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NOLA in September?



  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Minnesota - what a relief.  I had to have a uterine biopsy due to lining thickening (from Tamoxifen).... the waiting  for test results is the worst... it's like... ok, now what... isn't breast cancer enough... am I going to be thrown something else?  Anyway... I'm glad to hear all is normal.... Laughing Yay!

    Laughlines.. don't give up!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Holtbolt - I know! I thought all I had to worry about was my other breast! Geez! But this whole sorry trip has moved me one step closer to NOLA, I must say...

    Sandy - where are you? and when are you going to use your influence to have the Center start making these Encourage meetings available online to all of us? I'm waiting, sister!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    I'm STILL waiting, Nip Girl!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Wait! Don't answer, I know! You're at that private online Encourage meeting in your house! PPPLLBBBTTT!

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2010

    Thanks Ladies - I'm not too proud to shed a few tears for a good cause!

    Minnesota - Whew! Congrats on the D & C results. 

    Welcome Bayyyy!

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2010

    Good morning and thanks for the welcome everyone!

    Springtime, did you have your diep as a redo like me? Just wondering if this is why you could use your arms. I had a heck of a time for the first few days after my bilateral several years ago but I'm thinking that will not be an issue this time around. Sound right? And congrats getting back to yoga--wow, 4 months until I can do yoga or pilates again??

    Laughlines--love your name and soccer mom, I love the quote in your siggie!

    Okay, today's question--sorry but it needs to be asked--did anyone start stool softeners before surgery? Did your doctors recommend something to clean you out? Did you use a laxative instead. I'm really afraid of being bound up post surgery(been there, done that!!) Can you all give me your opinions, experience, advice...??

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Welcome Bayyy!

    Minn- So glad everything is ok!

    I Got Ass*pirated.  it was the wierdest appt I have every had!

    Dh was in full agreement.  Im glad he was there or he would have never believed it.

    he was almost cracking up the whole time.

    1st of all when was the last time you were at a Dr that they did not have paper on the table!

    I could smell that it was disinfected...but come on.

    I made sure I was always sitting on my gown.

    yes I had to put on a gown for this.

    he wanted to give me a shot of Novacaine, fine.   Didnt help cause I could still feel the needle when they drew out the fluid.

    he said he really did Not need to aspirate it. But it was up to me.  I said- Im here I want it done.

    When I mentioned that we were going to Ass*pirate me.  he said 'Thats just what they call it'  His nurse caught my joke & could hardly contain her laughter.

    I think he sent her out of the office at least 20 times for stuff.

    While I am laying there on the table with my Arse exposed.

    he had to take a Picture of my Butt!  Im laying on my side- exposed. he needs a Picture of the incision.  Sends the nurse out for the camera.

    Only had 150ccs back there.

    He also wanted to bandage me up with Lots of Pads & stuff for Pressure.  I got a bandage that was 11" x 11" on my butt! using 3" tape.

    From my Thigh  to my Hip  & across my crack ;o

    Then he sent his nurse out once again for Glue.  The bottle looked ancient.  he told me he wanted to glue the tape on to make sure it stuck.  So He glued my butt then too.

    he wanted me to keep this on for at least 3 days.  LOL

    I went to get dressed -I could hardly bend. 

    I left the office with a Bubble butt.

    And ripped it off when I got home. Ouch

    it took him 45 min to do this! (that was after we waited 50 min)

    This better not fill up again.  I do not want to go back there.


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010
    Pam - omg.. that was funny.... did it hurt???  Did he use a sonogram to figure out where to put the needle?  Just curious... no paper on the table? Ugh... really, come on!  Did you get the feeling he had never done this before?  Funny that you ripped off all the bandages when you got home... I hope you don't have to go back there again too!!! 
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2010
    SurprisedLaughingDejaboo, lol!! I was reading this and hoping upon hope that you had had an sgap and that's why he was ass*pirating back there!! Thank you for having that info in your signature! lol too funny what we go thru!!
  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    No Ultra sound.

    I do think he has done this before. Probably not a Butt before- LOL

    His Nurse knew what to hand him & how to push on my Butt to try to work more fluid out.

    It hurt.  But not too much.

    He wanted to look at the girls.

    And his biggest concern was they were not the same size.  Where you like that before he asked?  LOL

    I realized that he thought I was finished.  I said I still have another surgery to fix things.

    he could not understand why my surgeon travels for surgery.

    Or Why the last time I saw her was 5 days after surgery.

    Dh said after we left- "Were your Boobs lopsided like this before, Well yes, I liked them different sizes before BC so requested this with reconstruction."  LOL


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    PAM- HYSTERICAL! Glad you got it taken care of.  Hope that you do not have to go back!

    SPRING -I went back to YOGA last evening too, it was GREAT!

    MINN - GREAT NEWS on your test results!

    BAYYYYY - WELCOME TO OUR THREAD AND GOOD LUCK! SPRING IS THE EXPERT ON KEEPING THINGS MOVING.........Laughing There is a TON of stuff on here about that.  BUT I think the answer is do everything you got to keep it moving.........I think SPRING calls it "PULLING OUT THE BIG GUNS!" 

    OH YEAH - I AM DOMINATRIX FREE AND NIPPLE GUARD FREE!  Feels weird not having the guards on, I am so afraid that the shelf cammi is gonna squish the new nips!  SLEPT WELL LAST NIGHT, FREEEEE! BUT I kept waking up to be sure I was not laying on the nips!  I guess this will pass..........

    Have a great day ladies! MUST WORK NOW!

    OH MINN - we are having a heat wave today.....50 degrees!  I MAY BE ABLE TO GOLF ON SATURDAY IF THE SNOW MELTS OFF THE GREENS!!!! YEAH! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Pam, holy cow! or holy Butt!!! LOL!!! You're a good story teller!

    Bayyyy, (I always forget how many Y's!!) I had bilateral mx with immediate implants at NOLA right after chemo. Then did rads. Then after waiting 6 months post rads, I did phase 1, then I did phase 2 3 months later. The worst "under the arm pain" was after the bilateral mx with the implants under the pec muscle. Actually, that was probably worse pain than the stacked DIEP/lumbar in terms of arms.

    I think it is  just important to start range of motion on arms as soon as possible, after all surgeries. Don't push, but do something!

    Minn, I agree. It would be nice to have those Encourage meetings where anybody could tune in remotely.

    I have a question about lumps in your new flap boobs. Does anybody feel lumps? I felt one today for the first time and it sort of freaked me out. What should I do about this? 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Dejaboo - LOLOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then to your second posting - LOLOLOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ow, my side hurts!!!!!

    Melanie - We're having a heat wave here too! 27 degrees!

    Springtime - I think that would be a small area of fat necrosis. It will probably resolve on it's own. I know some docs say to massage, tho some don't. If still a problem later, they will address it.

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    SPRING - I had some rather large HARD AS ROCKS areas too.  By the time I went for stage 2, most had soften to the point that they no longer were there.  This literally happened it seems overnight and right before stage 2 which was 12 weeks after 1.  There remained an area on the radiated side that was about the 2 inches in diameter, Dr D removed it in stage 2. There is some hardness there, but I think I am still healing from stage 2 and hoping that it will resolve on its own.  But it is much better than before and I can live with it as is now.  BUT mine were NEVER LUMPS.  Very hard places.  LUMPS would scare me too.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Spring~ I would call NOLA and ask them about it. 

    Pam~ your butt story had me laughing especially what your DH said once you left.  I love how the PS said that like you have never looked.  I hope you do not have to go back. 

    I got the all clear for surgery today :).  I am packed except for toiletries so now I just need to take care of my downpayment......

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Dejaboo...What a great story...I think I would be freaking out about it all if it were me!

    Melanie..Congrats on being dominatrix and nipple guard free! Tonight is the last night that I will need to wear my spanx. When will you go back for stage 3?

    Spring...I have hard spots and lumps too, but I figured mine were because it has only been 4 weeks since my surgery. Like Melanie said, hopefully they will soften up before stage 2. Maybe you should call the center to see what they say.  

    Jamie...Looks like you are all set to go!

    Welcome Bayy!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    Oh my gosh!  I come to find that not only am I hogging the EnCourage airwaves, but am also a flasher!   Stephanie can (and will if necessary!)  attest to the fact I was NOT the first to bare my chest last night, and then when I did, it was only one side due to the nipple guards and tape.  Yes, she made it to the meeting last night and her daughter didn't require her assistance--she's doing well.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    YAY, Jaimie!!!!

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2010

    Dejaboo - Haa! I love that he was gluing the tape on to be sure it stuck . . . that is cracking me up! He sounds like the three-yearolds I know working on their art projects.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    OMG Pam!!!  I am at work DYING laughing right now.  Thank goodness my boss is gone!!!  That is hysterical! 


    Laughlines~don't give up girlie!  Keep fighting!

    Bayyy~welcome.  I don't know about using stuff before hand.  I started taking ducolax right after and it worked like a charm! 

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Dejaboo - Hilarious!  Even took a picture, he must have needed a picture for his scrape book. 

  • phoffa
    phoffa Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2010

    Welcome Bayyy!  I didn't get anything prior to my sgap, but they gave me stool softeners in the hospital...and they didn't do the trick.  My biggest advise, don't leave the hospital until you actually have "gone"  I think I ended up going something like nine days without "going".  Plane trip back is miserable if you do what I did, let me tell you!

    Pam-You crack me up with your description of the doc appt.  I got a great mental visual of all of it!

    best thoughts all-Patti

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Yeah, because that is one big SCRAPE he got himself into!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Glad you all enjoyed my Doc Trip.  LOL

    Oh & for the record my right Gap incision is 22cm.  Why do I know this?  because he measured it!



  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Pam does he do Sgap ??

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2010

    Wow am I behind! I've tried to skim, but there were 100's of posts!! I have to repeat my Stage 2. And it seems I have had a NIPPLE FAIL. Have any of you had that experience? It appears to be completely dead tissue, and I am six weeks out or so. From the beginning, the top of it was dark, but that has spread to cover the entire thing.

    At this point, I will have the other nipple removed, leaviing just some slight scar tissue, and then proceed with tats later. Nipples weren't high on my priority list, but I went ahead. Of course, had I known one side would fail, I would have left the breast nice and soft...and nippleless, LOL.

    In addition, my left side is still very much a different size. Bear in mind that my first surgery had a failed flap. They were both supposed to be HIP, but one side failed. Now I have a HIP breast and a STACKED DIEP breast--very different tissue types. I certainly don't blame Dr. S...we are just working with less than ideal circumstances. I'm used to it by now, I've spent almost a decade being the atypical patient, with unexpected results in anything we do. LOL Being able to laugh at my "luck" always gets me through.

    It's so good to read the successes, and also the struggles. After all, we do live in the real world.

    My best to ALL of you..I think of you daily, even though I don't call you out by name. You guys are way better at that than I am!

    I'm also going to post a thread on failed nipple, but wanted to check with my sisters here in this family ;)


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Pam - I had to stop reading because I have to run... but I have tears running down my cheeks from your aspiration appt. imagery. OMG... LMAO>>>> SORRY!!! What in the WORLD? I wish you could fly out here and have my PS do it for you... It is no big deal in her office! .... STILL laughing... he glued you... hahahhahahahha... sorry this is at your expense! Okay, be back later to read the rest of the posts and comment... lollolololo... oh my.   OH, and 150cc is a LOT, so I do hope that it starts to go down...

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Carolyn, I hadn't given much thought to the difference in feeling of the two different donor sites. I know butt fat is firmer than belly fat, I guess same with the hip fat. So, I'll always firm breasts--but I never thought of myself as a harda$$! LOL.

    And, sorry you lost the nipple. Once I get the breasts where I want them, I'll be doing 3D tats, for sure. I'm more about the visual dimension than the physical dimension...

    Pam, glad you could get through that horrid a$$piration with your sense of humor in tact!


  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2010

    Anne, it also gives a whole new meaning if you say "kiss my butt" to someone..... hehehehe

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010
    AnneW - I am scheduled for a SGAP in 38 days (and counting). You said butt fat is firmer.. my question is... at the end of this.. do you think I will be able to go without a bra and never again worry about droopage ... ever again? That would be such a bonus.. not wearing a bra.. I hate bras...