wanted to leave Thursday afternoon, but could have left then if I wanted. That was the minimum time. They usually start your pre-op at 9am, so flying in the day before surgery is not really practical.

    Descriptions of the surgery are on their website, and hotels etc as well... But Katie at the Center can help with all of that including booking your hotel with a discount (or Hope Lodge), plus arranging all of you transportation. They will shuttle you to and from the airport and all appointments. Last week I was down for my stage IIb and staying with a friend in the outskirts of the city, and my daughter got a kick out of the fact that a stretch limo came to pick us up for my post op. And then after my appt took us down to the French Quarter. These docs have thought of everything.

    I for one LOVE Dr Dellacroce. I have met Dr Sullivan and Trahan, but am partial to Dr D. He is an absolute sweetheart. And so thourough. My 2 cents. But I haven't found anyone who doesn't love their own doc.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Maggie... how did you get all those Tuesday surgeries? I thought they generally reserved Tuesday for acive cancer patients.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2013

    Betsy -- Tuesdays were the days given me. I always tried to schedule at least 2 months in advance. Just showed up when they told me to! LOL!

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2013

    Thanks everyone! Financials tied up in a neat bow... Vickie was great... Now waiting to talk to Liz to schedule.  

    It's looking like hubby will stay the entire time and my kids will have to adjust... I just don't know another way as I just found out my sister is unwilling to come without my mother tagging along.  My mother had Ov. Cancer and is currently doing ok but she needs to be tended to... needs meals.... can't drive... needs to be settled in, etc... I really don't think it's wise to have my sister be a caretaker to two during this time.  I really want to keep things simple, fuss free....

    I would love for anyone who is willing to chat with me to PM me.  I've spoken to one gal from FORCE who I called and she was amazing... She spoke to me for an hour and it really helped.  I would love to talk to a few more gals about their experience.

    One thing, I guess I was set on 2 surgeries... but I frequently hear people refering to 2b, 2c, etc... that is a bit worrisome to me.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2013

    Motherandchild5, in some cases there are complications that require another surgery such as when there is necrosis of the flap tissue. In some cases, the revisions are minor but necessary for the person to feel "done."  I take it as a sign that the surgical process is not so bad that one wouldn't consider coming back for a little tweaking to get it perfect.  

    It's nice that your husband will be with you the whole time and your sister can focus on your mom.  It's also great that you have older children that can look after the younger ones.  It might end up being helpful to take a break from co-sleeping because those tiny little elbows and knees will be extra scary when you come home!  I slept by myself for about 6 weeks because I needed room to prop myself up in a nest of pillows to avoid excess swelling in my chest.  My daughter got lots of gentle snuggling while reading books during my recovery, and it was the best medicine!

    I read all the what-to-pack threads and made crazy lists, then brought WAY too much stuff.  The Center gives you all the compression garments, medicine, and bandages you will need.  My list of must-haves includes comfy clothes that you don't have to pull over your head (wrap-around dress in a busy print, loose skirt, button-up shirt) and some really comfortable shoes with a good shock-absorbing sole for walking.  I really enjoyed having some music to listen to while I was lolling around in bed, and I brought a few DVD's to enjoy also.  I didn't feel like reading much, didn't bother with makeup, & didn't need all the cough drops, tea, and whatnot so many people suggested bringing.  I brought tons of vitamins and supplements but the docs didn't want me to take them in case of blood thinning issues.  I did pick up a couple of travel pillows in NOLA for the flight home and was so glad I did.  My iPod also really helped me to rest on the plane trip home.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Mother... I just sent you a PM with my phone number... would be happy to talk with you.

    A agree not to pack too much. The Center sends you home with a bag of supplies. I actually had to have my husband grab an extra duffle to get it all home. They will give you 2 sets of compression girdles and bras and all medical pads, betadine etc. You may want to pre-purchase colace which is something they will want you to take post surgery. I liked having slippers, my own nightgown, extra large undies to go over the girdle, and then loose shirts (I pulled them over my head) and lounge pants which I bought at Target (Gilligan and O'Malley) super soft and elastic waist.  Other than that, clothes for before surgery. I would go light on makeup etc cause you really aren't going to want to do you face and hair post surgery. And an absolute must was my ipad and charger... and phone.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2013


    NOLA is the answer. Here's the thing. Do you remember before you had delivered a baby that you thought the entire thing was scary and you couldn't even imagine it, I mean how gross, etc? However, you knew lots of women who got pregnant, delivered babies, and seemd fine afterwards. Actually, they were happy and they had this lovely baby to boot, though, it is an experience and a journey you go through. Some deliveries are easy, others more diffuclult etc.

    This is the same type of deal. You can't imagine it' it's very scary, the thought of it grosses you out, etc. You don't know how you would do it. There are so many things to consider. However, there are a slew of women who have done this, are happy, and have a lovely result to show for it! We are on the other side. Some have an easier time than others. Me? Not one issue. Not one. Textbook case.

    Just know, if you go to NOLA, you will be at THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD for breast reconstruction. This is all they do: Breast Reconstruction. They are artists with the woman's body. Your whole body will be better than when you started. 

    END of Soap Box!!!! Welcome!

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2013

    Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes... and for the gals who have PM'd me... I will follow up!  Springtime what a great analogy to use.  That makes total sense.

    I'm now realizing this is def. an emotional roller coaster ride.  While the financials are settled.. Just found out that scheduling is going to be a challenge.  The dates I needed are just not available... I'm now pushed off to mid April... which is fine but not optimal since we can't leverage everyone's Spring Break weeks and more difficult for the kids with school.  I wonder if I should wait until summer...

    The saddest thing I just heard Liz say was that she didn't think I was a candidate for nipple sparing.  I burst into tears.  Hopefully not the first time she's heard someone blubbering. I guess 12+ years of nursing has really taken it's toll... which I knew... but I still assumed I was a candidate since SO many people have told me so.  She said she would check again with Dr. Stollier but that was her assessment.  That honestly has been the one thing, the one aspect of the this surgery that has gotten me to move forward.  I'm sure I'm irrationally connected to my nipples but for me it is a big deal.  They represent everything to me and my life as a mom and my babies... I am so saddened by this I almost feel like giving up.