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NOLA in September?



  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2013

    Good point sewanee. That is what the doc was thinking. Ab drains are only allowed for 3 weeks so it would have been out tomorrow anyway. I think it started way last week when the first one started leaking and I pulled it. That was the one that was always producing a lot more. I don't think the second one ever caught up. Then it was clogged. Then I pulled it and had an active weekend. It happens even when drains are down to 10 cc so it is just bad luck.

    Visit to the cinic was very disappointing. General surgeon attempted needle aspiration. Got very little. Tried again. Got blood. Said he was missing it. Sent me to have ultrasound guided aspiration. Radiologist said yes there is fluid there. It is very linear, a long black line of fluid. But tissue is also very edemous. He says he doesn't want to touch the incision because it looks so good and he doesn't want to risk introducing infection into it. I said, well he already stuck me twice. He said oh that should be fine. Why is that? Was he just in a hurry to get home? I asked about adherence. Won't the fluid keep the skin from adhering to the muscle? No, he said it wont interfere. How is that? Ugh. I am frustrated. I had convinced myself if I tolerated the needle which I am very squeamish about, they would get like 100 cc and then I would compress the hell out of it and it would all be good. Above the public bone and lower ab area there is a huge swollen area that is very unattractive. I had hoped taking fluid out would help with that as I have been worrying about it, that maybe I traded a mid-ab bump for a low-ab bump. So there's the update. In the end, not much.

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2013

    He was saying 'deformed' because he had no idea ( or would he offer) a stage 2. A friend had a Tram/and a deep - yup, he did one breast Tram and the other Diep at the same time, same day.....when she asked for refining and he wasn't into it - I guess that's why he had no clue about stage 2's.

    I knew better but it still made me feel deformed (SGAP indents)

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2013

    Marty do you have a new date yet?

    Hoping it works out for you for next week - we surely can compare bruising experiences (not). Hopefully minor for both.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2013

    I just added Sharon, who is having surgery this week, as well as the M--J girls!

    Good luck to MillerJ -- Tomorrow!!!

    Apr 3 - MillerJ - Stage 1, Dr. S., NOLA.

    Apr 5 - MartyJ - Stage 2, Dr. M in Charleston

    Apr 5 - Sharon1942 - Stage 2, UTSW - Dr. T 

  • harmonysun
    harmonysun Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2013

    hello lovely ladies....been meaning to share my stage 2 experience, but seems always things....dealing with sick cat this week and might have to put him to sleep just crying....

    ...and then today when i was leaving for work, my drain hole opened up and fluid all overmy shirt and pants....i had my stage 2 hip drain in for 2 1/2 weeks, then 1 week after it was out it opened(but thought it was because of sleeping on hard floor at the shedd aquarium with my daughters gscouts)...and now 2 1/2 weeks later it opened again....has this happened to anyone?????....thought they usually sealed up pretty good after 2 days?....have to message dr. m.,  but saw marty said something happened? all ok with her?..(sorry marty to hear of  your delay)

    ....on a quick other note....dr m fixed my behind up better than i could have hoped was 8 months after stage 1 so did fill in with some fat again, she pulled it up so nice and it really helps to feel put back together there.....

    ....just hangin with kitty, might be last night with him....:(

    ...hope you are all doing well, i do read and follow with everyone and you are all such amazing strong ladies.....:)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    So kbodie... I suggest you compress now. Seromas can reabsorb if they aren't enormous. When I had my very small seroma aspirated, it was at the radiologist. They used ultrasound and stuck me a few times to get it all... In the end, I probably should have left it alone because I have had a dent ever since. Dr D did add some fat at stage IIb, but it will need more at stage IIc.When they took the fluid, they also got debris. And that debris was probably good debris. So I went from a little puffy to indented.

    Catie... Some doctors are so arrogant they can't even imagine someone could do a better job than they. Very sad actually. And how very annoying to hear.

    Sorry Marty for the delay... But luckily you live right there.

  • Sharon1942
    Sharon1942 Member Posts: 96
    edited April 2013

    Thanks for adding me, Springtime! I had a unilateral DIEP last September. April 5th I'm having lipo reduction of the flap to match my natural breast; lipo from midriff for fat grafting to indentation at top of flap; scar revision at top of flap where skin was damaged by radiation prior to DIEP; dog ears removed; and scar revision of part of the abdominal scar. PS said it would take 1-1/2 hours on out patient basis. Can't wait to get this stage behind me! Prayers & good luck to the others having surgery this week.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Harmony... It sounds like you need to compress your butt/hips. When fluid builds up it will exit at the path of least resitance, and that would be your drain holes. Sorry about the kitty....

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Harmony, Dr M is okay. Just one of those family things that need personal attention. I feel certain she will be calling from the road. So sorry about the kitty.

    No new date yet. There are some complicating factors, but I have every confidence that it will be next week. Thankfully we can clear the week easily.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited April 2013

    I am getting to go to NOLA tomorrow.  My surgery (stage 2b SCSH) -  is not until April 9th but I am going a little bit earlier to have some fun with my DD and DH.  Its been a while since we got away together so I like to make the best of it.  I hope I run in to some of you ladies who will be down there between the 4th and 10th.  I'll be out and about so PM me if you want to meet up!  I know I'll pass Chelle at the center!  Our appointments are back to back!

    Good luck to all with their upcoming surgeries! 

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2013

    Marty- So sorry about having to wait. I hope next week works out for you. I too will have a 2b and 2c. A little more fat goes each time! You will be one hot mama.

    Harmony- sorry to hear about your cat. That is sooo hard.

    Hang in there KBodie. Compression may do the trick!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013 sad about your kitty:( I'm so sorry!

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2013

    Well I had my post op appointment today and got the breast drains out still have the hip, but could get them out at the end of the week. Met several ladies today here at the Hope Lodge that have had diep surgery some had implants and then went with diep this go round and all of us are so glad we came here (nola) and had this surgery. I believe 3 of the ladies had Dr. M for their Dr and they loved her. I mentioned to them about her canceling on Marty and they said it was probably something to do with her husband he had been sick.

    Getting to go home tomorrow!!!! So ready for it!!

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited April 2013

    Good luck to all this week, I will keep you in my prayers, so sorry Marty for the cancelation :(

    Betsy, you rock with the suggestion for the o'malley pants at target, they are PERFECT!!! I got some tonight :))

    I am in countdown and nervous as hell, trying to keep things in check and giving it over to my maker 😘

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2013

    Good luck everyone! Traveling home or to NOLA, wishing you safe and comfy travels and lots of rest.

    I am sorry to here about the pet troubles harmony. That is such a blow. Sad.

    Judy, glad you had that community. I don't know where I would be if I hadn't found the NOLA ladies who helped me realize I could go somewhere better. I found them before I ever found any of the doctors! And here you still are!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2013

    Gmp300, I am looking forward to meeting you!!!

    I am flying tonight to NOLA (flight is at 9:10 p.m.), but the bride really wants me there so I am working all day and then home to get my stuff and off to the airport.

    I am actually nervous about seeing Dr. D again, but I know he will hopefully make me feel better and give me some options to think about. After reading this board the past few days...the insurance side of this and the payments and all that just make my stomach sink. I have no idea if insurance will even approve this surgery if he decides not to touch my breasts and just fix my donor sites :( Anyway...I'm not going to think about all that now.

    I have been working out hard and I haven't really lost weight but lost inches I guess. Had to buy smaller capri's this weekend and yes my bridesmaid dress is a bit loose now. I could wear it without a bra and it fit perfectly and with a very padded bra I was supposed to wear to wear with it, it wouldn't zip. Now, I have the padded bra on with room to spare. Without the bra I can fit my entire fist down the front of the dress.
    But, long story short, I am pretty happy with the way I look for now and plan to keep it up after the wedding.

    I am looking forward to being in NOLA and not having surgery and getting to just enjoy things eventhough I will be BUSY!! Those who are on FB, look for some pics this weekend. Big Easy here I come!!

    Good look to the ladies up this week and next. All you of have been amazing and such a huge support through all the good & the bad.

    HUGS to you all!!


  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2013

    Harmony I am so sorry about your kitty!! People think I am kidding when I say I will need bereavement days when I lose one of my dogs. Sending huge hugs to you!!!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited April 2013

    Sorry about your cat Harmony.  It's so hard to go through losing a pet.  It sounds like some compression is in order as well as painting your drain site and keeping it covered to keep it dry.

    Chelle, dealing with insurance definitely sucks.  If Dr. D feels like you medically need additional work, insurance should pay for it, right?  I hope your consult goes well and you leave feeling better than when you walked in.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Morning all!  Well, looks like I have been rescheduled for April 12!  Guess I'll get to see Downey before her surgery again.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2013

    I'm having my BMX and DIEP reconstruction on May 8 with Dr. S.

    I'll be flying in on May 2 and staying at a family friend's apartment in the French Quarter. I'm going to JazzFest Thursday May 3 and possibly 4 if the first day isn't enough. So if anyone is doing that and wants to meet up let me know.

    I'll be at the Hope Lodge Saturday May 4 and flying home May 15. My Mom will be with me during this time.

    PM me if our stays will overlap.

    I know many of you ladies are excited about this but I have to tell you I am terrified of this surgery. I know it's the right thing but still reading about all of your wounds scares me.


  • PerryDawnB
    PerryDawnB Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2013

    Well, my surgery date is drawing near and I have a mixed bag of emotions and wonder if I'm doing the right thing.  I chose the hip flap because I did not want to sacrifice my back muscle to have a latissimus and I don't have enough tissue for a DIEP procedure (not that, that option was very attracive anyway).  I guess that while I yearn to feel whole again, I hate that it comes at the prospect of being mutilated somewhere else on my body in order to achieve this.  The hubby is an a** man and is very apprehensive about this procedure; truth be told, so am I. 

    Any of you had issues with the scarring, indents, etc., to your donor site?

  • Sewaneegirl
    Sewaneegirl Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2013


    It is a big surgery for sure. But having said that, I have no regrets. Mind you, I am between parts 1 and 2, but even with two big incisions (one on each cheek) I really think my derrière will end up looking better than when I started. Someone really wise told me (in the context of my divorce): gather all your facts for and against; weigh your facts: identify your alternatives; and pick a direction based on the facts. After that, don't look back. Once you have moved forward in your chosen direction he said your brain will align your feelings about your choice to support what you have done. In, this advice was dead-on. I imagine your husband is feeling your hesitancy and taking your lead. If you decide for sure to do or not do this, I imagine he'll feel better just knowing you're doing something you have chosen to do. Good luck.

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2013

    Sewannee what a GREAT saying - really great!!!

    Perry, I think Sewannee said it very nice!!!!

    I personally have found that half of the things I worried about (or even more) never came to pass. I think we all have those emotions though, as it is new and a bit scary. I way overpack on every trip I go on, and it is because of 'what if I need this or that' - and I usually don't need 1/2 of it - well my worries and emotions (right or wrong) are somewhat like my packing - I over think it!

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2013

    I was terrified before my stage one. Still dead set on doing it, but scared!! It is easy to be so cavalier about it now as it was obviously a great decision for me. My cancer risk is significantly diminished, I look much better than I went in, and I feel this sense of accomplishment in doing something brave. But I remember those days before surgery very clearly. The anticipation was so high, I could hardly take it.

    This board helps those preparing to go and those recovering after, but it can be hard on those waiting to go in. Some big things happened to women after surgery during the last couple weeks before I went to stage 1 and it sent my anxiety soaring! Yet, I couldn't get through a day without checking in on everyone here. You have to find the balance that will give you peace and that is hard when we are all so vulnerable one minute, so brave and strong the next.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Perry... It is always odd for me to read when women say they'll be mutiliated or deformed... It just isn't the case. But I must forewarn that when you initially see yourself, you will think I am a liar. When your bandages first come off, you will be swollen, bruised and incised. And all incisions will look bloody and messy because blood gets stuck in the glue that they paint on you to seal your incisions. BUT... as a week goes by and the swelling subsides a little and then the bruising goes away you will see improvement. And by week three all of the glue should be gone, and thats when you realize that the incisions really aren't bad. By the time I went for my stage II surgery, most scars had faded tremendously. And with time, they become almost non-existent.  Plus, stage II fixes those indents and imperfections. So mutilated or deformed?? Not at all. But patience is very important here...

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Perry - I think all have said very valuable things.  Just keep in mind that what you see after Stage 1 will be changed/fixed at Stage 2.  This is a process.  The way I look 5 months after my DIEP is nothing like I looked at 6 weeks.  I have issues with my abdominal incision and they are going to be fixed.  I think that your DH will probably be very happy with the end result, but it will take time.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2013

    I just heard back from Laura who talked with Dr D. this morning.  They looked at my photos and think that I will probably have to have a DIEP to correct the necrosis in my left breast.  This will be another Stage 1 probably followed by a Stage 2.  She said they can probably just use a small flap, but if the swelling on the other side of my breast has still not resolved, I can imagine that it might be a total reconstruction.  So disappointed.  I will be in the south this August and will plan a consultation while I am there.  If it has to happen, I will probably wait until winter.  Yell  Good thing I haven't lost all that weight I was going to lose.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    LA---I am sorry that you must face this....your disappointment is shared..  Frown

    Perry...I feel you.  Nerves and questioning our decision are part of this process for sure.  Once you see the end result I think you will be happy.

    I am being a very naughty girl....  I have been taking off the compression when I get home about 6pm and do not put it on til after my shower in the morning...  It just makes the drain ache....I hate the drain too...4 weeks yesterday and I swear I just may rip it out myself now!!  Why does it still put out so much fluid why why why


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Maggie... Not wearing the compression will make your drain output go up... Using lots of compression more often 24/7 will make the output go down.

    LAstar... I know it seems disappointing, but coming from someone who has had GAP, DIEP and Tdap, I can say it isn't as bad as you think...

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2013

    Oh LA, so sorry. Nice sense of humor though. Oh, the number of us who were going to shed pounds before stage 2.... Keep it there now so it can make you a beautiful new flap.

    Perry, have you been on the picture forum? I think the show and tell room at FORCE changed everything for me. Seeing is believing. All these women post-surgery and the 10 most beautiful breasts there...all NOLA. It was so amazing and burned those images in my brain so I could grab onto them every time i worried about how I would end up. There is the picture forum but you can get photos from the center too.