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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Klanders... You will do great!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2013

    Ladies, I have been away, sorry I forgot to let you know. 

    Barbmal5, I added your May 21st PBMX to the listing above. Welcome to our group!

    If anybody else needs to be added, Please PM me. 

    Two stage 1 ladies to finish out April!

    Apr 24 - Klanders - Stage 1, BMX with Dr. Stollier, recon with Dr. S. NOLA. 

    Apr 30 - Motherandchild5 - Stage 1 DIEP, Dr. D., NOLA.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013 are going to do well and be so happy!! Tell Dr. S that Melanie Russell is happy with hers!! Lol. I really wonder if they know at the center how we praise them on this board.

    Betsy.. I want the bed and the bedding:) can you pm the info if you know?

    Mags..when I had infection in expander and went to Er my ps talked to the Er doc which happened to be my breast surgeon and ps wanted him to put a drain in ASAP and he refused! He said she doesn't need one:/. My ps had me leave that hospital and go to where he has rights which was 1 hour drive and admitted me there and flew back from Canada and put a drain in in my hospital room with just a local! That wasn't fun but he knew it needed done. I ended up losing the expander anyway. The hell we go through!! Ugh!!!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    My point was that I second what you said about them being jerks !!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    I also wanted to give an update with my recovery. I am off pain meds:) but find I get really tired around 4pm. I was walking 3 miles a day before surgery and lifting very light weight. Today I'm going to attempt a light walk. When did you feel your normal? Around 4 weeks after stage 1? Thanks!

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited April 2013

    Holy crap attack.... my name is on the Springtime surgery announcement.... When I get stressed I go into total avoidance mode.  I'm not packing or thinking about packing.  I feel like drinking every night until I leave to block out the anxiety.

    Good luck Klanders.

    Holy holy holy crap.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2013

    Thinking of you Kristen. You will do great. Are you taking Miralax? Don't forget to hydrate a lot tomorrow. We will all be waiting for you to let us know how you are doing.

    Melanie- I felt great at 4 weeks out. I had a crying jag going into 2 1/2 weeks out, but kicked myself in the butt and it was uphill from there. 4 weeks seemed to be a real blessing.

    Mags- hope things settle so you can enjoy your vacation.

    Marty- you sound great. Hope those drains get to come out soon. Say HI to Dr. M for me. Doesn't she look great. I will be seeing her in 2 1/2 weeks. It comes so fast.

    Motherandchild-you are going to do fine. Eat lots of protein now, sleep, take walks, make your lists. Don't pack too much. You are a strong woman and you have us!!'💪

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    Well isn't that special....cue the period now...seriously...have had 2 since chemo ended Dec of 2011...someone find me a rock to either crawl under or bash my head


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Maggie - you are simply an amazing specimen of womanhood with a surprise around every corner!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2013

    Wow Maggie! You have certainly been through a lot and definitely deserve that VACATION!!!!

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2013

    Klanders - sending calming thoughts your way.  You've got a lot of support here.  Can't wait to hear from you when all done!

    Motherandchild5 - I'm with ya. I just saw my name on the long list & freaked.  I'm the opposite of you, I'm already packed and have revised my bag twice.  It sure doesnt look like much in there but I trust all you ladies about not overpacking.  Now that I'm all packed I think I'll have a drink or two myself.  

    Maggie - I cannot believe all the crap you get hit with and still sound so positive.  What an inspiration you are!! 

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    Yes Mags.. You are incredible!

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2013

    Thanks to this thread I have arranged a plastic surgeon that has agreed to do my wound care at home.  So nervous about the seranomas and other complications that Maggie and others have experienced.

    I sent an email to the PS asking if she would work with me, and she called me.  I figured I have done tons of business with VCU (where she works) and they lost both their DIEP surgeons, so how could she say no?  They are hoping to hire a new DIEP surgeon.  They can't take it personally that I want to go somewhere else to do a procedure they don't offer. Local PS said that she would need to work out a protocol with Dr. Sullivan to determine roles.  I can't tell you how much this comforts me that she is willing to help me and work with Dr. Sullivan.  We talked briefly on the phone and she was feeling me out to see if I was swayable, but was respectful when I explained that I wanted to go with Nola because of their reputation and I don't know enough women locally who can give me referrals for the doctors in my area.  I'm meeting her Thursday to establish care. 

    I'm so sorry that some of you have to deal with egotistical doctors or emergency rooms just to get care.  That sucks.  I understand doctors that feel the need to draw boundaries, but they don't have to be so insensitive!

    Thanks for the urinal feedback.  I ordered this:  It seemed like a handy purchase for hiking/backpacking/camping anyway.  I liked that it had a flexible tube.  Not as collapsible as the go girl, which I might try too at some later date.  Who knew this is something I needed?  I am trying to resist the urge to post this on my hiking club's facebook page.

    I've planned a 4-day little pre-surgery vacation in New Orleans which I am sort of regretting.  I had a SNB and port placement on May 12 (11 days ago) and I have not recovered.  Walking, standing and concentrating exhausts me and sleep is not restorative.    I am worried it means I am not as resilient as I was for my lumpectomy 6 years ago where I was working from home a week later.  Good news is nodes were negative.  Just wanted to make sure as I learned that there was a chance that I could need radiation if the SNB showed cancer in the full pathology, and that could risk the DIEP failing or needing major revisions.  I wanted to eliminate that risk since my first cancer had 4 positive nodes when there was no sign of cancer on the MRI -- so I asked my BS if he would do the biopsy first (thinking all along that I wanted to go to Nola).  If it was positive I would have considered doing a BMX with expander and then doing the recon after chemo.

    Now thinking that going to JazzFest on May 3 was completely unrealistic, as were all the other "last hurrah" plans I have had to cancel this week.  But I have 11 more days until then to bounce back so I'm hopeful.

    Russel1--Oh yes, I am totally over thinking this.  Shh, it's what I do.  Compulsively organized and totally in high gear. 

    klanders--Good luck tomorrow with your preops!

    maggie -- I hope you can enjoy the mountains!

    motherandchild5 -- I always stress about packing.  It always gets done.  You deserve a drink.

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited April 2013

    Mags you sure are having a rough time, will keep you in my prayers.

    Good luck to all the ladies coming up this week, the center was very busy today!

    I went to the World War II museum today and it is an experience not to be missed for anyone that has time before or after their surgery, I highly recommend it.

    Hope everybody has a great week😃

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2013

    Wow Marcie! You are getting around. I also did that museum 7 days out in a wheel chair. It was a wonderful museum. Sounds like you are doing great.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Marsha - sounds like you have a solid plan.  I want to mention that 99% of us do not need any follow-up wound care or other protocols with a local doc.  As Betsy once said, the women you are seeing posting most often are either the ones in the middle of the recon process or the ones having challenges.  I am one of those that hasn't needed follow-up wound care.  Yes, having drains is a PITA, but I can manage swabbing incisions with betadine and all other self care. In other words, you may not actually need the PS at VCU for anything though it will be comforting to know she is in your back pocket.  Try to enjoy NOLA a bit!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    Marsha..please do not let my posts discourage you....I am so out of the norm with my complications.  The NOLA docs do work well with local docs to get you taken care of if there is a problem at home.  I have always been difficult medically speaking and tend to follow the low %'s of complications.  YOU on the other hand will do awesome!  Have fun in NOLA exploring and just go slowly.  There is so much to see and do there but you can always go back if you miss something.


  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited April 2013

    Cherrie, thanks i am doing great and I believe what Marty said is true, that with the Nola dr's most is done at post appt.

    Dr d pulled my upper drain at post but I am going home with my hip drain.

    I have a local PS that I prepared to have ready for local stuff but my sister is a nurse and she will pull the hip drain for me.

    I feel great and will be so happy to sleep in my own bed tonight (Nola is fun and I actually felt good enough to expereince some of it post surgery) but there is no place like home :))

    SCSH is a dream for anybody with hospital fears, it is a wonderful atmosphere with a staff that goes to work like they could do it with their eyes closed.

    I thought I was going to be released Friday and then my Doppler sound was weak, the nurses put me at ease and took care of me until the dr took a look (all was well , it was a false alarm but they kept me an extra night to keep am eye on me),

    I could go on and on about SCSH and the staff, but to the ladies who are headed there, you have nothing to worry about, you are in the best hands!!! 😃

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited April 2013

    Russell -- 

    The "funnel" is called Sani-Fem. Site I purchased if from is Looks weird, but it really works!


  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2013

    Good morning.  I'm not sure if this topic was covered before but I was wondering if I need to purchase the compression garment (s) before going to NOLA or do they provide one there?  How do you know what style to get?  I will be having a DIEP.  Also I have compiled a lovely list (thanks to everyone) of things I may need as far as pads, gauze, etc.  Is any of this supplied by the hospital or should I pack all that too?  Ya know I'm usually quite level headed and organized but the closer my date gets the more scatter brained I get!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited April 2013

    Also wanted to report this AM that I had my annual mammo and passed. Drs concerned about density and the baby flap in the contralateral, but there is no sign of cancer. May want an MRI next year due to density. 

    Getting ready to schedule what I hope is the last round of surgery for symmetry. Need some major attention to the "back porch" and soem evening of the girls. Hopefully a tat at the same visit. If not, it may be Betsy and me in Balitmore with Vinny having a tat party!

    Best to those heading in ... healing thoughts to those coming out. And to my nameskae, Maggie, you rock, lady!


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Maggie-1 - Yeah!  Great mammo results!

    Barbmal5 - You will get everything you need while in NOLA. You will wake up in a compression garment (the Dom) and will probably be given a second.  They usually send you home with so many supplies (ABD pads, gauze, betadine swabs, cotton swabs, antibiotic cream) that you will need a tote to bring it home.  So, just pack an extra foldable bag instead of clothes.  Russell1 is right on in her packing list - light and tight.

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2013

    Barb, depends on which dr you have as to having to wear compression. I didn't have to on this first stage, but I believe from what I have read is you wake up from surgery in a compression garment if you going to wear one.

    As for medical supplies the hospital will furnish you with plenty. We had to buy a extra duffle bag to bring everything home.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2013

    Marsha, I hope you recover well enough in the next week to really enjoy Jazz Fest! It is such a blast and the food is incredible. If you don't have much energy, you can rest in one of the tent stages (gospel, heritage jazz) and be comfortable out of the sun. Fingers crossed that you will be feeling better!

    Best wishes to klanders & motherof5 this week! The nerve-wracking wait is almost over!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Barb... They give you so many supplies. I had my husband (who came down after surgery) bring an extra duffel from home to get it all home. They also gave me 2 compression girdles and 2 bras. Lots of stuff... so don't buy anything. Plus, if you get home and need more, they will mail it to you.

    Maggie... Tat party?? I like it. Has to be after my Nov 22 stage IIc, so 2014... Boy,, this is just going on and on.. But I will rock it when I am done.

    Jazz Fest is so much fun.. But it is out at the Fairgrounds. And crowded. So just be careful... There is no quick escape. But you can bring a blanket and camp out, which I suggest post surgery... In the shade.

    Marsha.. Always good to plan for the worst and then have no need of it... There are a few of us who seem to attract complication... but most do not. And even after my rocky road, I can say without hesitation that I am thrilled with my decision to have a GAP/DIEP/Tdap flap after MX... and do realize I could have just had radiation and called it a day. So it does mean something that I still have positive feelings about the whole experience.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2013

    Marsha, most girls have no complications. My hubby pulled my drains. You will be amazed at what you can do. If you do have issues, log on because there is always someone who can help. We are a great support group.

    Barb- I concur. Do not bring any compression, bras, or medical supplies. I brought a backpack just to get this all home. Pack light and you still won't wear everything. Homewood Suites and Hope Lodge has laundry facilities.

    Sleep well Marcie! It is always nice to be in your own space.

    Healing((((vibes)))) to 4my4 and Klanders.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013 already DO ROCK IT !  November will come up quick.

    I too am not sorry for the path I have chosen.  I know that in the end it will all turn out beautifully.  I need to stay off the boards when I am in a whiny mood or ranting...did not mean to scare the newbies.  :)

    Maggie--today is better than yesterday and tomorrow it will just be a bad dream

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2013

    Maggie, I think it is important to whine and rant. Who else would understand??? We just have to remind the newbies that complications are not the norm. Oh oh did I just say you aren't normal. I know, you know, what I mean!!! Heal well girl and complain away if you feel like it.

  • 4my4babies
    4my4babies Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2013

    My DH drove me back down to Nola for my Stage 2 post-op yesterday.  Three hours down and three hours back and I did fine!  (Thank heavens for the Lortab though!)  Actually, I did well enough that I plan on riding with a friend to take our kids on a field trip on Thursday...that's also about 3 hours there and then 3 hours back so, for those wondering, you can tell I'm doing pretty good! 

    The recovery from Stage 2 doesn't even compare to the first one.  I'm sore in a few places and am swollen (particularly around my boobs and under my arms) but it is totally tolerable and practically non-existent with Lortab every 4 hours.  I suspect I will be off of that by the weekend if not sooner.  I am definitely perkier! Those babies point almost straight out.  Dr. D. said as the swelling goes down and the skin relaxes they will look even more normal and perky.  I can only imagine how that is possible.  My DH and I love how Dr. D. is almost what you think of as a typical plastic surgeon...pointed toe Italian shoes, one button too many undone on his shirt, etc....  But he is so very genuine and caring.  His self-confidence borders on cockiness but he just knows what he can do and he truly likes doing it. We really like him.  When we were there for my post-op visit on Monday, he looked at me with a twinkle in his eye, grinned and said "You like it?" When I said "you bet" he looked over at my DH and said "I did good didn't I?" like he had just done him a favor.  It was pretty funny.

    Anyway, so far so great.  He said my swelling will start going down in another week or so (peeing it out) with the majority gone within 6 weeksor so.  Then I'll know how everything is really going to settle.  I cannot imagine being disappointed though.  Having the perky and youthful boobs is secondary to having a virtually nil chance of ever getting breast cancer so, as far as we are concerned, all is great.

    I do wonder just how many pounds of swelling I have.  Did anyone who has already been through Stage 2 ever figure out how much swelling you had (as in, you weighed you first got home and then again after the bulk of the swelling was gone)? I came home weighing 10 pounds more than I did when I left.  I mentioned that to Dr. D and added "I know you removed at least that much from my breasts and from my hips/upper rear." (During my stage 2 he extended my abdominal DIEP incision around to the back and significantly "streamlined" my quite large upper hips.  I swear I'm almost as excited about that as I am the perky and youthful boobs.) Anyway, he generally agreed with that assessment so, assuming he excised at least 10 pounds and I still came home 10 pounds heavier than when I started, it would seem I am carrying at least 20 pounds of fluid.  Doesn't that seem like an awfully lot? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to think it is even more than that!  I'm just surprised to think of it being that much.

    Anyway, I am doing well and suspect I will be back to 100% NO LATER than a week to 10 days out.  Probably sooner.  I know I could do work-wise more than I am if I absolutely had to (and I need to...I just don't WANT to!)  I'm still getting a little tired easily but not too bad or too often so I'm sure it will pass within a few days too.  Right now I'm looking forward to being rid of my two remaining drains within a week or so (they removed my breast drains the day after my surgery/the day I came home).  They are no big deal, just a pain.  Oh, and wearing this full body compression garment isn't a whole lot of fun either....but still not that big a deal.  The toughest thing is getting it all hooked back up over the pads and tubes after my shower.  Definitely a two man job (my husband and I) and I don't like that at all.  But that's just my self-consciousness I guess.  Maybe after all of this is done, a reduction in my self-conciousness will be an added bonus.

    Best wishes to everyone still healing and those of you getting ready to take the plunge. It hasn't been a cake walk, but I have absolutely no regrets. What a blessing the Center has been and will be to all of us.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    Betsy...You are so awesome with your words and wisdom!!! You already are rockin" it!!!!

    Mags...You are not scareing us, and please... always come on the boards and say whatever is on your mind:) That's the best part of our little family here! We understand each other and will get through this together!!! Newbies and pros!! lol xoxo It's just normal for pre-stage peeps( which I just was:) ) to feel afraid of the unknown. But, it is best that we know what can happen. I love you quote "today is better than yesterday and tomorrow it will just be a bad dream"

    Marsha..I remember feeling like that too. I had a surgery on Feb. 25th to remove an expander. I kept thinking how am I going to make it through this big surgery when I already don't feel right? I also came down with the flu the week of:( Well I did it and feel better and better each day:) As far as going to the festival...just make sure you can be near a place for shade. I would of loved to be there and see the festival. Have fun!!