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NOLA in September?



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Holtbolt, I have heard that butt fat flaps take longer to soften and I would assume droop. Ask your doc! 

    OK I will call the center. this is less of a lump and more like a hard flat spot in my upper inner boob, sort of like where it goes to my upper chest. It is like a flat hard spot about half the size of my palm.

    Ugh. And i am 6 weeks out of phase 2!!! I wonder if this has been there all this time and I didn't notice it?? Good grief... 

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    Laughlines - keep fighting the insurance - I had to go thru some hurdles myself - but being persistent paid off!! My insurance gap-exception was denied the first time - supposedly there was a PS 'in-network' that could do a DIEP........after a consultation with him - he referred me to NOLA - his practice was new - and he had not done one single DIEP - and I sure didn't want to be his guinea pig!!

    Phoffa - OMG - I can't imagine 9 days without 'going'!! After having huge problems with constipation after one of my surgeries - the doc finally said to use Milk of Magnesia - it worked like a charm - and didn't get me all gassy before it worked - I will be taking it to NOLA with me!!

    Bayyy - welcome!! The ladies on this board have been a huge help - we are so fortunate that they are willing to share so much information!!

    My pre-op tests are over - and I passed! Next stop - NOLA!!! Yikes - it is right around the corner!

    A Quick off topic of my neighbors had a BMX six weeks ago - we were able to chat today - her chemo is on hold because she is not healing from her BMX. I asked her to show me and about fell over!! In the 'nipple area' of the breast - the skin is black - about the size of a quarter on each side - and she has a gaping hole in each breast where the skin is black - her surgeon told her that 'this was normal - the black skin should fall off soon - and then the wound would close up." If that is normal -I certainly have never seen anything like it! She is not even on anti-biotics! I suggested she call her PS and get a second opinion!! Has anyone else heard of this before?? 

    Pam - loved your a$$piration story - and I don't think any of us could get through this journey without a sense of humor!!

    xoxo LouAnn

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Ummmm.... necrotic tissue (black) is not normal. Especially with a mastectomy. Did the doc attempt to do nipple/areola sparing mastectomy and the nipple died with subsequent tissue death elsewhere? I would be on my way to a new doctor and probably a wound specialist...

    Constipation: Bring the glycerin suppositories... 

    Okay, for stage 2 Katie tells me I have to have someone with me when I leave the hospital AND they need to fly home with me as well. Now what do I do? Even if my sister decides to come, she is in Utah - not here! Maybe we could fly together for 1/2 the flight! I guess I will talk to my hubby tomorrow about going with me... He really doesn't want to! AND, since he is working, he will likely not be there until AFTER my surgery is over... :(

    On a good note - Sandy - I bought my Vibram 5 finger shoes today from REI. They must have gotten a new shipment in... SO, now I have the benefits of running barefoot without the actually running barefoot. Now, if I can just get used to the weird sensation of having my pinky toe separated from the one next to it... It feels weird to have something between them!

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2010

    Carolynn, I'm so sorry you had a nipple failure when you should have been celebrating the end of all this reconstruction. Your sense of humor about the entire thing is wonderful and to tell the truth, makes me feel less nervous about any the whatifs in my own upcoming surgery!

     Nordy, those shoes are so strange looking but from another person who loves to be barefoot, I would love to try them out! Other than the pinky toe thing, are they comfy??

    I think I'm just saturated with reading so much on here and other websites about what to bring and use and not only about softeners and laxatives. My brain is overflowing with what I need to do, buy, prepare, etc.... As for the constipation problem, I take metimucil/fiber everyday anyway for heart health and cholesterol, I wonder if that would be sufficient?

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    CCBABY - I am thinking end of march early april for tattooing.  But nothing definite yet.  My DH and I are planning on making a little golf trip out of it and playing a couple course along the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail that runs thru Alabama.  So not sure exactly yet of the dates, but closer to March 24 time frame this this will be DH's 49th birthday.  xxooo

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2010

    Thanks ladies! I'm pretty sure this isn't just a cap. If it is, what is underneath is TINY (and that's ok). The edges are starting to lift some and it's not pretty under there, LOL

    I'm just looking forward to 2/11 when I can just make them go away  :)

    For those of you coming up for Stage 1-- don't agonize on the packing thing. Seriously. They have pretty much everything you need at the Center. Nice robes to walk the halls in, and more food/snacks than you will need. I ended up with a suitcase full of things I never touched, If I could take only one thing, it would def be whatever works for you to get the bowels moving. If you take fiber daily, your body is used to that...and anesthesia/pain meds will be beyond your "normal". Personally, I started taking stool softeners a few days before surgery, drank LOTS of water, continued the stool softeners in the hospital, and used biscodyl suppositories. It seems MANY women here swear by a particular laxative and glycerin suppositories. Don't wait until you haven't "gone" for several days...just be proactive.

    The NOLA team is incredible. They are eager to "redo" my stage 2 and they want nothing more than for me to get the best possible results, given my individual situation.

    Carolynn :)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010


    I echo what Bayyyy said, you have an amazingly positive attitude for all you've been through. For whatever reason, you are having a hard time at every turn. Thank God you are at NOLA, especially because things have not gone smoothly at every turn! You will get the best result and they will fix it! Hang in there!!! Keep the faith!

  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2010

    Pam, OMG! I was sipping my coffee as I was reading your post. I almost redectorated the walls here! hahahaha!! Some of the things we go through are so ridiculous!! And, of course, now I will have to have my DH measure my butt scars! Last week I had him hold a level up to my nipples as they aren't lining up just right and I wanted to see where the bubble was before I talked to the PS about a stage 3. (For those of you who don't know, my pics are up on TimTams site). Anyway, DH will laugh even more than he did last week!

    And your comment about stage 2 surgery! I had to close my office door, I was laughing so hard my stomach hurts!

    Anyway, here is hopefully a helpful hint to all of you who might experience incision leaks that my PS told me. Take a sanitary pad and attach it on your undies sideways to line up with the incisions. Then your butt doesn't have all that tape stuck to it and if you use the super mini deals you don't have the bubble butt. Sounds crazy but it works pretty darn well. Quick and easy replacement and you don't get all the adhesive all over your skin..

    Spring - after phase 1 I did have some firm spots, mostly on the RAD breast. I waited 8 months for phase 2 to see if it would soften up and it did - slowly. My PS said that lymph channels develop after Mx to take the place of the lymph system within the breast tissue and until that happens you will see areas of firmness. I was so afraid it was necrotic, but at phase 2 my PS saw that only microscopic areas were and not enough to remove. He told me that I'd experience a bit more of that after phase 2 because the system got disrupted again with surgery. But at least this time the firm areas aren't freaking my out.

    Holtbolt - right now I can go without a bra and there is no difference. But my PS said that over time tissue softening, settling and gravity will cause some droop.

    I tell my DH that whether he's a tit man or an ass man he can get a thrill with just one look! But I LOVE the Kiss my A$$! I will definitely use that one - hooo-haaa!!

    As for me, Tattoos on Tuesday - Waaa-hooo!

    PS: SAP gals - Ya'll ever find yourselves singing that song from Chorus Line, "Tits & Ass"? It's stuck in my head - LOL!

  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2010


    I had my surgery in March of 09, I feel mostly normal in the between the boob area, though I still have a few stabs of pain it is mostly gone. Hopefully yours will disappear soon.

    I also still have the occasional sharp pain in my hips. The donor sites are still mostly numb. I had a huge lump of scar tissue on my waist from the last round of lipo. They apparently hit an area with no fat to remove and it was really swollen and painful. I am happy to report that that is lots better since I have been able to massage it. I had to wait for the brusing to go away before I could do that. This was from the advise of a friend who is a massage therapist. All in all I am still extremely pleased with the results and when I look in the mirror I see SEXY!

    Hope this helps for you guys still on the fence!

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Louann - I had a BMX in February, my skin never turned any color.  I have just have the two incissions across my chest which are faded now but were just red lines.  She definately needs to consult with another doctor that doesn't sound good at all. 

    Charlestongirl - Love the tit or ass man line - I'll have to use that one myself! 

    Since my surgery in Feburary, I take a stool softner everyday.  It really helps and right before my SGAP in March, I'll start taking 2 a day.  Just to help keep things moving.   

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Nordy - I had to check out the shoes as I'd never heard of them.  Those are wild!  Does it have any padding or support for your feet?   Inquiring minds want to know! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Lydia and Charleston, thanks for the words, it helps! 

    Lydia, you see SEXY. :)  that is excellent! :)

    Cat, I went to MiraLAX a week before surgery, just to make sure! It made a HUGE difference. And I took along Fleet suppositories just in case, and I did need one or two after each surgery.  

    Does anybody think those five finger shoe things would be good for Yoga? My feet are always freezing and cramping once the socks come off.... 

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2010


    Liz just emailed me my options from NOLA. Dr. S says I am a candidate for a hip free flap, and Dr. D says I could do a hip flap or SGAP.

    Did anyone else get different options from the two docs? I'm surprised about the hip flap thing b/c I don't really have anything to pinch in that area that I can see. I'm a pretty scrawny body type so I thought SGAP would be the only possibility for sure.

    And does anyone else besides me find themself eyeing the rumps or tummies of perfect strangers and thinking, "Mmmm . . . I could make a glorious set of ta-tas out of that jackpot . . ."?

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    laughline~ I wasn't told what each Dr. thought that I was a candidate for.  I was told I was a candidate for SGap and hip flap but not about what Dr. said what.  BTW, I find myself doing the same thing.  My husband will even now make comments about it. 

    Has anyone had Sgap with Dr. S recently ??  It seems as he is doing a lot of hip flaps.  I guess I will know soon enough.. :)

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2010


    I am about 12 days post stage 1 bilateral sgaps and it has been an event-filled 11 days.

    I metnioned that I ws at the ER my furst nght hime when ine drain came out. On Monday, we noticed that the left side of the left flap was red and puffy. Back to the ER, where they did blook work and an ultrasound to see if fluid collection was pressing against the bood vessels.

    The ultrasound tech was the closest thing to a vampire I have ever seen. My husband said there is no way he would have gone into a dark room with her. He also told me it was a good thing it was Monday, because if it was Tuesday and intefered with American Idol, he would be sendng me by cab.

    The ER spoke with my docs in Baltimore and prescribed antibiotics.

    My 24 year old, in the mean time, is in a different ER with a dislocated shoulder -his fourth since playing lacrosse - and my daughter, who stopped by, told us that the dog had thrown up.

    I take wellbutrin, but had not been taking it while in the hospital, and decide to start taking it again on Tuesday. By 10 am I am in he midst of what we later conclyde was a major medication interaction with wellbutrin and pain meds. I was totally disoriented, confused, argumentative, unable to walk straight, etc. Bill is freaking out. He thught it must be a reaction to the antibiotic, which was keflex -  a really common antibiotic. It was not until the next day that we are able to piece the whole thing together, do the research online about wellbutrin and various pain meds, etc.

    Needless to say, I am off wellbutrin until  I am done with pain meds nd I am thinking about changing to a different rx completely. The infection in the left breast is receding. The flaps are fine, although my new breasts re much larger than I expected or wanted.  But it is what I will get used to, since they are mine now! Clearly, I had a lot of raw material in my but to work with!

    Pam, I loved your story. I think only people who have lost breasts can understand the bizarre things we find humor in. This spring, after one implant was removed and I was one-breasted, my husband and I talked about a woman who had stopped by to chat. "What a body," I said. "I don't know," my husband said. " I think her boobs were a bit flabby." "I thought they looked great," I said. "Well," said Bill. "There were two of them." We were hysterical laughing. Anyone else probably would have thought we were nuts. Bring able to laugh is what pulls you through.

    Laughlines, I love your name.

    I cried out of frustration many times when dealing with insurance. While I dealt with many people who were personally sympathetic, in my opinion the insurance industry is institutionalized evil. Their goal is to wear you down, and thy often succeed. Don't let them. Come to us when you need emotional support.

    Regards to all.

    Margit and the twins

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Laughlines...when I went to Dr S for my consult right before surgery, I told him that I wanted the SGAP flap surgery, but he suggested that I get the HIP flap. He seemed to think I had more fat there. He said he doesn't do the GAP as much anymore. I am very happy with my results. I didn't talk to Dr D at all until after my surgery when he came to my room to check on me. Once you go there for your consultation, then you will find out which option is best for you.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Good to hear from you Margit!

    Sorry you had a rough 11 days.  Im glad your flap is doing good.

    And that you were able to figure out that Wellbutin was not mixing good with your other meds.

    I hope your son is doing good.

    And Doggie too.

    My Kids told us while in NOLA that Deja ate something & threw up.  So then they had to argue about who was going to clean it up!  (since I am the only one who seems capable of doing that- LOL)

    Take care & check in again soon.

    Nordy- I dont think My Pinky toe could take the shoes.   I could not ever where those toe socks.  After surgery when dh puts my socks on for me.  I always have to have him pull them away from my toes- Cause I have such claustrophobic feet.


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Hi girls.  Have been reading a bit online this week but couldn't comment via Iphone.  Made it thru week one of FT work...woo hoo!  Can I say I am not sure we(our facility) could have picked a less user friendly online documentation system?..... I digress.

    After 5 days on my feet....or sitting at the computer YES I'm more swollen.  Spring. I have had more notably increasing edema in the breasts esp L(irradiated) this week.  It does get better after a rest SO I've come to my own conclusion it's dependent edema....or swelling, as expected....anyhoo.....Today was the first day I lived on the egde and did not wear the dominatrix instead I went w/ some knock off spanx -actually Jockey-compression bottoms and a compression bra.....felt weird....BUT was honestly worried w/ compression of dominatrix I might have been having more breast swelling due to overflow  upward if that makes any sense........Yesterday after day 4 at work I had class for 2 hrs preceded by an hour of sitting/reading/doing homework in dominatrix and scrubs.... SO yeah I have horizontal indentations at hips, waist and the top or below breasts.....SOooooooooooo I still have fluid under the skin- worst on the irradiated L chest almost down the rib cage.....BUT can see thru out the trunk after the generous Dr. D treatment I still have swelling circumferentially...but....  It's still barely 5 weeks.  I was told I have sacral dimples again and they just reappeared.  STILL.........NO regrets! 

    Hoping to get more active, start exercising and sweating some fluids out?  and flushing them out by drinking more water.  My L upper arm/axilla do feel full....which has been consistent w/ L breast swelling over the last 7 + mos. So there ya go.....I still go to lymphedema therapy/physical therapy MWF and have been.  That's my physical status......even tho I feel a bit swollen my scrubs are very big/loose need to go down a size in the bottoms(yay!)

    AND...........anyone w/ DIEP feel the sensation they have pants/undies falling down?  That is SO how that incision and /or the nerve stuff makes the abd feel....just bizarre!  I find myself keeping checking if somehting is falling down or fell down.

    Have much more to comment on but too tired to think right now! so this was all about me!  Thanks girls!  More later!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    The five fingers are like wearing a set of gloves on your hands, but for your feet! They are supposed to fit "like a glove" so snug, and no, they do not have any kind of support in them. Hence - this is why people who like to run barefoot like them - it is the next best thing. There is a break in period and I should be wearing them around the house before I decide to go running in them, but I just haven't done it yet today. I will take a picture of them on my feet and them post them on my avatar. Spring - I think they would work great for Yoga... you wouldn't need a sticky mat for your feet... that is for sure, but since you would probably still want it for the rest of you, that is kind of a moot point! 

    Laughlines - I was told by Liz that both docs said not enough for DIEP and that they both suggested hip or gap flap and that it was up to me. I love the fact that my love handles are gone. It really did make my waist a bit smaller - and all the scars for it are on my backside... unless they feel I need some additional abdominal help at stage 2. My pics are up on Timtam's site as well - so you can check there if you are curious. Keep up with the insurance stuff... you just never know if they will decide to work with you... AND sometimes it just depends on who you get on the phone. 

    I do have some potential good news and that is that my insurance company might actually consider stage 2 a continuation of care - in which case my out of pocket would not be as high as it was supposed to be. They are supposed to call me back tomorrow and we will see what they say. FINGERS CROSSED! And, my girlfriend from here may be going with me! Sweet - I just have to make sure insurance goes through so that she can work everything out.

    Margit - Wow... you have had an eventful week!  Hang in there with it all!

    Pam - did you ever get that feather bed we talked about? Just curious! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Margit - Wow, that is a lot going on in 11 days. I had to crack up about the dog throwing up, sort of like the cherry on top!!! LOL.

    I only got options from Dr. D, never heard any options from the other doc. That is interesting! Maybe they are changing things up now.

    I could be wrong, but I think the hip flaps might offer you more projection in your butt afterwards? If it was me, I would ask what the pros and cons are with both and then decide. This would be good to do when you have the in-person appt!

     Pam, I also seem to be the only one around here cleaning up the animal throw up! What's with that? Must be a "Mom" job or something.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    Laughlines, I am positive that Minnesota is thinking the same as you---that it would be so nice if someone could just donate a flap.  

    Nordy, I've heard about those shoes, but haven't seen them yet.  I'm actually going to try to join one of those bootcamp groups if I can find one offering sessions at a time of day I can manage.

    I had a crazy week at work and have had very little time to keep up with all of the posts here.  I received an invitation to participate in the Grammy awards celebrity gift bags, so we are making tank tops with a rhinestone electric guitar we designed.   We spent the last couple of days preparing hang tags for the tanks, designing promotional materials and coupons for the presenters and nominees to use for future purchases on our web site, and ordering everything we need to make the tops and package them nicely.  We'll be applying the crystals to 170 tanks on Monday, then packaging them in black organza bags and then I have to run them up to L.A. sometime Tuesday or Wednesday.  My assistant and I wrote a press release last night and it has been submitted to the Grammy committee for approval before I can send it out.  We are so excited!   We've had orders from several celebrities in the past (they LOVE shoes!!), and Carrie Underwood is engaged now---it would be so much fun to work with her.  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    This thread is absolutely the best, because you guys are the best! OMG! Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh out loud, I never know what is going to pop up on one of your posts! I can't keep it all straight! Visions of the vampire tech, dominatrixes, bubble butts, measuring scars on derrieres, lots and lots of stool softening going on, claustrophobic feet, a dog throwing up, and now even insider scoop about the Grammys! And yes - I can absolutely relate to eyeing other women's rear ends! And being jealous of the big ones! Thinking, "She doesn't know how lucky she is! Boy, if she ever gets breast cancer, she can get some great breasts out of those cheeks!" Sandy, I'm sorry I cannot feel sorry for you for your stressful week at work! Fly me out there and I'll help you! I want a tank top with a rhinestone guitar that I can wear when I play Guitar Hero! I'll pay you well! And I REALLY want to help deliver those bags!!!!!!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!! I agree, this has to be the most entertaining thread on!   The delivery will likely be to some non-descript office in Beverly Hills, so you are not going to miss out on much.  Not worth giving up time with your son!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Im still in the looking at womens Cleavage phase...Wondering if I will ever look normal in a Vneck top. : (

    I never made it to the Do they have Flap phase.

    Sandy that is very exciting!

    I have a Tank with a Rhinestone Guitar on it.  its oneof my Favorite tops! : )


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    MARGITN - after I had my reconstruction after being skin and bones for more than a year, actually concave, I thought, OH MY!  What have I done.  These are WAY TO BIG!  BUT there are several weeks of swelling and by the time I got used to the size, the swelling went down and then I kinda missed it.  I never really had cleavage, only a B cup at best, now I am maybe a little bigger than B, and I LOVE the new girls!  Its all such a big transition for the mind to get.  Losing the breast, living without the breast, getting new breasts, but they dont have nipples, then getting nipples, but they are white, then finally getting them tattooed.  Is there any wonder we get a little disoriented from time to time.  AND YOU ARE CORRECT, HUMOR is the only way to get thru.  And so many people just DONT get our humor about it.  But I love laughing about it.  It makes life all the more interesting.  Hang in there YOU WILL GET THRU TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS!

    PlainJane - Glad you made it thru the week.  It is rough getting back into the groove isnt it?  Sorry about the swelling.  I think all my swelling/fluid issues are all but gone, I gone back to YOGA and next week back to cardio work outs.  YEAH!  And Yes I am constantly trying to pull my pants up,  first of all because it feels like they are falling off and secondly because they are really loose.  I need to buy some more pants.

    My Status at 4 weeks post stage 2 - I had to call the center this week cause I had a puffy place come up along the breast incision (left outside),then it drained "gunk".  It was like a large nasty zit (sorry).  Then after more gunk, there was a hole about the size of my little pinky finger in diameter.  Then another one came up on the right breast at the nipple incision, only smaller but "gunky" non the less. Icky, really.  I had to take pics and send to Dr D.  PlainJane it looked similar to your abd wound, but smaller I think.  So anyway, I am applying betadyne, taking another round of antibiotic, and really the betadyne is helping A LOT.  So all is good here, just a very minor set back. 

    NORDY - sounds good on the continuing care gig!  HOPE IT WORKS OUT FOR YOU.

    LAUGHLINES - since you are still talking to the center does it mean that you are NOT giving up!!!  I SURE HOPE NOT.

    IAMC - I am so sorry for the trouble that you have had. Hang in there.  You can get thru this!

    LYDIA - I have NEVER felt so sexy in my life!  Even my DH just looks at me and grins all over himself, he says he has never seen me so HAPPY.  Its amazing what this surgery has done for me.  I though I delt with the mastectomies very well and went about with my life.  It affected so much more that I knew or was ever willing to accept or believe.  So NO REGRETS HERE AT ALL. 

    Love to you  all ladys. Enjoy your weekend! xxoo Mel

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    OH ONE MORE THING -  a comment about DONOR TISSUE!  I wished I had a nickel for every person that said, CAN I DONATE SOME FAT?  That would have paid for all this surgery!  It was almost silly, I mean everyone said that!  And YES, I found myself obsessing about other people "FAT".  Especially since the first PS that I went to told me I was NOT a candidate for DIEP because of inadequate tissue. That was before I knew about the miracle workers at NOLA and I gave up for about 6 months and tried to live breast free.  I dont do it much anymore, but sometimes I do and so does my DH. We just look at each other and smile, cause we both know what the other is thinking.....its cute, after nearly 27 years, we literally can read each others minds.  later girls. 

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Sandy - that is the coolest thing ever and I mean that..... do tell..... what other celebrities have been your customers?  I will scan the National Enquirer and People, etc.  after the see if I can see a guitar rhinestone shirt in there, how cool would that be?  Will they give you a free ticket to the show?

    Re: looking at other people's butts.  I'm not doing that but ever since I got my surgery date I have been grabbing my own, trying to get the handfuls on both sides that they might use.  I'm obsessed with it.  Because I can't figure out how big they can be and it seems I have more fat high up on the hip than lower.. yet I am having an SGAP... I guess my questions will be answered when I get there... but yeah... I have never looked at my own butt so much... it's crazy...

    Melanie.. I know I will be disoriented.  I too have been skin and bones for over a when you first get the twins, can you assume from swelling they are like a cup size bigger than they will be when they deflate? lol Is that generally the case for everyone?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Mel and all - Everyone wanted to donate their fat to me too when I told them I didn't have enough in either belly or butt so they had to take both. AND I DOOOOOOO look at these nice plump bottoms and think, If I had had that bottom,...... etc. (yes I am looking at women this way!)

    Minn, you did a great job of highlighting the topics of laughter on this thread!!! ha!!!

    Sandy, are you selling the Guitar Hero tanks?? Black with shiny has me interested!!

    Mel, I also had a little spot on my right hip that I think was tending that way you describe. But it just in the last week or so cleared up. It was not ooozing gunk exactly, but was not healing either. I just noticed recently it looks on the mend! Yay!

    Jann, it is hard going back to work. The first week for me seemed to last forrrrrreeeeeeeeeeever but last week was not so bad. I think I am already starting to get more used to it!

    Happy weekend to all!  

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Good Morning!

    Nordy...sniff sniff.... does this mean you don't want me?  Kidding!  Do what works, but you know I'm happy to help out and fly home w/ you would be fun but if not this time then I'm coming up another when it's 110 here.  You are awesome w/ your triathlon training.  Also....r:e the continuation of care......Honestly I don't understand how it would NOT be?  esp considering(or at least I was told had I gotten implant recon-thank you God I did NOT- that replacements were covered) ......doesn't the act that covers recon following mastect in essence extend to stages of recon?  that would seem logical...BUt then again we all know the M.O. of ins companies is to deny as much as possible.  Nonetheless, I believe you should pursue from that perspective.....I would......also didn't Sandy say her tweaks were covered by ins? .....but I guess you were referring specifically to out of pocket deductible/expense too......

    Sandy-congrats very exciting about the Grammy promo.  See we knew you were onto something hot!  And by the way how did your nutrition consult go?

    Eve, great news, sigh of relief on your uterus lining. And if I may ask what is PPPLLLLBBBFFF...not sure I have it right...I might be embarressed but I really don't know

    Laughlines-don't give up.......I've repeated this story over and over, so sorry if this is old news....Last august/ sept I met Lanita during consult and said "Here's what I want to do:....."  I paid a downpayment 10 days before surgery but it was not as much as the amt you all are listing is required....I had also done the financial means form and disclosed the amt in savings which was basically my downpayment.....I do make every 2 week payments coordinated w/ my payperiods auto deduct from debit card......I wasn't really given an amt- but may have beaten her to the punch and she said "OK!  wasn't that easy?"  Almost reminds of the staples office supply commercial!  Anyways.....I think if your motivated and a candidate they're willing to work w/ you.

    Pam.....OMG!....have you had anymore aspirations?  150 is a lot. and your husband sound adorable.  Sorry to hear about your wound issues......gosh I hope that heals up- if not you know he can revise for ya. 

    I don't mean to sound like a whiner or scare anyone off.  Hope my descriptive diatribes don't do that..I'm doing very well- know I'm not 100% yet  but I'm still thrilled.  All this stuff(mild swelling/soreness) truly is a very small price to pay and is easily doable but is something to think about in regards to what to expect, periods of time to expect, etc, etc.  But it is SOOO individual and I think I've been on the slower end of the spectrum since stage one-PLUS had the bonus version of stage 2...I  get compliments almost daily "You look great". I look in the mirror and yes it is so nice to see a better shaped torso/flat abdomen and breasts that are where they are supposed to be and do not sag..... have to look back or remember sometimes to remind me.  And I so have to bite my tongue as so many people I work w/ complain about wanting to get rid of their belllies.....Kiss.  Nonetheless, I'm still not done.  Don't know if I'll be able to regain the 23 inch waist I had years ago but do want to get leaner and get the body fat/BMI back to an acceptable range. 

    On the nipple topic.  I had nipple sparing.  And my L breast had been radiated 6-7 mos before stage one.  Following stage 1 my L nipple did become very dark, scabbed over and the scab came off as I pulled off my bra off at the local PS 3 wks post stage 1.  60 ccs had been aspirated from that breast the day before.  I sort of freaked because I thought the whole nipple had come off and I was bleeding.  The PS cleaned it up, I wasn't looking because I was afraid until he said "the good news is your nipple has survived!" and I looked down to see new pink nipple areola.  Liz had told me that in some cases the nipple does become dark and scabs over so I sort of expected BUT also knew because of radiation there was more risk.  At any rate following stage 2....since he lifted me he incised around the nipples which by now had grafted onto the L nipple- is a bit different in color and has a couple dark areas.  But all in all,  they still look REALLY GOOD...think the rads really is to blame for all my L breast issues.  Lymphatics are primarily in the skin.  rads forever damages and lymphatic systems in general do NOT regenerate according to the people who specialize.  Need to just post on Tim Tam a picture says so much more than my wordy descriptions.

    Have a great weekend!  Can't believe this month is half over!

    Nola Saints play this afternoon don't miss it.  Would LOVE to see them advance and go all the way.  Hope they are ready to get their game back on and whodat! again!

    I STILL want to see you girlies.......don't forget reunion?  slumber party?  flashing?  count me in.

    Trishia I do want to come wine tasing and I will go to one of your passion parties too.

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    I just love this thread!! Where else can you talk about bodily functions, boobs, a$$, and all of the other wonderful things on here?? Thanks ladies!

    My neighbor went to her PS on Friday regarding her black skin and open wounds - he is going to take care of her on Monday and remove the necrosis and stitch her up - she feels MUCH better about things now - so do I!

    Laughlines - I was told by a PS that "from here on out any surgery having to do with my breast would have to be covered by insurance do to the '98 BC law" - it didn't matter if it was 2 months from now or 10 years from now. This was after failed expander/implant recon. Keep pushing!!

    I ordered some advanced scar therapy the other day - created by a PS - you may want to check it out -  I'm not sure if it will work or not, but they are having an introductory offer of 14.99 +SH - to me it was worth a try!! Will show the product to Dr. S and see what he thinks! Of course, I may need to by it by the gallon after all is said and done!

     Have a great weekend ladies - the Saints are playing the AZ Cardinal's - so who do I want to win?? Still haven't decided!!

