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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    JENN - YOU are always welcome to come with me!!! I just don't want to put you out by you having to fly back up north with me! That was all! If you really want to come - I say the more the merrier, but honestly, even if my friend does come, it would not be until the day after my surgery and then she would stay through the weekend and fly home with me. I feel bad having anyone take time off and all that comes with traveling (except in the case of my family, where I feel they should want to do that, but that is another story...). I know most people don't care and they want to do that. If I was on the other end I would not think twice about flying out to help someone, but... sometimes I have a hard time... accepting help??? Anyway, I am sorry!!! If you want to come, you get first dibs (and how long is it since you heard someone say that word???). I just didn't want you to have to fly all the way up here! Or, you guys could split the time, although I was not worried in the least about being alone for my surgery... unless there is a complication! Then I will kick myself for not having my hubby come... Sorry! Thinking out loud. Jenn - you know I love ya girl, you come if it is not a problem for you with work and travel stuff!

    Okay, have to run and help my kids and hubby clean up the play room. Besides my hubby says that I am addicted to this thread and that I need a time-out. LOL I have only been on here for 10 minutes! 

    Iamc, Margit and Mel - I hope your wounds begin to heal well. 

    Sandy - congrats on the Grammys. Awesome!

    Laughlines - Keep fighting!

    Cat - can't wait to meat up with you ion Nola! 

    Mel - I just told the woman from the human resource dept that is in charge of insurance yesterday about how HAPPY I am with my new boobs. I said, "I didn't realize how unhappy I was, until now. Because now I am SO happy." I leave the gym beaming because I can work out and not worry about prosthetics hanging out and I can wear normal clothes. The doctors at the Breast Center are truly Heaven sent when it comes to reconstruction. 

    Okay, getting chastised again by my hubby... LOL... gotta run.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    The other image that totally had me laughing, that I forgot in my list, was the whole phantom-pants-falling-down thing! OMG! Reaching down with your hand and feeling to see if they're still up. LOLLLL!!!! That has to be the most bizarre and hilarious post-recon symptom ever!!!!

    Pam & Margit - Cleavage! Those push-up miracle bras are amazing! and there are so many now - not just the expensive Victoria's Secret ones! I am only a B, but those bras can add at least a cup to your look! An ad came on TV for the new Victoria Secret one that adds 2 cup sizes and my husband says, "How can that be? I don't believe it's possible!" So I showed him the latest bras I've gotten and how they do it, and now he totally understands - and the illusion aspect of this bothers him not in the least!

    You guys all have more cc's of drainage/aspirations in one day in one breast than the total volume my new breast will be! Are most of your problems with all of this because so many of you had prior radiation? The whole thing is really making me nervous...

    Melanie - EVERYONE thinks they're so clever to offer to donate fat. Like they're the first to think of the "joke"! Like all the people in my life who would say, upon learning my name,"Where's Adam?" HAHAHAHAHAHA. NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!

    Holtbolt - Yes, rear end obsession. Looking in the mirror at my rear end constantly. Grabbing the fat. Eating and eating. Grabbing it again. Is it bigger today?!  Dr. D said he would take it higher up my rear end than they used to - I think it is kind of a combo HIP/GAP kind of place where they can get it from now. I wondered, with Springtime, whether you can buy padded underpants. I think someone should make them. With today's emphasis on big booty, they would be a hot seller! Does someone know how to pursue this? Get a patent? Sandy? I'm afraid I'll need them after all of this! Maybe that thing one of you wrote about putting the stick-on sanitary pads on the side of your pants - put them on the back! Two parallel rows!

    Plainjane - PPLLBBTTT! means the noise when you stick out your tongue at someone and give them the "raspberry," I think it's called. It was hard to come up with - the closest approximation to the sound I could imagine. You know. PPPLLLBBBTTT! Not that other noise maybe you were thinking of. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    : P  : P

    I didnt know what PPLLBBTTT was either.  LOL  : P

    I thought your dhs name was Adam, Eve ;o

    Yes, I had alot of People offer me their fat.  And I did use the Term It gives Kissing my A$$ a whole New meaning.  To a Table of 10 back in Oct.  They all got a great laugh I could not beleive I blirted that out.  LOL  Whoops.

    Minn- I wish a Push up bra would do the trick. (Not that I can wear them now anyway- while healing)  But I have tenting.  Which is When the Skin Kind of forms a tent between your breasts.

    Im glad you showed your Dh the 2 Size Illusion.

    No matter what Kind of bra I try I It just gets worse - then with no Bra.  its very discouraging. 

    They do Make Padded Undies.  I bet you can google them.  Or My Asspirate Doc Can Bandage you up instead.

    I have seen them in the stores.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Oh, & no sign of more fluid build up! (Hope I dont jinx myself)   its only been 3 days.

    I folded over my Higher power spanx & that gives me super double support.  5" over my Gap Scar.

    Someone should invent this for after you have a Baby.  The pressure on my Hip bones should be enough to narrow my hips to pre baby.  LOL


  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited January 2010

    OK so who is up for some R & R. My sister puts these trips together and sometimes we get 6-8 and somtimes we get 38. It's just for DIVA's looking for a fun time. I have my stage 2 scheduled for Mar 18th. I expect to roll out of the hospital, spend a day in NOLA, fly back home and jump on the ship on Mar 21st for a week of recovery. Anyone else in?? How about all you snow bound gals?

    "Diva Trip 2010"

    March 21-28


    Royal Caribbean Cruise Line

    "Mariner of the Seas"

    7 nights Round Trip Los Angeles


    March 21 - Los Angeles

    March 22 - Cruising

    March 23 - Cabo San Lucas

    March 24 - Mazatlan

    March 25 - Puerto Vallarta

    March 26 - Cruising

    March 27 - Cruising

    March 28 - Los Angeles

    Cruise Fare $310.00 per person (55 and over)

    $433.00 per person (55 and younger)

    port charge $159.00 and taxes $ 56.00 additional

    If interested email



  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2010

    This thread is totally addictive - the other night I was up until 4am trying to catch up with all the posts! DH just asked me what I was doing - I fibbed & said email - ecommunication, email, not much difference & I don't get any grief! lol...

    Maidenform has padded undies of all types. Never EVER thought I'd be a candidate for them but SGAP sure changed things! Speaking of that, after stage 1 especially and even now, every time I see someone with a large butt I picture the gigantic boobies they could create! I even told one of my PS docs this and he told me he can't help it sometimes, he looks at the backside of women, sometimes, and thinks '"what a great donor site!" So, we're not the only crazies, in the world.

    Pam, too bad they don't offer the super spanx post baby, when your hips are still flexible. Sure would have loved to push those hip-bones back in! My second baby was 9 lbs - my hips were never the same! You may have hit on a new product, Pam! I see riches in your future! lol! I am sooo glad your drain sites are doing better!

    LouAnn, I just read on the Invicible website that you should NOT use vitamin E on scars! Man, that's different from what I've heard before! Let us know how that cream works for you - their advertisement says it can work with scars and age spots - maybe I'll buy a barrel full and dive in!

    My sister offered me her fat, but no one else did. I didn't tell anyone at the office about my BMx or my SGAP surgery. Our office is small (less than 20 people) and everyone always has an opinion! The funny thing was that one day one of the men told me I was really looking slim and looked great in pants! Asked me what diet I was on, 'cause he might want to try it out. Another guy said he had finally figured out what kind of surgery I had - Brazilian butt surgery! I just smiled and told him I had anti-Brazilian butt surgery! He laughed but didn't know that I was telling the truth!!

    Doreen, the cruise sounds awesome! Wish I had the time - what a great price!!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Ok ppppppllllllbt...I get it now.

    Pam I am happy you have no symptoms but was almost looking forward to another story. 

    Gosh the football situation.......NOLA pretty much wiped the Cardinals out.  Tomorrow whomever wins Cowboys vs Minnesota will play Nola next week.  No idea which team I will root for............but if this is my biggest decision life is not too bad!

    Christmas is finally over here..... yay!.....ay yi yi! longer season this year!

    Nordy...I was kidding. please don't worry, but please don't hesitate to call if/ when you need to.


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    We've received orders from Delta Burke, Jodee Messina and a couple of other celebrities so long ago that I don't recall them....there was a gal who was marrying a well-known basketball player and they got the cutest hand-painted magnet favors from us, then divorced six weeks after the wedding. 

    The guitar tank top will be on our site Monday, once we apply the design to one and get it photographed. 

    Padded undies exist already, but I'm working on something else and I think I have it figured out.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    I know this is not the football thread BUT I think I have made my decision and have decided to go w/ Nola next week regardless.  Yes, I'm loyal to my homies BUT the egos are such a huge turnoff.  Saints are predicted  as the better team to go all the way by the fox pregamers(Howie, Terry, Jimmy).  You can really see in how they(saints) play, what they say when interviewed, the coaching and strategy just shows better sportsmanship.  And of course I loved seeing the priest in the owners viewing box yesterday.  Oh my!  If Dallas wins today I could be MOST unpopular this next week!  Oh well!  won't be the first time! 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    I root for the Vikings today, but next week would be hard! The Vikes are a meld of my home state team - Packers, with Favre, so it will be REALLY hard to choose. But, as I always tell my husband (Minnesotan since birth), the Vikings have a history of getting to the Super Bowl (often beating the Packers to do it) and then choking! If that's the case again, and they beat the Saints to get there, I'm going to be SICK!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Ok Eve, I think you all have prediction....not looking so good from down here!  Time for me to get UP and go do something else before it gets really depressing! Of course w/ the background noise from TV. Aaaah football season ending!  Next wkend will be fun to watch tho regardless and then winter olympics-  love watching winter olympics!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    PJ - I LOVE THE WINTER OLYMPICS!  Awe, thats so sweet that you think me and DH are cute.  We will be celebrating 27 years of marriage in July, we are high school sweethearts, he is my one and ONLY boy friend!  Met him when I was 13 (almost 14), he was 16. We married when I was 19!  Can you believe that story!  CRAZY!  But like I say to everyone, when I find something that works, I stick with it!  HA! 

    Ok, Charlestongirl, the "what kind of diet are  you on?" is a killer story!  LMAO! So VERY FUNNY!

    Minnesota -  I cannot believe that people seriously ask you where's Adam.  UGH!  I would tire of that too.  I got tired of hearing the "I can donate" but the thing that really irritates me is now that I have had stages 1 and 2, there are some people who will actually say..." I wish I could get someone to cut my fatoff, or you had lipo, you are so lucky!"  DRIVES ME NUTS........Yeah we are all so lucky to go thru chemo and radiation and surgery upon surgery.  ARRRRGGHHH!  Minnesota, its gonna be in the 40's all week here!  YIPPEE!

    SANDY -MOMS DAUGHTER - Failed to say congratulations!  That is such great news about your success.  You make us all PROUD!

    Macksix - wished I could go with, I so want a warm get away.  But I am swamped at work until end of March and DH 's Bday is Mar 24. so I am hoping to have a little golf trip set up and then get all "tatted up" in New Orleans around that time, but not definite yet.  ALTHOUGH....I know several ladies that would just love to wear a MARCIA MARCIA MARCIA and SPRING SPRING SPRING!  LOL. And sounds like PlainJane may be ready for one too!

    Off to get a few things done and get to bed early, rough week coming up at work and tomorrow I go back to my spin class for the first time. I have been to 2 Yoga classes and am doing great.  The wounds appear to be healing quite well!  Have a great week ladies.  Good Luck to those that will be traveling in the next week or two......I think there may be a couple coming up ...JAMIEH, LOUANN, BAYYYYY, BRENDA26. Travel mercies and well wishes for successful surgeries!  God Bless! Post as soon as you can so we will know you are ok.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Padded undies!!! I never knew about this! Maybe that is just what I need. Google it??? LOL.

    Sandy, let me know what else you have up your sleeve..... 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Sorry Plainjane.

    Springtime, I did not know there were those undies either!

    Melanie, my daughter actually said she was kind of jealous of the plastic surgery I got to have! (she meant the stomach part - like she even HAS a stomach!) I said, Oh right! A mastectomy is a really neat thing to get to have! I guess I have been TOO upbeat about the whole thing - trying to look at the perks...

    Football fans, Brett Farvre's (Viking quarterback) wife is a  breast cancer survivor. 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Awww Melanie, that is so cool about you and your hubby!! You guys have us beat...we have been together 22 years now (married 16), met when we were 19. He is a godsend to me.

    Minnesota...Yes, she is a 6 year survivor now!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    I read Deanna Favres Book this summer.  I really enjoyed it.

    I finished it 2 days before Brett Favre signed with the Vikings.

    So when he got off the plane I was waiting to see her.  Not him : )


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Mel that is very sweet!............Gosh we should all be so lucky!  But  that is GREAT, thrilled for you 2...actually jealous, but I can't say that can I?  LOL! 

    NO biggie on the football stuff....passing fancy.....but excited for next wkend.... and I did NOT know Bret Favre's wife was a survivor....I just think of the movie 'Something about Mary' every time I hear his name.

    Did something exciting tonight..................Took a BATH!  woo hoo!  I think for the first time since like........... labor day....not kidding....showers are fine but you can't submerge until incisions healed and I had open wound issues after stage bathtub became a drip drying zone for my hang dries...and will return to one tomorrow... but it was nice tonight! 

    Go the HR up today again.  Things get better and better, more flexible, less sore......HR gets up quicker but it's early and I've been timid....time to jump in and go for it.

    Nighty night for me too......5 day workweek....yikes!  I think it seems worse in winter because of darkness..............

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    In one week I will be in NOLA....nervous...excited...scared....BUT READY :)

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Jamie, that is very exciting!   Before you know it, you'll be through it and back home, giving us updates!

    35 days and counting for me!   Nervous too, scared too, but also ready!

    You will do GREAT, just like all of the NOLA ladies do!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Marcia!!! Booty Pop!!! I love it! 

    Minn! Check out Marcia's links above. Booty pop, lol lol lol.

    I put my old jeans on last night to see how I look in them. Still tighter in the ab than before (guess I still have a swollen belly from that muscle stitching) but Minn, I am happy to report the butt looks good. Less blob everywhere, and what is there looks fab. Maybe they're just good jeans! But I think all that lipo on the upper outer legs has really helped.

    Jaim!!! Woot! You are not in my listing above - what is your date, procedure, location and doc? I must have missed it, and am so sorry. Will enter now! Let me know! 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Spring~ I am up there no need to be sorry.  The only addition I have is that I will be at St. Charles Surgical Center :) 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    So you are Jaimieh! I guess I am better than I thought. ha!

    • Here is a "cheat sheet" of upcoming surgeries! Ladies, let us know if you have any questions...
    • Jan 26 - Jaimieh - Stage 1: Bilaterial s-gap (Dr S.) NOLA. St. Charles Surgical Hospital.
    • Jan 26 - Bayyyyy - Stage 1 DIEP, NY.
    • Jan 27 - Swastew (LouAnn) - Stage 1: Stacked DIEP/Lumbar, NOLA (Dr. S) (Details: Arrive NOLA January 25, staying at the Hilton Suites the 25, 26 - then on to Fairway for surgery 27th. Back at the suites the 31st, Post OP appt Feb 3rd, then flying home Feb 4th!!!)
    • Jan 29 - Brenda26 - Stage 1: ???, (Dr. S) NOLA
    • Feb 2 - BettyeE - Stage 1 delayed DIEP (left) immediate DIEP (right). Dr. D,. NOLA.
    • Feb 11 - Carolynn (iamc) Stage 2 (second time) NOLA Dr. S.
  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Good Luck Jamieh!! 

    Spring, I am also at St. Charles

    I had my first pre-surgery nightmare last night.  Some doctor told me I had "butt necrosis" and I hadn't even gone to NOLA yet.  Ahhhh!!! Is this because I am inching closer to my surgery date?

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Six hours and no posts? What's wrong, ladies??

    Frustrating shopping experience today. All my jeans are slipping off my hips. Even the new, smaller ones I got. If there's a hint of stretch, it'll start slipping down. Of course, DH just says to wear a belt. LOL.

    So, off to the mall today. I tried on countless jeans in countless styles and sizes. Size 8s are a tad loose, size 6s a tad tight. I cannot get my head around wearing such a small size. I'm 5'9" and 150 lbs, for cryin' out loud! I've been a 10-12 all my life. But now I have no hips or ass, but my belly is thinking about making a reappearance.

    Maybe I'm trying to hard for the designer jeans. I think I'll go back to JCPenny or Kohls for Lees and Levis.

    But, the day wasn't lost. I bought two pairs of shoes. My feet are still the same!


  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2010

    I have been waiting to post because I did not want to sound gloomy. I also tried on dozens of jeans today. My hip to waist ratio is so far apart that I will never look good in jeans. I am going to have to sign up for another round of lipo. I am waiting until after July though. I cannot miss another garden season. My beds did not get touch hardly last year because of all of the surgeries.I could loose 10 pounds and it might help some but even when I weighed less I had issues finding jeans. The but I inherited is so large.Boo Hoo!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    I am hoping my tummy "deflates" a bit. It is odd to have a poofed out tummy and less hip/but!! 

    Anne, a 6??? I too have been 10 - 12. Even 8 blows my mind. Oiy!

    Holt, will add St charles to your info!  

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Hi girls, since it's a bit quieter than usual, I thought I'd ask some questions.  My Stage 1 DIEP is February 23!

    I've seen people say their abd was immediately FLAT and others say swollen.  Does it just depend on the individual, or on how much tissue is taken or what?  Does anyone know?

    How long after surgery can you wear regular pants or anything that will rub against the DIEP incision?  More than a couple of months?

    How far out does the DIEP incision go?  To the edges of the hip, or in closer?  I feel like I've seen both.  Does it depend on the person and the amount of available tissue?

    Did you seem out of proportion after surgery?  I'm afraid I will be all thighs!!!  LOL!!

    Thanks...just some random questions I've been thinking about.  I would love to hear anyone's experience.


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited January 2010

    Sandy..what a great success!! Way to go, girl!! Woo hoo

    Macksix..wish I could go cruisin...sounds so great but kids are keepin me too busy. hit it on the head earlier..KEEP UR SENSE OF HUMOR. I am trying to find it today...Ken (hubby) had to go to E.R. because he was in afib for over 24 hrs. They admitted him into the cardiac unit. This all shouldn't be happening...poor guy. He just had afib surgery right after my stage 2 surgery last month. I was in hospital with him when the church called...I TOTALLY forgot about teachin catechism tonite...I think I am overwhelmed but tryin to be "cool" around kids and Ken. I really, really thought 2010 would be no more am I doing that keeps making this happen to our family? My poor kid's will have a childhood of remembering hospitals...arrghh...sorry..just venting. I just got home and hate not having him here with me, too. We, too, have been together since 19 years old. Over 22 yrs together and almost 19 married! :) still Mel holds the record! :)

    Dejaboo..I got ur message and I will PM you..actually I would love to talk on the phone to you. It will be easier to brainstorm that way. Give me a couple days to get my bearings...:) PM your number!

    Jaimeh..We all will have u in our prayers and you will DO GREAT!!

    Louann- Getting excited for you, too! Let me know what Drs think of the cream you bought!!

    Plainjane..working fulllllll time...I guess sleep is not a problem for you now. lol  I hope you are doing well!

    Spring time...(((HUGS))))..for no other reason than I miss my surgery babe! :)

  • BreastCancerDiva
    BreastCancerDiva Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2010

    Hi all!   Thought I'd provide an update on my drains..... THEY'RE GONE!!!   Probably not exactly the way we hope, but at this point I'm going to celebrate anyway.    I called Stacy last Thursday and told her that my lower drain was so incredibly painful that I was shouting obcenities every time I moved.    I think she told me to take it out because she figured I was going to do it anyway!   Then on Saturday the stitch holding my upper drain in place came out and the tube started pulling out and losing suction.   So today I talked to Stacy again and again, she told me to remove it.    Both of them were pulling over 30 cc/day, so I'm hoping the compression will keep me from collecting fluid.    I am almost 7 weeks post Stage 1 DIEP.

    Suzanne - there are certainly many here with more info that me, but I'll answer your questions based on my experience.  

    My lower ab (just above my pubic area) is as flat as can be,   My incision is very low and it has been flat pretty much since surgery.  

    Just this weekend was I able to get into a pair of jeans.... jeans that were not particularly tight before my surgery!   I can't figure it out....  my tummy looks pretty flat, but regular pants are not fitting.   However I've had NO pain with the actual incisions and no issues with rubbing.  

    I did buy my first new bra today!   Before my BMx I was a 36DD.    Today I bought a 38C.    Not sure what that means for the long run, but at least I have something to get me through to Stage 2!  

    Wow.... I've heard of people who could wear a size 6.   I can't imagine a 10!   You all give me such hope!
