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NOLA in September?



  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Spring...since you are adding St Charles for a couple of the other might as well add it to mine too please...

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Thanks Robyn!  Yes, I've seen lots of women say that even though their stomach is flat, their pants are tight.  I don't understand it, unless it's just that the swelling takes some time to go down.  Great to hear no pain and no issues with rubbing.  You said your incision is low--that's great!  And congrats on the new bra!

    I appreciate the response.


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Warrior - So sorry to hear about your husband. Man, life is making you earn your name! I'll keep both of you in my prayers. Please keep us updated on how he's doing.

    Holtbolt - We ALL will have butt necrosis from sitting here reading this thread all the time!

    Anne - Your story about all the jeans falling down is scaring the heck out of me! So this is because you have no rear end left from GAP? Are you sure this isn't one of those phantom-pants-falling-down things? I don't like those stretchy jeans for the same reason. They look good when I first put them on, and then they start sliding down - and that's before GAP! 

    Lydia - Are you having the same problem because now your rear end is too small? I KNOW what kind of nightmares I'm going to have tonite!

    Springtime - So the lipo on the upper, outer thighs makes the butt look bigger? Do you mean the upper back-of-the-thighs?

    Springtime & Suzanne & Robyn - Even if your stomach looks flat, there is still swelling. Figure at least 3 months - remember, that's the minimal amount of time between surgeries, partly so the swelling has a chance to go down. 

    Suzanne - I can't remember when I was able to wear regular pants (tho not too tight), again. I don't think it was more than a month, for sure. The domanatric outfit really keeps things from rubbing too much. I wore it longer than I needed to, just for that reason, as I recall. I think the incision is always pretty much from hip to hip - the front of it. The length will be a bit more than it is now, after stage 2 and the dog ears are fixed.

    Dejaboo - What do they do in your next stage re: the "tenting"? I would think they'd have to keep that area tight, so the skin could heal and re-connect. Maybe they can only do that after the initial flap surgery is healed, since you can't have any pressure on that area now?

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Warrior-Im very sorry to hear your dh is in the hospital with Afibs.

    And a month after his Ablation : (

    Keep us posted on how he is doing.  

    Anne & Lydia- Do explain.  I have only had on 1 style of jeans (Levi) so far & they are loose at the hips.  I have tightened my belt 2 notches.  But I sure hope after stage 2 I can find jeans to wear.  I dont like Stretchy jeans either.   Is it the butt is too small?  or your Hips are still the same size- but your waist is smaller now?  

    If I try on jeans in my closet- I know it will bumm me out like when I try on bras- I have tried on about 40 bras & nothing fits or helps my tenting issue.

    Minn- I wish I had answers about what they do about the tenting in stage 2.  But No one will answer me. I have read that it may go away in time (read that about BAs)  So I am hoping that it will.  But if it doesnt.  It needs to be fixed.  

    Robyn-Yippee- Drain free!  I know how good that feels!


  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2010

    Congrats Robyn! Drain free is great!

    Jeans issue is this. My hips are 36" my waist is 24". Before the surgery I had issues finding jeans. I always have to have the waist taken up alot. They did not lipo enough off of my hips the lower part to make any difference there. They did shave down from my waist to my hips alot and shape there. I am going to have to go again for lipo! there are no magic jeans that are going to fix this. See some of you guys there.

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Thanks Minn...that helps.  I just wanted to know if the swelling goes on for months.  That would be difficult because you can't wear Yoga pants to the office!  LOL!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    WARRIOR - HANG IN THERE!  I am sure things will be better soon enough.  Now you get the chance to take care of DH.  Do a wonderful job, you know how great he has been to you!!!  (grin)

    Status - ALL OF MY PANTS ARE FALLING DOWN!  Literally!  Yesterday I had to punch a new hole in my belt so my pants would stay up.  All my pants are 10's, I tried on 8's over the weekend and they fit, but were slightly snug at the waist.  SO I do not want to buy them, not ready yet, there must be more swelling.  I will continue to punch holes in belts until I get to the 3 month mark, maybe that will be magical.  I have always worn my pants a little big, cause I cannot stand anything tight at the waist, plus I literally have NO BUTT, I never have, so to say the my pants are now baggy in the butt is really an understatement.  My daughter cringes when she sees me.  Anyway, I refuse to wear tight stuff.  I should really wear the 8's, but I plan to give it all more time.  And I will have my dear mom take in the waist on the pants.  Geat problem to have, huh girls!   

    Now regarding the wounds that I have been having some issues with, Dr D called in bactrim to take on Friday evening and I began taking it, also have been applying betadyne.  Both are helping a lot, BUT THERE IS ONE PROBLEM! 4 doses into the Bactrim and  I now have the rash again, so apparently the original rash was not due so much to the surgical glue but the bactrim.  I cannot figure out why it did not bother me at stage 1 though.  Maybe my poor body just needs a break.  I will call the center as soon as it opens and see what they say.  ARGH!  Have a great day ladies, Affectionately, ITCHY BAGGY BUTT (aka Mel)

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    I hope they can find something for you to use that wont give you a Rash 'itchy Baggy Butt, Mel'

    Lydia- are these low rise jeans?  Maybe a lower rise would fit your lower waist/hips better?


  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2010

     Melanie please take care with Bactrim! I had the most severe reaction to that stuff and ended up in the hospital from it. The ambulance driver said I was the second person in a week that had that happen. He also said once you get a certain amount of a sulfer antibiotic in your body it stops tolerating it.I had had many bladder infections when I was young and that is what they treated it with.

    Pam, I tried on all styles. It is not going to improve. I wil have to do it again.

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2010


    Yesterday was 2 weeks post op, and my first day back at work, part time. I own my own business (we help older adults relocate), so being at work simply means sitting at my desk  out of the house for a few hours. It felt great. Like life will return to normal, even if I did come home and take a 2 hr nap.

    My husband and I have Key West, Quebec, etc. And then yesterday, he said, "What would you think if we went on a mission to Hatii to help in some way, for your birthday?" I cannot think of a better way to start a new decade, and yes, I love that man. After 26 years, he really knows who I am, and I love what we have grown together to be.



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Warrior, ugh! I am so sorry, you all deserve a friggin break already! Call me if you want to chat. Love you girl!!! love you girl!!! love you girl!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Minn, the butt just looks better, a more youthful looking butt, less hanging blob I think, all around. LOL

    BCDiva, compress!!!!!! Did you take a shower "Drainless" and hear angels sing a chorus of hallelujah??? I took a shower for 30 minutes or more after my drains were out, all times!!!!  ENJOY!!! Hope you are well girlie.

    My DH and I have been married over 25 years! 26 this June! Just saying! :)

    Hello, all the blob from your tummy is gone, so as Minn said, the outside seems flat, but the inside is poofed out and very hard, so while there is less "stuff" - you are somehow sticking out more. I am 7 weeks post Stage 2 (I had a lot of belly work done in Stage 2) and I am still experiencing this. Minn, thanks for the 3 months ticker. I keep wondering when it will go back down! I am still in yoga pants all the time. After phase 1 my lower tummy tight on outside, and upper tummy still had fat (lipo needed) 

    My incisions were from hip to hip, both my lumbar and my DIEP part (I had both). After stage 1, they did not meet, one was lower (the butt), and the tummy higher. In stage 2 he lowered the tummy to meet the butt so now I go all around. Hello, I would count on hip to hip. I could wear my pants/capris (they were large-ish in the middle) at my Stage 1 post op. Those dominatrix outfits give a lot of compression. LOL. After stage 1 I would say I was not in perfect proportion, but nobody would notice unless they saw you naked, girl. hehe. The lipo in stage 2 puts you back in proportion. ALSO I think some women are more in proportion than others even right away. 

    Marg, your DH sounds like a wonderful person! God Bless!  

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Ladies, I love this thread.  I have trouble keeping up with what's going on with everyone but you gals are awesome!  Learn something new every time I read.

    Woo Hoo!  I finally got my pre & post op appt today, so I can book my flights now.  Pre 3/22, surgery 3/23 and post 3/29.   Plus she said they had mailed out my info packet.  Looks like I've got everything lined up now!

    Nordy - I'll still be in the hosital when you have your surgery, so my sister who is going with me and I can come by and check on you while we're there.  I understand they'll have me walking the halls, so we'll just make you one of our frequent stops. 

    Hadn't thought about not having a butt after surgery.  I was just thinking about what a tight butt I'd have.  Now I've got something else to think about.  I've got a whole closet full of jeans I can't wear now and can't wait to get back into them. 

    As my SO said New Years, I'm getting new boobs, new butt and I'm getting my hair back this year.  Whole new me!  I'm so ready for it!


  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Spring, thanks!!!!!!!!!!  This is such a big help--knowing (in detail) what to expect as far as swelling, scars, fitting in clothes, etc.  It's just better to have that expectation than to think you're going to walk out of there a size smaller.  I'll plan on sticking to the Yoga pants for a while.  

    Nobody's seeing me naked these days...LOL...but I still want to be in proportion!!!  Hey, you never know!!!  Cool  I know large butts are "in" but I don't want to be J-Lo or thunder thighs!!!   I need to make my Stage 2 appointment!!!

    I am hoping to go back to work after 4 weeks--I have a desk job so I hope it works out.  Does that sound reasonable? 

    How long did everyone stay out of work after Stage 2?  Hopefully not more than a week or two???

    Cat, sounds like a great year for you--go for it and enjoy all of those NEW things in your life.  That's awesome!!


    PS.  Spring, I'll be at St. Charles too!  Thanks!

  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2010

    I've experienced the jeans falling down the pants that now are HUGE in the butt and thigh area - all those pants are waiting to go to the nearest Goodwill or Thrift store. And I don't get it - I didn't have lipo so I'm not sure what is up with the legs.

    Pam, great idea. I actually got low-riders from Old Navy - not my usual haunt -  and they fit pretty well. Anne, have you tried on any junior sizes? Aren't they generally less generous in the hiney area?

    I had tatts done today! But they are under wraps for a couple of days. After I left I wished I had asked for the silicone nipples they laid on top to get a pattern. I could have freaked the beejesus out of DH! THey stick to your skin on their own! LOL!


  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2010

    Suzanne, I stayed out of work 2.5 weeks for stage 1, 1.5 weeks for stage 2. I have a desk job also. But I will say that 2.5 weeks out for stage 1 was total insanity and I regret that I came back that early. At the time, though, I felt like I didn't have a choice. 4 weeks would have been do-able for me and I had SGAP and BMx all at the same time. I had no drain issues, though, and that helped.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Hello/Suzanne, I was very much retaining fluid after all surgeries (feet puffy, etc) so best not to expect to walk out of there super model size. :) I put your hosp above!

    Cat Cat Cat. I do not have you in the list above, Tell my your date, procedure, place, doc, hospital and I will add you if you like. Not required!

    Charleston/Chris - Ditto, huge in butt and thigh on my dress pants. Look silly. Still fitting through belly. I think once that deflates from inner swelling they may also drop. But I had massive lipo in those areas! Maybe you are just losing weight? And LOL about freaking out your hubby!!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Warrior - SO sorry to hear about your hubby! I hope that his heart returns to a normal rhythm and that you are able to resume some normalcy outside of the hospital!

    Pam - Have you thought about posting to Dr. D on the ask the doctor website to get some kind of idea about what he might do for tenting? Just a thought...

    Mel - I do hope that you have STOPPED the Bactrim. Allergies to sulfanomides are not unusual, and as Lydia said, they can be VERY dangerous. I am also allergic to Sulfa and discovered this in '88 when I was on it for an ear infections. Day 10 of my antibiotic (the last day) I got a fever and broke out... I thought for sure I had the measles or something because I would usually have an allergic reaction to an antibiotic right away (this unfortunately is not unusual for me)... The first place to break out was my elbows and knees... and it progressed from there. I had welts on my butt (the last place to break out) for 3 weeks afterward and had to be on oral steroids along with the benadryl. NOT fun, and needless to say, my New Year's was spent with my ex rubbing caladryl lotion on my back and zoning out from the drugs. Sulfa is now listed as one of my drug allergies that would cause anaphylaxis. (that and Neulasta... go figure!)

    Cat - We have our post-ops on the same day. When it gets closer I will PM you my cell number.Where are you staying after?

    My hubby is now thinking that he wants to come to NOLA with me... Mostly because it would be a kid free week and he thinks it will be a little v-k. Humph. Now I will have to spend my days worrying about my babies again... BUT it would be good to have him!!! 

    Stephanie - I SO wish I could cruise with you, BUT you know where I will be that week! 

    Spring - you have the circle around your waist - how is your sensation there? AND do you have any issues with lymphedema prior to surgery or now? Inquiring minds want to know! I am hesitant to have a tummy tuck w/stage 2 simply because I don't want to alter that pathway for lymph drainage as I have difficulty keeping it under control now... 

    Okay, so I have been dying to tell someone this story... LOL. Yesterday we took the girls skiing (which is another story in itself - we had SO much fun! And both of them did great! I am SO sore on the other hand.... bending over, keeping my youngest between my legs and snowplowing the entire time is really really exhausting!). Anyway, on the way home we stopped at Costco - my hubby ran in and I stayed w/the girls in the car. My little one informed me that she was "poopy" so I changed her in the car (in the dark). Now, I have to clarify here, that we are potty training, so she is in pull-ups, which when you have a poopy diaper, do NOT fasten together. So I change her while she is laying across my lap then put the diaper on the dash until my hubby comes out then I run it to the garbage. We are driving home and we were both like, man, it still stinks in here. I start sniffing around... sniff down on the floor, and it wreaks... Pick one foot up... nothing... pick the other foot up... OMG... Poop on my shoe that flies onto the gear shift when I picked my foot up... LMAO...  My husband told me to throw my shoe out the window... LOL    I didn't but had to spend the next 10 miles in the car, with the windows open, cleaning my shoe with baby wipes, then finally got home and had to clean the carpet in my car...     Apparantly changing a poopy pull up in the dark is not a smart thing to do...

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Girls...I just got a call from the center in NOLA and I can now sleep on my sides!!! Woo hooo!! Now, I can finally get some good sleep! I can't lay on my stomach until next week, but that is ok since I am not a stomach sleeper anyway, BUT, I will be able to get a massage that I have been needing for 11 months now and not been able to get because of the expander!!

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Spring - Thanks, I'd like to be added:  Stage 1 3/23, Bilaterial SGAP with Dr. D  @ St. Charles Hospital.   The day after my birthday!  Happy Birthday to me!

    Nordy - we'll definately trade cell numbers.  Hope Lodge before and  Hotel de la Monnaie right off the French Quarter afterward.  OMG the poop story is hilarious!  Glad your hubby is talking about going with you. 

    Charlestongirl - only 2.5 weeks!  Haven't had stage 1 yet but thinking it'll probably be similar to  my BMX.  There was no way I could have gone back to work that soon or even thought about it.   But we do what we have to do to make it through no matter what.  We are strong!  You are strong!


  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2010
    • Charlestongirl -  I went back part tme after two week from a bilteral sgap. I stayed for about 4 hrs and then went home and took a two hour nap. This is my business so I can go in with drains, wear whatever I want and I am not accountable to anyone for productivity. Yesterday, I felt exhausted. Today, I felt pretty good. If you must go back quickly, perhps you can do either half days or every other day. I will say that it was great getting out of the house and being back at work. It made me feel that I was getting back to normal. I have no meetings scheduled this week, but do have meetings next week. I am trying to figure out how to hide the hip drains in my suit jacket. Let's see what Chicos travelors outfits can hide. I am exhibiting at a conference in Las Vegas on Feb 9 and already dealing with the fact that I may still have my hip drains. It should be interesting.
    • .
  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited January 2010

    Warrior I hope things are OK with your DH. You are way overdue for good things .

    The other day my husband and I drove to church in two cars since we both had errands to run. When we met at church we both asked each other if we had heard from any of the kids. I said no and so did he. It was actually a relief, no news is good news in our household.

    Last week I got my results from my follow up US based on my CT results in NOLA. They wanted me to see my gyno since the US detected a thickend endometrial lining. Now what???? I saw my Dr yesterday and she was very confident that everything was OK but she insisted on an edometrial biopsy which she performed in her office. Ouch!!!!! Get my results back next week but hopefully it will come back OK. NOLA here I come for stage 2.

    Nordy your poop story is priceless. Did you get the smell out of the car?

    I went back to work after 3 weeks part time. I am a controller so my work just piles up. It was a good way to ease in. I would work 3-4 hrs a day and then go home for lunch and a nap. At 6 weeks I returned full time. It worked out well for me. I know it varies for the work you have done at stage 2 but is it realistic to think I could go back after a week to 10 days?

  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2010

    Wow, MargitN, 2 weeks! With drains! I'm impressed! Hope your hip drains are gone by Vegas! Remember, you can't bring more than 3 oz in any one container - LOL!


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Lydia- sorry to hear that on the Jeans.   

    Margit- sounds like you are doing good.  What a great dh you have!

    me & my dh celebrate 24 yrs this May.  

    Nordy- Your Poop Story was Hilarious!  Had my Laughing tears.  

    Warrior- hope your dh is doing Good.   Pam

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    I've never seen it this quiet before! 


  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Shhhh...I think everyone's napping!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Does anyone know how long the CT last ?? Nervous as can be... Almost finished packingm. We have been skiing so I am back to reality in about 2 hours. It was so much fun but it's reality time. I am ready to have some girls for my next trip ;). We are heading to FL to visit my MIL for Easter. I hope to be healed by the end of March. Do you think I should be drain free ??

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    OK - I'll chime in!! Last night I had the most bizarre dream - and it seemed soooo real! I was at the 'hospital' waiting for my sugery, and Dr. S never showed......I waited and waited and waited - and finally left. Turns out - I was at the wrong place!! I called the center, and we were unable to schedule for 3 months!! SOOOOOO glad it was just a dream! I am anxious as can be - and just keep cleaning and cleaning and organizing - something I always do when I need to calm down!!

    Ladies - about the jeans - I feel your pain! I have always been built like a "boy" - pretty much straight up and down - very, very slender hips, no a$$, and very long legs. Although I have been able to find jeans to fit in the last 10 years or so (Seven for All Mankind is a favorite brand) - I used to buy mens jeans - especially the Levis - they fit me much better than any womens jeans I could find! Also - if you have a Buckle store near you ( - they are great a taking one look at you and finding jeans that fit!!

    Warrior (Kathy) - I am so sad to hear about your husband's health issues - hopefully all will get straightened out soon!

    Hopefully by this time next week, my surgery will be over. Whew. I plan on seeing Brenda on the 26th, and Jamie on the 28th - and Bettye before she heads in for surgery! If anyone else will be in NOLA - PM me and I will give you my cell #!

    One question - since I am having the stacked DIEP - I know I can expect 8 (ugh) drains to start with - and hopefully come home with 2, or possibly 3 drains. Can someone chime in and let me know which drains I can expect to come home with? Boob - butt - tummy?? Just trying to plan ahead!!

    Thanks in advance for your help!!


  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2010

    Hi Ladies - I have posted a couple of times here - really love this post, it has helped me so much.  I am tentatively scheduled for a bilateral SGAP in NOLA in March with Dr. M.  For the gals that had a SGAP, could you please describe the donor site after surgery?   Do you have a decent contour or would you say that there are big 'dents'?  Not that it will change my mind, but it helps prepare!  

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    jamie and LouAnn - I am very excited for the both of you! Wooohoooo...

    As for drains - I did not have stacked - so Warrior or Spring can probably be your best resource here, but I believe you will come home with drains from your tummy (don't know how many) and 2 drains from your hip area. The ones on the backside tend to last the longest and drain the most - just the nature of the location. 

    Jamie - The CTA does not last long at all. They do one scan (a couple minutes) prior to injecting you with the contrast, then a second scan - which for me seemed to last forever, but in reality probably maybe one minute longer than the first one... SO, total time actually scanning is VERY short, but you do have a little prep time - getting an IV and setting you up with the blood pressure cuffs on your legs and on the scanning table... still not a long procedure at all, so no worries! It will all be well! 

    I will be thinking of the whole group next week! Thanks for updating for everyone Spring!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Sorry, Liz - didn't mean to miss you up there - I had hip flap not SGAP, but there are people here who did, so hang out and I am sure they will let you know!