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NOLA in September?



  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2015

    My Stage 2 recovery was quick. I felt back to 90% back to normal in 2 weeks. I think lipo is the main source for fat grafting, but if you don't need much it should make it easier. I have heard complaints that lipo to the knee area is very painful. I had lipo on hips and thighs. The bruising looked terrible but it didn't hurt much (until I sat on the toilet -- holy smokes that hurts worse than anything for some reason. It makes one appreciate those sketchy padded toilet seats). But even then, the pain is gone in a week or two. I can't remember how long I had to wear the binder, but it was longer than I cared to! After Stage 1, Stage 2 is really a piece of cake!

  • mary625
    mary625 Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2015

    I guess with NOLA and with Dr. M both--the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I wish I had time to call and email them frrequently. I find it so offensive when NOLA screens my call

  • Sassy01
    Sassy01 Member Posts: 29
    edited February 2015

    Julieho, Stage 2 was easy for me! I had lipo on the back, thighs, and hips. I really looked awful but was up walking the halls like nothing the next morning. It did not hurt at all. I wore a full body girdle that went from my knees up over my shoulders for two weeks. Called it my cat suit. It was really quite comfortable. As for energy, I was good until my 5 hour flight and 4 hour drive home. That knocked me on my butt! Honestly, I really got my energy back a couple of weeks ago. I am now about 11 weeks out. I think my body just said enough after 3 big surgeries this last year! You will do great. Stage 1 was the hard part.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited March 2015

    Got my reservations for NOLA next week. It's just a consult but I am excited. Anyone else going to be there?

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited March 2015

    Bdavis, I do remember that. You've had a tough go of it! Thanks for the thought. Dr. S doesn't want to see me until 4-5 months after radiation. I'm scheduled for my lumpectomy a week from today at MD Anderson. The lumps are really small so maybe it won't be too bad.

  • migrantt
    migrantt Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2015

    hi all- i'm going to be having my BMX in June/July at CRBS. flew from LA to NOLA about 5 weeks ago for initial consult and came back to LA to do Lumpectomy and Chemo (i start Chemo on Monday). i was wondering if anyone had done or knew of anyone who'd had the BodyLift Flap procedure at NOLA? that's my plan (it's really the very best option i can find for me- large breast not enough tummy to even come close to my current volume) but i'd love to speak with folks who've had it done. I met with Dr's Dellacroce & Stoller and feel really good about them, but still.. would love to hear how people on the other side of the knife felt.. thanks so much.. michele

  • migrantt
    migrantt Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2015

    hi zenful- i'm scheduling the bodylift reconstruction for late june/early july (after i finish my chemo). can you tell me how it was for you? i know it's the right surgery for me, but i'm really nervous about it. also, which surgeons did the procedure?



  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited March 2015

    Migrantt: There are several threads about the center going. People often refer to it in the NOLA threads if you want to search for them. I asked about Dr. Stolier as I am also consultin with him and Dr. Sullivan next week. There is a thread about him to. I don't have time now but I can link you to them if you are having trouble. They should be pretty easy to find. It sounds like you have an I have a pretty similar plan. They want me to start chemo but I am waiting until just after I get back from NOLA.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2015

    Welcome to Mitrantt!

    End June/Early July - Migrantt - Body Lift, NOLA.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited March 2015

    I could look this up by I am too lazy. What is a body lift?

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2015

    Klanders, I'm pleased you are going to MDA to get rid of this latest cancer crappe. That is where I went for IBC treatment and I've been NED for 16 months---my longest stretch since I was first diagnosed 4 years ago. Hopefully you won't need any revisions after this bout is over.

    Jaime, I'm so glad you were able to get through your latest bout with out revision either!

    I must say, I am disappointed one must be even more squeaky these days. It is worth it but no doubt many patients do not have the wherewithal to expend that type of energy while dealing with active cancer

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited March 2015

    migrantt, it was much easier than I anticipated. First of all, I amsure you already know how lucky you are to have Dr. D and Dr. Stolier. The Center takes care of all the details, so you just show up. I have a very thin scar across my lower abdomen, but my hip scars are a bit wider. I don't know if it is a function of more stretching of the skin in that area, but they seem to be fading over time. I am so very happy with the results. I have had Stage 1 and Stage 2 surgeries and don't plan on having any additional surgeries. I would be happy to answer any questions or you can PM me if you want to ask anything privately, as well. I posted pictures a while back in the picture forum, if you have access to that. I can honestly say i am thankful every day for my wonderful surgeons and the beautiful work they have done.

  • vwbordelon
    vwbordelon Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    I am scheduled for tattoos with a Vinnie on Tuesday. I have had DIEP on both breasts and really have no feeling in my breasts. Will I feel anything when he does the tattoos? Do you know if he'll do,eyebrows too?

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited March 2015

    I didn't feel anything with the tattoos. I didn't think that was such a good thingBawling

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2015

    VW - I was amazed that I did feel something as I haven't had feeling for years. It was nothing that I couldn't handle, didn't need pain killers, and was over quickly. I don't think Vinnie does eyebrows. You may want the cosmetic ink for that as it tends to fade. Eyebrows done with regular tattoo ink might be too dark. Good luck!

  • Gramof2boys
    Gramof2boys Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2015

    Can someone tell me how long does it take for the chest tightness, muscle tightness to go away? I had a stacked diep in December(12 weeks ago) and my chest muscles tighten up, mostly when the weather is cold. It drives me crazy!! I sometimes take a Flexeril to help.

  • Sassy01
    Sassy01 Member Posts: 29
    edited March 2015

    gram, I had that onmy left side only. It eased up probably after a couple months. But I am having an issue on that same side with my pec and Lat muscles constantly being "on". My PT was blown away at how tight and flexed they were without me flexing! I'm sure it's got a lot to do with the fact that I have lost all the muscle mass in my left shoulder from babying it for so long. It's almost like the muscle curled up and landed at the top of the flap in a knot. You should be able to start stretching it out by now. They told me three months- I was Dec 3... It'll ease up soon!

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited March 2015

    Gram, I am out 5 years now (unbelievable!) from a bilateral mx/diep. I was on the tight side at first, but it did loosen over time, and I also did stretches at the door frame twice per day, every day for about 3 years. Do you have a set of stretches you do? Now, this far out, I do not do those door frame stretches every day - - and I can tell it! If I go for more than a few days, I notice more tightness. It keeps me motivated to keep up with the stretching as often as possible.

  • mary625
    mary625 Member Posts: 154
    edited March 2015

    Success, finally!! I've got two possible dates for Stage II in NOLA: April 9 or April 22. I'm going to try to get in and out with as little time there as possible since it seems to be high season versus when I was there in late September 2014 for Stage I. I think I'm going to fore-go the follow-up appointment. Anyone else planning a trip for around that time? There's a big festival going on around April 9th. May have to think twice about that date. Suggestions re: travel or planning for the Stage II are welcomed! Thanks.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited March 2015

    That's great, Mary. I was just telling my husband about your difficulty reaching them to schedule. We just arrived in NOLA and will be there first thing in the morning.

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    Mary625 I just had my phase 2 there 9 days ago. I had Stage 1 December 10th and stage 2 March 6th, which was a Friday. We flew in late on a Wednesday night, had my pre-op Thursday, surgery Friday, left hospital Saturday and then had a post-op Monday and flew home Tuesday. I could have foregone the post-op and flown home on Sunday but I just felt given this was my last time there I would stay and have him see me Monday. It is a short appt and he wasn't able to pull either of the two abdominal drains I had in so I could have not done it, but I am glad I did.

    I actually felt pretty good that Sunday, it was a nice day out and we took the streetcar down to Tulane and had lunch and a great walk in the park. Stage 2 is a much easier recovery. My husband pulled one of my drains about three days ago and I still have one in that I am guessing will be there at least another few days. All in all I feel good, just a bit "bruised" looking and feeling from the lipo but my breast feel great, no pain and my energy is so much better following this surgery than the first one.

    Good luck.


  • mary625
    mary625 Member Posts: 154
    edited March 2015

    Julieho--thanks for the info. Can you tell me a bit more about why the ab drains?

    Trvular--hope your consult goes well tomorrow

  • mary625
    mary625 Member Posts: 154
    edited March 2015

    Another request--my Stage II date is going to be the starting date of the French Quarter festival. I'm going to have to stay either at the Hope Lodge or outside the city. If I can't get into Hope Lodge, any recommendations? Any info on LaPlace

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    mary625 I had two abdominal drains, actually they are located near my pelvis on either side because he moved my abdominal scar lower, and also further around my back to smooth out the hips, waist and belly.

    As for places to stay we stayed at the Clarion two blocks away from St. Charles hospital and got a rate of $95 per night by booking as a patient of the Center for Breast Reconstruction. With their car service it made everything so easy. We could walk to all appointments although they did have a car drive me Saturday morning the few blocks to my hotel which in the end I appreciated.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited March 2015

    Gotta love that car service. The poor guy had to wait 2 hours for us today. I guess they didn't plan on us having a hospital tour and wanting to see photos. Seems like what anyone would want to do.

  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2015

    I realize I have not been on in so long. So nice to see the new gals and those that were ready for stage 1 and 2 have them completed. I think I had to step away for a while and recharge and try to forget about all this for a while. But now I have my second stage 2 on Thursday at NOLA. Anxious yet hopeful this will be the last. Unfortunately, everyone came to the agreement that my stage 2 was not as successful as we hoped. Left again with two breasts not the same size, a much smaller nipple on one side due to healing issues and a few other items.. Have me at another attempt to get this right.

    Knowing the recovery with stage 2 is much easier.. I am more relaxed and focusing on a night of fun in the quarter (st pattys day here we come) followed by surgery Thursday and home sat am.

    I too have noticed it is very difficult to get calls, emails back and took 6 weeks to get my surgery date finalized. Yikes! Perhaps just a busy period with them...

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited March 2015

    Does any1 know if nola takes blue Cross blue shield?

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited March 2015

    Stix: Do you have out of network benefits? I would guess they do but it depends. I had a conversation with them about insurance while I was there and I think they maybe said if it is an Obamacare plan and it is covered within their network plan you can not go out of network. But if you have a work or privately purchased BCBS, you should find out your out of network benefits.If you fax a copy of your drivers license and insurance card to Vicki, she will check your coverage.

    Or maybe it was that if you have an HMO, they can't do it. Please check with them though. Don't rely on what I am saying.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited March 2015

    Does anyone know if NOLA takes cofinity or Blue cross blue shield? thanks

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2015

    Stix - the only way to get a definitive and correct answer is to ask the folks at NOLA. An insurance that was taken 6 months ago may no longer be accepted.