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NOLA in September?



  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited April 2013


    Your PCP should be able to give you an Rx for xanax.  It helps-- and no hangover.  :)

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2013

    When I met Dr T for my pre op the day before surgery, he asked me if I needed something to calm me and help me sleep the night before. I didn't need anything but that's just me. He could tell I was pretty laid back and didn't need anything.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2013

    I might be part of the November party too.  I'm trying to figure out what to do with my daughter since she will be in school.  

    You should be getting close, klanders.  Sending good thoughts your way.  

    Hang in there, motherandchild5!!!  Go get some sweaty exercise & burn some of your adrenaline -- you can enjoy your pre-op bod a little bit before the recuperation vacation.  Sometimes the wait is harder than the recovery!  

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2013

    The wait is definitely the hardest! I was so wound up, I would have let them take me at pre op if they offered. I agree with sharing the good bad and ugly. I have always done well preparing for the worst and being pleasantly surprised. This was no different. Everything was easier than I expected for stage 1. Stage 2 and 2b kicked my ass a little, but stage 1 was just fine, better than anticipated.

    Posted a bunch of photos on the picture forum. Been saying I would for awhile, today is 6 weeks so that seemed like a good time.

    Had the seroma drained again last week. Not sure whether to go again or leave it be. There is a small bit in there so far but growing more slowly than before.

    Hoping klanders is doing well!

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2013

    I want to join the November party! I talked to Vickie today and my out of pocket for 2b will be almost as high as stage 1. Kind of bummed about that, but I do think I am going to move forward on the 2b regardless. Don't get me wrong, everything looks great, but there is a defect on my left breast at the cleavage that I know will drive me crazy over time. No sense going through all I've gone through, and not being 100% satisfied. I'm in no hurry, and I will definitely get through the summer treatment-free before I go through all this again. I've been playing phone tag with Jeanine, but hopefully will get on the schedule soon!

    Sounds like everyone is doing well, and everyone is healing strongly. Lets keep it up!!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Drains out!!!! Wooo Hooo.  My DH is so wonderfully patient, of course I took an Ativan an hour before just to be as chill as possible.  The dom even felt looser when I put it back on.  On to healing and planning 2b.  My date should be August 6, but I'll PM Spring once confirmed.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    Motherandchild you could try you regular doctor for some anti-anxiety:)

    I'v been putting the neosporin on the drain sites .My insisions on the breasts and across the buttocks are starting to itch like crazy..which I know is a sign of healing:) but thought that putting it all over incision would help the itching. I'll call the center.

    Betsy..I will be there the July 10th-16th so I will just miss you! Even flying in on the 9th would be hard to connect because of travel:( Sounds like November is the time to meet ya all"!!!

    Barb..yes you will breeze right through with all this knowledge and support:)

    I think I saved this little pad that fits on the seatbelt while I was having chemo to pad the port site. I think that should work..Thanks for the pillow idea Catie...and jacket idea Judy:)

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    Yay!!! Marty! I can't wait for that!!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Melanie - it will be just around the corner for you!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Melanie... Do not not not put the neosporin on the incision... Just the drain site.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2013

    MartyJ - Congrats being drain free!!

    Chellehump - So sorry about the trouble you are having with cording.  Sounds like Dr D has a good plan for you.

    Klanders - praying things went smooth for you today, gets lots of rest.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2013

    Chelle and Russell, I added your dates above. 

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Spring - I am confirmed for August 6 with Dr.M in Charleston for Stage 2b.

  • goodie
    goodie Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ladies - this thread has been so helpful to me with my Diep surgery (3/20).  I'm on the Diep2013 thread because I didn't go to NOLA but I do have a question for those who have been through all the stages.  What generally happens at 2a, 2b, etc.?  Do you have to ask for things or does the PS tell you what they will be doing?  Does everyone get lipo to fill in spots?  If so, where do they normally take it from?  How much more cutting will there be?  There are lots of visuals out there on the initial surgery but not so much information about stage 2.  Thanks!  Lisa  

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2013

    Marty -- Congrats on no drains!  I remember my one nasty drain from my node dissection.  Did not want to go out in public with that thing.  Can't imagine having 4 but I know its coming soon.

    Klanders we are all thinking about you today.

    BDavis -- do you know which Neutrogena soap they used?  And was that before or after surgery?  I'm worried about Dial soap too as I think it may be too harsh for me.  Neutrogena is hyperallergenic.  I know these clensers are to prevent MRSA, and I sure don't want to risk that, but I'm worried about having an allergic reaction too. 

    The soonest I will be ready for stage 2 is November, but I will probably wait until January when my FMLA and sick leave renews.  I wonder if there will be a lot of competition for the January slots for this reason?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Marsha.... I used the Neutrogena before and after. It is actually what they supply at the hospital. So all patients are using Neutrogena post op. I can't say for sure which one, but it is liquid soap and very similar to Rainbath. May be Rainbath. I had some Rainbath at home and when I came home I realized it was the same thing, or nearly the same thing. Perhaps call the hospital and ask? 504-529-6600.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Goodie.. That is a really hard question to answer. Everyone is different, so everyone's revisions are different. Stage II (the first one) usually addresses symmetry, nipples, dog ears, scar revision all around. The PS can make suggestions where this is concerned. But you should arrive at your appointment with your own suggestions, like if you have love handles and want tapering. Or if you want less side boobage, say so.

    After stage II, some people, like myself, want more revisions. This could be about symmetry or donor sites, or whatever. Then it would be something you initiate. If you are happy with your results after stage II, then you are done. Most or all doctors will want you to wait a few months after stage II before having another revision, and this is to your benefit, so things have fully settled.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Marsha - I stayed pretty close to home while I had all 4 drains (except flying out of NOLA - which happened just before Thanksgiving making me feel like a trussed and basted turkey).  Once the breast drains were out, I copped an idea from Betsy and used a small soft cross-body bag to hold the drains.  Mine is about 6 x 9.  I could either wear it under a shirt or over and it held the drains most politely without drawing undue attention.  I hid most of the drain lines by looping them under my yoga pants.  If you need to get "dressed" for something - JJil has some great knit pants that fit like yoga pants, but look better.

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2013

    Hi Goodie- I too did not go to NOLA but have this site marked as one of my favorites because the ladies here have some of the same surgeries I had and some that I think will be on my future, and I was very fortunate to have actually met one of them, MartyJ - who graciously chauffeured me around in January to meet 2 other BCO ladies. So while I don't meet the NOLA surgery I truly enjoy the wisdom and ladies on this site!

    That being said and having just gone through my stage 2a - from my experience it appears that my Dr had a plan and I had a wish list. We combined both and he worked on what was most important to me first and worked within about a 6 hour OR time frame. He let me know at the pre op appointment that with both of our ideas that there would most likely be a stage 2b. He revised my SGAP donor site big time and removed 2 seromas I had in that area! I was on the same page with wanting to clear that up first. He also did some fat grafting to fill in the SGAP donor site where he could and some to the upper areas of my chest/breast areas. And removed an area of extra skin beneath my PAP flap. Since they had to reposition me on the OR table - that took the 6 hours allotted for this stage.

    He said stage 2b shouldn't involve so much cutting (I look like I've almost been cut in half except about 10 inches on my front) if any but will be doing more fat grafting after he sees where this last session has settled/survived in taking hold- I had not realized fat grafting is a process with a layering at different stages. No nipples were addressed or talked about at this point waiting until the breast/flaps 'settle'.

    The Drs at NOLA as well as my Drs are perfectionists as well as artists as I think probably yours are and they want us breast cancer patients to be strong and proud of our new and hopefully cancer free bodies. I think they know how far we've come with our cancer journey so far and want to give us the finishing touches to help us through this.

    As an observer and sometimes poster to the NOLA site - I have found these woman strong, funny, and informative- I hope you do as well!



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2013

    Ok guys I need you. My surgery is in two weeks and I seem to be more nervous about this than 2a.

    I am having my scar lowered and revised. (Hooha lift too!😄) I would like to know what this is like? Recovery? Drains? Compression? Any info you can give will be greatly appreciated. I will post on Charleston site also. I have a family wedding 2 weeks after this surgery.

    Looking forward to having surgeries done this year and not having to recover. My final fat grafting will be done in Sept. Due to insurance I need to be done this year. Dr. M wanted to stay right on schedule.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited April 2013

    Ok Ladies... How sick is too sick?  I've got a little virus from my youngest two rugrats... dry cough and some sniffles. I've got 5 days until surgery.  Loading up on some zinc and vit c.... guessing thats ok? Definitely, no fever.

  • goodie
    goodie Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Betsy and Catie for your wonderful answers.  I'm just starting to think about my next step.  Sometimes it just freaks me out thinking about it all.


  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2013

    Goodie, you are not alone, it freaks me out too. So I have to try to remember that the freak is worse than the bite! I have one heck of a crazy imagination and get freaked out for nothing.

    If you go back and read any of these posts on here and on Charleston Bound 2, you will note that most of the ladies have stage 2's. So reading their experiences (for me) meant that not only did they get through them, but had multiple stage 2's - which makes sense when you think that the fat grafting part is done in layers to make sure it survives. And, if they all have had stage 2's then went back for another stage 2 - it must have been doable enough for them to sign up for another.

    My husband kept going around to our friends and such that this last (stage 2a) was going to be my last surgery. I had to tell him that while it might be nice if it was, it most likely wasn't because they could only do so much in a 6 hour time frame. I had to tell him this over and over (and he is a smart man - even has a law degree!!!!!) until he could wrap his mind around the fact that there could be another surgery. Sure enough, at the pre op the Dr. said there would be another!!!!!

    Not to lie to you and say there is no pain, there is, but they want you to be comfortable and give you pain meds for just that reason. And, we heal better when we aren't in pain, so they make sure we have what we need. Also there are limitations on range of motion for your arms, bending in my case, lifting, reaching - but again, all doable!

    Stage 1's to me are like baking a cake, stage 2's are the icing on it - making it all look great while filling in the imperfections from stage 1!


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Cherrie - The lowering of the abdominal scar isn't too bad.  Nor was the plication.  The final hip drains (yes you will have them for this one), came out yesterday - 12 days.  I have now dropped back to my pre-surg weight.  I have been taking walks twice a day.  One side note, if Dr. M will be lipoing the thighs for this one (she will be doing that for my 2b), everyone tells me that for the first few days sitting will be a challenge.  Lying down is fine, standing up is fine, but sitting (and the toilet) are the biggest pain.   I think a family wedding will be doable two weeks out.  Actually, I will be going to one 2 weeks after my 2b in August.  Just think about how amazing your hooha will look!  My stomach is f l a t!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    About stage II and pain... For me, the butt lift caused pain on the toilet, but lipo did not. Lipo is just bruising, and passes rather quickly. Two weeks out and you should have no pain at all. Do realize pain or not, I had two butt lifts, so it really isn't that bad. And I am going back for more... I am not self loathing.. It just isn't that bad. My last surgery this November will be short... my stage IIb was 6-7 hours. So I want the last one to truly be finishing touches...

    Motherandchild... Just load up on good healthy food and vitamin C... you will be fine. I think I went into one surgery not 100% healthy, but fevers are the game changer.

  • goodie
    goodie Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Catie - thanks again.  My husband and all of my friends kept saying this is was my last surgery (my original Diep 3/20).  I'm like no it's probably the most difficult and longest but I will probably have one if not more in the next year.  They don't seem to hear that part.  Sometimes I just feel so alone going through all of this.  Thank goodness for  It has really gotten me through every treatment I've had since diagnosis!  I don't feel alone when I come to these boards.  Even if I'm just reading and reading and reading and reading.  :)

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited April 2013

    Motherandchild, definitely call your primary care Dr. if you are having anxiety.  I talked to mine about it during my wait for my biopsy results, and I've taken xanax periodically ever since.  It helps tremendously, please don't be shy to ask if you think it will help.  And don't feel dumb about asking anyone at the center anything....they've seen it all!

    Melanie....I was specifically told not to use neosporin at all.  You want things nice and dry, and neosporine keeps things moist.  Definitely call for some clarification on that because Jeanine really got onto me when I told her what I'd been doing with neosporin.  She said it was exactly the opposite of what I should be doing.  Who knew?!?!

    Hope you are well, Klanders!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    Motherandchild...I had the same thing happen to me before surgery! Got it from my son. I had no fever. I also gargled everyday with warm salt water to help clear up the throat. You will be good to go:)

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Betsy and Audrella for the info on the neosporin:) I'm only putting it on the drain sites. I just remember growing up and my Mom saying "Just put some neosporin on it " when I had any little scratch! lol

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2013

    Russell I think Drs are not as fond of neosporin these days as they are of the Bactriban type - but you truly need to call and ask your Dr.

    So glad you are on the other side! We share surgery dates!