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NOLA in September?



  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2014

    My insurance is out of network so it pays but not very much. 😔

    I am having the surgery with Dr Wise. Has anyone else had this surgeon?

    Getting really nervous now. Any prep you ladies recommend? I am thinking I should give up or reduce caffeine and coffee to help my blood vessels. Anything else?

    Ugh I have wanted this soooo long and now I am getting so scared. Saw all these pics on Facebook post surgery that really freaked me out.


  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2014

    Julie. I think it's good that you prepare by looking at pictures so you understand what you will be facing. Honestly, you can do this! We always say all you have to do is show up. Yes, it is a big surgery, but it's doable. I love my warm boobs! Never a regret. I am sending calming energy your way. You can do this!

  • Seashellie
    Seashellie Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2014

    Julieho - I'm having stage 2 with Dr. Wise on the 14th. I haven't met him yet but he has great credentials and I trust that if he's working at the Center, he's top notch. I'll let you know how it goes.

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2014

    Seashellie good luck. When did you have stage 1? How did it go?

    Who was your surgeon?



  • Seashellie
    Seashellie Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2014

    Julie - I had stage 1 three years ago! It was with a local surgeon here in the Seattle area. It went just fine, no complications but did end up with a bit of necrosis at the top of one side. Yes, it's a big surgery and it's not pretty at first but you'll do great and every day it get's easier and you start looking good. I'm so glad I had the DIEP and think you will be too. I just wish I had come to NOLA in the first place!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2014


    Thinking of you and sending gentle healing vibes your way for your surgery on Tuesday. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.

  • MerrellGirl
    MerrellGirl Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2014


    Thanks so much for the well wishes.  I am at Hope Lodge, just finished a big bowl of Baskin Robbins ice cream.  New Orleans is a fun city. Hubby and I hung out last nite and ate to oblivion.  I am trying not to think about what lies so soon ahead.  The waiting is agonizing.  I was telling hubby again that if it weren't for u guys I would not have had the courage to try this.  Thank u so much.

    I will post as soon as I'm able.  I plan to see Seashellie before I leave.  


  • Sassy01
    Sassy01 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2015

    Julieho, you can do this! It was quite the decision for me to come all the way from Washington, but I will never regret doing it! I had stage 1 in August. Flew in on a Monday, surgery on Wednesday. I was I released from the hospital on Friday. Had all for drains pulled at post op on Monday and flew home on Tuesday! I waited a little longer than the 12 weeks for Stage 2- will be heading back the first week in December. As for the cost- I was originally told that my out of pocket was going to be a lot but we finally made the decision that it was worth it getting the best! My insurance ended up coughingup more than expected! :) If the cost is a burden, there are financial forms you can fill out... And make payments. Having my DIEP done at NOLA was hands down the best decision. I am so completely thrilled with the results from Stage 1. I'm excited to see what Stage 2 brings! Hang in there and don't hesitate to ask questions!

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2014

    MerrillGirl - best of luck. I will be there in another month doing the same thing. Freaking out and probably eating a huge bowl of ice cream.

    Sassy01 - thank you for telling me about your experience. The more people tell me the details about theirs the better I feel. It is such a big surgery but I also have to keep telling myself that it is also such good results. Soft, warm breast again to hug my grandbaby against. I can't stand it - how much I want that again. I am trying to stay positive and believe that I will be okay. I know I picked a good place to do it. NOLA sounds wonderful. We are also hoping to stay at Hope Lodge. Did you find it hard to book there?

  • Sassy01
    Sassy01 Member Posts: 29
    edited November 2014

    Julieho, we did not stay at the Hope Lodge. We got lucky and have a timeshare that has a place on St Charles just a couple of blocks down from the Center and hospital. It's quite handy being that close and having the trolley that runs up/down St Charles... I haven't heard anyone complain about having a hard time booking at the Hope Lodge...

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2014

    Julieho, see if you can get the room at Hope Lodge with the hospital bed that has adjustable angles. It's a really nice place and the beds are comfy.

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2014

    Sassy01 - I really need to hear that now. I am seriously thinking of backing out. I had my bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction with expanders and then implants started two and a half years ago. I had post op infections on the left expander, had it removed and then after chemo placed back in on the left, another smaller infection and then May of 2013 had both implants placed. I hate having my chest muscle stretched over the implants, they came out really lopsided and painful and they are so hard. That is the primary reason I was looking at doing the DIEP, so I could have soft, warm breast again. I am just totally freaking out about putting my body through such a huge surgery again.

    I am back in good shape, actually worried I may not have enough belly fat for two breast, even thought I am only going to have size B breast made, and just totally freaking out.

    We booked out plane tickets already and I have a surgery date of December 10th but am really wanting to back out. I have just been reading so many post and threads on DIEP Facebook pages and the other DIEP site on this site about complications, the difficult recovery. Having your belly bloated and huge 6 months and more after surgery and just feeling like "what am I doing" is this worth it for me. I am not young, age 55 and I suddenly feel like I should just accept what I have and try to move on with my life and not do this.

    I know none of you can make that decsision for me but I just want to know if a lot of you felt these same feelings or were you always certain this was the right choice? I just am really scared right now that I shouldn't be doing it and just work on accepting my hard, implants and move on with my life.

    Sorry to vent. Having an especially bad day around this today. M

    I have so much respect at all of your courage and strength and it seems most everyone in the end feels the pain and suffering were worth it. I just hate to volunteer for more pain and suffering right now.

    Thanks everyone,


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2014

    Julieho - I had DIEP at 60, 2 years ago. Removed implants - I had had several sets over 28 years. Best thing I ever did. Sounds like you have gotten yourself totally freaked by other peoples problems. That happens. Yes, DIEP is big surgery. If you are going to a place like NOLA, they can stack flaps from several locations to give you more volume. Sure, things to happen. More often than not - nothing goes wrong. Really. The problem rate is really very low. Yes, your belly gets bloated - it is an up and down kind of thing. The more you are on your feet the more swelly belly you will have. I never looked "six months pregnant" as someone said - my waist simply expanded. It really wasn't that bad. Here is the thing - I didn't want to live with implants for the rest of my life. I was replacing them every 10 years and didn't want to do it at 60, 70 and 80. They were hard and wonky - I couldn't do much in the way of pec exercises (flex the pec and flex the implant). Because I had my surgery so long ago, I wasn't even aware there were other options in "modern" times. Once I figured it out, I couldn't wait to have warm and soft. Please don't let other people scare you. You don't know what their individual medical situations are (and most don't share them). Nor do you know what experience their doctors have. If you have confidence in the doctors you have selected (they preform this surgery several times each week) and, as you said, are in great shape you should have a great outcome. Just remember this is not a once and done procedure. But, for me and many, many women I know, it has been a God-send. Best of luck with your decision - surround yourself with the people with positive attitudes and positive outcomes.

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2014

    Martyj - thank you so much for your message. I am guessing this is normal to freak about the surgery. I just so want to feel "whole" again and the implanys are miserable.

    It is reassuring to hear from you. I have decided that I want to go into this surgery believing I will do well. That I have recovered from my chemo and infections, have gotten in fairly good shape and now want to do this last step to make me feel as complete as possible.

    I may not look at the facebook sites anymore. Those really freaks me out. I like understanding the experience others have had but I also really need to be reminded why we would do this, and that is to feel as whole as possible. I want to cuddle my grandson against a soft, warm breast.

    Thank you, your comment helped. I just got my pre-op info today. Good timing. 😊


  • dixie60
    dixie60 Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2014

    Hi Julie,

    I have had 3 surgeries at NOLA so far and while I needed a little extra voodoo blood, I have had no other complications.

    please remember, frequently, people post to share concerns they have to get reassurance and guidance. they don't post with their triumphs as often.

    I am thrilled with my results so far. I feel, after all the anxiety and surgery and chemo and radiation and everything our bodies have gone through, we are so lucky to have the opportunity to walk out feeling whole, and to have a place that works to try to help us feel more beautiful than when we went in.

    We will stand beside you through all of it.



  • Sacnaillady
    Sacnaillady Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2014

    julieho- I had my sGAP surgery 4 1/2 weeks ago. Yes, it is a big surgery. I was pretty tired and week for 3 weeks. But this week I have my life back. Everyone is different. Some take longer to heal than others and some people have problems. But most do not. And most don't post here if life is great and their moving on. People come here to seek out answers to problems. So you are hearing all the bad things that happen not the good. I freaked out too but I'm sooooooo glad I did it. I'm only 54, I have a lot of life to live and I don't want to worry about my breast. 55 is young, do you want to go through life carrying a prothesis

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2014

    There are so many times I wish we had a like button. Julie - I only connected to 2 months before my surgery and wasn't on any Facebook groups. I didn't even look at the picture forum til several months after Stage 1. I didn't want to get scared. Your nerves are totally normal. Everyone on this site told me that all you have to do is show up, the rest is in the doctor's hands. Once you get to the Breast Center, they will take such good care of you that you will wonder what you were worrying about.

    Like Dixie, I got a bit of extra voodoo blood and even a return trip to the OR on day 2 to tie off a little leak. It was all smooth sailing. Just don't push yourself after surgery. Give yourself plenty of time to heal and rest. It took me longer than 3 weeks to get my life back, but I was able to drive my DH to get a pain injection at 3 weeks. Came home and slept for a few hours. In other words, it can be 3 weeks or 6 weeks or 10 weeks before you really feel like yourself again - don't push too hard to get back to exercising and everything. You and the docs will know when you are ready.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2014

    Julieho, I think I go through this daily! And I will until my surgery on Jan 21. Then I can start healing which sometimes I think is easier than worrying about all the "what-ifs". Stay busy and it will be behind you before you know it.

  • Seashellie
    Seashellie Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2014

    Julieho - I agree with all of the comments above. Even though I didn't have stage 1 in NOLA I'm so grateful that I had the DIEP surgery. My boobs are warm, soft and all me and it sounds like that's what you want, too. Best wishes to you :-)

    I had my pre-op for stage 2 today with Dr. Wise. I really like him a lot!! The hospital and breast center are absolutely beautiful and so peaceful. I was so nervous earlier today but after meeting with the Dr. and staff I'm feeling really calm yet excited. I saw Vinnie at the Center!! Didn't get to talk to him and was even sort of "star struck" just being in the same room with him! I can't wait until I have him perform his magic on my soon to be new breasts!

    Dr. Wise is going to do quite a bit of work on me - lift, hopefully remove my entire tummy paddle skin, remove my side boobs, create nipples, revise and lower my scar, fix my belly button scar, lipo my abdomen, flanks and inner thighs and do plication!! I was going to ask him about plication because I had a 10 lb baby and my muscles are seriously lax and stretched out but he brought it up first so I'm happy about that. All the blue markings on me are hilarious. My hubby says it looks like I fell asleep and the grandkids got a hold of me with a marker :-)

    We had a blast in the French Quarter last night and danced like crazy. I love New Orleans! We're headed to dinner now and then surgery at 7am!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2014

    Julieho, it is totally natural to be nervous. Just breathe and remember why you chose this path. It's wonderful that you have all these women to lift you up and support you through this. I had surgery one year ago at age 57 and am so so happy I did it. I was in fairly good shape and had just finished chemo, but I had no complicactions whatsoever. They are so good at these surgeries and have run into about every situation. I really felt as though I was in the hands of the best possible doctors. I didn't have much fat, but they made two beautiful D breasts for me! I am now a 36C after Stage 2 , which is just where I want to be. Try to think positive thoughts and picture yourself in your mind with beautiful warm breasts. I hope you go through with it. I would love you to be as happy with yours as I am with mine.

  • Sassy01
    Sassy01 Member Posts: 29
    edited November 2014

    Julieho, it is a huge decision at any age! I felt like the DIEP was easier than the Bilateral mastectomy! It was hard standing straight for a couple of weeks, but I was driving the first week I was home. I was so very torn with the decision for many reasons... Travel distance, cost, doctors I had never met, etc. but, I had so many women who had gone through this at NOLA that encouraged me and reassured me that I was worth every bit, and deserved the best! And, that these doctors were worth this incredible journey. I was told that you just need to show up and they will take care of me. It was all true. After my pre op appointments with the Center and hospital my husband and I were just blown away at how incredibly nice, caring and genuine the entire staff was. I will never regret doing this. It was the best decision I could have made. You deserve every bit of happiness! When I was dealing with my diagnosis, etc back in January I went and heard a gal with metastatic breast cancer speak. She said "trust your journey". This spoke miles to me. It made me think that I could choose to settle or step out of my comfort zone, take a chance and go for it. I do not regret anything I've been dealt or done in my 47 years. No one can make your decision for you but We can tell you that youare worth it!

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2014

    Seashellie, Zenful and Sassyone -Wow, I can't tell you how much your words mean.

    I am really struggling with this right now. In part I realized after reading your post that I just am still scared that I will do all this surgery and healing and then find I have cancer again and just regret my doing anything that makes me not feel good for a time.

    When I found out about DIEP I was so excited to have soft warm Breast that even the abdominal surgery seemed worth it. I felt my decision to go ahead with this was in part my letting go of my fear of more cancer and bettin on doing something that will eventually, after I heal, make me feel whole again.

    I have a 14 month old grandson that is the hardest part for me. I hate to have even a few months where I can't pick him up and run after him. He lives in LA so I wouldn't see him anyway until late January or early February and maybe with my surgery date of Dec 10th I will be ok to go visit him by then.

    Anyway thank you so much. I really need to hear positive reaffirming things right now.

    Much love


  • MerrellGirl
    MerrellGirl Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2014

    Julieho and everyone else: I am three days post op from the body lift at NOLA.  That's the surgery where they take 4 flaps in order to make 2 breasts.  I too felt just like Julieho-wondering if this would b worth it...whether I am worth it.   I am doing really well.  Definitely sore but I am standing pretty straight.   The pain meds hav me feeling quite loopy too, so I havnt wanted to post anything.

    I wanted to say this tho: being dx with bc threw each of us on our own private roller coaster ride.  We hav had to make choices we never wanted to make and confront head on the fact that our boobs could kill us.  So our innocence is lost and now we must live boldly and as fearlessly as we can.  And that's how I ended up at NOLA for this big recon surgery. Sure I waivered a lot when making the decision but in the end I took a deep breath and jumped...and u will too Julieho, u will too.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2014

    Good to hear from you MerrellGirl! Happy to hear you are doing well. Continue to take it slow and heal.

    Julieho, continue to think positive thoughts. Try to think of your body and all its cells as healthy and energized. Don't even think of cancer and the negative energy It creates. When you begin to think that way, redirect your thoughts to positive thoughts and energies. You deserve this and you are worth it. ((Hugs))

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited November 2014

    Hi Julie, I'm one of those who had complications and I can tell you it was 100% worth it!! I had my original DIEP locally, but lost both flaps. NOLA was able to do a GAP flap and give me two very natural, soft breasts. I did have some wound issues, but that was probably related to the scar tissue I had from my first failure. My only regret is that I didn't start this journey with NOLA in the first place, because their level of care is simply incomparable. I believe my complications were a direct result of an inexperienced surgeon. Not an issue with NOLA.

    Ultimately, you need to make the decision that you are most comfortable with, but I will tell you even with complications I know the Center was worth every bit of anxiety leading up to the big day.

    Wishing you much luck and peace with your decision.

  • Seashellie
    Seashellie Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2014
    1. Surgery went well and I'm doing good. They will be taking my pain pump and catheter away in a couple hours and putting me on oral meds and getting me up a little bit. It turns out that the big lump I had in my abdomen was an infected suture from stage 1 three years ago at in Seattle!!

    Merrillgirl are you still in the hospital? just in case I'm going to have my husband put a note on my door with my name.

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2014

    Seashelli and Merrigirl I am sending positive, healing thoughts your way.

    I got a wonderful call from a nurse at St Charles hospital yesterday and she also had this procedure, on one side and really made me feel a bit less freaked about the surgery.

    All of you and everything you share, and yours words of encouragement mean the world to me. Did some of you have friends and family seem like they had no idea why you would do this, for those who did DIEP delayed some from their madtectomy or after implants like me?

    I find this group obviously "gets it" and that really helps me. I feel like some people are like, why would you do another big surgery when you already have implants. They don't get how totally miserable and foreign they feel to my body. Some women love implants but for me they feel and look awful. and prayers to those going through this right now, those who are further along in the healing and those like me that are fearfully and excitedly awaiting surgery.

    You are all my lifeline..,❤️❤️❤️


  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2014

    Julieho, it's tough for others who haven't walked in our shoes. We are one strong group of women that know what we want and deserve, and are willing to do what is necessary to make it happen. We get it. ((Hugs))

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2014

    a few of you have mentioned being part of a FB group. You should know that many of us are part of a NOLA FB group. Please message me if you'd like to be a part of our group.

  • dufflady1
    dufflady1 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2014

    Help!!! Diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Adenocarcinoma - I think that is spelled correctly. I have been scheduled to have double mastectomy in two weeks with reconstruction (expanders) .... I am just now hearing about DIEP flap option. All we have available here are implants. After reading about all the problems with implants, I am desperate for advise on where to go....I live in Mississippi. NOLA is only 5 hours away. I need to know what I should do!! Cancel both of these procedures and go to NOLA? Or go ahead with mastectomy and expanders, then consult with NOLA? Any doctor there or doctors preferred? Answers soon would be greatly appreciated!