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NOLA in September?



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,532
    edited November 2014

    Dear dufflady1, welcome to We're sorry you find yourself in this situation but we're glad you found this wonderful community for good information and support.

    We're sure you'll hear from other member's here soon, with their personal experiences and advise, and hopefully will help you make a decision. In the meantime, we recommend you to take a look at the article Reconstruction Options: A Comparison Chart from our main site that compares each procedure according to timing (in relation to mastectomy), length of surgery, who is a candidate, pros, and cons, etc.

    We hope this helps!

    The Mods

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2014

    Dufflady1 - I suggest that you also go to the Breast Center's website in NOLA - There you will see most of the doctors we have used on this thread, plus for Dr. Marga Massey - my doctor. All are fabulous. Look at the info that the Moderators have suggested. And BREATH. You can make a good decision. Even having an mx and expanders placed doesn't preclude you from having DIEP or any of the flap surgeries down the line. Expanders are a first step to recon, not an end result. If chemo/rads are needed, some docs prefer expanders to a full reconstruction. The most important thing is to tackle the cancer and know that you are not committing to any final procedure yet.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2014

    I would contact NOLA to discuss your options for DIEP, and see if you are interested in the procedure. You have many options, but if you choose DIEP, you might want to consider mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, if possible, for optimal results. However, they can discuss your options with you. They will always try to fit an active cancer case in before others that are maybe coming back for revisions. They are wonderful to work with. They are the best. Good luck.

  • Ilovelouie
    Ilovelouie Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2014

    hi, I had a similar situation in April this year. I was diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer. It was stage 1, I saw the surgeon who told me that I would not be a candidate for a DIEP because I did not have enough belly fat. She said I had to have implants and that my breasts were too large to have nipple sparing. I was scheduled for surgery May 21 and was getting all pre- op tests done. I came across NOLA by luck, called them, sent in medical history, my photos, and ended up having surgery at NOLA on May 14. They did get me in faster because I had cancer.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2014

    dufflady1...hello..sorry you had to join us here. Super group of women who you will find invaluable over the next couple of months. Definitely explore all the options.

    So I cancelled my Dec appt with DR M a month ago with all the wedding planning going on for my daughter I just did not think I could fit it in. That is coming back to bite me in the butt. I rescheduled for Feb 10th (3 days after the wedding) and now Dr M had to cancel that appt on me. Problem is my insurance runs out "summer of 2015" and I just do not know if I will get in before then now...sigh... She is going to start operatin in Durham but has not contracted with any insurance companies yet so gotta wait it out. NOLA can be an option...just not sure as it is out of network for me. May just take a chance and get an appt. on the books


  • Sassy01
    Sassy01 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2015

    Dufflady, I was in the same boat with the only PS in town doing only implants. My head was spinning on what to do. I chose to deal with getting the cancer out and just did the bilateral mastectomy. That way I could heal, relax, and do my research! I went half the year ( and all summer without sweaty boobs!) before I chose to go to NOLA. It was worth the wait and flying across the country for.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2014

    Dufflady... I concur with what everyone else has said.... I would suggest contacting the Center and sending them photos to confirm you are a candidate. If you are, they will indeed fit you in earlier than a non-active cancer patient. And if you choose this route (and know there are many options besides DIEP with these docs - ie GAP, total body lift etc) I personally suggest doing the whole thing with them and in one surgery. You will end up with better results and won't spend two chunks of time healing (one from mastectomy and one from reconstruction)... That is my personal opinion and widely agreed upon, but others may have a different feeling.

    And all doctors at the Center are fabulous and experienced. Can't go wrong there.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2014

    Hi, All -- I hope you all are faring well and ready for a good holiday with loved ones. I wondered if anyone else has had the same experience as I have. I have had fairly consistent pain in my breasts since my surgery in 2012. It's generally shooting pains that are not terribly painful but enough to be distracting. A few months ago, I accidentally dried one of my bras and wearing it triggered my LE. I was fine after I took off the bra and did lymphatic drainage massage, but it made me wonder how a bra might be affecting me. For the last couple of months, I have rarely worn a bra and I have not experienced any shooting pain since. My onc had told me that the shooting pains were likely PMPS and I would just have to live with it, so I am encouraged that it might be bra-related. Anyone else experience this?

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2014

    I went in and had an ultrasound of my lump. Thinking in was a cyst he did an aspiration. Ouch! I thought I would be too numb from DIEP to feel it. WRONG. No fluid came out. Long story short I ended up with an excional biopsy. This was very emotional as these are my new breasts with yet another scar. My pathology won't be available until Monday, December 1. (11 days)

    I am doing fine and staying busy. Very bruised.

    He did tell me that fat grafting produces a lot of cysts and fat necrosis, but it is scary with our history. He didn't feel good about leaving it there and Doctor Massey agreed. We will see.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2014

    Dec 1 (4 days) or Dec 8 (11 days)? I hope it's the former. Glad you got it taken care of and glad you are staying busy. Hoping for great news soon, Cherrie!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2014

    Cherrie, you and I had the DEIP the same time. I had a lump biopsied about 5 months ago and it was an oil cyst. Yours might be the same. Please let us know how it goes and wishing you well.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2014

    By the way, no fluid came out of mine either that's why after she tried to aspirated it, she biopsied it.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2014

    Happy to hear you are doing well, Cherrie. I'm anxiously awaiting your "all clear" report. Hugs, girlfriend.

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited December 2014

    Cherrie, I am so sorry to hear you are waiting for a report again. How frustrating, but I am sending positive thoughts your way that you have good news.

    I need your help ladies. I am scheduled for surgery a week from Wednesday at NOLA. I got a bad cold and threw out my back this weekend. Probably from taking care of my darling one year old grandson. But, any kind of pain is worth being with him.

    I saw some really awful post surgery pictures on this one Facebook DIEP site and being that I am feeling crappy, and can't take advil and already have tylenol in my pain meds I take, so I can't take tylenol either I am sort of freaking out again about having the surgery. I keep thinking I am making a mistake, but I so want to have soft, warm, saggy and natural breast. I don't mind thinking I have 4 weeks or so of tough recovery and then a second surgery but I was so hoping that by late spring early summer I would be pretty much healed, back to normal and wearing normal clothes again. Is this entirely unrealistic?

    Just some positive experience would be great to hear about now. I also would love any recommendations on getting rid of a cold FAST. I am taking Zicam, lots and lots of Cold Season and Echinachea tea, dropped regular coffee completely, still have a bit of chocolate and about a cup of decaf coffee each day. Anyway, you ladies are my rock. I just need some encouragement. Is this fear normal 10 days out?


  • MerrellGirl
    MerrellGirl Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2014


    I'm not certain about how to get rid of a cold fast, but I will suggest you get yourself lots of rest this week, up your zinc and vit C, and try to limit your time with your grandson since these little ones are known germ carriers (I have one, although she's six now).  Start upping your protein intake now so you get used to it and your body is ready to endure the long surgery.  And plan to continue the increased protein consumption as it helps with healing.  Take walks if you can - pushing your little tike in the stroller!

    As for positive outcomes, I am almost 3 weeks post DIEP/SGAP stacked flap at NOLA and I am doing great.  I mean, I still take the oxy pain med in the morning and again about 10 hours later, but overall I am healing without incident. I am so happy with my NOLA experience that I can't wait for Stage 2!  Now that's crazy!  As you will see, you will feel so confident in your decision once you get there and see their operation that you won't question yourself at all.  You just have to get there and show up.

    I'm not sure about your timeline either; Stage 2 can only happen 3 months or later after Stage 1, so plan your spring/summer accordingly.  You may be "recovering" longer than your earlier message suggests.  I've read that Stage 2 recovery can be as quick as 2 weeks.  As far as the pics go, just accept that you can't control what your Stage 1 will look like, and Stage 1 isn't the end of the line - it's just the first station.  To get to the soft, warm, saggy breasts you have to travel the whole distance!  You will do great!  Try to stay away from the pics.

    Happy planning - don't pack too much!  MerrellGirl

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited December 2014

    Thank you so much for these encouraging words MerrellGirl. I feel that NOLA is special and will make this as good as possible. And I also have been doing meditations that envision my healing quickly. My doctor said that this has been proven to help.

    Not sure I am a huge protein eater so I will try eating more of it. Maybe I will make some protein fruit smoothies so I know I am getting it everyday.

    Thanks so much again.


  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2014

    Julieho, great to hear you are meditating. I am a firm believer that it helped me heal without incident. Keep it up! It will also help with your anxiety about the procedure. You are definitely doing the right hing and going to the right place for it! ((hugs))

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2014

    Julieho - if you are not a big protein eater, now is the time to start. Trader Joe's has a delish shake that contains 35 grams of protein. They told me that when healing I needed at least 105 grams a day. I agree with MerrellGirl - stay away from that cute kiddo for a while. I know it is hard, but you don't need to share any germs. When you get home, you won't be able to pick the baby up for quite a while (I had 5 lb max lifting restrictions for 8 weeks). And stay off that Facebook site - remember the people who didn't have problems are less likely to post often. You will be fine and they will take great care of you at NOLA. We all get really nervous in the days leading up to the big trip. Just remember, you only have to show up - the docs will do the magic.

  • mary625
    mary625 Member Posts: 154
    edited December 2014

    Julie--I'd watch out about zinc and echinacea or at least call NOLA about it. I thought we had to stop all herbal meds for two or three weeks. I had Dr. Massey so maybe her instructions were different. Because I was a singer, I know how to get rid of colds fast, but the things I do for the most part involve either herbal meds or NSAIDs. However, I would recommend getting a netipot right away and doing some saline nasal washes, along with gargling salt water. I'd also recommend antihistamines like Benadryl. Sometimes those can get in there and keep the inflammation down. Once the inflammation of the mucus membranes starts going full force, then it's most likely going to be a bad cold. I think Benadryl is allowed but please double check.

    I cannot tell you enough that I think you're going to love the results from your surgery at NOLA. I wonder if any of those horrible photos were from NOLA patients. If not, tell yourself that you are in the most talented hands.

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited December 2014

    Mary, Marty and Zenful - thank you. I just got a note from NOLA saying stop drinking the herbal nightime and echinichea tea and stop taking COQ10. I will do that right away but I have been drinking lots of tea up till today to stop the cold.

    I just sent them an email asking about the zinc which my doctor told me is good for healing after surgery too so I started that today and extra Vitamin C - which NOLA said is okay. I think I will get a protein supplement as I just don't eat a ton of protein. I like salads and I eat a serving of meat each day but probably not enough. I think some smoothie protein shakes are a great idea.

    I will try benadryl tonight at bed, it always makes me tired and that is a good idea too. I will check with the nurse tomorrow to make sure it is okay to take but I am sure one night won't hurt. I had given up coffee which they told me I didn't have to do. But, since I have largely gone without the caffeine I figure I might as well continue until the surgery.

    Oh boy, while I was writing you my son called and I shared how jittery I am. He just sent me a text saying: "The anxiety and lead up sucks but I know you'll power through this last hurdle jut as triumphantly as the rest" and then he texted a picture of his shaved head. And he said, "this time I did it because it is a good reminder of the strength you have to get through anything". Wow, I am in tears now. Two of my sons, this being one of them, surprised me my last day of chemo by shaving their heads in solidarity with me. I know I am so blessed to have such support from all you wonderful women, whome I don't even know but feel such a deep connection to and my beautiful family who is always so supportive.

    Thanks everyone.


  • MerrellGirl
    MerrellGirl Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2014

    Oh Julie what a wonderful response from ur son! You have so much positivity around u! You r going to do great!

    Yes isn't our connection here wonderful? It's made all the difference for me. Take the benadryl and rest dear. Hugs to u.

  • Sassy01
    Sassy01 Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2014

    Julieho, you are going to do great! I'm not nervous at all, but my gut has been telling me otherwise for a couple of weeks. It's my bodie's defense mechanism. I'm here in NOLA right now and can't wait for my pre op with Dr. Sullivan to see what magic he will do with my Stage 2 on Wednesday morning! Super excited! Crazy right?!?!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2014

    Hello to all!

    New surgery date added to above:

    • Dec 9 - DebraR - Stage 2, Dr. S., NOLA.

    I added this to the listing above as a resource:

    Good luck to all the upcoming December surgeries! I had two of my surgeries in early December. It's a fun time to visit NOLA!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2014

    Julieho, your son's gesture brought tears to my eyes. You are loved and you will do great! Honestly, you will be absolutely amazed at how comfortable and cared for you will feel when you get to the Center. Your fears will fall away when you feel their caring, loving vibes. The place just oozes with it. After you get marked up, go out for a nice dinner on the town, take deep breaths and show up in the morning and let them take over. More deep belly breaths if needed. You will do great! I am so excited for you!

  • Gramof2boys
    Gramof2boys Member Posts: 60
    edited December 2014

    I will be having my Stage 2 or maybe a 1b on Friday at NOLA. I had GAP flap in August and one side failed so I'm having DIEP flap on left side along with the normal Stage 2 things. I hope it isn't too much at once. Has anyone had DIEP along with revisions and tummy tuck and lipo? It is just a DIEP on my left side, right GAP flap is fine! Give me some encouragement! Thanks!!!

  • MerrellGirl
    MerrellGirl Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2014

    Gramof2boys, here's sending you peaceful vibes as you get ready for Friday.  You probably know this already, but increase your protein intake, and bring your miralax or whatever aid you use to stave off the constipation.  Remember this trip is a marathon, not a sprint!  Cyberhugs to you!  MerrellGirl

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited December 2014

    Gramofboys - wishing you the best. I am right behind you but starting at the beginning with Stage 1 a week from today. Although today is the first day I actually woke up and felt excited about it instead of overwhelmingly nervous. I really think all of you and your support and experience has helped me so much.

    Thank you so very much.


  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2014

    Sending healing thoughts your way Gram. Good luck !

  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2014

    for those that will be in NOLA next week... I will be joining you with stage 2 on Thursday. Heads up on icee flavor would be great. Lol

    Getting nervous since I don't know what to expect... They are suggesting a small implant to get back to my normal breast size after diep... Somehow I ended up over a cup size smaller than I started. Urgh... So I am hoping to avoid that but more anxious than I was with stage I.... I knew what to expect and now I don't. I want this to be the last surgery and happy with outcomes.... I knew stage I was the beginning.. So trying not to set my expectations to high, yet I really want this to be the end of the line...

    I think I just realized that in order to give me any more breast... They will be doing lypo everywhere else. Do we have options on where. Is there anything to avoid with that or know prior? Mi didn't have to wear any special bras, compression or girlies after stage 1... So not sure what I will have to do after lypo... Would love to hear about others experience with all this lypo. Thnx

  • Sassy01
    Sassy01 Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2014
    1. kb33, I just had stage 2 yesterday. They made mention over the phone about possibly having to put in an implant. Dr Sullivan lipo'd me in the abdomen, thighs, back and hips! He pumped 200 cc of fat into each breast so I don't have implants!! I am in a one piece compression girdle that goes from my shoulders to my knees! It's actually quite comfortable. Icee flavors are coca cola and piña colada!